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*_/ ANNUAL MEETING, The annual meeting of the above was lPld at St John's Church, SoathbrUge, m Thursday evening. There was a rood attendance, and the Rev Vf, West. presided. After the usual devotional sxercises, the Rev Chairman stated ihat the meeting was called a month tarlier this year, as it was thought it voald be more convenient to the conrregation. He was glai toete so many >resent and he thought the change was

a beneficial one. He wodid call upon the office bearers to read the annna! reports - The Secretary, Mr Storry, read the minut's of th« l«8fc annual xneatingr, which wfra confirms^. Mr Thompson read the report of the Kirk Session from which k »rpearpd. t l <at the Church had crainnd ago o ' l ' rl »ny morrt iiieniborg, the noinVr of conira"nicants hal incrftasrtl, and the spt c ' a ' missions he'd hid done much ffoo *»• The s 7 rvic?s had been well attendcl both mornincr «nd evening. The report alio J • lenlfc with other matters' in connection^ with the Chvinh m the district, end on the whole was •xtreme'y satisfactory. SABBATH SCHOOLS' Mr II C Bnrn3 read the Southbridge Sabbath Schools report which showed t l mfc excellent work had been done by the tenchers and parents, and the fi<»anc°s j wore satisfactory and a ba'anco of £7 16s 31 rrmainad now m hand. He concluded by urging o continuance pf> that help which had been accordei hiui ; m the past, so that the important work of the Sah'rath Schoo's might still be further pxtpndod m hou'hbrilge Mr G. F. Si:ii[son spoke of the MiUtown Sunday School, and said that «</' though they could not show much return the work was Still carried on by teachers who devoted great attention to the few children *vho attended. Miss M. Oabbie read a highly interesting report of thn Lit Is Rakaia Sunday School, from which ifc appeared that excellent progress was beinj? made, and the instnntion imparted was well grounded, and the scho'ars took great interest m their work. The attendance was also very good. Mr McFherson sail the Lakeside Sabbath Scbool still continued the game, but he thought that tbe parents should | strive to send their children more rex gularly and take a greater interest then they did. He was a strong supporter of Sunday Schools, and could personally atfcept to tbe great benefit he had himself received from" attending bis Sabbath School. FINANCE COMMITTBR. Mr Storry read the financial report. He regretted that it wae not so satisfactory as cou'd be wished. Th« collections had not been so good as might reasonably be expected, notwithstanding that the attendance at each of the services was larger than usual. The Committee had been unable to carry out the work of painting the Church and Manse, as had be> n propos°d at the last annual raeetin?, owing t > the want of funds. Mr A. Cameron, treasurer, read the balance sheet, which after providing for all liabilities up to date left a balance m hand of £17 13 41. COMMITTEE . In addition to the four old members the following were elected on the Committee for the ensuing year, viz. :— r Messrs J«s. Storry, W, Abbott, A. Webster, Pr Withers, G. F. Simpson, R. Webster, G. McClare and J. Wickliffe. Messrs Webster find Simpsoi to j ratire at next annual meeting, but to be eligible for re-election. | GENERAL, The various reports and balance sheets were received, and the Chairman asked those present to discuss- any matter m connection therewith. ; Mr David McMillan said that the reports did not mention any thin? about the question of exchanging a portion of the site with the School Committee. Mr Storry said the Committee were almost udanim )us m nob entertaining the proposal uf the School Committee for exchanging a portion of the church grounds for tint of the public school grounds, therefore it had not been in^ eluded m the report. Mr McMillan thought that theCommittee had done ri»ht m not entertaining the matter before putting it b 'fore the congregation, but stiH if the exchange was m tbe public interest, he thought that the matter might still be considered to the mutual advantage of both parties,, Mr Frame said that so far as the School Committee was concerned, the matter could easily bare openel. MrGabbie thought that the Committee had done quite right. The ground belonged to tbe congregation and if the Government wanted more ground, there was plenty without interfering with the land belonging ro the church, and it was an easy matter to get it. Mr Thompson also spoke on the matter He hoped that they did not think the question of the exchange of land was left out of the report intentionally. The Committee considered the matter but could not recommead it t~> the congrdtion. Mr Gabbie moved the adoption of the Report and Balance Sheet, compliment ing the office baarars of the church on all of them, exoapt perhaps the finance report which required some improvement With the large congregations they now had Sunday after Sunday the finances of tbe charch should be such as to amply provide for their needs during tbe year. With regard to the contributions to Foreign Missions, he would like to ask the chairman whether it was correct that old established districts which oogbt to be self supporting, received a portion of this fund. The Chairman said that this question did require looking into as some old and wealthy districts received assistance from tbe Mission Fund, that ought not to b? expected, nor required. The information that they had on the question was hardly so explicit as it might be. Mr David McMillan had much pleasure m seconding the adoption of the report and balance sheet. So far as the Sabbath Schools and other matters m connection with the church were con cerned be was very proud of their position

&icy weta m. Their* wag great room for improvement m the financial positionaad be hoped that at the end of the next year, they would be m a more prosperous nnmiition. It was the daty of the Committee' 'to g^e that the work of painting the church and manse was completed before Ions?. With regard to outlying. Sunday Schools, he tbonght tliat the Misses Gabbie w-re specially deserving of fcbe hig!-ust praise for their valuab) c work. Mr Frame BaU bo could endorx ail t l? >at> baJ been said m favour of the re^ ortP. Excepting the financial position r l, o affairs of the church were most satisfactory*. He res retted to fiad that the collW'^OttS were 2 i less each Sapday "'ban-forme^-ty • He thought .;he raeating Sl'Oo'd makes.ome eugg e9tion m to raising ■'hi* necesaary ; iunds- for painting the clibrsh buiidini»s. VMr Storry thought there should be some ordinal plan by \n 'ioh the money Raised for naissipns shpult ' b? divided, as it would entcb'o'thps' who subscribed, to Jtnow what special objeot th "J were asked to a9BiB N . . , ' i.• The reports. &c were tb, p n put and carried unaraious'y. On tbe motion of Mr Fmtie it was decided that this congregatioaa ' meeting intJtmcfc the incoming Com nitte* ' { o take steps t° aye lue paining of ihe Church, and MtTus proceeded with as soo?^ a^ j possible. ■ . :,' v OTES OF THANKS. i Hearty toI 69 of thanks wera patsedi !to the ladies fV? collecting &c ., to the. ! Sabbath School Teachers, especially Mr Barns for bis eL'ergetio wor fc j t 0 tb* Committee for ithW; work during the year : to the Choir *wl Organists; to the Auditors ; to the Treasurer,, Mr Cameron the Secretary, Mr Sotjy ; anrj tbe Tier(Chairman for ab'y pressing. The Bey W. West acknowledged the f,o*e of thanks, and said h» especiallypriced if, as it was quite an unusual thingwith him to be honoured with suah a meetings of 'his kind. The> meeting c'osedii l l^ e Tt9tla l manner.

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Ellesmere Guardian, Volume XI, Issue 1104, 10 December 1892, Page 2

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PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SOUTHBRIDGE. Ellesmere Guardian, Volume XI, Issue 1104, 10 December 1892, Page 2

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SOUTHBRIDGE. Ellesmere Guardian, Volume XI, Issue 1104, 10 December 1892, Page 2