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I "•■ • ■..'.'. ... .i ~; .' ;■., :i ,';;. '~;■■„•.'•.■. ;..;/,,i'-^!i-(j^'>.'. , ;!i'lW<s,W-i | *»>i 173, William street (near Bourke street), „ 'v Melbourne, 23rd April, 1889. I hereby beg to inform the Public of Auckland thatMn. E. M. HaLLETT, of 196, 1 Queen street, holds tHo SOLE AGENCY for the WONDERFUL WERTHEIM SEWING MACHINES for Auokland and adjacent distriots. \ ■. - .. *'•_» Mr. HaUett having of late received Borne extensive shipments, is in a position to MF v supply the Wertheim New High-arm Machines, of RECENT IMPROVED These Maohines contain many VALUABLE ADVANTAGES, and important improVe- , "Jj mente, as compared with our Machines of former years. 1 " * fl We have had the satisfaotion of receiving the following HIGH awards within the ■ last twelve months:— ,1 I FIRST AWARD, ADELAIDE EXHIBITIO-7 .1 | GOLD MEDAL, BARCELONA EXHIBITION \ ; 1 FIRST ORDER FOR EXC_iLLENCE, BRUXELLES EXHIBITION . FIRST ORDER OF MERIT, MELBOURNE EXHIBITION JOSEPH WERTHEIM, Sewing Machine Manufacturer, Frankfort (Per Ms Attorney, Hugo Wertheim). , THE Napier Branoh of the above Agency is now opened in those suitable Premises lately ocoupied by Mr Jacobs, Hastings street, nearly opposito the Government Post Office. As I import direot from the Manufacturer (Joseph W-iiTHEi—) tho Public can depend upon having a genuine Wertheim Sewing Machine of the very latest improvements. A written Guarantee is given with every Machine purchased to keep in good order and repair for three years free of charge, and a further Guarantee for ten years; but they will last your lifetime and you may pass them on as heirlooms. A competent person will be sent to teach the working of the Machine and the use oi the appliances. On reoeipt of order Machines packed and sent to any part of the North Island free of charge. ' Oils, Needles, and all parts of Machines in Stock. Catalogues and Price List Post Free. ..;,....- •. •.. ':..,;■ INSPECTION INVITED. - * - USE THE WERTHEIM REFINED SPERM OIL. IT NEVER CLOGS. „ \ BEWARE OF "IMITATIONS, As none aro genuine without bearing the Manufacturer's Name and Trade Mark. EM XT A" TT 17 TP-'T SOLE AGENT AND IMPORTER, HASTINGS STREET, N__?l___. \ Head Office : 196, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. ________

j ASK FOR EMPIRE COMPANY'S It is in every way the purest and best ' baking powder offered to the public. H Makes unrivalled Scones and Pastry. Sold JM l in Tins at 6d, Is, Is 6d, and 2s each. * ■ i yf. &G. TURNBULL & CO., - "_W ) Proprietora. t^jf \ WEST CLIVE GROCERY DRAPERY | , AND BOOT WAREHOUSE. - , | _*btab_i_h_d, 1860. a WE beg to advise our Friends __£~■ Customers of the arrival of Largo AMM Consignments of '^H f NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS 1 ! MM r Consistingof about 3 Tons GeneralMerehan disc, 1 Ton Of Best White Sugar direct jm from the Colonial Sugar Company's Faotory and also 2} Tons Local and Southern Flour, a large lot of splendid Soap just to hand, 4 : jH 3 which we are selling from 3d per bar, Oat- JP meal, direct from tho South and at Toinr*~it i. Prices. . ' j! io BOOTS ! BOOTS I! BOOTS !1! *_\ o Hannah's Boots and Shoos at Hannah's i. Prioes. Ladies' Warm Slippers from le, Men's Boots from 4s lid, Children's Boots N from9d. DRAPERY! HOSIERY! MILLINEBT, f. All at Town Prices, and selling daily in - large quantities. In fact the increase in "" v our business every week gives oonolueive B> proof that we have carefully studied our 8 ' Clients' interest in buying the best value in ' the Cheapest Market. ~ ; ______ '£,_. m VEGETABLE SEEDS 1 F*_X>W_&R , S___DS ! Having accepted the Agency for _ Justly Celebrated' Seeds wo intend dtixjA^^f*- - the next Seven Days to give ****?