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The ordinary meeting of the Vincent County Council held in the Council 'Chambers, Clyde, was commenced at 2 p.m. on Wednesday last. Present Crs Weaver (chair), J. Sheppard, J. McKnight, R ( . Poison, M. Heaney, J. Ritchie and P. McCarthy. The minutes of a special and last ordinary meeting were read and confirmed. In a discussion as to the striking of a general rate the clerk read a return showing that in 19x0 the debit balance oftheCounty was ,£1,121 xps 2d. in ignitwas £2,349 6d, in 1912 £3,442 7s 2d and in 1913 £3,029-12-2. The Chairman pointed out that the estimated expenditure exccoded the estimated revenue by £62 and as there were contingent liabilities, such as repairs to the Clyde and Alexandra bridges, there seemed to be little chance of the rate being reduced from five farthings. In replv to Cr Poison the clerk stated that there had been no general valuation of lands for many years, there being simply revisions made from time to time. Cr Ritchie did not think it would be wise, considering the state of the finances, to reduce the rate. —Cr Heanev agreed with the previous speaker. The Chairman drew attention to the proposed inclusion of Vincent County in the Harbour Board rating area, which, if the Bill is put through the House, would mean an additional rate.—The clerk intimated that he had received no communication in regard to this matter,--Several councillors suggested opposing this proposition. Cr Ritchie then moved that notice be given of the County’s intention to strike a general rate of 5 farthings in the £.—Seconded by Cr Heaney and carried unanimously. Correspondence was read and dealt with as under From Mines Dept., Wellington, refund of rates on surrendered mining holdings.—Recei vecl. From Valuer-general, forwarding declaration for chairman’s signature re rates subsidy for year 1912-13. From Mr Scott M.P., re applications for grants and promising to do what he could. From Registrar general rc the closing of the office of the mining registrar at Clyde.— The chairman understood that petitions were being circulated in the district with regard to this matter and he thought the Council should give its support. He would make enquiries and sec what was the position. From Lands and Survey Dept, notifying payment of Li,084 ss, being thirds and fourths. From the Counties Association re the Workers Compensation Act and general insurance of local bodies, and asking for information re premiums paid each year for insurance against accident for the past ten years.—The clerk stated that he had supplied the information. L 469-0-10 had been paid in premiums and L9O-14-5 received in compensation. It had been suggested that counties unite and establish a fund and take their own risk.—Cr Me Knight thought if the County took its own risk the bank would promptly call up its overdraft. —The Chairman thought the Council had been extremely fortunate, but he questioned the wisdom of taking their own risk. The matter would be considered at the County Conlerence and consideration could be deferred in the meantime. From the Tourist Dept., re motor cars and cycles registered in the County.—The clerk had attended to the matter. A petition from the residents in the Manuherikia Valley, praying—(i)That the portion of road from Alexandra town boundary to the foot of the big terrace is in a bad stale of repair and badly needs gravelling. (2) That there is more traffic on this road than upon any road in Vincent County. (3) That a considerable area of land has been taken up lately in this locality wherefrom the County receives a considerable amount of revenue, being '/z rent of occupation leases and '/j from renewable leases, besides rj>tes. The petitioners asked that as be voted for gravelling the road.- - the absence of Cr Spain the pet on was laid on the table. From the secretary Clyde Town Trust re water supply to Clyde Bowling Club, recommending the granting of the application.—Granted. From Manager Lady Annie G.D. Co., re repairs to road near Olrig Station,—Repairs had been made.—Held over till engineer’s report was read. From J. C. Vidal and A, Scott, Kawarau, re track and bridges on . Doolen’s Creek.—Cr Ritchie pointed out that one bridge had been washed away entirely. They were only small stock bridges and they had been pul too near the water. —Held over till engineer’s report was dealt with. From G. William, Makarora, asking permission to erect a gate.—The clerk had replied to applicant that it was necessary to advertise. From the Valuation Department, Dunedin, referring to the revision of the rolls of the County and errors therein. From TeAwamulu Chamber of Commerce re accidents at railway crossings. —lt was decided to adopt the recommendation of the chamber and ask the Government to take some action so as to minimise the risk of accident. From the Otago Education Board re contribution to the kind for rural instruction.—With regard to this question Cr Sheppard thought the small schools were being neglected.— Cr Ritchie said the County were committed to the payment for three years but he thought that the Board should be informed that they were not getting the benefit expected.—Cr Poison said jilt!: at Jpeijdip th#/ wm (piife

