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ADDITIONAL AND IMPORTANT SHIPMENTS HAVING ABKIVED ET THE ORIENT AND P. AND O. CO.'S STEAMERS, KIRKCALDIE & STAINS Specially commend the following departments to their Eumeronß patrons and the publ'c, and have again to announce the opening of many clearing lines, which will b 8 sold at English prices. Inspection and comparison are desired, to which all are invited. MILLINTERY, HATS, AND BONNETS JUST OPENED. Untrimmed Bonnets in Hraid, Chips, Tap", Tuscan, and Fancy Straws Granny Bonnets in tho vary latest materials, and St aw Hats in the very latest shape 3 New Ornaments, Flowers, Feathers, &c. SATIN MANTLES, SATIN JACKETS, SATIN CAPES. SATIN DOLMANS. Another shipment has just been opened, remarkably cheap. Being impossible from print to realise the actnal value of these poods, an inspection only can testify to their cheapness. Cashmere Jackets. lGs 6d. 18b 6d, 22s 6d Cashmere Dolmans, 10s Gd to 633 Lace and Chenille Capes and Dolmans A variety of Ladies' Corsets in the leading make 3, all quite new Ladies' Underolothing in every detail, for a complete outfit, all made up of Horrocks'« Long Cloth Dressing Gownn, Morning Wrappers, and Afternoon Tea Gowns DRESS MATKK.IALS FOR THE SEASON Consist chiefly of English and French Beige. 1 hpse all-"wool goods can be had in great abundance, and highly recommended for their liprhtije?s in texture and durability in wear. A complete assortment of all other useful materials, also a Btock purchased in London and Paris. POMPADOUR AND PLAIN SATTEENS. Being now so generally worn, Kirkcaldia and Stains would socially invite inspection^ of their display, the whole of which, being French, and reduced in price 3, are already finding many buyers. Pompadour Prints, in great variety, from 5Jd per yard Tlain Atalens. in Back, Brown. Navy, Cardinal, Cream, Bronze, &q.^ Zephyr Cloths or French Ginghams can also be recommended for their coolness and serviceable wear ; bein" 1 washing materials, are suitable for morning or afternoon wear.

FAMILY MOURNING. KIRKCAIDIE & STAINS have received, direct from Paris, Three Cases of Black Materials, including Nuns' Cloth, Beige, French Mtrinoes, French Cashmere, French Grenadines, French Canveras, all warranted fast colours, and F-nitable for the warmest w ather. Non-spotting Crapes, all prices ; Hosiery, in fcilk. Spun Lislo. and Cotton, in every size. Bonnets, Widows' Caps, Flowers, Ornaments, all tho latest styles.

THE DRAPERY DEPARTMENT Being now complete wilh evtry requisite, Bppc ; al attention is directed to their White and Grey Calicoes, Shirtinsra, Brown Hollands, and other Cotton Goods, admitted free under the new Customs Tariff, and passed for after tho Act came into operation. NEW HOSIERY In Womon'3 and Children's have just been opened up, including all the fashionable makes and colours New Laces. Frillinprs, Ruchinga, Scarves India Muslin Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Gloves, in lisle, silk, and taffeta Lace Gloves and Mits. Shaded Ribbons, New Dress Trimmings Fringes, Mantle Ornaments, Buttons, &c , &c. THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT AT KIRKCALDIE A STAINS' Is now full of every description of garment, from the first size in boyß' to men's, in all the newest Bhape3. Boys' Norfolk, Prince, Granville, Westminster and Sailor Suits Boys' Washing Suits. Yo\tths' Tweed and Serge Suits, from 15s Boys' and Youtha' Alpaca and Holland Coats. Men a Tweed Coats, from 16s 6d Men'a Serge Coat?, 12s sd. Black and Blue Worsted Coats, from 23a Worsted Morning Coats, 32s 6-1. Black Alpaca. China Silk, and Holland Coats Serge i-hirta, 245. New patterns Weßt of Fngland Trousera, and Trousers and Vests New Summer Overcoat 3. Dungaree Pants, 3s 9d. &c. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING. Balbriggan, Cotton, India Gauze, Summer Merino, and Spun Silk Under Vests and Pantß in every fize and varioua qualities. New makes and patterns in Cotton, Snmme r Merino, and Silk Half Hose, Boys' and Men's new Dress Shirts, Oxford Shirts, Summer Crimean Shirts, Cricketing Shirts and Trousers "LAT?GE DELIVERY." - Celebrated Clyde untearable Tweeds for Boys' Clothing, from 2s 3d. Strong Navy Blue Scotch Serge, Habit Cloths, &c. ONE SHILLING IN THE £ DISCOUNT FOR CASH PURCHASES OVER .£2. KIRKCALDIE & STAINS, LAMBTON QUAY AND BRANDON-STREET. \

