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A PPI IC ATIONS, in writing, for th» xjL appointment of Bill-poßter to th« Fvenino Post will bo receivod by the nndersigned. None bnt Bteady mon need irply. References as to character indiaI cnsable. BLUNDELL BROS., Evening Post Office. ST. MARK'^ CHURCH. ORGANIST WANTED. 4 PPLICA'IIONS for the appointment of rv Organist will bo received by th» Church wardena up till 81st October, 1881. Salary, .£SO per annum. CASWFLL SOUND MARBLE, PORTLAND CEMENT, AND MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). WANTED, three good Quarrymen ; also two handy Sailormen. Apply tomorrow, between 10 and 11 o'olock, at the otficQ of tho Company, oppesito the Colonial Bank. WILLIAM M'LE\N, Secretary. Wellington, 17th October, 1831. __ TO JOURNEYMAN BAKERS. WANTED, single man, at onco. for country. Apply Evening Post. A SSISTANT "DRESSMAKERS" wanted J~\- at James Smith's, To House. None bnt competent hands noed apply. WANTED, a Boy or Girl, to milk and R8 generally useful. Apply at the 1 vening Post office. WAN TED, a Situation, by a Lad, who is Mnart at figures and writts a good hand. Address E T., Evening Post. WANTED.— A Lady, having recently given up her own homo in the South, desires a situation as Housekeeper : no objpc» ion to children. M.J., Post Office, Mas* terton. WANTED, a respectable young Girl, about 16, to assist in housework. Am>ly Mrs. Hill, Bedford House, Ghnsneestreet. WANTED to Let, at Te Aro. two 6roomed Cottages ; also 4-roomed : low rental. Apply Mrs. Hill, Registry Office, Lambton Quay. WTNTED, 2 or 3 Boarders in private family at Te Aro ; a comfortable home ; toruis very moderate. Apply Mrs. Hill, Registry Offioe, Lambton Qnay. . WANTED, by a widow, a situation as Housekeeper or good plain Cook ; country preferred. Mra. Hill, Registry Office, Lnmbton Quay. WANTED, a sitnation by a good House* keeper or Housemaid, in or near Wanganui preferred ; hotel or private Mra. Hill, Registry Offioe, Lambton Quay. WANTED, by a good Generrl Servant, a situation nt Thorndon ; must el«op at home. Mra. Hill, Registry Offioe, Lamb* ton Qnay. WANTED, Beveral good General Ser« vantß ; also Nursegirls. Mra. Hill, Registry Offioe, Lambtm Quay. WANTED, to Lot at Te Aro, a nioelyfurnißned Bedroom ; uas of sittingroom if required. Apply Mra. Hill, Registry Office, Lambton Qnay. WANTED, a Chemist to manage a country business. Married man preferred. Knolose references and Balary required. Box 10, Carterton, Wairarapa. WANTED, a situation, by a first-class Barman. Address, Si. A., Evening Post offioe. WANTED Known.— Dear Sir— l have mnch p'eaaure in testifying to the good effects of your Iron and Quinine. I left in alow, weak state after erysipelas ; two bottleß restored me to my normal standard of health and strength. Charlos Hersorn, .Brook-street, Wellington. WANTErT, a Lady to tako charge of and reorganize the Dressmaking departni"iit in a large Drapery establishment in Christohnroh, must be thoroughly profioiont and have a good address. Address, Box 141, Christchnrch. WANTED, a good one who can finish preforred, for tho country ; constant work guaranteed. Apply to A. landgay, Bootmaker, Lambton Quay. WANTED to Let, Sittingroom and "Bedroom, nioelv furnished, with nae of kitchen. Apply Whittaker Bros., Registry Offioo, Lambton Quay. WANT ED~Known.