tied and he suggested that it was the committees* own fault that they were not getting satisfaction.—The chairman expressed the opinion that it was too early to condemn the scheme, as results could hardly be expected yet Cr McKnight was under the impression i,that all schools would benefit alike and he opposed the granting of any further sum.—Cr Sheppard endorsed the previous speaker’s remarks and stated that nothing had been done in his district. He would oppose the vote.—-Cr McCarthy said that if the Council had committed Itselt they would have to pay, but he was strongly of opinion that the schools should receive the same treatment —The clerk intimated that the schools at Clyde, Alexandra, Cromwell, Roxburgh and Naseby contributed Ll5O between them annually, while the other schools paid nothing.— The chairman then moved that the County’s contribution of L3O be passed for payment. Seconded bv Cr Ritchie and carried. From the Stock Dept, forwarding renewals of slaughtering licenses. From Vincent Hospital and Charitable Aid Board forwarding requisition for L 654 os 8d for year ending 31st March, 1914.—Passed for payment. A communication from VV. Brady In reference to water on roads at Ida Valley was referred to the engineer to attend to. From Thos. Smith, Bannockburn, applving to erect a gate across the road’ at Happy Valley, Bannockburn. —Granted, From T. C. Donnelly re gates on road at Matakanui. —Granted. From E. M. Gibson, Bannockburn, pointing out that a pipe across the county road is depositing debris on her paddocks and asking that the trouble be remedied.—The engineer and Cr Ritchie to look into the matter. FromJ. A. Wilson re agreement in reference to the road through his property,—The engineer had made aplication to the Land Board. ). E. Menzics applied for an extension of the water main for a distance of eight chains. —Referred to the Clyde Town Trust. Settlers at Maungawera wrote complaining of the dangerous state of the bridge at Hawea, and asked that it be repaired. —Cr McCarthy said the Government had been approached in the matter and as the chairman was going to Wellington he would ask him to interview the authorities. —The engineer said the bridge was in a very bad state and to make it lit to carry traction would necessitate the renewal of practically the whole structure. A new site was available which would dispense with one of the punts. One of the punts was now practically done and if the bridge was not built on another site another punt would have to be provided very shortly. The plans for a bridge and a requisition for L 3,500 had been sent to Wellington. —The chairman promised to do what he could when in Wellington. An application by D. McLennan to erect a gate across the road to the Hawea cemetery, was left in the hands of the engineer and Cr McCarthy From the secretary of the Bendigo school asking that the road between the post office and the school be reopened.—Left in the hands of Cr Poison and the engineer. The remits drawn up for the County Conference were then considered and these were approved as under : 1. Reforestation and tree planting in treeless district encouragement. 2. That lignite or non-bituminous coal be included in section 2 of “ The Timber and Flax Royalties Act, 1905.’ t i . Pastoral leases of Crown Lands— That local bodies receive a fair proportion of the rents for the maintenance of roads and bridges where such lands are held. 4, Dog Registration .Vet, igoS.— That clause c of section S be deleted aud local bodies be empowered to deal with the fees chargable on all dogs. 5. That County Councils have representation on the Land Boards in their respective districts. The Council then adjourned till 7 p.m. On resuming at 7 p.m, the same councillors were in attendance. The inward correspondence as read was received and the outward approved. Ferry traffic returns for May and June were laid on the table. The County Treasurer's statement of all transactions since the last meeting of the Council was read and received. —Engineer’s General Report.— Hawea Riding.—The contractor at Makarora has made a start with the formation contract on the Mt. Albert Road. The Haast Pass Track has been repaired but there still remains a considerable amount of work to be done to put it into first class order. The roadman at Hawea has been patch gravelling on the Hawea Road. 1 have ordered timber for a large culvert to take the place of two small stone culverts on this road. The road on the terrace from Hawea to Luggate Punt requires a considerable amount of gravelling. I would suggest that this road be included in the list of votes asked for next year. A large pipe culvert has been put in at a bad crossing on the road to Tarras from Munro’s. I have had no word from the contractor for the erection of the jetty at the head of Lake Hawea. Clutha Riding.—The gravelling contract at Towan’ on the Cromwell Wanaka Road has been completed. Beyond this work nothing but the usual maintenance work has been done In this riding during the last two months. The main road was rather badly cut up especially on the terrace from Luggate to Albert Town and Mt. Barker. There is sufficient Govt vote available to gravel the worst portions of the main road in this locality. The roadman on the lower portion of this riding is at present mt Mt Fisa,

