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Borough Council.

Tho Council met last mglit. Pro--Be nV The Mayor (in the chair, and S Eobj<to, Dick, Neal, Welsman, Sidoy, McVtt-y, Faulknor. COBBESI'ONDXCE. From Peter Hargrcavce, asking the CoimcU to find him employment-No work SbleVthe staff being larger than usual "'Kuiiller, forwarding the accounts and reports of the Napier and Sp.t lire in Hastings Street; in practices there never drawn to leaving the taps runnmg.-Quart-uKVmiMion to hold meeting in the Botanical Gardens on Sunday afternoons during tho summer monthe.-Ct.Mdey that the request be granted.-Cr THck seconded the motion, hoping the good Band would be heard by many as they gave pleasure by their playing.- The Mayor Ssd &ero was a rewlution that Corporation SiST could not be used or rehgious SrWMB. That resolution would have to bo rescinded before the motion could be putCfwok would propoeo that the Band be allowed to play there on Sundays. It fit b T sacred music, to which some S objected. He would object to the Resolution being withdrawn.-Cr. Sidey only wished to withdraw the resolution be"lVof the resolution already standing. Xdidnot withdraw fro.., the npintothw motion -Cr. McVay would propose that The matter be deferred till next meeting Councillors should be kept to the rules of aud only be dl«-d onco.—The motion of Cr. Ho\ aj was Ca Frcm secretary Harbor Board, asking the Sv of water to tho shippmg.-Reierred to Public Works Committee. From C. H. Edwards, applying for the extension of tho ewer pipe iron. Mi ton Harold Bay, asking permission to remove the drill shed to town.-Permission ha Ti rsSary Charitable Aid Board statin" the Council would have to elect thnr members by the 27th November for the Board, Hospital District Board, and for United District Board.-Beferr e d till next 111 12' J. Moroney, complaining of a -Merit eunk by Mr. Roberts, who had bmlt XuseUtelyona section owned Mr Holder.-The Overseer reported that the Spit was no nuisance. The Council cou& not interfere, as the premises were omside the distance prescribed by the.Act.Reply to bo sent in accordance with tho o lvom r 'Tho P s or Campbell, asking that he ™Trht not bo chanred by the mghtso.l conSactor for two small cottages in a hve-acro Paddock. His neighbor, Mr Rocl.fort, was P r,t,»d —The Overseer reported tho cote f vie iftin thirty yards torn*. ™fhlio street. There was not much difterCo «S7nuisance point of view between the cottages and Mr Bochforfs premies. The exemption to Mr iloehfort bhould be ■SindeX-Ref erred to Public Works Colt.--m l Vmm J W. Seymour, complaining of the nulanco caused through tho >ying of tram rails in front of Ins shops in Bridge £t He had lost three tenants through Street. ■»■ ~,I MK pd by the mud and stench. tattrWds 0 instead of W-Ptenu*™ g Sn Carlile and McLean on behalf of Mrs H C. F. Pape, complaining or mi XU<t nuisance on the prein.** of Mr Thompson, butcher, of Kmerwm strect.■Se Overseer report that there w«, no nuisance. The premises were V d the refuse was removed to Awatotu rtoi 0 ■ Mo&Zd evidence did not h {l Pape'B Btaten.ents.-Answer to bo belt in Corporation cottage, liavinjr « heuse —The Waterworks Committee to see to the letting of tho cottage. From same, stating the reason so much had been used last, mouth was that the turncock uejrlcciod the valv.*. i.wir die Sf-ntph Church, which emptied the reservoir. rv N«al said it was tho uiidti-tiinusouk hail niado the mistake, but i>, fiuuio llio he"d-turncock would attend to tlio matter.

OVEESBEe'S PROCiEESS KKi'OUT. r i have the honor to repori that IUo fol- [ ] ow m" works have been earned duriug

from Albion Hotel to Edwardes street. Sanding footpath on the west side between Emerson Street and Raffles Street, and on the sea side between Emerson Street and Brown in sr Street. Constructing two culverts at the junctions of Edwardes and Sale Streets with Hastings Street, so as to make these level crossings. Constructing concrete channel on the north side of Emerson Street irnin Dulton Street to Clive Street east. Constructing culvert in Lucy Road as recommended by the Roads Committee. Placing two cylinders in Wagfcorne Street, one at Mr. C. Dolbel's office, and one at Fire Brigado station to effect escape for storm water. Repairing Cobdon, Goldsmith, and Lucknow Terrace Roads, and attending to the usual jobbing work. The channelling authorised in Clyde Road and the forming up and metalling of Railway Quay are now in hand. Messrs. Glend inning and Griffin have completed the footpaths iv Chaucer and Spencer Roads. There is sufficient authorised works to koop the staff fully employed during the present month. W. Black, Overseer. —Received. OVEBSEKIt's DEPORT.

1. Public Weighbridge.—lf this weighbridge is to be retained for jjublic use I cannot see that it could be erected in a more ; suitable place than at the pumping station lin Vautier strcot. This site is most convenient for traffic from the Clive and Mennee directions, and not far out of tho way for that from Taradale, while as regards the requirements of tho town it could not be more centrally situated, when tho growth of the town is taken into consideration. In addition it could be attended to by the engineer aud his assistant without entailing much trouble, and would be of considerable service to the Corporation in weighing its own goods. All things considered, I am decidedly of opinion that it would Ns more preferablo to have it erected on this site than in that proposed in the vicinity of Clive Square, as with its manipulation in private hands I fail to see how it could bo accepted (notwithstanding it being , the property of the Council) as a " public weighbridge." Tho co»t of removal will, 1 estimate, be about £25. 2. Electric Cull Bell.—l have consulted Mr Bold as to the cost of a " call bell" connectinjr Superintendent Waterworth's residence with tho Fire Brigade Station. The cost will be from £5 to £6.

