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The Borou.tch Couucil meet this evening at the usual hour,

Another of tho series of select dances will be held in the Athena-urn Hall to-night.

The vital statistics for the month of Au-ust are as follows .-—Births 35, marriages 11, deaths 11.

Tl.o 'Frisco mail will bo despatched on Saturday morning overland, as there- will bo no steamer for the north on that day.

Court Captain Cook, A.0.F., at tho quarterly mcc-iinur lnM night decided to take part iv the friendly societies fete on the 9th November next.

The Timberworkers' Union has postponed their meeting till Tuesday evening. Io tbe meantime members-dp can be had on payment of 2s Od.

The railway authorities intend to burn wood em the J. engines, and havo large quantities stacked at different, stations in the bush. This will eke out the coal supply, and minimise public inconvenience.

There was an accident, at the Spit yesterday, a boy named William La Broom, aged four years, being run over by a dray driven by a Maori. Tho little fellow received some injuries about the head. Dr. de Lislo attended to tho sufferer.

Mr Jago has arranged th_t during thorunning of tho 'busses to Hastings mails will be despatched from Napier for Hastings, Havelock, and Clive, at 7.30 am. and 2.30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays, and mails from those places will reach Napier at 12.45 p.m. aud 7.45 p.m. the samo days.

Tho salo of work in aid cf St. Paul's Sunday school will bo opened to-morrow, aud be continued on Friday. For tho exhibits of work by tho Sunday school children prizes will be awarded Musiual selections will bo given each night, aud the low price of admission should result in largo attendances.

At the Athenreum yesterday aftornoon Dr. Jarvis gave his second lecture to the ladies, there being a very largo attendance. Tho subject was '• First aid iv different forms of insensibility and in cases of poisoning." Many useful hints wero given, and at the closo a number of ladies showed their proficiency in bandaging.

At tho Wellington Supremo Court yesterday Anthony Johnson was found guilty of larceny, and Albert Norman pleaded guilty to receiving stolen goods. A second indictment of breaking and entering was withdrawn. Both prisoners wero remanded for sentence. James and Adam M'Ardle. two young men charged with forcible entry, were acquitted.

To the Editor : Sir,—A statement having teen circulated that Mr Louis Dean was informed by mo yesterday that his services would no longer be required is untrue. On the contrary, it was at Mr Dean's request that I consented to his leav'ng the Ahuriri, Captain Tonkin having sufficiently recovered to resume command. Mr Deau had kindly acted as master during Captain Tonkin's illness, he now considers that ho has fulfilled his promise.—l am, _c, G. S. V. Wexlky.

Messrs Caro and Blytho sat on the Bench at the R.M. Court this morning. Albert: Hird, for drunkenness, was fined 5s nnd costs, and William Sherman for a like offence, was discharged with a caution. Edward Thompson, was charged with having been found drunk, and with indecent exposure. On the first charge he was finoel K'sand costs or -IS hours, as it was a seconel offence, and on the other charge ho was sentenced to seven days' imporisontneut. Alexander Wilson also pleaded jjruilty- to drunkenness, for which ho was fined ss" ami COstS.

Last night's mooting at tho Gaiety

Tlii-atro was very tamo aud quiet, ani there was little enthusiasm. To move the

audience to cheers it was necessary to denounce some one or somebody. One of the speakers made the extraordinary statement that where two men wero iv favor of the strike there were fifteen women in favor of the lock-out. Tho early ejection of one who promised to make things lively, aud the expelling from the stage of a man wh > wished to applaud too vigorously, apparently put a damper on the spirits of those present, while oven a reference to Joo Parker by a would-be wit fell flat.

After we went to press yesterday afternoon the case of E. W. Knowles v. P. F Cc .ledge was taken. The former claimed £0 3s -Id for a month's rent for a shop occupied by the defendant. The defendant gave notice on June 20th to leave the premises on th-i 13th July, while plaintiff had told him he must give a month's notice if he remained in possession after the year's lease expired. Judgment was given for plaintiff, with costs 10s,"and solicitor's fee £ I Is. Mr McLean asked that execution might be stayed as his client might appeal, the effect of the judgment being that plaintiff might sue for ether month's rent, as plaintiff had not received a month's notice. Execution was stayed for one month. Tho most reuurkablo short line of railway in the world is prob.hly the submerged railway at Onton, near Bilboa, described in the current part of Chambers's Journal. It runs down an evenly sloping shore in double line to a distance <>f 050 ft, and has been constructed by a Spanish engineer for the. solo purpose of facilitating the shipment of iron (ires. The only car is a massive iron tower on wheels in tho shape of a pyramid rising 70ft from the truck. Upon the platform of this tower the ores aro placed, and thus they are ramveyod to the vessel—tho pyramidal cur, whoso wheels are always under water, returning automatically shot into the ship's hold. Constable Leitch arrested a man named John Moore at Omahu yesterday on a charge of larceny, and at; tho R.M. Court this morning Moore was charged with having stolen from the dwelling-house of the Rev. C. L. Tuke, Taradale, a money-box and twelve shillings. Accused was seen to enter the house in the absence of Mr Tuke. Tho servant succeeded in locking him in the stable, but while she ran for assistance he unbolted the stable-door and departed. Information was at once given to tho police,

and the description given to the constable

by the servant resulted in the arrest of accused. Moore this morning said it wa* a case of mistaken identity, as ho was never near the place, and he said he never shifted

from the main road. At the request of the Inspector, accused was remanded for eight days.

