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ADDITIONAL AND IMPOKTANT SHIPMENTS irAviuo ARRIVED ur THE ORIENT AND P. AKD O. CO.'S STEAMERS, KIRKCALDIE & STAINS Specially commend the fo^owing departments to their 1 umerous patrons and the pnbl : c, and have again to announce the opening of m"ny c.earing lines, which will ba sold at English priced. Inspection and comparison are desired, to which all aro invite.!. MILLINTERY, HATS, AND BONNETS JUST OPENED. Untrimmcd Bonnet? in fraid, Chips, Tap* 1 , Tuscan, and Fancy Straws Granny Bonnets in the v<3ry latest materials, and St aw Hats in the very latest shape 3 New Ornaments, Flower 3, Feathers, Ac. SATIN MANTLKS, SAIItf JACKETS, SATIN CAPES. SATIN DOLMANS. Another shipment has jutt been opened, remarkably cheap. Being impassible from print to realise \h'; actual vaiuo of th»se goods, an inspection only can testify to their cheapness. Cashmere Jackets. 16s 6d. 18s 6d, 22s Cd Cashmere Dolman=<, 10s 6d to C Za Laco and Chenille Capos and Dolmans A variet-, of Ladies' Corsets in the leading makes, all quite new Ladies' Underclothing in overy detail, for a complete outfit, all made np of Horrocks's Long Doth Dressing Gowns, Morning Wrappers, and Afternoon Tea Gowns D\i KS.S M A.T KR I A LS FO RTHKSE\ f- ON Consist chiefly of English and French Beipe. '• hpse all-wool goods can be had in great abundance, and hfel-ly rccommfnded for their li<rhti:e c s in t^xtuie and durability in wear. A complete assoitmsnt of all other useful materials, also a Btock purchased in London and Paris. POMPADOUR AND PLAIN PATTEENS. Being now co generally worn. Kitkcaldig and Stainß would specially invite inspection of their difplay, the whole of which, being French, and reduced in prices, are already finding many buyers Pompadonr Prints, in great variety, from 5Jd per yard 1 lain Atalcas, in Black, Brown Navy, Cardinal, Cream, Bronze, &c.^ Zephyr Cloths or F: ench Gir ghams can also be recommended for their coolnes3 and serviceable wear ; being washing materials, aro hnitable for morning or afternoon wear. FAMILY MOURNING. T7"IRK:CATDIE & STAINS have received, direct from Paris, -B\_ Three Case 3of Black Materials, including Nuns' Cloth, "Brige, French Mciinocs, French Cashmere, French Grenadines, French L'anvora3, all wtrranted fast colours, and suitable for tho warmest w afher. Non-spotting Crapes, all prices ; Hosiery, in Silk, Spun Lisle, and Cottou, in every pize. Bonnets, Widows' Caps, Flowers, Ornaments, all tho latest styles. THE DRAPERY DEPARTMENT Being now complete wi(h ovr-ry requisite, sprc ; al attention is d : rected to their White and Grey Calicoes, Sliirtines, Brown Holland^, and other Cotton Gooda, admitted free under the new Customs Tariff, and pa c sed for after tho Act came into operation. NEW HOSIERY In Women's and Children's have just been opened up, including all the fashionable miikes and colours New Lnces ; Frilling*, Rnchingg, Fcarves India Muslin Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Gloves, in lisle, silk, and taffeta Gloves and Mits, Shaded Ribbons, New Dress Trimmings Fringes, Mantlo Ornaments, Buttons, &c, &c. THK CLOTHING DEPARTMENT AT KIRKCALDIE & STAINS' Is now full of every descriph'on of garment, from the first tizo in boysi' to men's, in all the newest shape?. Boys' Norfolk, Prince, Granville, Westminster and Sailor Suits Boys' Washing tiuit=>. Youths' Tweod and Serge Suits, from 153 Boys' and Youths' Alpaca and Hol'and Coats. Men a Tweed Coats, from 16s 6d Men's Sorgo Coats, 12<3 sd. Mack and Blue Worsted Coats, from 203 Worsted Morning Coata, 32s Gd. Black Alpaca. China Silk, and Holland Coats Serge trhirts, 24d. New patterns West of Fngland Trousers, and Trousers and Vests New Summer Overcoata. Dnngare3 Pants, Da 9d. &c. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING. Balbriggan, Cotton, India Gauze, Summer Merino, and Spun Silk Under Vests and Pants in every fizo and various qualities. New makes and patterns in Cotton, Snmme r Morim, and Silk Half Hose, Boys' and Men's new Dres3 Shirts, Oxford Shirts, Summer Crimean Shirts, Cricketing Shirts a»:d Trousers "LAftGE DELIVERY." -Celebrated Clyde unt^arable Tweeds for Boys' Clothing, from 2s 33. Strong Navy Blue Scotch Serge, Habit Cloths, &c. ONE SHILLING IN THE £ DISCOUNT FOR CASH PURCHASES OVER .£2. KIRKCALDIB & STAINS, . LAMBTON QUAY AND BRANDON-STREET.