3. Drainage Thompson Eoad.—l herewith submit a tracing showing proposed drainago of tho houses in this road. The red line from A to B shows what is necessary for present requirements, and the dotted lino from B to C future extension. The length from A to B is 9 chains, and with house branches laid to rond line will cost about £35. I would beg to recommend that this work he undertaken as soon as possiblp, and might be done when tho piping in Priestly road is being laid. I observed when examining this street that ft considerable quantity of waste water was passing along tho channel, sufficient to causo a nuisance in hot weather. Tho surface of tho roadway is now in much need of repair, and tho laying of the sewer, as the petitioners point out, should certainly be dono before the ,«urfaco improvements am effected.

W. BtACK, Overseer of Roads. —Dealt with in Public Works Committee's report. TKTITIOXS. Cr. Dick presented a petition from residents of GhuUtoiie road asking that it might b<? taken over a* a public street.—Received and referred to Public Works Committee.

(Jr. Dick presented a petition from residents of Sea Point road, asking that it might bo taken over as a public road. They asked that the mm of .£75 might not bo demanded from the ratepayers before it was

t ilien over. They would agree; to contribute £•)!).—Received aud referred to Public Works Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE'S BErOBT. Tho report recommended the following payments : —General account, £708 9s (d ; on waterworks account, £90 2s 3d.— Adopted. MAIiINK FACADE COMMITTEE'S BETOAT. The report stated all arrangements had been completed for recommencing tho work on llio sea wall, the prison labor assisting. —Adopted. nniuc wobks committee's BKroiiT. 1. That the question of the disposal of tho storm water in Dickens street and Dalton street he allowed to stand over until the effect of the extension of tho storm water sewer up Shakespeare road shall havo been ascertained. 2. That tlio Corporation weighbridge be removed from its proseut position to v site at the pumping station, to be there used as a public weighbridge under the charge of tho vvatorworks engineer, and that tenders be invited for its removal and re-erection.

o. Thar, an electric cail-boll bo substituted fur tho telephone between tho Firo Brigade Station and Superintendent Waterworth's residence, provided that tho kuiio facilities be obtained for calling the captain of the Fire Police and the Corporation turncot;k, the work to be completed before tho end of the current year.

4. That the drainage of Thompson road be proceeded with in accordance with the plan of tho overseer, and that the ncei'ssary repairs to tho roadway be effected. 6. That about two chains of the roadway at the cast end of Hardtngo road be formed and metalled.

C. That Bay View road, ne«r Mr Gifford's, be repaired, and Mr Giliord's letter replied to accordingly. 7. That a reply bo forwarded to Mr Sheath informing him that all coaches taking up passengers within the borough must pay a license fee of £2.

8. That the right-of-way applied for by Mr Hundley be assented to, provided tho roadway be formed not loss than 20ft wide. i). That throe fire-plugs be placed at tho necessary intervale on Shakespeare hill for watering purposes.

Clause 1 was adopted

Cr. Neal moved tho adoption of clause 2, though he objected to tho site.—Ur. Weleinan seconded the motion.—Cr. MoVay did not see any reason for a public weighbridge. The cost of taking it down and re-erecting it would amount to £30, which tho Council could not afford. He would move as an amendment that the weighbridge bt: removed and stored in the waterworks yard. —The Mayor seconded tho Hiru-ndinent. — Cr. JDiijlc did not think they were called upon o weigh people's nml. They were not called upon to be judges of toriimercial morality, lie should object ta any public weighbridge.—Cr. Welhiuan said country people bringing into towii produce required a weighbridge, which was a public convenience.—Tlits Mayor said the position chosen was not sufficiently central to make it useful. A batter arrangement ought to bo made. It wanted overhauling badly, which the engineer could attend to if it were removed to the pumping station.— The amendment was negatived.—Cr. Welsman moved as a further amendment that the matter bo referred back u£iiin to Public Works Com-mittee.-—Cr. Sidey seconded.—Cr. McVay thought it was childifh to send tho question for a third timu to the Public Works Committee, is they knew all about it, and they had all made up their minds on the subject.—Referred back to Public Works Committee for further consideration.

Clause :i was expunged. An amendment to tho effect that tin: Council pay tho cost of the telephone, on the motion of Cr. McVay, being carried. Clauses 4, f>, 0, 7, and S, were carried without discunnion.

Clause !) was referred to the Public Works Committee, th<; ovomeer to report as to the best means of watering Shakespeare hill.

The Council then adjourned.

Tiie Temperature.

Ru.-,5e11.. .. 05 Nelson .. .. 63 Itokianga Heads <J1 Westport .. 02 Miinukau Heads 01 Gray mouth .. — Auckland .. 69 Hokitika .. 57 Thames .. BR Bealy .. ..55 Cambridge .. 03 Lyttelton .. 67 THuranjjn .. C 5 Tiniaru .. 5S Taupo .. .. 01 Oamaru .. 00 Gisborne .. 01 PortCbalmeru.. 55 Napier.. ~ 71 Dunedin .. 52 Castlepoint .. 00 Clyde .. ..50 New Plymouth si> Queenstown .. -59 Wanyanui .. 08 Balclutha .. b'2 Wellington .. 00 Invwcargill ~ 00 Blenheim .. 07 Bluti .. ..63 Kaikoura .. Go

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Bibliographic details

Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5676, 7 November 1889, Page 3

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Borough Council. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5676, 7 November 1889, Page 3

Borough Council. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5676, 7 November 1889, Page 3