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••■•- ""■ '■-• "' "'" • ■"■ ■•' Tii i ••im^a&mm ; %?:BJEroGNIS^;f^ : ;/L :i; :thoße;^ ; toaj&ny3 !^^ that for sbei&^2i^:xa^JDnn^;.^h^±-:-; Clothing'nbne , ' dan beat Mollis & QkiltimsxtfiCfirJ^. ; .' j A~Tlhe olpaaflfi |,x\. theßaianop of our Summer'Stook at 3U r 'Exteaordfoairy ; greatly ';, .■■-;■-"; greatly reduced;,- LVHe^l 'Underclothing,j' : ;.;•,■;.';."..; ■ ; §peoially good qnalitiesrgreatly reduoed et : :', '"'..': .'■' ■.'Maghed & ~ •■' \- ~.,'■~ -■„ V,- ,: ,;■'■ ' ' [TALSarcil"-of■ -but" 'tWook a oPißoysVtf; ■". >- ; - . 3,; routha,',' and Men's, Clothing at; , ;" : . ,iriatiy'rediSe'd^fceW« J Hats;* 1565, aiitt 1, ':,.-■.. fhirts at astoniehinglv, low prices, at, the. ' ; : rena^rm^key^afMiJrtii,-fel6k&gMii , l'. rf "i- ■ :.. ; " P?ROM BRADFORD : New.Dreas ,£9pd.B' > ; : .t_i in all the very latest materials in both .• \ .•?; angle and double widths, new Plushes and. ?rimmingsto match. FROM GLASGOW: , New Goodq-jforj a|L* departntente:jn full y ~ .-■ imposed it will -be our especial aim- to- ~gi ; emr customers the very jtoest value obtainable ; for new fashionable Drapery. Try Bobinv r. fV '■ : ' 1; j, :3, ?: -Ul, : Imrefs7HATWHlfrs 11!Taatfrefmf. • . •■ JIL Ex e.s. Dorio Directfrora the Manufacturers. An immense variety of Mens , , Youths'*. Boyg? &Hd;VltttJeL -mftfZ v Ghip, Peral, and other , . >iakes. Newest. Shape?/, prwfc pd»jlo 17a flid. Inspection' Sbheitp.—iproiaHp" and r ':.'•' 'Tbohasc Hatters, 1 Hosieta, anegGtertttematfs Outfitters. ; | . ; .?^r : - f .^ft , - ;;. . i'iypßS. PEEBBLE EA^£ t , ■':y ■ latticeße^^f^op^o^^^of^f^;|;;v|:' • j]Vf ,ES, .wants &;<Ho»pm3fl)[; ,■ '3 : ', ixJt ;,» W.aitsess, $c.«; General- Sealants,; atid a^raji|iW(J!&.vW£"t- '}, .t|>wn,and>country.,,Pojria'r,HettS^.^ ttoeetm" .*■ Ji .y:;n>ni.iTt' ■;■' y r.!Vy>i!i.fata Ooi^try;Kotieli m ' , y&^y^fip^V:^ : -:- ■:■ ■of this Pftpeft'- or : <■.!&. '.Hagjyß, B(jt^ifflf,_H^a^ngB M :- ~r.; , "ff,: ".;\, fJt , T V- :\ •; •{ v" i \\l"p hattd.Light Expiesp foe ona- Jjorße*:!.! , f 1 Apply W. Blboutne,/ Eriketapu, 'or' E.lw.. ! ji.-.yr . ? ; .il/.- -t Oi •.-■,■>■(■ '':•■ ; tUJPANTSlSD—Intending -pHwjhaeera■ of' , l 3^fc.^DraFfetr' Vi l» ;; Wiow--tliis't?i i ßif^ i ' t £- ; .-. : Hoßnraoirisinow opeping>tap 17^P«s«8 ,; aHd*i ■; Mfeiexr IflEST'* SkIPMENT'OP'NEW (K)ODa«iforllibe/l 'Gtand l! !Dißp&yJ'{ni& few I ** , . daysafcEoßtibi^ >^<nßrjl<TOßfa'ee^<V-s':r: : to«; ! tt7 t aWt^^' l ß^ , aitouf,l I sH/eaW!o\4ii': . W^^W^ydi'BkiKna^efj - ?i T V': ;■■■■ i iiCwaßmEN ,-■,, .