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XFR.OM our own correspondent.) DUNEDIN, June 5. Henry Sibelin was acquitted yesterday of having shot Mr Laverty’s mare Disappointment at Hyde. The supply of rabbitskins is a long way short of demand, and prices are advancing A meeting of shearers yesterday at Auckland expressed sympathy with those in Queensland. The Colonial treasurer intends to bring in his Financial Statement at the earliest opportunity. The Premier denies that there are any secessions from the party, and the reports are entiiely groundless. It is understood the Government have a majority of fully 15. Nothing definite is settled about the chairman of committees, but it is not unlikely Mr Hamlin will be chosen once more. It is reported that the investigation into the Government Insurance department is most satisfactory. A rather stormy meeting of the Roxburgh Amalgamated Mining Company was held last night, but the report was adopted The main cause of dissatisfaction was that the expenses of opening out claim and plant cost L 4500 above the engineer’s estimate.

1 Judgment was given for plaintiff yesterday in Picturesque Atlas case. It has leaked out that the licensing committee to-morrow will refuse seven licenses, and five in each of two following years. The coursing meeting opened to day with favorable weather and good attendance. The first round in each event was got through. It is reported that two steamers are ashore near Sydney heads in dangerous positions, but the crews are safe. THE LAND BOARD. At the Land Board the license of Josiah Darlington, Poolburn, was declared forfeited for non-compliance of occupation conditions, and the ranger is to value improvements. Isabella M’Arthur and John M’A'-thur, Leaning Rock, having applied for revaluation of holdings, it was resolved that unless the former gave satisfactory evidence the licensee would not receive the benefit of re valuation, and the license was liable to forfeiture ; in the latter the licensee having complied with residence condition his name might be included in the list for revaluation. Ridland and Anderson’s application for coal license at Bannockburn was referred to the warden to see if there was any objection. LOR DON, June 5. By an immense fire at Brooklyn cooperate works 2,000.000d015’ worth of propel by was destroyed. The Czar states he will continue to expell Jews from Russia, as their complicity with Nihilists has forced this policy. The National Press accuses Parnell of stealing money from party funds, and that he is afraid to face the audit of accounts. A disturbed feeling is in the city consequent on the report that the banks have been asked to guarantee another large firm in a similar position to Barings. The Irish census shows a decrease of half a million. It is stated that the London County Council will have shortly to spend L 25,000,000 on necessary works. Nine thousand East End tailors are out on strike. The Prince of Wales gave evidence in the baccarat case. He saw no cheating ; but the charges made are so unanimous that there is no other course open but to behove Gumming guilty. The population of London is 4,211,000.

Telephonic communication is now open with both Alt. Pisa and Tairas Stations. These are private, but there is also a public office at Tarras. At the licensing meeting- yesterday at Ophir for the districts of Alatakanui and Alanuherikia the whole of the licenses applied for were granted. The mails for Dunedin will in future be made up daily. Return mails, however (says the Cromwell Ary as), will remain unchanged. We continue to hear of big washings-up-Mr Ewing, it is said, cleaned up his St. Bathans claim with the very handsome result of over 1500oz of the precious metal The “ Picturesque Atlas ” fiend made his appearance at Matakanui on Tuesday last, but the reception he met witli was so unfavorable that he cleared out, having seen only one of Ids victims. Alr E Al’Nhlty, in charge of Canuc and Butcherboy, passed through Clyde on Sunday last en route for Dunedin, whence the horses will be sldpped for Melbourne. Both animals appeared to be in capital fettle. The Garston-Nevis road has already been utilised, Mr 0 Connell having carried over it for the Nevis a load of oats at a cost, lie says, of about one-half of what they could have been landed there from Cromwell. The funeral of the late Mrs James Simmonds, which took place at Alexandra on Friday last, was attended by one of the largest concourses of people ever seen upcountry. The burial service was performed by the Rev. Mr Lothian The addition to the police quarters at Ophir is completed so far as the shell of the building is concerned, and we must s;iy that a more unsightly building as a residence wc never saw. The architect is deserving of a leather medal. A good few parties are now working alluvial claims on Blacks Flat, and with good results. The drainage channel through the flat is of great assistance to them, but it is not deep enough, and the Minister of Alines is to be asked to assist in deepening it, in the shape of a subsidy of L to L on local efforts.

Alr W. J Strong, for some years past headmaster of Bannockburn school, during which time he has been a prominent figure in up-country athletic circles, has been appointed second assistant teacher in the Alacandrew Road school, Dunedin. He will in all probability leave Bannockburn ou the 12th inst.

Government have decided to take the Edwards case to the Privy Council. According to the local paper a skating club is in process of formation in Cromwell.

How an Obstinate Cough was Cured •—“An aged lady of tny acquaintance was for many years troubled with a Chronic Cough so severe that she seldom had an hours’ q liet sleep. After spending all her substance in medicine, she was persus' ed to try Baxter's Lung Preserver, whiun, under God’s blessing, soon cured her. Rev. Samuel Sellars.” Extract from “ A ook for Every Home.”

