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''he continuing chapter of tho serial, "Tho Eouso by the River," will be found on our baok page to-day;

The concert to be given in St. Augustine's schoolroom to-night, arranged by Mr W. T. fhurp, assisted by tho Kapiei Cathedral choir, promises to be a great success. The programme is a varied and entertaining one, comprising part songs by the choir, also a trio for male voices, several solos, rooit»tiona, and pianoforte dusts. A laige number of tickets have been disDOsed of.

A little light will shortly be thrown on the sort of people the Government deems fit to occupy the Magisterial Bench as Justices of ihe Peace, by certain proceedings about to come off in a West Coast Bankruptcy Conrt. AmonKst tho applicants for discharge at the next sitting will ba ono whoso bankruptcy dates fivo years back, who has si:;c3 removed to another district resumed bu-iccas, become a prominent 1-cal L'berat po.dtioian, and been made a Justice of tho t'eace, tho Government, we believo. boinfi fully aware of his being an uncertificated bankrupt.- lest.

An inquest on tho body of Seginald N. Wulkf-r, an inmate of Mount View Asylum, was held at the Wellington Hospital on Si*urday, before Mr Ashcroffc, Coroner. Deceased, who died on Friday afternoon, was admitted from Napier on April Ist, 1891 The medical evidence was to the effect that dra'h was due to paralysis of the brain, and tho jury returned a verdict accordingly. The father of the deceased is a clergyman in England, and he has no relutiona iv tho oolony.

Tha Port Ahuriii Bowling and Lawn Tennis Club had intended holding a dance in aid of their funds in Stuart's Hall tomorrow night, but so many similar gatherings have been arranged for this week, that the committee havo decided to postpone the event till Wednesday week. Tbe former dance held in connection with the club was such a great success tbat the committee are ;n hopes tbat their next one will surpass all previous efforts.

Wo wish to draw the attention of our readors to the important clearing sale of dairy cows, horses, pigs, implements, and hos-sihold furniture, advertised by the H B. Formers' .association for to-morrow (Wednesday) at Mr John Matinee, The sale wiil commence at 10 30 am, aad tho?e wishing to secure a really gcoi heifer will bo ablo to do so at their own piic?, as every lot will be sold to tho highest bidder. Full'particulars appear iv our advertising columns.

Some discussion took pla~o at the meeting of tho Licensing Committee yesterday morning relative to the hour at which the lights outside tho hotels should be extinguished. The "speoial pleader" for the applicants for licences asked that it bo fixed at 11 o'olock, advancing tho theory that this would aot as a safeguard against the law being broken by late drinking, as the publican would at that hour pu 1 ; out his lights and rotire for the A member of the Committee suggested that it would also work another way ; that late hours would become the general thing, for if tho ligbt outside was extinguished customers could not be seen to leavo the hotel. However, it depends upon which way the question is looked at, and the Committee considered it in tho interests of the general public that the lamps thoutd be kept burningj town and country alike, till midnight

Tho Government have decided to place a boat on Lake Waikaremoana, supplied in conjunction with the co-operative road works which are being carried through the Urewera County, from Galatea to tho head of the lake, in order to establish a connection with the present Wairoa-Waikare-moana road.

The traffio returns on the Napior-Tara-naki section of railway during the four weeks ending April 27th amounted to £10,420 8s Id, against £16,830 18a 8d for the corresponding period of the previous year. There was an increase in the passenger traiilo, but a falling off in the goods department.

The annual meeting of subscribers to tho Children's i-lome was held at tbe Ath«nceurn Hall latt evening, Mr S. D. D. M'Lean in the chair. Tho report stated that the number of inmates of tho Home had increased from 17 last year to 26 at tho present time. lira Hardy hud been appointed to the position of matron, vice itfisa iSelson, rescued, and tho education of the children was, as before, receiving the most careful attention. Tho thanks of the Committee were tendered to Miss Bogle and Mrs W. H. Smith fortheconlribuion of £38 12s, proceeds cf a "snowball"; to the Napier Musical Society, and to the various reiigious organizaiions that had during the past year largely a'sisted in tho maintenance of tho Home. Application had been made to the Government to subsidise tho institution, but no reply had been yet received. The bal-ance-sheet showed a debit of £20 2a 4d, the ospondituro for tho past year totalling £457 17s 7d. Dean Hovell moved the adoption of tho report and balance sheet, and in doing so slid tho eff >rts of tho promoters must meet with tho oordial sympa'hy of evsry Christian man end woman in tho oommunity, for it was ojjq of the most us:ful and philanthropic of institutions. Every child received, ho said, released the community from a responsibility whioh it would probably feel hereafter in the evil deeds of those who had been neglected. 'Ihe resolution was carried unanimously. The retiring members of the genera), committte, Mesdames Patewon, Randall, Sandilands, Tanner, and Mr H. 8. Tiffen, wero re-elected, and three vacancies wero filled by Mrs Walker, Mi s Wenley and Miss Si icy. The executive committee was elected as follows:—Mesdames Brown, Begg, Cohen, Cobb, Lang, Bandall, Sandilauds, Weleman, Mies M. A. Williams, Messrs J W. Craig, B. D. D. MoLaan, and H. ». Tifien. Votea of thanks to the outgoing committee ; to Mr iielder for auditing the accounts, to filr Tiffen and Mrs Bandall, and to the chairman, brought tho meeting to a termination.

Sir John Power's Pot Still Whisky, an absolutely Pure Spirit. Obtainable at leading hotels.