• V' ';■ W: ■p , erOatt"load;m^FCaenaitoififf l - 1 T ~ : : ,'jnfii Riveter, and Cutler {late of ShefaeMJihii ; ' Umbrellas.'maa&'itoj ordeu, fiid''■■■;• rdpaisea. . mAU Made bt Glass ' and: Ohiiaftf'' Neatly-Hiveted<ao Gemeiitftiadd);''' '* r|-oanpd atattdaeral»PrioeeiV.tJAll'-MhdßioHw Oatlerfylr>tafefuUy jiGreund imd-i^PoUAe*." , . ]I|eftOff .Glothiog ortEomitutei'liongM beiti . , taKen dnfexohange ion workt» «3Note*i .tW«: . Gk' oexti'taiiQiisßauDAonf 'H ■: Ooachffluilderj Hastttigis stroett'ilfapie^x^.ft"-,. • *to^'''»tefa*str^^ f ' ■■ ; ■[ W-jM ... .Jam. AppleSi iEealSw "And CMokWjgr, "by ' ', 'tnelb'.'-'cMel dt'toii'i Sm xeaiis, BaSsheH, >. . , .ApriooWlnfl 'in arid %ni' df ; c'bniltii &ttplo I lo''b;e f j' "»>¥BiS'o*,Good.^o-tttfdgei'^o.■'.*■. - •.■''' .arrlv6 a;tatee andt^a^_; iJ( , Dulich ,, aud BTO|ra. ji'/,./ -■; ! BuM! 1 ■ tt. GdaDAB»;' 'Agent J.. T ;• ■' j .->•■■•: ~ well giree the best; price : or "Second' Bandc furniture, , Gentei'iCJaßt off Clothing and Boo)cs. thing taken in, Exchange.;; Booker ebld<-TO.,TJ ; lent by tho vepk, ,For oHia Cheap—lttwif valid'Si Couch, Double andp-Single,,;lron-: 4* •-, Bedsteadef and Mattrassea, Ladies'-;Sido.,f ' Saddle, 1 Crockery, and , Gl»*e*ara »t :ua->t% : , heard,Mof:r.pncee,:,«.Notesfte:vAddreespii!| , : 'VijaiOTTv i)KPor» Opposite<Bweu'ft 3rewety» n? V.,: ; ? Vyhite,Boad. .■■ :■;:■ ■■■■:■!:.; /■- .Vl. ■J!^wT , \;r.-'ff: : -/ '.';• : .' W" "PREBBLE has received 20 , oaeii^■!..'. ■~ ':•■ :-. ■• ! LEMX>N^ S - i':^w>?oaae» ''good , :.'";::- ' Eipe PEAES; Green WagesV and Peaohfeij"- ;' alsoa good assortment of Rock aid Water-' ci ! Melons, and other lojial-Pruite 1 : ;H6fflouiiJ;f and oufeide-groVn G'raiißß, j 'Now■■JFilbettt" r, f •. ..-.'.; andWali-uW Also/ Smoked MULWE , -, and' r : :r SCIIN;-APPER. , fDr«ied;; ; •■ '; alffayeoaMnd. , :'... ■"• ••• •: ■'^*"-''"'- i "-:.•"/.;*■. T^T^TT^O^AEAFENOII^GPOSTS, ■.' V ; " , ' ..... .. ..I. ,■ ■.','.. " . j-: , . "T.yrr^-^ TO' LET—A hpuie in i Street.'',' Apply J. AleaanMf.'' ' : •; '•"■ rpo, -LET-rrFiye»roomedi H ou fi'*?"" ; with}' 1 .kitchen W U> *, \ 8 week,., Apply.ofaoe of thia,• p^p^. .^, -■,* ~,. 'T 0 «f PUBOHASXNtt ■-*■ CLAUSE— rhat' conveniehtir sittt-' v ated Property •, n id wa y "between 1 GliveVand 1 ';3 Haveloek, ar d dirootly 6^ bßite i M^fieiai n!:. coataini'-ggj aoros<good latidj hous6"con* i! 1 I - room 8) arteeian welVorfehd^'aina , I t I ivory convenience. , ' Apply ' ' ' ' ■■■ -■'■■ ''f , ' ■■''■>' •'' : 'l r ,,'""jv '~ .' TO LCT~ T hree-Btallod;Stoble,:wi«iv' Hay Loft, Coaoh-hoiiso,,)and.'rara..,. . ApplyofficoofJDAn.TTkibobapij;, ',', 'i,-, .'