The social entertainment held in Trinity schoolroom last evening was a great success; there was a large attendance, while the capital programme was thoroughly enjoyed. The Rev. D. McNicol occupied the chair. Tho vocal and musical selections were ull well received and appreciated, and many of those taking part had to respond to encores.

Thoso who assisted wore—Mesdames- Prime, Gardiner; Misses Wylie, Martin, May.son, Williams, Chegwidden ; and Messrs Levi, Simpson, Arnold, Finch, Nieholls, Frnvler,

Taplin, Martin (2). MusterCuthbert, a pupil of Miss Stevens, played a violin obligate to one of the songs, and showed good tuition. Refreshments were handed round during the interval. Mr Herman lent a piano for the occasion, and with Mrs Prime and Mi-s Stevens, assisted in the accompaniments. Mr W. L. Prime conducted the choir iv their glees.

The first meeting of creditors in the bankrupt estate of Willoughby Brassey, of Napier, solicitor, was held at the Courthouse this morning, the Assignee presiding Mr Cresswell appeared for the debtor, who was absent. Tho creditors present were Messrs F. Khodes. W. Stock, K. Lewi-, I*. A. Herman, W. 11. Cooper, and W. Newman. It was intimated that tho eh-btorhad not filed any statement of his assets and liabilities and that ho was at the present time in Wellington. Mr Herman moved and Mr Stuck seconded, that the meeting resolve that legal advice be taken at once to ascertain if there are sufficient grounds to prosecute the bankrupt,

and if such opinion is faveinible, that the creditors assembled at tho meeting will be liable firn rata for the costs of such prc.seeutiou. The motion was i-arried. On the motion of Mr Rhodes seconded by Mr Stuck, it was deeiiied to realise the " baiiki-apt's furniture without delay. The meeting adjourned to two o'clock on Monday next.

t A writer in the Pall Mai! Gazette- remarks :--It cannot be said mat the perform - ' ers of the Oberummergau Passiem Play aie oxtravairantlv paid. Tho principal actor-, fur all but. a"via.\s hard work at rehearsals aud performances, get ..lit) each. The children who took part iv the tableaux .no given 10seach. The profits are divided into four iiarts:—One for the cost of the play (the new dresses alone, fhis year, cost £700) a;..'; the building ; one-fourth is laid by towards the expenses of tbe next series ot performances ; another quarter of the whole sum is divided among the actors ; mil the remaining part is applied to the relief vi th,- poor and fur village public works. ] believe the new hospital is the fruit of part of the profits of the .Passion 1 lay of I N7O-71 : but must of this portion of the money is applied to aids to technical edueaiio-i. Carving being *'»c trade of the place, ••education" means loaniin_- t> eanv. model aud draw; and mo-.t of tho " wla were lectures am' studio apniiances, el -. An Ku-lish lady resident in Syria ie-piu-t-.tlieiV : stingdi.*-eove ; ugintei'. ; llow l y v: tie- iiei-hboi-huod of Reyr-ut. in el about, erne hour's I'ide from theifivat l-reue-ii roael be-tevcen 8.-yroul and Dama-rUs wa, found a bedstead made ot gold ami sdviv, a.,d inlaid with precious .-!;'"-.«• Au m-.el-in-iou U'loti it iv l.ngll-n eliaiaetci, estates that'll belonged (.. hloauc.i, (>m-eii of Km'iand. The bedst.-ad was .Use-.-v.-r-d in -i 'little ree-ss d»g ""<• *'» - lhe purpis! within -i natural cave. and must have been plaerd there f-'seeurhyjvbea 1 left the last in i-7.. Uie iUrl-ish Oovenmient. bave taken poss-ssioe of ih _ treasure ti l,m '< -hoiii-h the pieviilitu;opiidoii in the district seems to be that it

should remain the property of tho man on whose land it was found. It would be interesting to know what the Turks propose to do with it. But if tho inscription calls Eleanor Queen of Englaud, the words cannot have been placed "upon it before Edward left Syrii, as he did not hear of his father's death until he reached Italy. There can, however, be little doubt that the bedstead has been buried iv the earth for the last six centuries.

