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TO THB ELECTORS OF THE WAIRABAPA. r\ ENTLEMEN— In view of the Dissolution VX of Parliament, I have respectfully to intimate that it is my intention to seek reelection for the District which I have repre? sented for so many years. It is- my intention to hold meetings at tbe several centres of population, when I shall place my .views on matters both of local and general Interest fully before you. In the meantime I may state, that I Intend to give a hearty support to the programme of the Liberal party, including the repeal of the Land Tax, the imposition of a Property and -Income Tax, the reduction of the taxation on the necessaries of life, liberal Land Laws, Trienlal Parliaments, the vigorous prosecution of Public Works, and other liberal measures which were indicated m the Governor--- speech at the opening of Parliament. : - I nave the honor to be, ' Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, HENRY. BUNNY.11th August, 1879. , HUTT ELECTION. To Thomas Masoic, Esq. SIR,— We, the undersigned electors of the Hutt District, request that you will again offer .yourself as a candidate for the coming eloetioa;for a member of the House of Representatives. Or com plying with this, we pledge . ourselves to do our utmost to get you. returned. (Signed) RICHARD PROUSE, (And thirty-six electors). 12th August, 1879. Gbntlbmbn, — In compliance with your wishes 1 have pleasure hi again offering myself as a candidate for your representation. Whilst acknowledging the necessity for an extension of the franchise, a re-rdlstribution of seats, and triennial Parliaments, I can place no confidence in the present Ministry. I would advocate greater economy in expenditure, progress in, public works, particularly those within the district, end generally such measures as will tend to promote the prosperity of the Colony, and shall take an early opportunity to state my views on these and other subjects. - ' Yours faithfully, thomas mason. ? city council election.' lambton" ward. To LEWIS MOSS, Esq. ; WE, the undersigned, Ratepayers of Lambton Ward, hearing that you retire from the City Council by effluxion of time, request that you will again allow yourself to be nomin ated for this Ward, and we pledge ourselves to use our best endeavors to secure your return to tbe seat you have so ably filled for the past twelve years :— J. H. Marriott ' J. E. Evans W- Wiggins H. J; Goodman Rl Hannah Edward Augustus Thomas Myers Casey k M'Donald John Orr Whittaker Brothers Samuel W. Alcbrn Wm. H.Clarke < C. Gamble Joseph Taylor E. Wilson ' J.W.Leahy Peter Laing ' C. Bonnington - . C. Ludwig " • T. J. Mountain • 1 i: J. E. Hayes - G. Hall >> -*i W. Woods E. Plummerf ■• S. Crosble A. Curtis Alfred Wise J. T. Steele • J. Gale . J.H. CookA.Wilton F.Wallis. < B. Levy. , N. J. Isaacs B. ling Thomas Urwin r Wm. James . James Barlow ■ ' - A. Warsaw ' James Barber G- L Jenness Joseph Mandel Jacob Joseph & Co H. E. Liardet W. Owen L. L. Harris John Young S. S. Downes Stephen Bishop . ~8. Cohen H. Bennett William Tife Philip Moeller J.. Watt Fred. C. Binns J. Pownceby W. Wbittem -Duncan Cameron H. W.Barbor, JohnCoogan ' r, Joseph Rowley ■ F. Aug.KruH : ■'<;■• George North" N. Gutbxidge "• W. F. Ross' ■' Salvatore r Cilnend ■ ' James Huxley , A. C. Shaw W-.JM; Baianatyne Charles Hilt '■ '•' A , J. &R. Sloan" 'H. S. Fitzherbert ! ; ! GebllfiTDutton James Reid - ; jf. H. Spttler 1 ' Robert Laery " Wm. Simpson G. Noble Campbell > J. E. Nathan '• Kirkcaldie & Stains Webber Bros. George Aldotis w; H. Cook R. Port " ■ W.-HV Levin J. Dransfield, junr. William Dawson & Co. j. L. Johnston* J.Hughes —p: A. Buckley G. V. Shannon " Henry' Sullivan J. STM:,Thompson w. Clark D. T. Stuart R. A. Marshall John W. Stevenson F. Lessington " Samuel Danks ' J.H. Bethune '> J. Mackay ' ' D. M'lnfyre H. W. Diver James R. Brown A. K. Newman ~~Jr Nancanw, Junr. Wilson & Richardson Kohn & Go. A. R. Hislop M'Dowell Bros. Albert Fisher - JohriPlimmer ' - f~* Alfred Lindsay Thos.'Mills ' *_I E. W. Mills Charles White J. H. Wallace William Ligbt r •C. Cheymol G. S. Graham. '. tS T. J. Ladd - Geo. M. Summerfield ißobt. Gardner Charles Ambrose -"* ■J. Willeston R. J. Duncai. : ' John Danks , F. Simeon Gentlbmbk— ln answer ta your 'jrery .flattering and. so numerously signed requtei,tion, wiiiclr assures me you retain the 'conn* - 'dence you have held in me for so many years past as your" -representative -'for Lambton Ward, J. have very much pleasure in acceding to your request, and, if again returned, vml continue in the future as 1 have done in the past, to use my best endeavors to serve the interesta 'of -the ratepayers of the city,'»nd Lambton Ward in particular. - - u< 1 have the honor be, '••-'• Gentlemen;- • "*' ' '• '' r/i " : /,':\'/:: S ,"■ : ' i-bwis moss. a 1 i 1 : ] 'CITY" COUNCIL 7&J8B8Kf& "-■ ' • •'''.'