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LYNDON & SIDET. FOR SALE. A FARM of about 32 acres of rich alluvial soil, in grass, divided into convenient paddocks, with two artesian wells. A good six-roomed house, with kitchen, dairy, niilning shed, stables, and. other buildings, garden, and a good orchard. Within four miles of Napier. Most of purchasing money ruay remain on mortgage. Apply to LYNDON & SEDEY, Auctioneers, Napier. EDMUND BLACK. EDMUND BLACK. LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. T ICENSED Laud Broker under the Land J!_J Transfer Aot. —All business under this department receives my immediate attention, and is completed with despatch at very moderate charges. Share Broker— Shares bought and sold on COJnttISSION ONLY. House Agent.—Rents collected, and ever} , description of Houue Agency undertaken on reasonable terms. Properties of all descrip' tions can be submitted to intending purchasers upon application. Register of desirable properties kept. Agent for the North Queensland Marine Insurance Company. .Financial Agent.—Sums from £50 to £20,000 on hand for investment upon approved security. Loan 3of all descriptions negotiated. Land Transfer business of any description effected by Roope Brooking, Licensed Land Broker. Work done with despatch and at moderate charge. Offices : Opposite Post and Telegraph Offieos, Hastings-street, Napier. FINANCIAL. T7DMUND BLACK hae for InvestjOj ment the following Sums at Current Interest:—£7o, £100, £200, £400, £800, £2000, and £7000. SPEIGHT & CO.'S CITY BREWERY, DUNEDIW. HIGH TESTIMONY FROM HOME AS TO THE EXCELLENCY OF OUE ALES. The following communication has just been received by Messrs Speight & Co. (per favor of G. K. West, Eso.) as to the Superior quality of their ales : — ROBB, MOORE & CO., Stkamshii" Fuknisiikes, Ship awd Stoeb Mekchants, 72 .«uid 74, Broomilaw, Glasgow, Nov. 9, 1888. G. R. Wkst, £sq., 135 Eustou Road, London. Dear Sik,—Being intimato with one of the Principal Supervisors of JKxcise hero, I sent him a few dozen of Messrs Speight & Co.'c Dunediu Beer, with tho object of trotting an opinion of the Exciso Chemist on it, and 1 am glad to say ho has pronounced it ono of tho Finest Beers he ever analysed, it having the high specific gravity of 10-80 deg., the greatest amount of spirit, and the best quality of acid he ever camo across. When I toll you that every shipment of Beer going out of tho Clyde must be sampled by tho Exciso Officers, and then anulysed by their Chemists, I consider this opiuion is better than anything elso I could say on it. At present tho Beer is too flat to send to anyone but an expert in the trade, but as soon as it comes into condition I will havo it distributed. Yo:ire, very truly, (Signed) ROBB, MOORE, & CO, Per H. S. Moohe. AS. SPEIGHT &CO. (T. 11. GiFFonn, Napier* Agent), MALSTERS AND BREWERS, DUNKDIN. Report of the Melbourne Jurors — Messbs Speight & Co. also took First and Second Prizes for their Strong Ales at tho Melbouruo Exhibition, 1881 — Vide Jurors' Report. One hundred and twenty Barrels of Beer were submitted quite indiserhnitsately from all parts of tho world, and had to bo tested against ono another at ono and tho samo time. Your Jurors huve had eleven Meetings, extending over a period of one Month, from 20th November to 20th December, and havo deliberated on an averego of thrco hours each Bitting, so that ample time and euro was duly taken to form a correct and acceptable judgment. W. JOHNSON, CiiAinatiN of Jueoes. GLASGOW EXHIBITION, 18S8. A Cask of Alo shown was pronounced by Competent Experts to bo equal to Bubton's Palo Ales. — Vide Evening Star, 14th November. HOUSE COVEIIS. W. EOYD'S CANVAS HORSE COVERS ARE MADE ok toe BEST MATERIAL, ARE THK BEST FIT, ARE THE MOST DURABLE, A.nd give the greatest satisfaction of any Covers mude in Hawko's Bay. PRICES FROM 12s EACH. OILSKIN CLOTHINGofFIRST-CLASS, QUALITY ONLY TENTS, TARPAULINS, RICK COVERS AND SHIT CHANDLERY Of Every Description. "w. Bom SHIP CHANDLER AND SAII.MAKER, POKT AEUBIRI. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." If J iff? ok£ Sow In 8) 3m ''ddL I ► WORLD FAMED The Gheat Blood Pumxuut and Kta-roiuin, For cleansing and clearing tho blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin, and Blood Diseases, Eczema, aud Sores of all kinds, it is ii never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on Face Cures Scurvy Sores Cures Cuuccrous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skiu Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings Clean) the Blood from all impure mutter From whatever cause arising. Clarke's Blood Mixture. s the only real Specific for Gout and Rheumatic pniiip, for it removes the cause from the blood and bones. As this mixture is pleasant to tho taeto, and warranted free from anything injurious to tho most delicate constitution of cither sex, tho Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its valuo. " It in entirely freo from any poison or metallic impregnation, does not con- : tain any injurious ingredient, and is a j good, liafo, and useful medicine.— ! ALFRED SWAINE TAYLOR, M.D. F.H.S., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence und Toxicology." "Tho Hon. Surgeon to His Exeollency the Viceroy of India prescribes Clurko's Blood Mixture largely, and speaks highly of its eftiouoy in skin atl'ections, kc. On thia account wo wrote asking if you could supply the Mixture for dispensing purposes."— Letter from A. John and Co., Druggists, &c, Agra, India, June 5, 188b. " West Cowcs, Isle of Wight, September, 1888. •' Dear Sirs, —Through the merits of your exi.ellt-iit Clarke's Blood Mixture tho largo red pimples which covered my face are fast disappearing. For iv long time I put up with tho discomfort of those pimples, thinking thut nothing would do any good. At I was persuaded to try your medicine, and now 1 havo taken ono bottle they are rupidly vanishing-. It cannot bo too highly recommended, und 1 am most grateful. I will toll all my friends about it, but they really do not requiro telling, because they can sen the dilierenoe for themselves. You may publish this if needful.—l am, urratefullv yours "ISLA GERALDINE RIPON." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS Clarke's Bluod Mixture is sold in Bottles 2s 3d each, and in cases, containing nix times the quantity, 1 In—sufficient to eflect a permanent care in the fp-e;;t majority of long stnndiug cast*, by nil CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout tho world. Proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drora Co:ui>.vny, Lincoln, KTi-land. Trade Mark —" Blood Mixture," CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture should *ec that they get tho genuine article. Worthless imitations are sometimes palmed oil' by unprincipled vendor*. The words " Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are eiigrtn-ed on the Government Stamp, and "Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture." blown in the Bottle, WITHOUT WHICH NONE ARE GENUINE. |

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5660, 19 October 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5660, 19 October 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5660, 19 October 1889, Page 4