Specifications, etc, for the balance ol the Government vote for the main road will be forwarded for approval within a few days. Lindis Riding,—The main road through this ridmg has been in very good order all winter. In company with Cr, Poison I visited the road to the Rise and Shine battery at Bendigo and inspected the work done on the road by Messers Cameron. For this work I would advise that they be given a subsidy of The road to run 236U is being repaired. The gravelling contract in the Cromwell Gorge is proceeding satisfactorily. Some inferior gravel was put on but the contractor is going over this again with a better class of material, Carrick Riding.—The roadman at Nevis reports that the roads arc in fair order but they get badly cut up after rain. The large culvert on the road from Bannockburn bridge to run ] sod. has been completed and the road restored. The roadman has been employed repairing the roads to the coal pits and doing general maintenance work around Bannockburn. Dunstan Riding—The Clyde-Crom-well road is in very good order and has stood the heavy traffic during the winter remarkably well. W. Smith has been appointed to the position of Roadman for this road. I have purchased a hut for the use of the roadman and as he intends making his home in the Gorge a considerable amount of travelling time should be saved. I have made arrangments for repairing the road from Alexandra to the Lady Annie Dredge. Asrthis was almost entirely patch work it was impossible to let a contract so I am carrying out the work by day labour. I have purchased two dredge screens to put in as a culvert near Bruce’s. I have also] been offered another for the Gully at Lett’s. These two can be put in by contract. The road from the Main Clyde Ophir Road to Moutere Homestead requires some repairs. When the grader is in that locality this road should be graded and thus save the continually recurring expenditure to maintain this road. Matakanui Riding. The contractor for formation and gravelling on Harvey’s and McDonald’s roads has been hampered by the hard frost but he has made another start and should be able to make good progress. Some pipe culverts have been pul in on tha Settlement Roads to prevent damage bv storm water. The Road from Matakanui to Disputed Spur will require a general overhaul in the spring. There arc several bad creek crossings which must be improved and some patch gravelling is urgentlyrequired. So far I have been unable to make satisfactory arrangements for carrying out the gravelling under Government Vote on the road at Wilson’s, hut I understand that contractors will offer a more favourable price when the road is more suitable for carting on. After inspecting this road during wet weather I would recommend that it he rounded up with the grader before gravelling. Several portions of it are low lying and are covered with water after heavy rain. Gravel is very hard to obtain in this locality and requires a lot of stripping for a very low face of gravel. Manuherika Riding.-T have communicated with the Chief Surveyor as to the method of procedure to lay off a road to the proposed stock bridge over the Poolburn at Wilson’s. I understand from Cr. McKnight that Mr Wilson is quite willing to allow a road to be taken through his land. As soon as the question of reading is settled I can proceed with the erection of the bridge. Regarding the question of widening the stock bridge at I’oolburn School so that motor cat s could cross it, 1 have made an estimate of the cost of the proposed alterations and find that it will cost about j£6o provided that the piles arc sound. Owing to the high state of the creek I was unable to examine them. They were put in in 1895 so by this time they will probably be decayed. The rordman has been employed with a gang doing some filling in work on various roads. The roads within this riding have kept in very fair order during the winter and are a marked improvement on what they have been in previous years. Earnscleugh Riding —The roadman has been employed doing general maintenance work chiefly on the main Alexandra Roxburgh Road and roads on Farnscleugh near Alexandra. So far ! have been unable to lay off the road to Wing’s and Anderson’s, but will get. the work done as soon as possible. I have prepared a plan shewing the present roads and bridges on Earnscleugh Flat and also the proposed alterations and deviations with the distances marked on the respective routes. The retaining wall at Conroy’ Gully broke away at one place but this has been repaired. The main road on Earnscleugh Flat requires some attention in the way of filling in the approaches to the water race culverts pul in by the County some years ago. —Reading Sub-division of Runs.— The £,'1200 voted by the Lands Department for reading within the subdivision of the Morven Hills, Kawarau Matakanui and Ida Valley Runs have now been completely expended. The following table shows the allocation of this vote as well as the approximate amount of land fund spent in each district for reading within the blocks or roads giving access to them, also the amount of Government votes, exclusive of the Lands Department votes spent within each sub-division.