The Roman fathers (says St. James's Gazette) still possess the independence, if not the dignity, of their classical ancestors. Romo is practically bankrupt; and by way of helping the city out of its difficulties, the Italian Government is proposing to take over and finish certain public works. This would take away from tho honor and glory of the town council; and glory is what the modern Italian thirsts for. When they heard of this shameful proposal, sixty-three out of sixty-four mombers of tho council resigned. Tho exception was Sisrnor Menotti Garibaldi. When ho refused to join tho others iv their petulent determination not to play any more the fun beiran. Everybody went off into a fine frenzy. Even tho reporters toek sides ; and one of

them threw an ink-pot at another with whom ho did not agree. Tho air grew dark with missiles ; and chairs which are so useful for braining political opponents, be „n to be flourished. Then the mayor, like v latter-day Cromwell, sent for a file of soldiers to clear tho hall. By that time the councillors began to feel better. Besides, they had used up their pceketh_n_k_r__ief» to standi the gore that flowed from their wounded noses, and, having no more fight in them, tho soldiers were withdrawn. Rome will perhaps now have the excitement of electiug a new council.

Tho usual monthly meeting of the Napier School Committee was held last evening, when thero wero present Messrs Gilberd (iv the chair), Sidey, Speuce, Griffin, Murphy, Naphtali, and Hebdcn. The Inspector of Police intimated that the request of the Committee to send a constable to the side school had been complied with, but no

trespassers had been found. Occasional visits, however, would be made by the police to that locality. A letter from J. Ilanuay, of Awatoto re his daughter's sewing prize, was roferred to the headmaster. The secretary of the local branch of tho Typographical Association, wrote that ho had boon instructed to ask the Committee to co-operate in the boycott of Messrs Whitoombo and Tombs, until there was a settlement with them of the present dispute with the Maritime Council. As the Committee had nothing to do with the purchase of school books, the letter was referred to the Education Board. The head master forwarded tho attendance list for tho month, the average being boys 425-4, girls 394*0, total 823. Miss Monteith reported tho average attendance at the side school to be 155, highest attendance for the month, 105. Tho Visiting Committee, Messrs Hebdeu and Grifliu reported the attendance was better, while repairs had been attended to. The recommendations for repairs made by them wero agreed to. Messrs Sidey aud Naphtali were appointed a Visiting Committee for the month. Accounts to the amount of £13 7s 5d were passed for payment, and tho meeting adjourned. The- first report of tho Colonisation Board, dealing with tho settlement of Scottish

Crofters in tho Dominion of Canada, has (says the Home News) just appeared, and is, taken altogether, a satisfactory document. Tho poor men, who, with their wives and families, have started in two batches from their native land in order to better their hard lot, have, by all accounts, acted _ wisely iv exchanging their former chronic wretchedness, for comparative happiness and comfort, A large sum was advanced to each family on" arrival in Canada, and the Government of Manitoba have done all iv their power to assist the new colonists iv every particular. Mr J. G. Colmer, the interim secretary to the board, visited the settlements last" autumn, making minute enquiries as to the condition of the crofters. He found the houses warm and comfortable, and tho colonists had for the most part, succeeded in storing grain enough to provide flour for the "winter. Many families were reported to be (loinswell, and Mr Colmer is sanguine, and, in fact, entirely hopeful, of the ultimate results of the venture. An experiment much utter the same pattern has been tried in the ease of German, Scandanavian, and other foreign settlers. All of these have good houses, and a fair area of land under cultivation. Successful colonisation in this way should make it possible to encourage something of the same sort iv the Australasian colonies.

For value, strength, flavor, and purity, try India and Ceylon Tea, 2s, 2s -id, 2s Sd lb. A. Walker, opposite Blythe and Co., drapers.

Ask your grocer for Five O'Clock Tea at 2s Id per !b D.iividson, Irvine, and Co , agents.

The; human system will be braced up against changes of temperature by drinking the well-known tonic, Wolfe's Schnapps.

Pure Bleached Calico, new fiuish, wide width,'-'slid, Ss lid, 4s lid, the dozen yards. Tho very best sheeting at od, Is Is (!d. Job Linen Towels od. SJd Searle and Co., Ready Cash Drapers.—[advt.]

A. K. WILSON - has Death on Grease, Enamel Paint, Methylated Spirits, Plate Powder, Furniture polish, Bismarck Lamps, Kerosene, Monkey Brand Soap, Kerosene Stoves : also new stock of Garden Hakes. H-jes, Spades, &c, &_ , all at Sale prices fur cash. A 11. Wilson, Ironmonger, Emerson street, Napier.—Advt.

Riding saddles, colonial nv> "r. ■. -ii, f ur . nitute complete, 30s each x. ~ .., Portmanteaux, Gladstone and Brief Bags, and other goods, of which cnere is a great Assortment, very cheap, at Joun M'Vay's, Hastings street Napior, and at Waipukura »i.—("Apvt.J

In consequence of closing at S p.m. Dr. Moore's evening consulting hour at Mr. Owen's Pharmacy is from 7 to 7.30.— [Arsvr.'l

We would call particular attention to some excellent Hollow Ground Razors now showing at the Novelty Depot, guaranteed the best in tho Market. Bengal No. 1 4s Od, No. 2 Gs Od, Altona No. i 5s Cd, No. 2 Os Od. Free to any address on receipt of Postal Note or Stamps. Money returned if not approved of. Novelty Depot, Hastings Street. —fAnvr.l

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5926, 3 September 1890, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5926, 3 September 1890, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5926, 3 September 1890, Page 2