_ balanoe of last Season's Stock *^J___f______\ Frenoh Beans and Broad Beai>», , Onions, Cabbage,&o. Vegetable Seeds abundance given away to all Cuitoraers buying 6s and upwards of NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! ON SALE. — Oaten Sheaf Chaff, Fowl Wheat, Oats, Bran, Potatoes, &0., &o. Agent for Canterbury Times and Local Papers. WEST CLIVE GROCERY DRAPERY * - AND BOOT WAREHOUSE, S. G. THORNTON, PROPRIETOR. SPECTACLES. j ia A LEVI, PRAOTIOAtf OFITOIAN, _M _. _____ Hastings street.—All defects nf_^H io vision thoroughly tested and aeoumtolj^^H it fitted with tho Optical aid to perfect eightj^^H o Very large stock of Pebbles in Gold, Silvei^^H is and Steel Spectaoloand Folder Framf-^^H it Optical Glass Spectacles, all qualities^^H Carataots, Deep Concaves, Riding, Foldt_^^^fl and Smoke Concaves. Cylindrioahi, Pris^^H matics, Telescopes and Field Glaseea, 6__^^H Colored Glasses. Repairs accurately madfl^^H New Lenses, Frames, &c, fitted. Octtulistt^^^l prescriptions carefully filled. * Always arriving — Latest Tobaoooni^^^B Novelties in Wooden and Meersoh-nS^^B 8 Pipes, Pouches, Cigarotte Holders ">>J_____H Cases, Walking Sticks, and all TobaooO-^^H Sundries. Turkish, Egyptian,and Amerio^^^H Cigarettes, and a large assortment" brands of Tobaccos and Cigars. ___________! W* * J. b 1 A P L~_fj-^H *BOOT MA-nJFACTITRERS, W-LLTNGtOK, And manufacturers of Goods bearing tlu^^H above well-known and oelebrated br&ndji^^H axe glad to be able to announoe to tba^^H inhabitants of Napier that advioe is still freely received from all part- of this colony giving testimony of the superiority of their * Goods, in compirison with those of other _M manufaoturing firms of New Zealand, and *^H attribute their success to the following rules and precautions dirooted to the Goods n when in course of manufacture, and which ' 1H have alwayß been faithfully adhered to.' ,„ [ Ist. First-class workmen only are em- . ployed. , 2nd. None but prime material Is used, m and systematically distributed in -*•! manufacture. 1 3rd. The latest machinery (labor saving) * is employed, hence their ability to . ,u----i undersell -heir competitor.. 4th. The proprietors make it a study to fulfill the wants of their numerous^ customers, by offering them an article P that will bring credit to their houa*v^Lj. and bonbfit also the community, s 6th. And above all, direot their whole attention to' excelling tho Goods of other manufaoturers. In reference to the above, we would remind Householders that tho " Wellington Brand" line in Boots, Shoes, and Slippers can be procured from any bootmaker and principal dealers in the district, andthoee who havo not given the Goods a trial, will do well to do so, and thereby enoourags ihe employment of labor in the colony,;;|jk_d Local Indußtries in general, and additionally benefit themselves by keeping money within the oolony. Storekeepers, Boounakers, and Warehousemen may rely on a speedy and satis- A factory issue of any of the lavow eatarn>ted M for our execution, and would ask them to ■ address all correspondence to j: J W. &J. STAM-ES, J MANUFACTURERS,, ___ St. Hr-L-STRBB-, WELrJrGTON. ____\ , OOOTE ROAD BAKERY. -j^^l J. Il.lJLAlli^^H GROCER, BAKER, FECTIONER^^^^^^^H HAVING Purchased carried on by W. having Twenty-five Years' the Colonial Market, thorough knowledge of the _______________________{ Flour and strict attention to to fair share of pubh^^^^^^^^^^^H Mako one trial of his Self specially prepared by himsel^^^^^^^^^^^H Orders punctually attcnde_^^^^^^^^^^^H C'tREAM OF SCoTC________________H " BREAD To be had of all Storekeepei_^__________________H Grocers, and Wine ~______________________H K*________________________|

