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THE Ellesmere Guardian WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1899. Local and General

Hares are becoming a nuisance m Wai' anivra district, Southland. Through want of rain m South Australia, Victoria is supplying Adelaide with vegetables. Messrs W. McClea and Co., drapers, Colombo-street, Christchurch, insert m this issue a new advertisement. On the authority of ihe ' Akaroa Mail,' we learn that 31 r Ehodes lihs definitely decided not to contest the Ellesinere seat at the forthcoming general election. It is reported, according to the ' Wairoa Guardian,' that either Mr W. L. Rees or Cttp'ain Tucker, of Gisborne, will be called to the Upper House. The New South Wales Government is trying experiments with female attendants at tjbe Central Police Station, Sydney, and at the Newcastle police" station. M_r C. J. Reakes, Government veterinary surgeon, paid a visit to lli is district yfsferjfi^; bis mission being to test some \~4aft\s :fof tuberculosis, also to make fqrtber inquiries into the ci.-curaßtanofs Viirir>>imdiiJir the recent low of sliecp by

Mr James Kelly, of Riversdale, it mentioned as likely to contest the Wakatipu seat m the Government inierest at the forthcoming election.

Somo years ago, when the Waikaka Hotel was without a licence, £450 could not be obtained for the property. Last month £1550 was offered for the hotel buildings and freehold.

It is understood that Mr Molineaux, of the Bank of New South Wales m Wellington, has been appointed to succeed Mr Robison as manager of the Christchurch branch.

The floods at Maitland, New South Waif s, have left a deposit of silt on the lowlands completely covering the grass. Some of the best farms at South Park were 10ft under water.

We have received ' The Press,' a new printer's paper, published m London, and can recommend it to such of our readerß as take interest m the printer's and engraver's art. The illustrations are of a high order and the letterpress is interesting.

On Wednesday evening last a euchre match, married v. single, was held m the Killinchy Library. The play was very close, the teams being about evenly matched, Eventually the Benedict* triumphed over the bachelors, the scores being: — married, 13; single, 11.

Cyclisis are particularly requested to remember that any class of machine may be efficiently and promptly repaired at the Leeston Cycle Works at moderate prices. Agen cy for the celebrated ' W»verley* cycles; call and inspect them. — Ben McKnight Cycle Engineer.

A parson stood m his pulpit high, He'd lost his voice with cold well nigh ; And thoughtless said, Let's, all rejoice, He'll have to stop for he's lost his voice, But he took some Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, His voice grew strong, his remarks no fewer.

On Monday last . we were shown a weasel which had been killed at Bishop's Corner. Messrs D. Niven and,^. Kicha T ds were passing the corner when they observed it running along the hedge, and a well-directed stone soon {placed . it hors do combat. The animal was about ten inches long, and fully grown, and it behoves farmers m the district to keep a sharp look-out for these unwelcome visitors.

Messrs Morrow Basselt & Co., Cbristchurch, Ash bur ton, and Dunedin, have an alteration to tbeir advertisement, to which our readers might turn their attention to with profit to themselves. Mr Dent, the resident representative, will be happy to afford enquirers any information respecting the firm's importations, and is fully authorised to transact. any business on the firm's behalf, either m e^eguting orders, or fquaring up "accounts. 'Catalogues, free,- may also be obtained at the .local ajreney, Leesten. .

Mr T. 11. Cape-Williamson, who ha" %een doing duty a.,8 telegraphist at th c SputijoVidge rail way ..sifcatio^ . for coin 0 tinge past, hns received orders to proceed to Christchurcb, where he.wilK take up duly, and accordingly leaves Southbridge by the 7.40 train on Thursday,, morning, Mr A. McNeil], at present m tha ticket-office at Christchurcb;' replaces M* Cape-Williamson, and will _ arrive aff Southbridge by the 7 p.m. train. on Thurs* day. Mr K. Grey, of the relieving staff 1 , arrives at Southbridge on Wednesday evening to initiate Mr McNeill into hid new duties.