[ This gives a grand of £5309 spent within these runs during the last few years. The bulk of the formation work is now completed but there still remains a considerable amount of gravelling, culVerting and bridging to be done. So far there has been no call on the general fund of the County for the above works and although the Land Fund in the various blocks is practically all expended it is accruing now at a rate which should provide the necessary money to carry out any work which will be necessary. It is rather difficult to give a detailed account of the total work done on each block, but I estimate we have formed new roads and improved old ones aggregating approximately Besides this there have been innumerable culverts put in and a considerable amount of gravelling done, the latter probably amounting to ten miles or so. J, E. Menzies Engineer. —Report on Contracts. — No, 647— W. B. Allan, Renewal of Jetty at Makarora.—All the _ necessary timber is at the site, but owing to an accident the contractor is at present laid up. His son will carry on a portion of the work. No. 650.—T, Wilkinson, erection of Luggage Road Bridge—The cylinders arc being prepared and placed in position. The steel work is being manufactured in England. No. 651.— Sinnamon Bros., gravelling. etc., Wilson’s Lane, Ida Valley— This contract has been satisfactorily completed. No. 654.— H. Connolly, erection of Jetty at head of Lake Hawea.—l have had no report from the contractor as to his progress on this work. No 656.— Win, Smith, gravelling Clyde to Cromwell. —This contract is being gone on with and good progress made. No. 657.— Rohl, Brctherton gravelling Cromwell to Wanaka. This contract has been satisfactorily completed. No. 660.—A. Pitches, gravelling, etc., Malakanui Riding.—This work was commenced, but the frost has caused a suspension ot same. No. 661.— Sinnamon Bros., gravelling McAdie’s road, Ida Valley.—Work will be commenced on this contract immediately. No. 659.— A. Humphrey, formation, etc., Makarora.—The contractor has commenced this work. —Dealing with Engineer’s Reporter McCarthy said the roads in his riding were 'in a very bad state. They were badly cut up, but it was only to be expected. It had been a wet season and there were quite 13 waggons on steadily. With regard to the road from Hawea to Luggate he agreed with the Engineer’s suggestion that it should be included in the list of roads for Government grants next year. It was impossible for one man to put the roads in repair again, and he asked that an assistant be put on with the roadman for a time. The channel near Kane Bros wanted cleaning out and there was a quagmire near the Hawea school that wanted attending to. He thought an assistant would be necessary for six weeks. The engineer to get an assistant for the Hawea roadman for the ensuing two months. Cr Poison referred to the necessity for repairs to the road to the late Cr Jameson’s residence, —The engineer was attending to same. The recommendation of the engineer that L 5 subsidy be granted to Cameron Bros was agreed to. Cr Ritchie said the roads were in in a very bad state, but since the dry weather had set in they had inpioved greatly. With regard to the Doolan’s Creek bridge and tracks the engineer said that he had arranged to make a visit with the Lake County Inspector, There was some L3OOOI Land bund available for this work. The County had only one ‘.track to keep up here and they derived revenue from three runs. The bridges did not cost a great deal, as they were only for stock.—Left in the hands of the engineer and Cr Ritchie to have the work done. The engineer said he had arranged for repairs to the road complained of by the petitioners at Manuherikia. With regard to the repairs at the Lady Annie the engineer said that a man with a dray would do the work in a couple of days. Cr Sheppard referred to a crossing below Read’s where the water had burst across the road and it wanted attending to. There was also a piece at Harvey’s that wanted attending to. —The engineer to attend to same. Cr McKnight had heard complaints about the road at Mcßreen’s. About 12 chains of hj was very bad, but a light coat of gravel would probably fix it up. There were two crossings over the Poolburn that were very bad. A carter to the irrigation works had no less than 60 draught horses employed, and except for this extraordinary traffic the roads would be in excellent order. With regard to enlarging the bridge at Poolburn he thought it a reasonable request to spend L6O. It was the main road through the Valley and it was a reproach to the riding that a car could not get through, —The chairman thought the expenditure was too much. Cr Sheppard said it would have to be done sooner or later. It was impossible to cross the Poolburn with a motor car, and he thought the bridge should be widened to take a motor. One gentleman in Ida Valley had a car which he practically could not use because of this stream,—Cr McKnight insisted that the matter was an important one. The engineer said he would like to have another Inspection of the piles before he gave a definite estimate. Without considering the pies he estimated it would cost L6o. The engineer to have plans and estimates ready i or nest meeting.

