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Mr Bridlaugh, besides being a good ai.trier, plays Hie game of chess to perfection. Miss Fanny Davenport has bought a new play by the editor of the London Saturday Eeviei'v. It is called "' Holyrood." Mr Robert Purvis aud John Greonlertf Whittier aro said to ho the only survivors of the founders of tho Anti-Slavery Society. Lady Mo-.ickton is about to start: as a houso decorator and furnisher iv London. She is said to he a smart business woman. A youn» actress has written a novel entitled " And Satan Laughed " He must have been looking ovor her shoulder white she wrote. Accordiuu to the Vossischo Zeitung a uniform similar to that worn by the British sailors is about to bo introduced m the German navy. Another appeal will shortly be made made to tho Enirlish Home Secretary Mr M-.t----thews, to restore Mrs Maybrick, the alleged murderess, to liberty and her children.

The poi't Sivinburno is a little man with a biu hmtd, whioh is fringed with auburn hair" He is quick n-"J nervous in hi» moTPineniH and a very brilliant talkor. He is a bachelor.

Air Paul Dv Cliailhiis n thorough American, having been born in Louisiaua, and not in France, as is commonly supposed. He is bald, and over 50, but still as gay aud agile as a luy.

Senator Stanford's fruit farm in California is the largest in tho world. It contains 30,000 acres, and the grapes raised aud. the wines mtide there arc famous where Stanford himself is unknown.

A young Russian noble, tho Baroness Loubariowski, is going to ride from St. Petersburg to Odessa, U>oo miles, to wm a bet and to'break the record which was set some years ago by the Austrian Archduchess Maria Theresa.

A London exchange tells a good story of a vokol who had been to see Irving in " The Bells." As he was coming out of the theatre In- remarked to the party : " This is tho first, time I've seen Irving, but I believe him to be a guilty man."

Einilo Zola's wife, one who knows the writer and his wife, asserts, never read or tried to read any of her husband's works. This is not said'in praise of Mine. Zola's moral nature. She simply takes no interest whatever in anything literary.

An English lady, Mrs Watts Hughes, stretches a membrane over a receiver, spreads on it a sort of paste, and makes musical sounds write their vibrations on prepared surface. Is this the parent of tho recording phonograph, or sound made visible ?

S->mc one has discovered that two persons playing dominoes ten hours a day can continue t'lS.000.01)0 years without exhausting ail possible combinations. The names of the two pers-.t.s who praetiotilly tested this problem,' '»r- " !,t give", ' r> ut it is thought they arc dead now.

The Young Men's Gymnastic Association of Nashville," Term., is trying to arrange a prize.j'i_bt between two sluggers. This hit of unsavory news derives its sole importance iron the fact thai, owing to the similarity of iniuul-, it has been widely published that the V.M.C.A. of that civ is getting up the fight. The latter organization only fights with the d"l--we mean the evil spirit.

Rmlette tables have been set up nt Tnhu'ier- by an .Vngln-American company. The'siuYiu of Morocco is to have a p<roct, ~■ on the profits of the table He wanted 10 exclude all ladies, but a compromise has been effected in virtue of which 'the Paris correspondent of tho '-lily News says) " Christi-tti" ones are to he admitted to'the gambling tables !

Consumers of genuine champagne—fur the consumption of this wine is immeii-ly i„ ~-i ce ss of its production—will learn with dismay that the phylloxera^has uiade its appearance in one of rhe districts in which the wine is grown, and that although its ravages are at present inconsiderable, they are sufficient I v alarming to call for the adoption of prmiin't measures for its repression by the minister of Agriculture. These havo already been taken.

It is said that with til! the feverish restloßsness and the annarent. instability of the. vouug Kmperor of Geemany he is possessed of one Used hie-., and that is the of the Mipremacy of the empire 111 Fui-ol.e lie waiiN the cvetitiith c-ntury to be known -s the German century, ami be w e-pe.-iallv anxious, it is imder-to .d. to 1,-; ~r a-..tit. i',u Milimice h-fveen the *wo ii'aVions. Great and Germany, which have th-, same Teutonic origin.

