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GOOD NEWS FOB COBPULENT PEOPLE AND THOSE F£OM BHEUMATISM. PHITOLACCAJUICE k TABLETS THE MOST POSITIVE ANTI-FAT KNOWN. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE AND POSITIVELY HARMLESS. Obosity, generally regarded as a disagroeable condition only, ia in fact an abnormal condition, and carrieß with it moro or leas danger. Innumberable ailmonta, eufletinge, and siokness follow in the wake of " too muoh fat," not to speak of the many fital caßes, suoh as apoplexy, fatty degeneration of the heart, dropsy, &c. Fot centuries remedies have been sought to redaoe Obesity, and many druga and ohomichls have been lauded, but most of them are dangerous to take. PHYTOLACCA JUIOB is Never Harmful, and yet counts the largest pernentage of good results of all remedies for Obesity known. It wa» observed that birde which fed upon the berries from which PHYTOLACCA JUICK m made quiokly reduced their adipose tissue. And it was upon thia observation, about five years ago that this remedy was . introduced aa a I* , AT KKDUOiSB, and haa indeed proved itoelf a wonderful agent. In January, 1891, Dβ. Bobbbt Boocock, a Homceopathic Praotitiooer of Now York, contributed a paper oa the new "Anti-Fat" to the Somatopathic Recorder. His oxperienoa wo condense aa follows : — " I have used thia as an anti-fat remedy for several years, and know that it is good, having ptoved it upon myself. My grandfather was a great ale and beer drinker, and of course had a very lr»rge corporation—bisr belly. _He need to tell me that grandfather would never bo daad as long as I was alive, meaning that I would grow litce him. This need to Eoare mo as a child, but judge of my annoyance as I grow to manhood and found the prediction becoming true, and ia later years I waa very muoh troubled about it. In studying PHYTOLACCA I saw the statement about birds and began trying it, end always with rauoh bonefit. My own corporation is entirely gone. . . . While I was taking thcee drops I felt as light and springing as a bounoing ball- could run and jump with any boy. lam now 58 years old, and take my Saturday half-holidays in the cciokat field, playing that manly and scientific game. I have used it on others, and all with benefit. Some very fat women have beoa made comfortable. By actual meiaurement their fat (adipose) has been reduced by inches. It was easier to keep track by moanurement than .by weight. In a few cases they have eaidthey gained in weight, while thoy ftrow less in gbulk—but all oonfeeeed to the elasticity they felt. Stiffness of tho shoulders, difficulty in gljettinK coat on Bnd off, and difficulty to get hands up to head-it has made some splendid HbL PHYTOLACCA is put on the market in two forms—the Fuse Jnrcaof the berry, UKtho Tablet form. Ihe Juicb is the most powerful form, and is quicker in action ; TufeXAßtEia, however, ate very handy for busineS9 men and travellers, and eaoh Tablet . equsi to five drops of the Juice. The TABLKTB are put up ia Tin Boxes, eaoh containing 50. Prioe, 2s 6d The JUIOS is put up in Bottles, with all Directions. Prise, 2s Gd and 4b Gd. I Obtainable from all Chemists and Storekeepers in New Zealand.

SALE. GENUINE SALE STARTLING PEIOEB CALL AND SEE THE BARGAINS. TOO NUMEROUS TO r A.RTICULAEISE. BIG REDUGHO-NS.- , T ;/ B.Halpin, "THE CASH DSAP2K, COLUMBIA, VIOTOB, AND VICTORIA BICYCLES ABE THE OF THE WORLD, AND FOR LIGHTNESS, STRENGTH, AND FINISH ARE UNSURPASSED. A SHIPMENT OF T ADJES , & GENTS , CYCLES OF THESE JU3TLY OELEBEATED MAKES AEE NOW TO HAND, Inspection of which is Ihvitsd. Bicycles from j£l9. john"mtat, AGENT FOB HAWKE'S BAY, Tα word m TO PAESNTS. J. R DON'T DON'T T) FOjRGET FUBGET JLt ■\7" That yon can got Sohool Boots T7" that are both neat and strong, /"\ at a very reasonable price at the f\ U C.B.P. TJ R — E DON'T FOBGET O That a splendid make of Child- O Cren's Boota and Shoee is the *P< " Zoalandia" Brand, to ba had JLI in great variety at tho Jut 0 C.B.P. ° o o LDONT FORGET T Ju That tho grown-up Sons and B Daughters, aa well bb the Littlo T) Folkn,>lean bo supplied with footwear, up-to-dateia style and v/ 0 right in prioe, at tho /^ TKJ.B X. rsn I Q MARK THE ADDRESS- Q Gity Boot Jl ObJLlAj l Lf\J& WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, HASTINGS STREET, JfAPIEB, K. McNAUGRTAN, BING UP TELEPHONE NO. 62 Sweeping Sale, REDUCTION ALL ROUND ! !* Special!! TWO SXPBKSB LOADS OF FBItfTS. TOT 1 2/11 *EB DOZEN YABD3 ~ 2 3/11 ». .. 3 4/6 „ „ „ it 516 n i> ii „ fi 676" OEDINABY PBIOEB fi D PEE YABD TO Is. J, Corry, EMEBSON STBEET. T. W. BALEOUE, J AND AND ESTATE AGENT, INSUBANOE (FIB® AND MAEINE), BHABKBBOKICB, AND GENSBAL AGENT. AGENT ROYAL INSUBANOB COMPANY AND CHINA TRADERS' MA.BINE INBUEANOK COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFIOJB- OPPOSIT'S POST-OFFICE, SnAumvuma Koad, Napihh. A SYDNEY EPIEODE. QUITE CUBED BY " WAHOO " 24 King Street, Sydney, 13th Deoember, 1896. Manager Loasby's " WAHOO" Manufaoturing Company, Limited, DEAB SIR,—For some time past I have euffored very much from Indigestion and Flatulcnoy and have tried several remedies with no good result. I wua advised by a friend to try "WAHOO," and after taking one bottle I feel greatly benefited, in fact £ might eny quite cured. (Signed) G. WARD. "WAHOO" (prioe 2e 6d/ from all Ohemieta and Storekeepers. Wholoßa?oAgents:Kempthorue, Prosner and Co.'c W-Z. Drug 00. \WT AHOO is purely Herbail; most power YV Inl Nerve and general Tonics mad< 2a 6d— Chemist, Agonl,.

