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Silence and blusbiog ure the elocxuence 0: women.

"Does your gambling frierd play fair .' " I should say he does .' He : 1 alwav broke."

" Did you see anything porsoupUy applicable in the parson's sermon '■his iro'.nmg. " No, but 1 voougl't it <;._ve sou'o of my neighbors a pretty bard rap."

The- of the oute be_u_ifalEnure :■? of Ans .in ht>s brea compbtely shattered by the tratrical death of her so.i; she is ageing rapidly" is a ma-.yr to u'ev-it'sm, aud :. now ,'eading a .educed r fc at W?c:baden.

The municipality of Berlin has asked per-irj-v_''on of the Empe-or to open a public subscription fo: the erection of a same in m.raoiy sf his fathe", but the autboi'.ation has be en refuted on tho ground that it is IFs Majesty's iute_:'ou to erect such a _neu?orial at h's own cost.

Mrs Stanley, o- the late Miss Do.ol.hv Tennant, ; s £ to bo dr'catly descended from Oliver Cromwell, aud from he" c .rliest years—so ru _s i'-e gossip of tho hour—she announced her Vacation of never mat. ying any Man who b'.id not made a name iv the world.

In the middle o f June last, Tie city oi Khu-ko 1, one of the moitpopi-'ot' a>d i'lv liu'ia'i.'ii Central Rnssh', had b< .a seffer-

' ig a water famine for e-rht None w;'s available *'or baths in t""? lunp'ta 1 , i>or "or tbe ex, ; nc'-ion of Pr , aTI be roecious fluid was b--»? told ; t the str3ets by the quart for di i ik'ng

The Hungarian Chamber of Depoties has refused by 2H) votes cg.iinst 00 to rer.tore to the ve'iertiWe pal'"ot, Loirs bis righlsasa ci tr.en. In the eot"s. of the debale M IV.i men'oncd thr.t ho was of the same opinion ou the B.ibj'ct as the Empe-or, woo dec'a-ed last autumn *bat iv his fives Korsaih hid contim"d to retain the positiou of a Hungarian cit'~en.

Major Mer!»hi. who sewed with distin?tion as an officer in the army of Garibalda, has commii led suicide at Mi'an. To those who were drawn to hi. s'le by the reportuf the woiver with whioh he destroyed himself his last words wo-e these:- " I I'ill myself in order rot. to revefl a feeret which was known only >o Cavoer, Victc,;Emmanuel, and roysel", aud which T have been pressed to divulge."

Many ladies wbjige. confuted in the process of cross-exnroinat ; o?i woui.i envy the etiqeette wl ich prevai's iti Tur '■>. A princess .vho was recently proceeded against by two negress--s in ler emplo}', was allowed to give her .widenee from tho concealment of a curtaned par*iti-jn. Whether this arrangement gave he«. the presence of mind, or whether from the inherent strength of her case, she ''erta : nly won the verdict. We do not le.orn that tho negrosses were acco~ded the same privilege, which might havo been an advantage to them.

A, cuioi'3 qppstion in connection with fire jnsu-n'ire has arisen in F jvnee. The Countess of l-.'.z-Taw* Vfid takpti out a policy ..htch c.ive-ed her jewe'lcy, ine'iidinsr a TV"* of penri ear- ''ng« of the value of £720. One of the.p, l.yiugou a ni'infelpifce, wa» swept into the fi-o by an [incidental movement of he a-m, ny". was (hflroyed. The iusu-atice com pan v refused to recoup her for ber 10-js : l-m i'-o civil tribunal of the Seine sustti'T, 1 her claim, and an appeal to a higher cour. has residlrd in the decision of th« lower ooe be : oar unbe'd.

The mi'uifipnl rHe-s of p-ovineial France aro begin?in«r to agva'a for payment of meuibers.r';,At pies«tse they are rrodest in their demands. They ask for £10 a year for the mayor, the same salavy for his adjunct, and £6 per an jura for c-tch of the councillor... But ai i.he"e s-e 3G.000 communes in that country enjoying local governrrcnt, ami each of thee wa_:.- an allowance of -CSO a yecr fiom the public tvasui /, such a concession would involve an addition of _.2.S"0,000 to the already et>ormou« hu-dens of taxa- -co imposed upon the French peiple.