Miss Kiiweeti, the first senior lady wraue-lcr of Eii.lnnd. is not too strongminded to enjoy simple P 1....5.;r0s In a rec.-nt, letter from Lmdon she is described 'sf'uo-,a,abal,giv,,nbyMrs H011a,,.., in Upper Bcrk-.lev .-reet. •'Ph.lipp.i taw- „._« Son.. ~ire,.'i-tte.t, white „kw,th !lir ,o polled >L-eves and wide frilhn.s turned down from :'u> neck. »«e quite chinniuif, ana. ot course, was the <,b,crved of 'Hi observers.'

Mr and Mrs X,.v:.rr ■ hav-i V..-.:U making ~ r,.ur iv ihc. Mi Hand- "t Hhirhu I, '"ill Invents ri.^»tX : Tboy w .--it 'her-) -ye.v ijui-ily aud una mourn ci, X , tl-'-u ihough th- features of the bride , ir e familiar enough to m-.-t p-opl-, they haopiiy «- : .qe:d .ecogiiitl'.n ami tue in„*.;.,bio in.b'inir of th" curious which tV.!,Wh,v"'f..l.»* e d. "How like Mary Midersoii." >be proprietor of a shop wbcro thevm-ioesome pur ba-ostoa fnend, and the was certainly s-nKing.

.. of -.ill ih- ah- thm .iir h .-hi b'aw,'_" w i, v ciin't 't uh "" " n ■""''. "":'■' V '■ c poodle «'',« Lucy T.ocket m the «;!'",/opcia io,.:r bcf-re «.;- had a tif.- 10 "d/'it .>■•- '■M.rvl.-ind "wa- " l-'au- .- rui )> " alth.,ii_h *>l r rt'iidaltonly k"«w He'nm- 'as " Homrius Laurigci-." And even "My Country, "In of I bee, i*.'" 1 I I, IM in th- third ,!.W hemg di'reet.iytak.M. from -God Say,. the Queen,; Which was i.sella German fo.k-h.-d , 11 , 1 -ter-..d into the /u.glo-Hanoverian service In con'equ-'in'e of the remarkably splen--ul irnll-ei-eet .alienage mad., use of by Vi 1 " ''' 'ii-ui-jr.n. to liitei viewers with in '"''\ tV -I.H.- », it i- confidently respect t> ■ j vur ~>~ r 1 !;;. 1 :;,;::. "i..-.., m : ,*-!»—, , ,„ ~.„..,-„!■ ,ihid. he lilin-'H- prepan-d r '-.' Yon :,ri,i.i. "rial. I'hiH order.,l w ;,'i,;:,--»f ■■•...'.■ t'-'^«»^ h »;*.«" publi.-h anvthii.;-' reliitimr to stale a/bur, wahour tho «xpr f , : s per.Mss.o.l of too Sovereign. < t.e trier;?, it will h:-remem-bered whil't ho whs in power endeavored to eofon-e thi-against the impress Victoria. Rusxian papers state that transportation to Siberia for criminal otfenees ih üboiit to _c abolished, but it will continue to be the punishment of the worst ot crimes —the holding of political opinions differing from tho»o of the Autocrat. Quite recently Glyeb Uspiensky, one of the foremost novelets iv dragged from his bed in the middle of the uight ami sent, away to a secluded prison, where he was treated as a common criminal, for no other reason than because he hail dared to write a letter to the Czar similar in tenor to that of Mm.'., Tzebrikovn, and imploring the adoption of a more humane and element policy. Making glasses for spectacles is work rail uiriu" great euro. The grinding jof lenses is accomplished by placing them on an oval form imbedded in a cement-like substance, which, as the operation proceeds, hardens, aud thus holds the lens in position. Over the form is placed a bowl, and this moves upon the lenses iv a manner closely resembling that produced by moving tho palm of one hand in that of the other. I'hu material used for grinding is vermillmn. Tie "lass for thu lenses is imported, ehieily from "Germany and France, and colorless crystal jrlass inal:os the best, lens, better, indeed, "rhan Brazilian pebbles or rock crystal. A lamp for miners has been invented iv France which claims to be absolutely wile Tt is called the Stella, .-Hid when charged with electricity will burn for fifteen hours. It can be used with impunity hi powdei raairazines and in the midst of hro-damp. An electric torch has also been invented, and is being nightly used in tho Grand Opera-house, in Paris, during the run oi Saiut-auens's '' Ascanio. ' It is very light in weight, has an illumiuiitim.' power equal " candles, and will burn or -10 minutes, of six a.-cumu.iUe-s W ith a current of 1b.".-; s .... d n volts. V: is Um-. invention »\*l; 1 ' • "Among tho of tho Farl of i>ysari are Lyulpb IMwall- Odin tester Lgb-U Lyon J To.grr.a„ i-lutfh Krchenivy"* ™*' ,r - Evangeline Vi-e de L,v. ,h: Orellana 1 tafion'et Suxou, lh. - , Lymiesso Matilda Dora Ida Amu- --'" c me Cut-son I'aulet W.lbra.ii.i.i .»■•>«" Eugenic Bentley S.-ixoni.i !,'vsiirf- I i.i.itagenct, bora 1ST!; -I.) on- Jj , l ; cl !" a Veronica V.-yih _(J> s-a nytda Bowena •Vd-.-iu- "• byra x.-abd Blanche i / :ut I'laiUafjenet, b..m 187*5. Thcs-- -are but lour out oi the \ cry