The chairman referred to the difficulty to get men to do laboring work. With regard to the deviation of the road to the Powerhouse the chairman stated that several residents who wers objecting to it, were under a misapprehension with regard to the date of the County meeting.—Held over till 9 a.m. on Thursday morning. The engineer’s report as read was adopted. With regard to the heavy traffic in connection with the irrigation works, Cr McKnight thought the Council should approach the Public Works for a grant for maintenance, The engineer’s report on contracts as read was adopted. With regard to the inspection of the Luggate Bridge the engineer said that Mr D, Grierson was inspector of the cement work, and he was endeavoring to get a Government inspector for the steel work being made in Dunedin. The engineer's report on contracts as read was adopted. The report on the reading and subdivisions of runs was approved. The dog registrar's report showing that 620 dogs had been registered to date was read and received. The Council then adjourned till 9 a.m. on Thursday morning. —Thursday’s Sitting.— The Council resumed at 9 a.m. on Thursday morning, the same Crs being present. The inspector of nuisances for the town of Clyde reported that the sanitary conditions were satisfactory, The water supply was good. The Clyde poundkeeper reported that only one horse had been impounded since last meeting. The sheep were corning into the town and he intended to make an effort to impound them during the week. Both reports were adopted. The Council then went Into committee. On resuming the committee’s report was adopted. Accounts amounting to LllO4 8s od were passed for payment. The chairman introduced a deputation of Earnscleugh settlers who desired to ventilate their objection to the proposed road to the power house. The chairman explained that nothing could be done in the absence of Cr Spain, but the deputation could explnin their objections.—Mr Faisandier said Cr Spain had destroyed the original road and should restore It. The suggested road through the swamp would cost the County LIOO, whilst he would have to shift his fences, and several raceowners would again be put to considerable expense in making culverts. —Mr Bourke said the road at present in use was good enough for the traffic. The road Cr Spain wanted to make would be no more convenient than the one now in use.—Mr Faulds endorsed the previous speakers’ remarks The saving in distance taking the road through Faisandier’s would only be about 10 chains.—The chairman said the position was that they must have a surveyed road, and he also informed the deputation that wherever a county road crossed a race the race owner had to pay for the culvert. —The question was held over till next meeting. Notices of motion standing in the name of Cr Spain that roadman in the County’s employ receive gs per day instead of 8s as at present, and that the meetings of the Council be held monthly instead of bi-monthly, were held over till next meeting. The chairman intimated that he would give notice of motion for next meeting in reference to the whole question of road maintenance. With reference to Cr McKnight’s suggestion that the Public Works Department be asked for a special vote for maintenance of the main Ida Valley road, the engineer was instructed to interview the District Engineer, and to make application for a vote. Cr Poison was empowered to take the necessary steps to have posts on the road side at Rocky Point removed. The Council then rose.

m ra'Z • -i-' a 00 C A. cfl <U t-3 fi a g cu n > § 6o Morveu Hilla £489-7 0 £1600 £350 £2439 Kawarau 800-0 0 200 350 850 Matakanui 300 0 0 700 100 1I0(J Ida Valley 119-13. 650 150 920 Totals 1300-00 3150 950 •pat* 5300

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Dunstan Times, Issue 2676, 28 July 1913, Page 5

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VINCENT COUNTY COUNCIL. Dunstan Times, Issue 2676, 28 July 1913, Page 5

VINCENT COUNTY COUNCIL. Dunstan Times, Issue 2676, 28 July 1913, Page 5