The annual ' social ' m. connection' with the Leeston Football Club took place on} Friday evening last, Sept. 22. The genera^ arrangements were quite tip to the be» standard of local dances. The attendance was good, and a financial success is recorded. The music, supplied by Fox's -Quadrille Band, was all tfiat could be desired. The refreshments were provided l>y tlio ladies connected c:with the Club, and were excellent both m quantity and quality. Mr N. Herron acted asM.C., and fulfilled the duties m acapable manner.. .. The hall decoration* were extremely aH tractive and the scenowas both pretty and~animated as the dancer progressed. Miss Hognrth and MissSpring played extras. . The proceedingsterminated about 2 20

A very pleasant and representative* gathering met together on Monday eventing at the Leeston Parish-room for the purpose of wishing bon voyage to Mrs Payne (ne'e Miss Violet Spring), whd left for England yesterday, whither she journeys to join her husband, who was unexpectedly recalled to England some months ago. The proceedings at the social were of a fraternal and unceremonious character, and all assembled appeared to vie with each other m making the evening pass m the pleasantest manner possible. Dancing was the chief feature of the evening, but some capital songs were sung by the following ladies and gentlemen : -Mrs Askew, Miss Eennie, Miss Ewenson, Miss Spring, Messrs A. Cooper and W. K. Evans. Mr Evans also contributed a capital recitation. A charade, m which Miss Sennic, Miss Eevcll, and Messrs Herrpn, Evans, and Ensor took part, was admirably acted, and provoked screams of laughter. . Cards were provided for those who cared to play, and refreshments were handed round during the -evening. The proceedings terminated with the singing of ' Auld Lang Syne.' Faint heart never won fair lady ; but if you buy 6ne of Butcher's Choice Engagement Rings you will find it a wonderful help m accomplishing the object of your desire.— - Bxttoheb, Jeweller and Watchmaker, High street;,- next Fail* Comrtiflrnial Rentantranfc. Pea Cnptain : There is no hope, the slu'p is doomed ! In an bour we shall a'l be dead. Suffering Passenger : Thank heaven ! Those contemplating the happy sUte of raatvipiony would do well to spend a few pounds m lovely designs of earthenware at Deal*. The home would be bright, ever afterwards. 13-O - FJo. : What made th'm think t'je sai'or stuck to his post? Jack: Because, I nippose, his eyrs were gluod to the spor. For ChilJren's Hacking Cough take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, 1/6 and 2/ft Kindly m»e wbrn m Tfeston.— Call at W P- Deal's, and see something you have never ■een before. Free admission. JB-O Unequalled and Invincible Wood» r great Peppermint Oojp -fpf Qoughp tft^