HOT LAKES. HOT LAKES. HOT LAKES. LAKE VIEW HOUSE, Oh-N-bkutu, Rotorua. PRIVATE Board and Residence. Conducted by Mbs Seddon. Termß, 30s per week or 5s per day. No Agents. TOURISTS TO THE HOT I****™ 1 * DISTRICT ARE respectfully informed that tho PALACE HOTEL, OHINEMUTU, is the principal hotel on Lake Rotoiua, and is the centre from whence excursions are made to all tho sights of the Wonderland of New Zealand. JOSEPH McRAE. Proprietor. STORTFORD LODGE HOTEL. j WM. STOOK wishes to inform the Public, Stock-owners, Breeders, &<>., that the Stortford Lodge Hotel will be found complete, with every comfort for themselves and first-class accommodation for their Stock. Sheep and Cattle Yards. WINES AND SPIRITS OF BEST BRANDS. WILLIAM STOOK. ~T\ RITE R I O N;, FAMILY AND GOMMEROIAL HOTEL. Night Porter In A-jot-t>amc_ P. GORMAN .. .-. __«j?_nrrOß. EMPIRE HOTEL, WAIPAWA. ALEXANDER SORTMGEOUR bege to inform his numerous old friends and patrons, commercial gentlemen, and the public generally, that he m>a now completed rui-n-shing the new Empire Hotel, which ia beyond question the best most comfortable and conunodiouß Hotel between Wellington and Napier. The accommodation for Commercial Gentlemen has been c_refully studied. PRIVATE SUITES FOR FAMILIES. The cuisine is under careful supervision, and the Brands of Wines and Spirits are of the Highest and Choicest Quality. Flower and Fruit Gardens iix. connection. ALEX. SORXMaEOUR, Proprietor. THE RAIL*Vf AY HOTEL, HASTINGS THOMAS MORG-JST... Propri-tob. THE above Hotel will be found replete with every comfort, and its nearness tc the Railway Static*. makes it specially eon* vonient for the teaselling public THE BEST LIQU ORS ONLY KEPT I_ l-TOCE-SWAN'S XXXX; "BEER A SPECIALITY F__*>DTE'S CLARENDO N CLUB HOTEL, Napieb OppositePosii and Telegraph Offices adjoining Colo) aial Bank. Younger' Edir_burgh Ale always oi draught. T. PEDDIE, Proprietor. THE RACE For Trade, like tho contests on the aok, n only won by hard perseverance. The wideawake meirchant has to be always on the alert. Ever on the look-out for the benenl of our oust »mers (and ourselves), wo have forged ab.ead in all lines of first-cla_ TaSo_ing, and now offer them at Priooß that CANNOT -JE EQUALLED, A WARNING. On January Ist the Ma nufacturers of Tweeds i and Coatings formwl a Combination or Trust, and advanced Prioes nearly 100 per cent. Being well posted, wo placed our orders BEFORE the Combination was formed, » WE GOT AHEAD OF THEM, And can offer you these goods for nearly one-half of what othor houses must ask. Call in nnd examine our fine assortment of goods, and you will bo convinced. A FEW QUOTATIONS. Suits to Measure £2 10 0 " " "" ".' '". 3 0 0 ' ...3 5 0 ,> ii EXTRA iTRO USERS WITH EACH SUIT. EEMEMBER ! lf**f Tho Prico is Plainly Marked on Each Article, from which there is No Doviation. Your Littlo Child Can Buy as Safely as You. $j_F Send for Now Catalogue of Goods and Prices. Sent T?ree to any Address. Get ono. As wo pay at tho rate of over £5000 A Year in Wages, Your Favorable Consideration is Requested. J. H DALTON, XAID O R , Hastings Street, Natter. 43, Cuba Street, j 210, Queen Street, Wellington. I Auckland. HAWKE'S BAY ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY. SETTLERS desirous of obtaining Trout Ova this Season are requested to apply to the undersigned not later than the 30th June. Prioo for 5,000 and upwards, 30s per 1000 Price for 10,000 and upwards, f 1 per 1000 Delivered to any part of the District. O A. FITZROY, Hon. See.

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5565, 1 July 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5565, 1 July 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5565, 1 July 1889, Page 4