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HOLIDAY GIFT 8. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, HARMONIUMS. GRAND CHRISTMAS ART UNION For the disposal of the follow ing VALUABLE PRIZES— Gs. Ist Prize— Magnificent Large Wa'nut Pianoforte, by Schwechten, double oblique, value ... 85 2nd Prize— Genuine English Erard Cottage Piano, value 75 •3rd Prize— Chamber Organ, by Hetzler, 9 stops value 63 4th Prize — 3-stop Rosewood Harmonium valuo 15 sth Prize— s-Octave Polished Mahogany Harmonium, value 12 6th Prize— Student's HarmoLium, value 9 2CO TICKETS WILL BE ISSUED AT ONE POUND EACH. The Prizes are now on view at my Music Warehouse, Lambton-quay. The DRAWING will be Conducted by a Committee elected by Sutsrribers, and will take place on 31st DECEMBER, 1&78, or sooner if all tickets s^ld before that date. C BINNINGTON, MUPIU WAREHOUSE, Lambton-Quay. BRIDGES & CO.'S MONSTER ART UNION. THAWING FIXED FOR 16th DEC, 1878 Someone will secure A FORTUNE IN A MOMENT by an out Jay of £1. SUBSCRIPTIONS rapidly flowing in. Secure tickets at once— only a fbw left. FIRST PRIZE, £2000. Five others of £1000 each. Four of £500 each. Four of £250 each. Ten of £100 each. Ten of £50 each, &c, &c, in all ONE HUNDRED PRIZES in Genuine Pictures, or Nbtt Cash, as above. Tickets, £1 each. Sub-Agents, please forward returns immediately, and balance of unsold tickets. EDWIN CADDY, Agent, Manners-street, Wellington. TTUGHES' Now Year's Gift Sweep of £1500 on the Champion Stakes of 1879 Tickets to be had at H. Bennett's Commercial Hotel. NOTICE —Brown and Ames's Wellington Cup Sweep. 125 Members, ij. Tickets on application to C. Brown, Tramway Hotel ; or Horace Ames, Newtown Hotel. DRESSMAKING, DRESSMAKING. "171 M. LOWATER, Cuba-streot, has engaged an Experienced Person to superintend the above. BARRAUD'S ART UNION. I rpHE Drawing for the prizes will take place _L on Tuesday next, at 330p m. A tew tickets yet remain for disposal. All subscriptions to be paid on or before Monday, the 2nd December. Lambton Quay, 26th November. " PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. ROBERT GARNHAM bogs te inform the public that he has opened a Paperhanging Warehouse on the Adelaide Road, opposite the Tramway Station. All painting and paperhanging done on the shortest notice. Lead and oil always on hand. Prices to co npete with town houses. EMPIRE FKUIT MAKT. MR. ROTHENBURGH takes this opportunity of drawing public attention to the fact, that he has removed from those premises adjoining Professor Mandel's Saloon, and taken that shop in Courtenay-place, styled the Empire Fruit Mart. There he intends carry ing on a wholesale and retail trade in groceries, china, glass, earthenware, ironmongery, and everything in the tobacco, cigar, and pipe line. In the Estate of the late ANN WACKKINS, of Wellington, Widow, deceasod. ALL CLAIMS against the above Estate must be sent iv to the undersigned on or before WEDNESDAY, the fourth day of DECEMBER next, or the same will not be recognised. BARBER k PA.TTINSON, Trustees of the above Estate, Willis-street. NOTICE. ON and AFTER 28th instant, the Royal Mail will run from Newtown and Adelaide-road to the Railway Station, twice a day, taking passengers and luggage same fares as the Tramway. Will leave Mewtown at 6 30 a m. and 930 am, and return at 7.45 NOTICE. fTTHE power of Attorney heretofore held by X. Henry Edward Tonks from the undersigned George Tonks, has been revoked. All persons owing monies to and having dealings with the said George Tonks must henceforth pay tbe same to and transact the same with him personally. GEORGE TONK3. NOTICE is hereby given fiat all persons indebted to the Estate of Thomas Kay, Fire-kindler Manufacturer, of Wellington, a Bankrupt, are required to pay the amounts due from them to me, as Trustee of the Estate, and that tny certificate only is a good and legal discharge. WM. BERRY, Trustee of the above Estate. Dated this 27th day of November, 1878. ROBERT MORTON, of Aberdeen University, Scotland (who has had twenty years' experience in teaching at Home and in this | colony), will open a Private Acadomy after the Christmas holidays. Pupils will be prepared for the Civil Service or the Matriculatioa Eximinitions, or fur commercial pursuits. Vacancies for four boarders. Terms and references on application. Terrace, 12th November, 1878. r7VHE~NEW "OTTO" ali-ENT GAS i. ENGINE. Sizes made— from 1 ;h p. to 8 li p. The Hie/st ecotomical motor known, s-tarts at full power on the gas being lit, requires no bailer, and insurance is nut increased thereby. Orders sent by cable at small cost. All information obtained from BRIGHT HRUS. fcCa, Dunedin, Agents for New Zealand, or J. R. GiiORGE, Esq., Wellington. /"I $~O~~W N FLOUR MILLS. J T. EVANS & CO., MILLERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS, O AMARU. Agent— W. H. WARREY, Weliingt -n. Quotations on application. C. M'KIRDY, Contractor, General Carrier, &c. TT'STIMATES given for all kinds of ExcavaJDjI tions and ptber works. Drays and Bxp'resges always ia readiness. Shell-gravel fur garden walks for sale cheap. Orders punctually attended to. Offices— TEMPLE CHAMBERS, Featherston-street. b i CTON DAVI ES, C. E., Licensed Under "THE LAND TRANSFER ACT," Chamber of Commerce "uildings, Wellington. Bounaary surveys, subdivision of ostatos into small farms or townships ,drainage of estat js, &c, on easy terms. Accuracy guaranteed. Cash advances mado on freehold property •übdivi<led by Mr. Davics. [A CAHD.} ! Tjl D E J. CLE RE, i * ARCHITECT, GREY-STREET. PUBLIC NOTICE. rpHOMAS M'ARTHY, ef Masterton, begs JL to inform the public that he has opened branch Livery Stables in rear of Shirley's Hotel, Featherston. Good Buggies bed Saddle Horses always roady for hire. Telegrams from town, ordering buggies or horses to bo roady at » fixed time, carefully gttanded to. IJ7EDDING & BIRTHDAY PRESENTS YV Sterling Silver Card Cases, Match Boxes, Butter and Fruit Knives, Pickle Forks, Studs, Solitaire Necklets, Crosses, Lockets, Chains, &c, at JOHN MARKS', ttreeteTI7EDDIN<i& BIRTHDAY PKES&NTet. VY Work Boxes, Writing Dasks, Dressing Cases, Ladies' Companions, Cigar Cases, Purses, Card Cases, Blotters, Jewel Cases, Watch Stands, Photo and Musical Albums, fee, at JOHN MARKS',

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Evening Post, Volume XVI, Issue 285, 2 December 1878, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XVI, Issue 285, 2 December 1878, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XVI, Issue 285, 2 December 1878, Page 4