For centuries past the town of Artena, formerly known as Montefortino, in the Roman has been a nest of brigands ; t.nd, so far backas theyePT 1557, P po Paul the Ith signed ft decree *o. tho complete demolition of the place a-d the e"patti:ioi«n of i/s inhabitants, but it was never carried -nto executior. "Recently, however, 'he Italian Government has acted to vigorously, that no fewer than .bivtythree of these robbers and assasii l ;* have been captured, a-id aro aw.vtiog the!.'trial. Some may be formed of tlie mi.pber of crimes imputed lo them from the fact that the depositions would fill a volum. of 150 pages.

The Prince of Monaco is hive <i i atir _. t re deep-sea life vo be found at the ottorn of ■ho Metliie'-raiieun. His rosea ches hnve hit-he-'o bren conducted on boa" a yacht belooiring to Profprsnr Hernial. > Fol, but the Prince is now bavb."? v vessel b.i'b sneciil'v for the pnrpoe, and fi el up villi nl' the li'test Et'enlTic apparatus for the pro?ccp)i_u of his invrsiigal'o ■?. He has discovered gome rew var' f : e.'i of (be een.roolioras s/jHa.piiiomi and of ', ■ c aea/i : 'iepl;/ra. Most of tho forms of )'■<; diedjA'... f.'o-ii the b.itiom of the fea have beer- broug'it to the sir face in ,". condit-rn of full vifa'ilv, w.ih-'i has not been the ca.'.e with those obiained in tho At'.flru'c.

The German.papp-yi mention that Bismarck, ? : nee h's re, hernent fron powe-, has become s : n_,ular'y affable coiide.c.ndin r. Fo -me-lv when ho wa'k 1 ab-oad he w.'is pr_ced<"d by pol ; > emeu a-d attended \>v his two do;rs. No one dare J '.o approach h r ,n, _.*_.' ho imi'iitanx i a haughty impas_ive*io_- of wamrr and a stern inflexibility ol demeanor tihich awed and repelled every passer-by. Now he is all smiles and courtesy. He cordia'ly shakes ba.ids w'th a!' and oundr/, and his very seem to have altered their bea'- linsr, and a-e as frienrtty to '"io cro,vd as their master now s*.

The Spanish passion for bull-fighting has just receivi J a frightful illustration at "Cordova. A young fellow named Cintas, employed upon a "farm near that'city, having been refused some money which he acked for in order to enable him to no .o one of these entertainments, deliberately murder, d his master, his mistress, and their three little child l -U. Two of his victims presented a horrible spectacle, their heads having been almost completely severed from their bodies. It was generally sjpposed in the neighborhood that Cltitas h?d fled to a distance. The pol'ce were more They repair 1 to the buli-fight in C'-dova, and the-e they found the murderer calmly enjoying the per'ormatice, and without a trace of anxiety or r, morse upon hissmi , ' , ig countenance.

I,i a vece.ut convert -.lion with a-. J_n<jl : .~h visitor, Bismarck express I himself ju the fol\«r.iiw terns w.'th r, to Jus :— " Ceeera Ci'piivl is a li'.sliugu'sbi d t.-Hier ; a tran of rema-I/able iute!!i_reuee »">d of dive' *0 ". at.i vumenf «. In short, be is a per." t gclletna .. I am sure," the I'ii'iee went on 'o (■-:■ »*, "i' ;r

the nomination of Ger-'v:il L.ipr,.i to -.he P'tst of Chanci.'hir ivcs a f,-eap surp iso to himself; ,'uit he f.-.inkly ac -epted i. w'.'h v full ecnci'ius'n *s of the dutii .sit. t ■ r. : U, and tint he is qniio it hove t'lo si of be : ig>:l by j>~ -.0.-h 1 :im'.i : 'io 1. He In-, a-i enlighteiifd mind, a good 1 cart, a geia o,ls ratu.e r and a ureat eapai <ty 10 work. In a r jif ets bo is a t : r. f.-el h man."