IODIZED SAESAPARILLA. SARSAPARILLA, as usually taken, requires so long to produce results as to weary the patients. Combination with lodine accelerates its efforts in a surprising manner, and renders lodized Sarsaparilla a powerful alterative of the secretions. Its most c^ rtain success is as a Blood Purifier, and Cooling. Cleansing Medicine. All appearances on the skin — Red and Black Pimple 3, Scaly Eruptions, Glandular Swelling, Abscesses (particularly of a scrofulous character), Suppurating Wounds, and Malignant Slow-healing Sores — are cured by it, if persevered with. In those instances where the Byßtem has been prostrated by the over-use of mercurial and other strong medicine, the lodine with Sarsaparilla is certain to eliminate the cause of disease. In the spring and early pummer there are very few whooe health would not be impi-oved by a short course of IODIZED SARSAPARILLA. Its continued use is attended with great improvement in general health. PREPARED ONLY BY WILLIAM C. FITZGERALD, FAMILY CHEMIST AND SURGEON DENTIST, THE PHARMACY. MANNERS-STREET, WELLINGTON, AND APOTHECARIES' HALL FOXTON. Orders by Post or Telegraph promptly attended to. Agent for HIMROD'S ASTHMA CURE- BROOKE'S PENNYROYAL & STEEL PILLS.

EXHIBIHON ALES. Phosnix SgSjKls&'jffraiilSfSs Brewery WELLINGTON. "jt/TESSRS. PASCOE & CO. desire to call -*-"-»• the attention of the public of New Zealand to the superlative quality and uniform condition of their Malt Liquor", and beg to solicit their patronage, and a trial of their celebrated Exhibition Pale Bitter Ale and Extha Brown Stout, brewed from the choicest seleotion of Hops and Malt, on scientific principles, possessing the advantage of age to mature their characterictic qualities, a Tonic and Preservative condition, free from Acidity, without Sediment, Equalling the best English Brands. W. H. PASCOE, From an extensive'experience and success as a practical Brewer, having obtained Prize Medals - MELBOURNE, 1866 and 1867 SYDNEY, 1879 and 1680 j MELBOURNE, 1880 and ISBI Can, with confidence, recommend their Pale and Strong Ales and Brown Stout in pints and quarts. N.B. — Stock on hand for Bottling Purposes — 400 hhds (winter brew— May and June.) Also, 150 kildeikina, for Family Trade — other contents if required. City Offices at W. H. Waters', opposite Colonial Bank of New Zealand. A NEW ERA FOR WELLINGTON. TEA. TEA. TEA. BEST Value to be had, no matter how l large the establishment. Good tea, j medium, 2s», 2s 44, strong and very best, 2-3 Bd, 3a, and sngar for nothing ; jam, 8d ; Keiler's marmalaide, 9d ; salmon, 9d ; lobater, 9d ; and every description of grocery goods at the very lowest prices J. Murphy does not depend on the profit derived from the store, consequently no one can comptte in price. One call will bo all required to ensure a continuance. Samples of Tea Bhown before purchasing. Orders left attended 10 at once, and delivered to any part of town. Observe, the above is only to bo had at the little Corner Shop, opposite the Hon. John Martin's, Ghuznee-street. [card.J vrr illiamson & co., STOCK AND SHAREBROKERS, Insurance, Money, Land, and General Com mission Agents. Offices : Lambton Quay (opposite Bank of New Zealand), Wellington. gALSALINE. ~|Z" ING AND HILL, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Licensed and Authorised Surveyors. LAND <fc COMMISSION AGENTS. Offices.— Evening Post Chambers Willisstreet, and Feilding, Manawatu. N.B. — Our Scale of Charges is the Lowest in the colony, and we guarantee to give , satisfaction. '

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Evening Post, Volume XXII, 17 October 1881, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXII, 17 October 1881, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXII, 17 October 1881, Page 1