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(from our own correspondent.) DUNEDIN. Juks 12. There was no business of local interest at the Land Board yesterday. Best rabbitskins bring’ up to Is 4Jd. A rich reef has been found at May Town, 120 miles from Cooktown, giving over 20oz to the ton. Severe gales, causing great loss of shipping and property, are being experienced between Sydney and Brisbane. The particulars regarding the finding of the body of Chadwick the murderer show that he contemplated hanging himself. He tied a piece of flax round his neck and the other end round a branch of a tree and jumped off. But the flax broke, tightening the noose round his neck, which slowly strangled him. Messrs Hamerton, De Castro, and Wilson have finally retired from the Public Trust Office. The City Council last night considered the question of coming under the Public Bodies Powers Act, but finally rejected it by nine to three. The Tasmanian Government has decided to vote L3OOO towards the proposed Antarctic expedition. A deputation from west coast counties of the South Island waited on the Premier to-day relative to the breakdown of the county system, attributable to the abolition of rating Crown Lands, and the Gold Duty Act. The Premier promised to inquire into the matter. The whole of the Queensland loan has been taken up at 90. Parliament was duly opened by the Governor today. The speech, as usual was simply a review of past actions and a brief outline of proposals for the coming session, all of which have appeared in papers before. _ J The Government is considered to be safe for the session, as they will gain rather than loose in strength unless s'omething unforeseen happens. The Auckland members are pledged to support the changes in the incidence of taxation. The Coroners’ Juries Bill provides for the payment of jurors from 3s to 7s per day. Letter carriers are to have a weekly half-holiday. LONDON, June 9. Barings estate shows a surplus of a million and three-quarters. It is said that the friendly feeling between France and Prussia is waning. During the revolution in Hayti 150 persons were executed. The Chief Justice gave a verdict for defendants in the baccarat case. The wool sales opened with a good attendance and spirited competition—good merinos and crossbreds unchanged but medium and faulty five per cent, below April prices. The Czar has announced if he is aware of brutality against the Jews he will severely punish the offenders. The omnibus strikers have refused the terms offered by the companies. Captain Verney has given L4OO to Miss Baskett who was enticed to France at his instigation. Sir W. Gordon Cummings was married to-day to a New York lady worth L 20,000 a year. By a fire and collision on the Missouri Railway 30 passengers were roasted to death.

The local quadrille assembly continues to be well patronised. On Wednesday night last there was a large attendance, seven sets occupying the tloor

Messrs John E isde, Albert Hill, William Hanger, and Thomas Wilkinson, have been appointed a Local Board of Health for the district of St Bathans. The Salvation Army, in addition to their many other good works, have added a labor bureau in Christchurch and purpose opening branches in every town in the colony. ___ Baxter’s Lung Preserver. -4 For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., Baxter’s Preserver is a sneedy and effectual emedy. Sold by all Patent Medicine Vendors. Moutere Station. changed hands within the past few weeks, Mr Jopp, manager of Teviot station, being the purchaser. Mr Jopp we understand will enter into possession at once. The death of Mr John Crossan in his 79th year is announced as having taken place on Saturday last. The diseased was the father of Mr Hugh Cros an of Bald Hill Flat. Since the 6th inst., mails are being made up at the local office for Dunedin via Queenstown on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, closing at 9.30 a.m., in addition to the customary down mails. A new condition is to be inserted in Government contracts providing that each tender must be accompanied by a declaration that the contractor will pay the current rate of wages to that paid for similar work in the locality, and recognise eight hours as an ordinary day’s labor. The legal manager informs us that all the contracts for enlarging the water race for the Molyneaux Hyd aulic Co. are n w completed with the exception of a portion of one section, which will be finished in a weeks time. The directors have hem offered liberal terms for the supply of pipes, but have not yet made definite arrangements for the same. We arc now in the depth of winter vnd have the snow lying very low down on the mountains, but so far none has fallen in the low country. We hope for a good fall shortly, or the prospects of both miners and fanners for the coming season will be worse than ever. At both the Arrow and Cardrona the snow on Saturday last fell nearly a foot deep. The local rabbit inspector has lately had his attention attracted to the fact that portions of the Clyde commonage between Clyde and Alexandra are being laid with poison for rabbits by persons who are not legally entitled to do so. It would be well for the offenders to know the penaly which awaits the offence should they be brought to justice—a fine of L 25, or six months’ imprisonment.