It "s i'j.eoi'ed ocesbu'e ,ie cc ..enary <." LatruirUne's ', 'l'l.i at Mi ion, bis ratal pace, on the -!"! of Oc o- c- iie.._, by v BU ce-'Uot; of •■ i'i'.int _/',',"*. Gounod 33 composii'g an o'.ii' '.<■> f< - < ; 'o occuji'.it, ii"d Fvni c Gu>'n>->1 wrilien 'he words irul m'-'.io fo-.'a hymn, The.-c wi bo a com. pe.r.'on for ths V j«'; on 'be fc-iiny poet and o-atci-; this wi'l be pub dy read, and v c w '.c • crowned wil-.i a wre.-''li of ]_."rel and presented w'l'- a gold rnchi! Seme of t''e in"st d;.'-. ! o'/u : s?l>ed me.ube-s of the. I , 'v'U(. , i Aeadcny will take part . Ihe prcrced'-vs, «yd i'le -c wi'l be a oa. ip -?r, as a ma :_r or cour_.e ; Lamau'ne's d'ania o. " I\i»s_aiut Lo.iveriuse " will bo per. ( vired at the local luej'.tro by the co.npaviy of lee Theatre Fian.a's, and vo-ah'sis i'rom the G -;i id Ooe-'ii wi'l fake pait iv ibe imit/cal en'Lertainmeu.s.

Tie E rpe r o. of Germ .113' L;.._ had a n_- row esc pc in p. 1 ae.-'de it" wr : ch m ; g"it lave been attended wMi fatal consequeioes. t'e wwsdri.'ng a 1." ••d-i.nuf !'cd n_d bighBpirited bo • o in a dorrea t th'o.-_.h *'ie e.-eets of Po'sdum, whe 1 f'e Htiinml bocm c mnmnageaVe. As His lijajosty's leit a-m is rse'e 1, le hat'ded fl c reius tj the yo.MM. G mid of Sa-;e .Mcirjjnjrewlo was sejvc 1 by l"'s side. He also _.-%>_ to rest'i'in (bo 1 o-.«e, wh'ch gulloned 01 to i the fo(.'r,a>h .yd <he f'V •x-io", J,i*>.pii.-_- j one <>' '. •> which', -ji'ed ove- * on the grounct. Fo i.vnteh' t>-. Ln. <... wo- nb '01-<>" bet be- w-i-- '".'S'.'..-,'h'v i, .i...d. P.,.. __0->y the Or ..• .t-t ■'■ ■:.: r,l. a -a -J e D.-'. R ■vra" clrri-vii-'ii o.'c i m-n v-? " - *t, !'~l(l V.'. .-; j fourd to i'livo r. ;f ; 'V'-»] ...,- 0 ~,!,. ~.-,_) trsioTis, f-o.ii t v o o. \y' Vb. } 10 ; s slovviv rcccve .11'.J. Iho three d;-y- s-'iil'.' of (he famous co ■<,!> tiou of Wo"ks of v fi> o 1 by the lute 1:1. de Rotbi-iTi, the wel!-ki'own <~''plo<naii. t, ha?. just been brought to a close 3-1 Pa, \-. It Las realised upwuHs of £400,000, and it j_ to be regretted that none of the masterpieces of Dutch ;:nd Flemish artists wero secured fur tho National galleries in either of the Australian colonies. The works themselves admittedly of the highest quality, and the prices at which they wero

sold were really moderate. We subjoin a few examples :- Jacob Ruyedael's "Wheat Field" brought a trifle less than Frans Aals's "Woman with the Glove' fetched £1,520; a marine piece by Albert Cuvp, £010 ; " Birds in a Park " by Honde.oeter, £-120 ; " The Round of Loves ' by Vandyke, £260: "AYoun_ Lady at her Toilette," by Jan Steen, £272 ; and "The Maior Demo by David Teniers, £120. The hiuhest price obtained was for Jordnen a "Porhait of a Syndic," which realised £2,320.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5911, 16 August 1890, Page 4

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Scissors. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5911, 16 August 1890, Page 4

Scissors. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5911, 16 August 1890, Page 4