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FERNHILL GENERAL STORES • GOOD AND; SEASONABLE GOODS - * MB Mf^T^k SADDLERY AND BOOTS >: % Akakoa rangatira, tangata ware xanei; |jfff|flF™M'w ' TE ™ua E koL?si?ef };Hl ' ' ; PAANAHIRA, OMAHU;> - Hemea uta hou mai ana hanga i runga i THE EMPIRE .COMPANY nsra tima rore tika toau mai ki tenei motu. _ , ~ , „ . • ■ . . . Hβ Tera. he Paraire, hePuutu, he aha noa Pack the foUowing standard brands of CShoice Teas, viz:— 1- & —*„ "DRAGON,"3/-"ELEPHANT,"2/8 "MIKADO,2/utu keniea noa inabaere mai te tangata me U n~DT?Q.PT?'W , V " did »xj-n <( " ft/ft temoiiiitonaaiya. ;_ UllßObrjlM, x5/t) AND - XiMiTllU!/, /C//C : LAUNDERS, GILBERD, & CO., ALSO, THE CELEBRATED s >*»*™»*». >».... "HOUDAH," 3/- " KANCiRA VALLEY," 2/10 Tallow Merchants, BRANDS. ay * <i »n,i~a7r -PTH7T? These latter are PtmE INDIAN TEAS of robust growth, poseessing great strength Ask for S. and tt.s*LKSr TRI/liS and purity of flavor, especially intended for connoieseurs. YEIiLOW SOAP. _______ ~S • S ialitv SOLE A GENTS a peo ty. fqr the oelebrated (ALPHA ESTATE). All Orders will receive onr prompt and _ W. & G. TURNBULL & CO., Postal Abdbkss: " Box 126. Napier. WELLINGTON. ' J.H.D. TNVITES THE PEOPLE OF HAWKE'S BAY TO INSPECT /S PRICE LIST— fHIS STOCK OF yS SUITS. NEW SUMMER GOODS, £ 8 * FOR STYLE AND QUALITY, ' 3 0 0 /wiSi CANNOT BE yS 3 10 ° SURPASSED. yS 3 15 0 PRICE LIST- .jS felii^Sa > >^ 1 / THE PUBLIC TROUSERS. X f H^l X HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OP IP^I ■/ GETTING THE BEST GOODS If IB I " / MADE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER, II &k \ _/ VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE CASH PRICES. W Uf ' 15 0 ~, /„ ; _ : AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY SUIT OVER £3 15s.

E WELLWOOD. SALE OF HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, TALLOW AND WOOL, AT HASTINGS. MR R. WELLWOOD Will hold his next SKIN, HIDE, WOOL, AND TALLOW SALE ON TUESDAY, 2nd APRIL, 1889, At 12 o'clock, At his Sale-rooms, Hastings. R. WELLWOOD, Hastings. FOR SALE AT HASTINGS. 7 ACRES 3 roods and 26 perches of firstclass Land, water laid on, with good Nitie-rootnud House. Terms easy. For price and further particulars apply to R. WELLWOOD, I Auctioneer, Hastings. FOR SALE OR TO LET AT HASTINGS. TMVE ACRES OF FIRST-CLASS V LAND with 4-roomed Cottage thereon, Fecurelv fenci-d and subdivided, halfucro planted with fruit trees. Terms easy. For price and further particulars apply to R. WELLWOOD, Auctioneer, Hastings. R WELLWOOD has For Sale Crushed • Oat.s and Crushed Barley for Horse Feed ; aleo Ground Barley for Pijr Feed. RWKLLVVOOD is prepared to Crush , or Grind Corn for his Customers at a reasonable price. R WELL WOOD has for Sale privately, . . on account of Messrs Hocken Bros., of Feilding, Broken and Unbroken Draught horses. R. WELLWOOD, .A.uciioaeer. R WELLWOOD has for »a'.e, on . account of Various Owners, & large number of all descriptions of Sheep. R. WELLWOOD, Auctioneer. SEASON 1883. R WELLWOOD is now prepared to . take in Grass Seed for cleaning by Druminond's Patent Dresser. TURNIP SEED FOR SALE. /""I OOD Local Grown Turnip Seed for U sale cheap. r Auctioneer. RWKLLWOOD (as Agent for the Huwke'e Buy Timber Compaay) has on hand a good stock of MaUu Firewood, Sawn and Split Palings (dresaed, rough, and pointed). FOR SALE, HALF-ACRE of Land, well fenced, with 2-Roomed House. To be sold CheßP ' R. WELLWOOD, Hastings. FOR SALE. j A WELL-FINISHED 4 - Roomed House (fitted with Range) and $ acre of Land, well fenced VELLwooDi Auctioneer. REGULAR Fortnightly Sales of Stock on every alternate ■ Wednesday ; also, at Auction Room, Sale of Furniture, Produce, &c. Private Auction Sales arranged for in any part of the Province. R. WELLWOOD, Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent, Hastings, H.B. PRO CLA M ATION. A. E.ITEED, LADIES' AND GENTIjEMAN 'S HAIRDRESSER AND TOBACCONIST, Has emoved to thoso CWerally Situated Premises know as RULE'S CAFE, HASTINGS STREET R. D. Pimk invites inspection of the Ladies and Gentlemen's Haw dressing Rooms which are second to xii jne in Napier. Ladbs' Combings and every description f Hair Work at Cli cap Rates. haircuttlngT sixpence AT MASONIC HAIBDREUSING SALOON, Hastings" Stbkkt. T IVERY AND BAIT STABLES. Opposite Bailwhy Foteo, Hastings. CB AS. APPERLEY * Moteato Charge, to got a share of public patronage. Horse Feeds ]j) ivery .. • • * * Horses carefully SholTn the Premises by First-class men. , W.SYMONDST" COACH AND WHEEL FACTORY, HASTINGS. Repairs and with Despatch at Reasonable Charges. wheelJTre-tired. General Smith, Engineer and Turner. Traps exchanged or taken in part payment for new ones. W. SYMONDS, ■ i HASTINGS.