."' ' _j ' • ■"■ T._i4t,'_-:.' ! .' ' :'•','■• •: S'- ' ,-'* ' > C P OK W A*P- , ' '/ . V ; ," ' . ; , ; td Mlf. C.°^._WORTH, TORY-STREET. 1 the undersigned duly qualified O : 'Electors of Cook Ward, ' respectfully request that you will allow yourself to be Nominated asa Candidate 'in ,the forthcoming Election to Represent our Ward in the City Council, believing as we do, that your practical knowledge,- general business' experience, and energy, entitle you to our confidence hi forwarding our- interests. ■ - _ • - * Gentibj-JBH-tI. hare received your requisition, .. and with great pleasure accede to your wishes; snd if I have thenorior'to be elected, I hope to. prove- that I shall, ndt be founds wanting in tbe knowledge of your rfquirements; or hi energy*, zeaT, and persistency in forwardiag your chums Hpon the considerations of the Councillors and the funds at' their 3fl-_pil-B_-w_^^: ■' - ■'•*• »•;-=••----»« <-***: I hope in a few days to have the pleasure'of addressing you in various parts of our Ward, ', at which time and places I shall have an oppor- i tunity of placing views before you, and answering any/qjuestipns^elatiye to Municipal matters youJnay^tHiflrw^tirask; therefore in this address I shall oflly allude wa few, inmy opinion, very important matters, for thei beriefif of the CityintgenetaEand Cook Ward, in particular. } ( "A- •'"•-■< s £-_ , , I - ■ Istl 17-hoiildrabftemari__terirt^J&l 7 -hoiildrabftemari__terirt^J& establishing a Harbor'i ßoam' uponTT basis that would work in unity with the City Council.' Such a Bo%rd£ I think,- would bfttia. great acqirisfti-n.-atwHjy-ite efforts andVacbieve-aents| would greatly tend to remove many excuses now advocated to other parts of {her colony fbr> removing the Seat- of Govemmont from Wellington. >''*'■' -T _.'-^t ! 2nd. I shouldmaka every efibrt to proceed with the Ta Aro .reclamation -upon a wise and) quick i eproductive system. 3rd. 1 would see as far *&: possible that all a^iflablfr funds at the Council's disposal should be ecqnoiaically and -wisely .spent upon^fll ; wor^s and impravemfmtt thk^woul-l be tmMv4 An providing* good' roads, . approaches, liEixal '(but equitable) laws, and the best sanitory Im-i provemeuta for the city. - • I -4th'."Seeiog, as. I do, that Cook Ward is in area^larger'tnan Thorndon, Lambton, and To Aroput togetherr and believing also that the available outlet'for pleasure, building, and other purposeßTby-way of Tfewtown, will cause Newtown req-dxement&tc multiply, and, consequently, will give to that neighborhood a good .claun.foYTDurtheTidtJal representation, I am I,*,1 ,*, therefore, of opinion that Cook Ward should be' divided, and Ndwtown shouldVbe a 'separate Ward (boundaries defined); with equal powers-" and privileges as other Ward* in the Council jland, if elected, this' is one m««s_tre ' I^hould at once endeavor 1 ' to carry into tf&ci. .., „ I am, gentlemen, ' i ■■• - .' . ' ' ' -' Your obedient servant, ' '< 1 * ' ' ' • ■ -C. F. WORTH, i v r^eTyn|ton72SttiL August^ 1879.. -; j NOTICE TO CRBDITOR9. ; In the Estate of GEORGE THDMA4. I < * Al'A 1 ' FIRST Dividend of Two Bhfllings im'the ■_^. t (*£ will *c payable to an 'hnw duly proved their claims in thoibove Estate, <toTtuirsday, 4th Sept; at Mr. W^K^ Waters' Office; Htmter-strest. . .? s_,'< ' * " (Signed.) . a - .: - C. E. CAPPER, % I . . , ARTHUR BAKER, . , ' ' , '" :: - • Trustees.; ALL Persons .having Properties for S-je and to Let will ba able to. find rea£y customop by caUiag on . , i . I .*-. -TV '"r^* YT,, .' _ House Agent,-' Lloyd's RoomSj ',

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Evening Post, Volume XVIII, Issue 52, 29 August 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XVIII, Issue 52, 29 August 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XVIII, Issue 52, 29 August 1879, Page 4