Shearing has been begun on seven of the farms about lately, and the col ■weather of yesterday will do no good t heepthus treated. The Doyleston rooking Class begi-< its new term on Saturday, Sept. SO, an a demonstration m ordinary cooking wil be given the following Saturday, Oct.? The class is now firmly established, an< has become quite an institution m th district, and the new term promises to b even more successful than the last. Mr John T. Cooch, late of Leeston paid a flying visit to that township or Monday last, returning home to Ashbur ton yesterday. Mr Cooch reports com merce to be fairly brisk m Ashburton, and is of opinion that there is a 'better time coming* for that district tn the future. Messrs Grant and Moore, who run the drapery and boot department of the business, are both well, and are doing a large turnover m their line. . An incident occurred on the LecstonSouthbridge road on Monday evening, whereby Mr W. P. Deal's provision cart had a spill, and the driver, Mr D. Bohan, a very narrow escape af serious nrjury. It appears that Mr Bohan was returning from bis round, and had the cart full of butter and eggs, and on reaching the residence of Mr A. Cooper, entering Leeston, the horse stumbled on a heap of shingle m the middle of the road, the result being that the animal fell, and Mr Bohan was thrown violently on the road. The shafts of the trap were broken, and the eggs, which formed the bulk of the load, all smashed. Mr Bohan luckily escaped with a few bruises. The Ellesmere Cycling Club announce by advertisement m another column that, weather permitting, a ' Club Bun' to the Agricultural College, Lincoln, will take place on Saturday next, leaving Leeston at Ip.m. sharp. The ' run* will probably pass Doyleston at about 1.15, arid Irweil it 1.30, so members intending to pick up tfie procession at those junctions will please note. " The annual College sports are to be held at the College during the afternoon, and the Ellesmere Cycling Club have received a special invitation to attend from the Director of the College, Mr J. Bayne, M.A. Unattached risers wishing to participate m the ' run' are required to leave their names with the secretary not later than Friday. | The annual general meeting of tha Dunsandel Tennis Club was held m the Library last Thursdny, Mr F. Lill presiding. The annual report and balancesheet, which showed a credit balance of i>3 6s Bd, weye adopted. The following "committee was elected for the ensuing year:— Mrs Irvine, Miss Lill, Messrs T. Irvine, F. Lill^andTN. Wright Mr F. Lill was re-elected chairman, and Mr H. N. Wright,.. ( secretary.and treasurer. It was decided ttiat th* club should open the season on Wednesday, October 11th. at 1.30 p.m , and that a general invitation be sent to members oMsurrounding clubs to be present. The quarterly^uTnrabned meeting of theLoyal Leeston Lodge, L0.0,F. f U.U , t ok place m the Oddfellows' Hall, Leeston, on Monday evening last, the N.G., Bro. J. •C. Xochfiend, presiding. The Sick Visitors reported that four brothers requited thebeneflta of the Lodge. Bro. T. WV Dent, the delegate to the halfyearly^diflrict meeting held at Prebble* tonigarV a report of the business transacted at that nreetinjr, and w«« accorded X nentty vote of thanks. Bro. James QitlgleJ-j P.Gm was prrsented with a P.G. Certificate; handsomely framed, the rreSfhtation being made by. P.GK Bro. John i McVinnie, who accompanied the same I With a few well-chosen remarks. The J recipient briefly responded. The receipts for the evening vrere £156 Is BJ, the ex* penditure being £57 18s 4i. P.G. Bro. John McVinnie presented the Lodge with a framed oertifieate reermd by himself from the now defunct Doyleston Lodge, as being a now somewhat rare relic of early Oddfellovvship. The jjft was acrepted with thanks, a vote beintr passed . and entered m the minutes. Bro. Jas. Carston, P.G., pare an impromptu lecture on ' JJespect to the Presiding Officers,' which was well received, aii'l elicited seme spirited debate. The Lodge closed ad due form. ? It is compnted that 36,000,000 babies are born into the world every year, which i<» at the rate of 70 per minute, or a little more than one per second. The man who, at a wedding breakfast wished the bride and bridegroom 4 many happy returns of. the day,' wondered for some time afterwards why bis toast caused such a sensation. A Melbourne Post Office messenger lost two cheques for £109 and £73 by having his pocket picked. 1 Look here, 1 said a man m the crowd to his neighbour, * 1 have no objection to you standing on one foot bo long as it isn't mine.' For coughs, colds, etc., use Woods' Great Peppermint Care. IMa and I are not on speaking terms now,' said the young married woman to her friend: ' How distressing !' said the friend, ' and may I ask why ?'■' • Well, she told Harry that I trimmed all my own hats before wo were married.' The reliable Family Kemedy Woods' Great Peppermint Cure frr Coughs and Holds. 1« fid and 2s fid. Three elephants and two of the camels m the London Zoo earn over £700 a year carrying visitors about the gardens. The elephants are stationed m different parts of the Zod, and there seems to be a bit of professional jealousy between thorn Apparently they are on very good terms between hour?, but when business is brisk and ihe largest one is coining money (for he is the favourite), the other two try to !ash him with their trunks as he passes. The largest elephant i 3 a financial recordbreaker. He is the senior member of the 6rm, so to speak. On one holiday, it is said, he carried 1600 persons. Sons, rail at Deal's, Leeston, and present jour mothers and sisters with a present thai will lie admired for lite- 27-1 J Brown : He laughs best who laughi inst, you know, Jones Not always The fellow who fees a joke only afte nil the rest havo finished laughing a jfc is often a very tiresome porson. Present! for weddlngi, birthdays, uioft

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Ellesmere Guardian, Volume XXI, Issue 2090, 27 September 1899, Page 2

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THE Ellesmere Guardian WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1899. Local and General Ellesmere Guardian, Volume XXI, Issue 2090, 27 September 1899, Page 2

THE Ellesmere Guardian WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1899. Local and General Ellesmere Guardian, Volume XXI, Issue 2090, 27 September 1899, Page 2