A.'PETERS, BOOT AND SHOKMAKER Opposite Pacific Hotel. HASTINGS, WISHES to inform his friende and the public of Hastings that he has started in the above line, and can promise ' Ladies and Gentlemen every satisfaction, low charges, and promptness. Repairs neatly executed. TIT &J. STAPLES, BOOT MANUFACTURERS, WbIiLINOTOM, And manufacturers of Goods bearing the above well-known and celebrated brand, are glad to be able to announce to the inhabitant*) of Napier that advice is etill freely received from all parts of this colony giving testimony of the superiority of their Goods, in comparison with thoeo of other manufacturing firms of New Zealand, and attribute their success to the following rules and precautions directed to the Goods when in courso of manufacture, and which have always been faithfully adhered to. let. First-class -workmen only are employed. 2nd. None but pnmo material is need, and systematically distributed in manufacture. 3rd. The latest machinery (labor saving , ) is employed, hence their ability to undersell their competitors. 4th.. The proprietors make it a study to fulfill the wants of their numerous customers, by offering them an article that will bring credit to their house, and benefit also the community. sth. And above all, direct their whole attention to excelling the Goods of other manufacturers. In reference to the above, wo would remind Householders that the " "Wellington Brand " line in Boots, Shoos, and Slippers can bo procured from any bootmaker and principal dealers in the district, and those who have not (riven the Goods a trial will do well to do so, and thereby encourage the employment of labor in the colony, and Local Industries in general, and additionally benefit themselves by keeping money within the colony. Storekeepers, bootmakers, and Warehousemen may rely on a speedy and satisfactory issue of any of the favors entrusted I for our execution, and would ask them to address all correspondence to W. & J. STAPLES, MANUFACTURERS, St. Hill-stesot, Wellington. "ZEALAJNTDIA" BOOTSTHESE Celebrated Boots have STOOD JL the TEST for THIRTEEN YEARS ; they hare been solil throughout the colony, and are to-day MORE POPULAR THAN EVER ; in the busy city or in the quiet forest thoir fame is known to thousands. THE SPLENDID WEAR And reputation of this brand havo arisen from the fact that only first-class materials are used, and none but good workmen are employed in their manufacture. TESTIMONIALS Have been received from hundreds of customers, certifying to the splendid wear of these Boots, and tho Public are guaranteed against loss from bad workmanship. A Boot with such a reputation naturally leads to other troods being offered, purporting to bo " Zieaiandias," but this is a registered Trado Brand, and every pair is stamped on the sole "Zkalandia, and any other Boot ie not a genuine " Zkalandxa " unless bearing the stamp. THESE CELEBRATED BOOTS Have hud extraordinary success at the various Exhibitions. In Sydney and Melbourne they obtained the Highest Colenial Awards ; at Christchurch and Wellington Exhibitions they obtained the only Gold Medals, and have been placed first at local Shows and Exhibitions too numerous to mention ; and at the recent INDIAN AND COLONIAL EXHIBITION they were pronounced the FINEST EXHIBIT in the whole Exhibition. (Sco Sir Julius yon Maast's letter to Sir Julius Vogel). And as this was in competition against tho British Empire, it is something to bo fairly proud of. Lot all thoHO who want Strong, Hardwearing, Good-fitting Boots, buy a pair of ' ZEALANDIAS," and they will nevor use any other, Sold by Storekeepeers and Boot and Shoe Doalers throughout New Zealand, and manufactured for the trade by LIGHTBAND, ALLAN & CO., Christchurch. See that the brand " ZEALANDIA " is stamped on the sole. The new " PARAGON " BOOT patented by us, and the INDESTRUCTIBLE TOE are splendid things; and we also highly recommend " Corrick's Patent Boot Baok Protectors." LTGHTBAND. ALLAN & CO. T> ROOF of Debt Forms can be obtained at R. T. Smythe's, Stationer, Hastings Street.