j»" FITZGERALD'S COUGH SPECIFIC, As used at the Brompton Consumption Hospital, where it has been used with the greate3 success for many years for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, AND BRONCHITIS. FITZGERALD'S SANTONINS WORM POWDERS, Used fcr twenty years in the London Evelina Hospital for eick children. FITZGER.ALD'B NETJEALGiO PAINT, Or instantaneous Cure for Toothache, Neuralgia, &c. FITZGERALD'S EUCALYPTUS BALSAM, For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, &o. FITZGERALD'S IRON AND QUININE WINE. Allowed to be far superior to any other in the market. WILLIAM C.~MTZGBRALD, FAMILY CHEMIST AND SURGEON DENTIST, THE PHARMACY. M AKNETiS-STItEBT, WELLINGTON, AND APOTHECARIES' HALL FOXTON. Orders by Post or Telegraph promptly attended to. Agent for HIMEOD'S ASTHMA CURE. BROOKE'S PENNYROYAL & STEEL PILLS.

SPRING AND SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES, A. LINDSAY T>EGS to announce the arrival of his NEW GOODS, Direct from various manufacturers. This LsiroRTATiON is Complete, Select, and Varied. Customers can rely on getting the most FASHIONABLE AND DURABLE GOODS to be found in Wellington. A. L. invites a porsonal visit, this being the only plan to ensure satisfaction j and on comparing Quality and Price, I feel confi 3 ent one opinion will prevail, that Lindsay's Boot Shops are the best and safest places to buy Genuine Booti nnd Shoos, which is the cheapest after all. Tho New Goods consist of — Ladie3' Glove and Glazed Kid Shoes, n-w style and very rare Ladies' H : gh-leg Glove Kid Button and Laco Boots Maids', G : rls', and Infants' High-leg Button nnd Laco Boots Maids' and Girte' new style Summer Shoes Gents' Suporfina Calf Elastic and Laoe Boots, along with some of tho Finest Gents' hummer Shoes ever imported Youths' and Boys' Lace and Elastic Boots Ladies' and Gents' Lawn Tennis Shoes Note Iho Address - A . LINDSAY, LAI.IBTON-QT7AT AMD COBA-STREET, Cash Toot .-hops. PUBLIC NOTICE. EX WAIROA. WBRUXSIvILL bog? to intimate to • the public genernl'y that he has commenced business with a Stock of General DRAPKRY GuODS and BM'.Y LINEN. Having received the goodsa'tcr L-t October, he has not paid duty on maijy of them, and . will give the public tho benefit of the 15 r>er cent, savrd. He will sell strong 1 grey calico ' from 2s 3d per dozen; woir.ons' whito hoso, 3 pairs for lid ; white sox. 2d per pair ; men's colored shirts, from Is lOd, 40in long ; good strong black alpacca, 9J ; back cashmere - cloth, from 2s ; eunvner i c:ge. Ps lid the dress, in all colors, worth Jos ; infants' shirts, from 4Ad to 2s 2d : ii.fants' robes, t from 4=» Gd; and all lnes in hahy linen in ¦•' proportion. Ail baby linen, &c, is made r with L'^ck-stitch macnine?. Note the Aridrc-s — WILLIAM BRUN^KILL, I Manners-sireet, c Next door to Mr. Monteitb, Chemist. I T£ ING AND HILL, ; CIVIL ENGINEERS, t Licensed .»nd Authorised Surveyors. lf LAND A COMSnSSIOX AGENTS. Omces.— Evening Post Chnmbors Willisj street, and Feildir-g, Manawatu. 0 N.B. — Onr Scale of CLarccs is tho Lowest in tha colony, ami vro tjuarantco to give satisfaction.

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Evening Post, Volume XXII, Issue 93, 18 October 1881, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXII, Issue 93, 18 October 1881, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXII, Issue 93, 18 October 1881, Page 1