m- CALL AT .£» W.L. White's NAPIER -QAZAAH. APIEB BaZAAB. Jnst Unpaokod 20 CAS.KS of "Xoyb, fancy goods, j apanesk AKL OTHER NOVELTIES BUITABLE FOB 'X.MAS ABl) NEW YEAB. J A LARGE SHOW OF PERAMBULATOKS, MAIL OART3, BASEETWASE, AVIOKEB FUBNITUBE, &o. W. L- WHITE, NAPIER BAZAAK, EMERSON ST. NURSE WOODWARD'S Health Syrup IS a Medicine which strikes right at the root of, and onrea, Indigestion, Headache, Giddiness, Lassitude, PalpitHtioa, and all Liver Complaints. "Inn Mount of thb Holy Ceoes (Colorado) is the Trade Mark adopted for this valuable medicine, and not only indicates to the purchaser that this is the genuine preparation, but is a faithful representation of one of the most wonderful Mght'j of the JocHlity where tho principal herba "for thia modioine are gathered. Price 2/6 ?rice Wholesale of SHARLAND & CO., Lro. SU2D-<5 SOrLS, [IRONMONGERS, ABE HOW QPEHING UP AND HAVE TO AfiBIVE ELECTRO-PLATE .NOVELTIES, Most beautiful and latest designs. Inspection invited. TABLE CUTLERY, Splendid assortment, SPOONS and FORKS, E.P. Benairea Silver, &c, &o. BEDSTEADS AND OUTS, A very nioo assortment, all eizoa and prioes TIIEJs&HjSARTHS, K'ew and chaste designs. TILE GRATES. Latest patterns. TINWARB, Patty Pane, Oake Tine, Fancy Bisouit Tins, Jelly Mould, Pudding Mould, Pastry Cotter, &o. ICE OBBAM EEEEZERS, Beßt iv market. HOUSEHOLD KOVELTIES, Tho latest that have been manufactured: Fruit Jars, Jam Jars, &o. Agents for— SMITE PSKMIES TYPEWBITEB, Improvement the order of tbe Age. The most perfeot writing maohine in the World—no joints, no forood writing, no wooden lovere, no shift keys. H. WILLIAMS & SONS, iBONHONGimfI AND IIIOM MbBCHANTB, NAPIER AND HASTINGS. PUREST CHOICEST I BEBT The Novelty OP THE Season! /~IHABLES SOBR3LL, the Praotioal Photographer, while thanking hie numerous customers for the liberal patronage with whioh he has be?n favored in the past, has decided to mark the forthcoming Christmas Season By offering until the 31st of Deoembernext, tho speoial induootnont of TWELVJB H!fGHf,Y FINISHED OABIENT PHOTOGRAPHS AND ONE 15 x 12 PMINO ENLARGEMENT, Artistically Finiehed, with Handsome Mount Beady lor Framing, at the low prioo of Twenty-five Shillings. Theßo Pioturea are produced by a process whioh is quito now, having boeu tho artistic rago of the London Beasoa and now introduced for the first time to Now Zealand !! BEAK IST MIMD that we fulfil our promises, and pledge our reputation for the artistio completeness of outwork, and having at considerable outlay completed arrangements, must adhere to our old war cry CASH AT TIME! OF SITTING ONLY J! Enlargements ekilfnlly finished, quiokly despatched, and permanent. Note oub onlt addbkb3— Chas sorrell, THE PRACTICAL PHOTOGRAPHER, DICKENS BTKKET, NaPIKR (letabliehed Ovm 12 Years}; :

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 7977, 1 February 1897, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 7977, 1 February 1897, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 7977, 1 February 1897, Page 2