Tho question whether unauthorised kissing comes within the definition of indec°nt behavior was settled in the negative at Sydney recently at tha Oity Police Court by Mr Smitbx-i'3, S.M. A laborer named Thomas Jackson suddenly surprised a lady who waa walking along the street by clasping her round the neck in the most friendly way and implanting a fervid k;B3 on her cheek. Constable Meecaghan saw tho act, and declared in the witnessbox that ifc was a shame that a respectable woman could net along the s'reet at night without beiug insulted. The Magistrate concurred, but deolinod to onsider kissing in tho street indecent behavior, aud so dismissed tho caso,

The Launceston Marino Board has received an intimation from the ITew Zealand Marine Department that tho Government is willing to pay Captain Harwood, of the barque Alaster, £100 for the rescue of the crew of the brigantine Icdisna, which was wrecked on Barren Island, butnoallowanco for the lons of sails and gear.

The State school teachers in Tasmania havo been directed to devote a quarter o? an hour twice a week to teaching scientific temperanca.

The Tapanui Courier reports that at Heriot the snow was fully a foot deep. S?o heavy was the enow on tho branch railway Hue that the authorities refused to carry a lot of shoep from Kelso. About 2 o'clock on Sunday tho Moa Fiat station wooiahod collapsed through the immense strain on it by snow lodging on the roof, and is completely wrecked. Two men were in the shed shortly before the collapse, but fortunately no ono was hurt. The shed was one of tho most modern improved. No loss of stock is expoctod in the distriot.

The second of the winter aocia's in connection with All Saints' churoh, Taradale, will be held on Tuesday, 11th June, for which a first-class programme is being arranged.

The Postmaster-General of Now South Wales has authorised the Canadian mail steamer Warrimoo to call at Auckland after leaving Fiji on her way to Australia to land at that port the Hon. J. G. Ward, who will bs a passenger by the steamer en route from London.

Whon Arthur Buck, aged only 27, was brought up at the Criminal Court, Melbourne, and charged with tho oold-bloaded murder of an unfortunate woman named Kate Norton because she refused to leave the man the was living with and return to Buck, he pleaded "Guilty." Mr Justioa Holroyd (after a pause): "Do you know what you h.ivo pleaded P" Prisoner: "Yes, sir." "Do you know the consaquences of the plea?" " I do, sir." "Do you deeire to persevere in that plea?" "Ye?, sir." Mr Justice Holroyd: "I hope you have not pleaded guilty under any false hop 3 that that will alter in any way tho sentence which the law would require me to pass on you?" "No, Bir." Buck was sentenced to death.

At a meeting at Wellington last night it was decided to give Mr Ward a public welcome on his return, followed by a banquet. Five members of tho committee are directors of tho Ministerial journal.

The Talune, which arrived at the Blaff this morning from Hobart, brings an English mail.

At Napier this morcing tho thermometer registered 54 degrees in the shade, a fall of four degrees since yesterday. Thames 60, Boaly 40.

A t<ov? Plymouth telegram says that the publio wero present at the pumping operations yesterday, when four barrels (or 160 gallons) of oil were obtained. Tha oil flowed freely, and tho public ware delighted at what they saw; 3000 shares in the new company were applied for. A number of now bores will be proceeded with. It is roporsed that several new oompanies aro in process of formation.

The directors of the Union Eteamship Company recently decided to give a bonus of £5 to ten specially named survivors of the lost steamer Wairarapa's crew. Messrs Kendall, Johnson, and Dunlop, who were respectively steward, third officer, and second engineer, and who are now in corresponding positions on tho Mararoa, Talune, and Takapuna, have been awarded a gratuity of £25 each for special services at the wreck.

The Mariposa left San Francisco for Auckland latt Ihuisday afternoon, time table date.

Mr Ronayne, general manager of railways, who has been making a periodical inspection of tho linos in the South, states that the rise in wheat has given quite a fiillip to business, and considerable quantities of grain are being moved long distances by rail. Great activity prevails at the Bluff, from which heavy shipments of produce a:e being made. In one week 49,000 sacks of oats were exported, the previous record being 9000 less. The Harbor Board is contemplating increasing its wharfage accommodation. A large area of country is now being put down in wheat iv the South.

At the time when the fire took place at the residence of Mr F. W. Beamish, Mohaka, he was the possessor of a firstolass London made breech-loader gun that cost forty-five pounds. The fire destroyed all but the metal parts of the gun, and thefe, including the barrels, were muoh twisted. Not cariog to throw away a good article if spending money on it would restore it, Mr Beamish entrusted Mr Garde.,', of Napier, with tho tusk of putting the gun into ordor. Ho has admirably succeeded iv the tesk With tho exception of the grooved centre bstween the two barrals, whioh had to ba ranawed, tho metal parts are now tho samo as before the fire, and are iv as excellent order, being perfectly true, and all the mechanism working iplendidly. A fine walnut stock completes the work, and the gun is now as good as tho day it left Londoo.

ECCLES' OOEN PAINT quickly removes either hard or soft corns. Only a few applications necessary. In bottles Is 6d, from A. Eooles, Chemist, Masonic Hotel Buildings, Napier.

A. Eeoles, ohsmist, begs to announce to the residents of Haslinga that he is now thoroughly established in his new and commodious ptemises opposite Bwecroft's Eepository, under tho oharge of Mr Wallis. A complete stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Sundries, and Patent Medicines. Any articlo not in stock will bo obtained at shortest notice. Who is Blooker ? T. MYEES, Picture Doalor and Picture Frame Maker, Emerson street, Napier, Pictures of every description mounted and framed on the premises, at prices to suit tho times. Country customers can hive thdr pictures framed at a few hours' notice. A nice assortment of Mouldings always in Stock.

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 7382, 4 June 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 7382, 4 June 1895, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 7382, 4 June 1895, Page 2