numerous family of 0110 of the uncles of tho late Earl, and it is recorded that they survive under the heavy burden inflicted upon them at their baptism.

Dr. Gatliug, the inventor of tho famous gun which bears his name, is a most industrious man for one of his years, aud while he has done little in the way of invention since he gave his field piece to tho world, he ha? been far from idle all these years. The doctor lives in a handsome house on Charter Oak Hill, built near the spot where the historic charter oak tree stood. In this buck yard stands a long wooden shed, under which extends a curpeuter's table. This is the doctor's workshop, and a curious place it is. Wooden and metal models, old ai.-A weather stained, lie about., surrounded by diagrams and drawiugs. To this workshop the doctor goos every morning-, pleasant or sto'my, and works until breakfast, which iv this household is scheduled for 7 o'clock.

Mr J. MoNT. Whistler is pictured as a small, slight man, with dnrk hair streaked with grajC curling all over his head. Hi.s blue eyes havo a merry twinkle with a quizzical light in their depths Ho has a short, grayish moustache, which he pulls nervously liow and then. He is altogether a very uncommon-looking in mi. and hi> attire is likewis.'. He looks like a boy, in a suit, of blue flannel and a narrow turndown collar on his white lieeiishirt. Iv place of an ordinary cravat ho wears a dark blue ribbon tied in a small bow, and on his luiid is a narrow-brim straw sailor hat, 'perched very much to one side. He talks pleasantly and pithily, and chains one's attention with a lot of small talk, and now and then laughing slyly at one of his own olever jokes.

Tho polonaise is literally upon us ! That unpicturesijuo garment has been slowly but surely creeping back into favor for some time.' Modistes have hinted at it ; fashion prophets havo foretold it; and fashionplates have given us faint indications of its approach. Now (writes " Miranda" in the Laly's Pictoral) it is actually with us. Two Lave been seen during the past week on the Lees at Folkestone on ladies whoso toilettes hear Fashion's latest stamp, and with Hie outbreak of autumn gowns th" polonaise will bo found, I think, to be an established fact. I cannot hut deplore its revival, for I think it will be the precursor of the other "fussy" arrangements and redundant drapories that wo have so long happily banished. For grace and effect and comfort the straight, plain skirt cannot be equalled, and though at first polonaises m iv be made on tho straight Direetoiro lines, pauiers and other monstrosities will ull(jnestionably follow, and then "there's no knowing," as Mr Cotlette says, to what depths of absurdity we may not descend !

The latest craze among tho eollectioneurs in Franco is the accumulation of illustrated posters, those most iv demand being the really artistic designs of Cheret, who has been called "the Paul Veronese of dead walls." A quarto volume has just been published to sorre as a collector's guide. When procured, the ohromo-lithographs arc mounted on Bristol board liko prints, or deposited iv albums, and when thoy are of large size they are mounted on linen aud rolled up. The Duo d'A.umale and tho King of tho Belgians aro both enthusiastic collectors of illustrated posters, which are also eagerly sought for by the Cabinet dcs Estampes m tho L'.uvro, the latter containing somo of the oldest specimens of mural inscriptions in the world. One of these is a papyrus poster dated the 10th of June. 11G 8.C.. describing two slaves who have run away .rom Alexandria, and offering a reward tor their capture Another dates from the reign of Herod the Great, and warns people against trespassing in certain portions of the Temple of Jerusalem.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5994, 8 November 1890, Page 4

Word Count

Scissors. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5994, 8 November 1890, Page 4

Scissors. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5994, 8 November 1890, Page 4