1 Advice to Mothers .'—Are you broken in your rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth ? Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle of Mbs Winslow’s soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly harmless and pleasant to taste. It produces natural (piiet sleep by relieving the child from pain and the little cherub awakes “as bright as a burton" It soothes the child, it softens the gums allays all pain relieves wind regulates the bowels and is the best known remedy for dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes Mrs Win- | slow s Soothing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers everywhere at Is l£d per bottle. A public meeting of the citizens of Cromwell was (says the 0 omweU A gas) held in the council chambers on Tuesday, and again on Friday evening, to consid r what part should be taken in the matter of the celebration of the bridge opening. It was resolved that suitable arrangements be made for the ceremony at the bridge, by providing' Refreshments, and by co operating generally with the county chairman in the matter; and it was further resolved that a subscription ball beheld in the evening of opening day, invitations to be issued to the Vincent County Councillors and officials, th ■ Mayors of Alexandra, Arrow, and Queen town, the Lake County Chairman, the w irden of the district, the Pr .ss of Lake and Vincent Counties, the contractor, the bridge overseer, and also to the member for Wakatipn. A committee to carry out above arrangements consisting of Messrs T. M’Cracken (chairman), Solomon, Turton, Hotop, Murrell, Talboys, Ferguson, Jolly, and Moss (secretary), was appointed. Friday, 19th hist., has been fixed as the opening day, at 2 p.m. A concert, with the customary adjunct a dance afterwards, was arranged ■in aid of ” hy the residents of a township not one | hundred miles from Lake Wanaka a short time since and the committee wishing to have as much fun as possible, at the same time to net a good sum, thought of obtaining the refreshments on the cheap, and addressed the following circular to all and sundry “ Dear —As the committee do not wish to incur much expense in connection with the coming concert, they would feel deeply grateful if you wmdd kindly assist in the way of supplying re freshmens. Yours etc., etc., , Secy " The joke is in the following reply returned by one of the leading lights : “ No doubt you would be deeply grateful , and so would we if your committee would kindly assist us to live by supplying eatables and, if they are liberally inclined, with drinkables also ; but to show your committee that we practice self-denial, and believing it is more blessed to give than to receive this is to authorise you to deliver one (1) loaf and stick it up to us, feeling sure that your committee will, as your letter indicates, fee/ deeply grateful. As we study economy, I would suggest that you supply a stale loaf, and should you have one a little mouldy then all the better, for experience teaches us that it would go further”

The Picturesque Atlas fiend has be n through his victims here very succe .s----fully, telling us chat in all but one instance in Clyde he was met fairly, In reply to questions he said that the system of appointing local distributing agents had proved a failure in Sydney and in Melbourne, and fearing a similar result in New Zealand the firm had adopted the plan of delivering the work in larger or smaller parcels as best suited them. He was quite alive to the argument that it was not at all times convenient for a man to pay down on demand L 3 10s, or L 7, or LlO 10s, as the case might be and in every case where time to pay had been asked it was granted. The firm had entered into a big undertaking, and in obtaining signatures for the work had done nothing more than all sorts of shopkeepers were doing daily when soliciting orders. If people signed the order without thoroughly understanding it the fault was theirs, and not the company’s. So far as the rough treatment he had received, and the trouble people put themselves to in getting out of his way and shutting their doors against him, it was all nonsense as they all would have to pay not alone for the book but the costs of Court. He was not prepared to say the exact number of copies ordered, but it might be put down loughly at 50,000. But the expense had been extraordinarily heavy and it would not prove even a pay ing speculation. He knew one gentleman in Christchurch holding'thr6e LIOO shares who expressed himself would be satisfied if he got his mqj&y back.

Fktsco mail will close at the local office on Monday, 15th instThe rumor which has so often been set afloat and as often persistently denied by Government, that a batch of fresh appointments to the Legislative Council will shortly be made, is again revived—Messrs E. Richardson, Larnach, Montgomery, Walker Lance, and Feldwiek beiah the names mentioned'of expected appointees. Ministers, however,, still declare there is ‘nothing in it.’

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Dunstan Times, Issue 1531, 12 June 1891, Page 2

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CLYDE, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1891. SPECIAL TELEGRAMS Dunstan Times, Issue 1531, 12 June 1891, Page 2

CLYDE, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1891. SPECIAL TELEGRAMS Dunstan Times, Issue 1531, 12 June 1891, Page 2