— For Sale, a aot of beautifully-carved Ivory Chossmen : also, largo v iro Birdcage. William C. Fil..gorald, Wollington aud Foxton. WANTED to Sell,, an Iron Tank, Cull sizo, nearly Mew. M.S., Box 127, Post Office. WANTED to Purchase, a good Haok ; must be well broken, thoroughly staunch, quiet, and free from vice. Apply, stating particulars and price, to Box 98a, Post Office, Wollington. WANTEDT^a Girl, about 14. Apply soon, mxb.' Hickey, Redolyffo, Mar-joribanks-stroet. WANTED, a aix-roomed Houbo ; oheap ront. Thorndon preferred. Box 114, Post Office. WANTED immediately, a respectable Girl acouatomed to house work. Fleop at home. Mra. Hanson, Windsor Place, Upper Ghuznee-street. WANTED, a good Cook; female preferred . Apply sharp at ttte Ever, ing Post. WANTED, a Furnished Bedroom and Sitting-room ; south end of Wellington preferred. Apply, stating terms, to T. A., at oHico of this paper. WANTED, a General Servant j the highest vsages given. Mrs. Saundors, top Hawkestono-street. \\7 ANTED Known, that Wriggleßworth f T and Binns, Photographers by ap« pointinent to His Excellency tho Governor. The only exhibitors who received First Prizes or Portraits at Sydney and Melbourno Ex hibitions^ Address, Willis-etreet. WANTED, an active Lad, to milk and deliver milk in torm. Apply to W. ivid A. Fitchett, Ohiro. WANTED, a young girl aa Qpnernl Sorvant. Apply to Mrs. R. S. Martin, Vivian-street. WTNTED, a Boy. Apply Wrigglesworth and Binns, Artist Photographer b, Willis-street. WANTED, a good General Servant. Apply to Mra. Hamilton, Broughamstreet. WANTED, a respectable person with reference, to tako charge of a house and five children. Apply Whittaker Bros., Registry Office, Lambton Quay. \\T A N T ED by a respectable young person, ii a situation as Housemaid in private family. Apply Whittaker Bros., Registry Office. WANTED, a Pianist to play every Saturday Night. Apply, sharp, White Swan Hotel. ANTED, a Screw - cutting Treadle Lathe, with back gear and gap-bed, and all the gear complete ; about 3 feet from contre to centre. Address, R. 8., Evening Post. WANTED, a Man Cook for a Station. Apply to X S. Riddiford, Lower Hutt^ WANTED, at once, a respectable Girl as Genera! Servant. Address at Evening Post. ANTED to Rent, a plainly furnished House, 5 or 6 rooms, within 15 minutes' walk from the Post Office. Bennett &Co. ANTED, a Man to drive a Cart, and must know town well. Apply to C. Luxford, Newtown Butohery. WANTED Known — Olearintr Sale of Children's Underclothing, Pinafores, nnd Dresßes, at low prices, to make room for fancy gooda to arrive fchortly. Infantß* Robes, from 5a Gd; Flannels, from 2a Gd, good quality. Mrs. Birrel, Fancy Ropoßitory, Cuba-street. \X7ANTED Known, that the Wellington * » Tinw&ro Company are now prepared to furnish estimates for every description of Preserving Tins, suitable for meat, butter, jams, coffee, spice, tobacco, <feo , &c, &c. Waring Taylor and Featheraton atreeta, Wellington, N.Z. R. H. Cameron, Manager. \\7" ANTED.- A Lady is desirous of obt T taining Pupila for the Piano, Leather and Crewel Work, and Wax Flowers ; terms moderate. Address "M.P.", Evening Poat. WAN TE O, a smart young Manas Waiter Apply by letter, Empire Hotel, Hawera. Wages, 253 per week. \\/ ANTED, a Barmaid, one who tho- * t roughly underatanda hor work wagea, 3 a per week. Apply by letter, enclosing photo, to C.H., Poet Office, Hawera. \\ 7ANTEDKnown.— Pure Merino Mutton V? can ba got at Woods, Crosbie, * Co.'b, Lambton Quay. ; WANTED Known— Monteith'a Iron and Quinine Wine (made with pure orange wine) is the only sure cure known for Indigestion, Lose of Appetite, Flatulence, Nervousness, Neuralgia, General Debility, Ac, better than 50 dootora. . WANTED the Public to read C. Smith's Devonshire House, Cuba-street, ad yprtisement on the Front Page. WANTED Known ; DKV?Rn,, thi Photographer, in his new pre* mises, Cuba-street, ia taking Cartes do Visit© from 7a 6d per dozen. Babies inatanta* neonsly. Trams step at the door.

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Evening Post, Volume XXII, 17 October 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXII, 17 October 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXII, 17 October 1881, Page 3