F. ALGAR. npHE undersigned has £7000 to lend in X sums from £100 upwards at 8 per cent, on good freehold security; also will advance sums from £5 to £100 on personal security, repayable by weekly or monthly instalments, and will discount bills to any amount at rates as per agreement. F. ALGAR THE HAWKE'S BAY PROPERTY GAZETTE. THE Undersigned has .properties for sale in all parts of the Province, and has compiled a Gazette entitled the "Hawko's Bay Property Gazette," in which will be found a largo number of properties of every description comprising: and Country Reeidenceti, sections of land in Town and Country, &0., &o. The Gazette is open for inspection to intending purchasers or investors at my office, Tennyson-street. Parties having properties for sale should avail themselves of this opportunity of placing them before a large number of oonstituente. Properties advertised when specially requested. F. ALGAR, Land and Estate Agent, Napier and Clivo. FR ED K. ALGAR, West Cuvb and Napieb, FINANCIAL, LAND, AND COMMISSION AGENT. Sub-Agent for Union Fire and Marine, Insurance Company. Monoy in any sums always available for investment. Office at Napier: Opposite Herald Office. MONTAGUE LASOELLES. FOR SALE AT WAIPUKUKAU, HALF- ACRE OF LAND, conveniently situated near. Railway Station, with three new well-fiuishecl Four-roomed Cottages, let to good tenants and giving a return of 15 per cent, on the purchase money. The above is a splendid opportunity for anyone desiring an investment. MONTAGUE LASCELLES. FOR SALE AWELL-FINIdHED Four-roomed House, with Scullery, situate in Sale Street, Napier. Prioe low. MONTAGUE LASCELLES. FOR SALE OR LEASE QAA ACRES of First-class Bush /GtXjxJ Land, situate at Blackburn, Makuretu, partly feuced ; thirty acres felled uud in grans. Easy Terms. MONTAGU 3 LASCELLES. FOR SALE. A NEWLY Erected Well Finished Fivejl\. roomed House, with Wash-house, Section well fenced, and situate further end of Hastings Street, near Mr Rudman's Residence. PRICE-£290. £50 Cash. BManco Easy Terms. MONTAGUE LASCELLES. MONTAGUE LASCELLES, TKNKVBON Stubi-t, Napiee, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, Has for Sale or Lease, Town and Country Residences, Bush Farms, Village Sections, Hotels, Goneral Stores, &c. Money to Lend n sums to suit j borrowers TELEPHONE NO. 105. ! HAWKE'S BAY FOUNDRY, FORT NAPIER. GALLOWAY AND NIYEN Havino Eekotkd LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WORKSHOPS IN WRIGHT STREET Fitted with the Latest Machine Tools and Appliances are Prepared to ENGINEERING AND°BOILER WORK Of Evebt Dksceiition. Makers of Flax Machinery, Strippers, Scuthere and I'rensers. Complete Plants supplied including Engine. Gas Engines and Agricultural Machinery Repaired. BOILER WORK A SPECIALTY. Designs and Specifications of Mills, Factories, and Machinery of every Description Supplied. ESTIMATES GIVEN. JF. FISCHER MECHANICAL ENGINEER, DICKENS-STEEET, NaTJBB. Settler should be without the TRIUMPH HAND THRESHING MACHINE, The Simplest, Cheapest, and Best. MAKER OF FINSOH'S PATENT ENSILAGE COMPRESSOR. Simple, Durable, and Effective All kinds of Machinery Made, Repaired, or Sot Up. BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, &0., Repaired on the shortest notice. Carpenters Bench Screws made to order. F. FISCHER being a thoroughly practical Engineer patrons may rely on having any work entrusted to him executed with nffttiipSK find i3'.«patph NIGHTSOIL CONTRACT. ALL Communications of any kind regarding Night Noil Contract must be tt.idrnwi'd r« A. G. Laiduw. P. 0.. Napier. pREAM OF SCOTCH WHISKY. ' \J "BREADALBANE." lo bo had of all Storekeepers, Hotellieepers. , ! Grocers, and Wiuo Merchants. Agents: ' DAVIDSON, IRVINE & CO., ' Napier and Wellington. NOTICE thai it X to apply at the next , meeting- of Uie Hawkea Bay County Council for a Slaughtering License for Section No. 133, Petane. t r , , ' F. NEWLAND, March 9th, 1889. {

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5488, 29 March 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5488, 29 March 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5488, 29 March 1889, Page 4