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"Sg^fe*- "RENINSULAR * ORIENTAL 43aEB» Jr STEAM NAVIGATION CO The oompany'B steamships (under oontracwith the Victorian Goyernmorit for the conveyanco of H.M. mails) will b» dospatchtd *b under, from tho Williamstown Dockyard Pier, calling ©ff Glonolg and at King Ocorgo'S Sound : — Name of j T Date of Sailing. Steamship. Vknetia ... 2726 2Cth October Ravenna ... 3372 9th November Htdaspes ... 2981 And thonoeforward evory alternate WMk. First-olasß fare from Wellington, via Sydney or Melbourne, to Southampton f* Seoond-class do, do, do • *<-'* First-class faro frpta Wellington to Brindiai or Venice *«* Second-class do, do, do **" Steamers leave Wellington to connect with the above. Passengers booked by, and every infoxmation obtained from JOHNSTON A CO., Agenta. '**=* ~k i^l EORGE R. STEVEN'S & Co.'s ySfesp-VT MONTHLY LINE OP fc3S3sass " STEAMERS to HONG KONG Prom Melbourne, via Newcastle, Sydnoy, Brisbane, Townsvillo, Cooktown, and Port Darwin. The magnificent sbwnsliip M E A T H2500 Tons Register, Will bo despatched from Sydney ON Bth NOVEMBER. For freight or passage apply to tho agents WOOL SEASON. NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S. LINE. Head VWt^W^ LONDON „, Office Ve^^sl Branch: Christchuroh alTS^ffi^l 81 BiehopsN.Z. \y tt ~- -*-^X. >*\ gate ¦ street. FIRST WOOL SHIP FOR LONDON DIRECT, SAILING IN NOVEMBER. ;3£* r|IHE splendid iron Clipper Ship " WAIR 0A , 100A1, 1054 ton register, J. Adams, Commander. This magnificent vobsol, built apecially for tho Now Zealand passenger trado, a has a splendid saloon, and her state cabins aro finperbly fitted and provided with every reqnisito for tho enmfort of passonccora. A limited number of second and third-claßa passengers will be taken, who will have superior accommodation provided for thorn. The dietary ncalo i 3 most liberal. Cargo now being received at the Queen's Wharf. To bo followod by the Company's Ship, PIAKO, 1075 tone. For freight or passage, apply at tho offloo of tho Company, Custom Hxwse Quay. PASSENGER LINE OP PACKETS FOR) LONDON DIRECT. SAILING IN ALL OCTOBER. £fe* rf^HE Splondid Iron Clipper -*- Barque «**¦«=• GLEN LOR A, 716 tons, W. PcOTiiAND, master. This vessel will bo the First Wool Ship i of the season, and will arnvo in London in time for tho Pobruary wool Bales. Cargo ia now being received on the Queen* Wharf. For freight or passagc-uionoy, apply to LEVIN & CO. MURRAY, ROBERTS & CO. KRULL & CO. E PEARCE Or to W. A G. TURNBULL & Co., Agents. LION FOUNDRY, WELLINGTON. MILLS AND CABLE, Engineers, Boilermakers, Iron and* Brass Founders, MANUFACTURERS of all classes o£ Engines and Boilers, Wrought and Cast Iron Work for Bridgoa and Buildings,. Iron Fencing Standards, Boiling-down Plants, Saw Mill and Quartz-crushing Machinery. Estimates given for all kinds of work. Vessels can come right alongside the works for repairs. FOR SALE, CHEAP. 1 14-h.p. portable engino (second-hand, equal to new), double cylindor 1 8-h.p. horizontal engino, with Cornish boiler Crab winches, einglo and double pur* chase. ROBERTSON A CO., ENGINEERS, IRONFOUNDERB, AND §& BOILERMAKERS, Old Custom House Stumt, Have for Sale, 2 SPEEDY'S PATENT WOOL PRESSES, {•packs, with improved ratohet motion. Ono IG-horae powor Cornish Bailor, in firsts o?aBB order. Price, £85. Estimates fnrmehod for all kinds of work. Stflam«»rß nan nomo to our Wharf for raoatm ADELAIDE WINES. T^ J. PRESTON, -*- • Direct Importer, Lambton Quay, Wbllinqton, Wishes to inform his customers and tho public at large that ho has, in addition to his large stock of Adelaide Wines, shipments of 1000 oases of New South Waleß and Victorian Winos on hand and to arrive. Samples and Price Lists of tho abovo may be had on application to the Vaults, Lambton Quay, opposite St. George's Hall. AH orders delivered free of charge within tho city. Country orders recoive prompt attention. F. J. PRESTON, Direct Adelaide Wine Importer. WELLINGTON COACH FACTORY, Manners-street & Taranttki Place. REDUCED PRICE LIST.. s Landau carriages, from £160 Broughams, from £100 Hansoms, from £70 Waggonettes, from £50 Phnetonß, from £40 1 Buggies, from £30 Dog carts, from £25 Expresses, from £30 Spring carts, from £20 Spring carte, from £1C Tip drays, from £13 Any other description of vehicle built to order. Repairs done in all its branches. Trimming, painting, touching up, and Varnishing, done on tho shortest notic All work guaranteed by RTTCHAEL BOHAN. Proprietor. REGISTERED TRADE MARKPYRAMID. BALDNESS IS CURABLE BY USING BARROW'S PYRAMID HAIR PRODUCER. This Great Scientific Discovery, H. SCOTT BARROW'S WONDROUS PYRAMID HAIR PRODUCER, I« a purely Natural Vegetable Restorer of tho HAIR ON BALD HEADS. It is also guaranteed to produce the most LUXURIANT WHISKERS AND MOUSTACHIOS, To Soften and Beautify the Hair, ¦ TO ERADICATE DANDRUFF^ And, with a Single Application, * TO AEREST THB FALLING OK* OF THB HAIB In the most obstinate cases of FEBRILE DISEASE, DEBILITY, And the many other causea so Fatal to the Growth and Beauty of Natuhk'B Gbiatest ObKiUext. Price, in bottles (one month's use) ... 4s Price, in bottles (two mouths' use) ... 7a 6d To be had of all Chemists throtigho t the Colonies, Agents, Wellington— J. MONTEITH. Ta Aro : BARBAUD ft SON. Lambton Quay. ry\HE EVENING POST is regularij filed A for reference at ike offices of " Tho Associated News and Advertising Bureau of New Zealand," where advertisements are received fov any paper published throughout

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Evening Post, Volume XXII, Issue 96, 21 October 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume XXII, Issue 96, 21 October 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume XXII, Issue 96, 21 October 1881, Page 4