The horse Warepa, disqualified for ever in Dunedin in 1886. is reported to be at Napier. A “ dark horse,” entered in the name of Carmo, won two events. After the second race was won and before the totalisator paid out a protest was entered on the ground that Carmo was the horse Problem or Warepa. The protest was sustained, and Carmo and the nominated owner, Ferris, were disqualified. “ A Miraculous Salve. ’’—For cleansing and healing ulcerated Bad Legs, Boils Abscesses, Ulcers, Scalds, Burns, and Wounds of all kinds, “ Clarke a Miraculous Salve ”is superseding everything. Its curative properties in Earache, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc., are wonderful. Sold everywhere in pots at Is Ud, 2s 9d, and 4s fid each. Proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England. At the R.M. Court Pembroke, on the 26th ult., before J. Nugent Wood Esq., Tong Fye, A. H. Smith, and Mrs Colgan were severally charged with hawking within Ihe Lake County without licenses. The first-named was fined 24s and 14s costs, and the two other cases were adjourned to next court day, the defendants being allowed the option of taking ort licenses in the meantime, the informations being withdrawn should they comply. The cases against Peter Johnson and Thomas M’Laughlin for carrying goods within the county without licenses were adjourned with similar conditions. Several charges of riotous conduct at Cardrona races were dealt with. The Hon. J. M'Kenzie addressed a meeting of his constituents at Palmerston on the Ist inst., and was accorded a good reception The Minister of Lands spoke at considerable length, the report o' his speech occupying over six columns of the Otago DaVy Times. In the course of his remarks he vindicated his actions with regard to the reductions in the department under his control. The meeting broke up with three cheers for Mr M Kenzie, and three groans for the Otago Daiv 'Times. The Times characterises Mr M’Keuzie’s explanation as distinctly incomplete and unsatisfactory. Valuable Discovery for the Hair.— If your hair is turning grey or white, or falling off, use the Mexican Hair Kenewer. It WILL POSITIVELY RESTORE IN EVERY CASE Grey or W hite hair to its original colour, without having the disagreeable smell of most “Restorers.” It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting tbo growth of the hair on bald spots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist for ‘The Mexican Hair P.l newer.” Sold by Chemists and perfumers everywhere at 3s 6d per bottle. Wholesale depot removed to 33 Farringdon Road London.

A bush on a small scale (says the C om. too/.l A i rjus of 2nd hist.) took place on Saturday and Monday for ground on the side of the main creek at Quart-reef Point Messrs Tillman and Bedtime have been prospecting in that locality lately, with the result that having sunk two holes about 15rt in depth and about 40ffc apart very good prospects were got in a heavy wash. The seam, which is judged to be about 70ft or 80ft wide ami ruifnmg parallel ! to the river, is supposed to be a nonlinual tion of the “ Excelsior ” lead If such proves to be the case there will be upwards of 100 actres available for mining. O-i the other hand, if the find is only what the j the creek has brought down, the workings are likely to be only of a temporary nature. ■ At present, however, the wash has every appearace of terrace wash. A’ready about 20 acres have been pegged off in extended claims. I Flortline !—For the Teeth and Breath —A few drops of the liquid “ Florij line” sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush produces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly 1 cleanses the teeth from all parasites or imj purities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar 1 stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar I pearly-whiteness, and a delightful fra- | grance to the breath. It removes all unplcsant odour arising from decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. “ The Fragrant Floriline, ” being composed in part of Honey and sweet herbs is delicious to the taste, and I the greatest toilet discovery of the age. | Price 2s fid, of all Chemists and Perfumers, Wholesale depot. 33, Farringdon Road, London, England. Holloway’s Pmcs.—Nervous Debility. ! No part of the human machine requires j more watching than the nervous system—- | upon it hangs health and life itself. These I Pills are the best regulators and strengthI eners of the nerves, and the safest general ! purifiers Nausea, headache, giddiness, i numbness, and mental apathy yield to I them. They dispatch in a summary man- ; ner those interesting dyspeptic symptoms, stomachic pains, fulness at the pit of the stomach, abdominal distension and over- , come both capacious appetites and conI fined bowels—tho commonly accompanying signs of defective or deranged nervous power. Holloway's Pills are particularly recommended to persons of studious and sedentary habits who gradually|sink into a nervous and debilited state unless such | restorative be occasionally taken. Commenting on the recent changes in the Lands Department, the Otcgo Daly < Timss in the course of an editorial says : “ The dismissal of some 30 or 40 officers in i the Land Department is sought to be justified on the ground that their services are not required because the work can be efficiently performed by fewer officers. But that is only Mr M’Kenzie’s opinion—-the opinion of a Minister fresh to office, and with little more than three months’ experience. It is well known not to have been the opinion of all those who are best qualified to judge The most capable and experienced officers in the colony notoriously disapproved most strongly of the excessive depletion of the department, and remonstrated as earnestly as they dared. The previous Minister of Lands, who Wcas a professional expert, and who devoted particular care and attention to the task of economising the cost of land administration, was satisfied when he left office that he had reduced his staff to the smallest dimen« sions compatible with the vigorous prosecu tion of land settlement. What superior means has Mr M’Keuzie, the amateur, had in three months to emvhle him to judge more correctly than Mr Richardson, the professional expert, in his three years of office. We say unhesitatingly that Mr M’Kenzie cannot point to any qualifications on his part which warrant him in assuming that he knows better than the most competent and experienced authorities what ought to be done,”

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Dunstan Times, Issue 1530, 5 June 1891, Page 2

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CLYDE, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1891. SPECIAL TELEGRAMS Dunstan Times, Issue 1530, 5 June 1891, Page 2

CLYDE, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1891. SPECIAL TELEGRAMS Dunstan Times, Issue 1530, 5 June 1891, Page 2