/ mo LET—The Commodioue Shop and')? , X-' "Prensisee, corner iof Haetinto 1 Street DickenH Streeti Apply EJWiiKaowles i< <» Dajjyl'smoßiJgQiaoa. ;f '\ y.i *" -•" : : i, 'y' i ■. TO LET—Office; rent very loW.' Ap^iy 1 •■ l>iet'TsaMftisH-Offloe. v ;; ! '-f tKoaED AND RESIDENCES Apply , ' ,, J) at Mrs. Motley's, Madeira , etep»^' ! -',';'» ; j'iOA'BD AN-D RESIDENCE,. • ■ 1). niehod Rocm»,, I?iano, .iand Cblji ~t . ~ ,road,'off.gkitW)tt'd. ''■"- ! 'l ;;',. i: , ;,■ ■'~.....„', ■■' ' B~ OARD AND RESIDENCE at Mre ViHerH's, C^K>te : road v ';.. ; r , ■„, ,„„„ FOR LEASE OR SALE— pleasantly aituuted Cottage at River Terrace, West Clive (at pruwnt in theoocupation of S. G. Thornton), containing cix rooms, with every convenience, artesiim well, &o. Immediate possession given, and ■ terms easy. Apply at the Store, "West 1 Olive. TVTOUNT WILLIAMS BUSH FARM, ijJL Upper Wainui, for transfer; 618 Acres 1 Eood. Inspection,invited. .Terms -, easyl Apply to A. Wimbledon, ; .up to 9th March, '89... . ■ ■ , WALLINGFO RD HOTEL. FOE SALE.—The Goodwill of the lease . (16 years to run from let January next) > -. of the Land on whioh stands the Walling-!. ford Hotel.) The,,Bailding-e consist of.the.. Hotel containing 16 rooms; Stabling of 6 stalb and 2 Loose Boxes; ueect afj.^. I £ Storo; and a Store Shod. Tab whole eeourely . fenced, fhe Coaching., Plant can also bp;;, taken over by agreement. For further partiouhtrs apply to <■ ... <~:'•: GEORGE T. CEOSS, • ; Napier.. : ..; 170R SALE.—Thatprop«rty now in th« 1 ..: oooupatioa of W. Orchard, Market Gardener, near Taradale, consisting of 9 acres 11 perohes. A good Four-rbomed' .-: House, Dairy, Pig-Styes, Outhouses, and Artesian Well. There are 400 Fruit Trees, , 100 Grape Vines, 600 Gooseberry Bushes, !i jof an aero of Strawberry Plants, and 2 acres of Vegetables, the whole being clean and in high tillage. The frontage of 8 chains iejjlanted with Pines, which are now of sufficient height to afford shelter from the worst winds. This offers an opportunity to a euitable person : to at once— realise a return for his 1 ' pride, £985. Terms': 'Hiilf cash;' balance l for %\ years at 6 per.cent, interest. . Apply on. the ..< property, to W. Orchard, with whom termi '■■■•' can be arranged. - - - SEEP'EUN, rI FOE SALE-7000 aoree (with stock 'given' in), Iβ railes-from "' town by dray road, substantially fanoed j and subdivided; large dwelling, stables, &0., ' and all appurtenances neoossary for oonduotI . ing the work 'of the ran ; open country, or ' good quality, and capable of groat im- ,] B provenieht. ; >"Ei H. Rhodes,' Land Agent, ' Woodville. ,J "• ' '"' '"'•'' . is HoIfSALE (i» asx «oiiw—r).—Eoach IJ Liu)ej"Bricke, Fireßrioks; &o. Applyat in GiaororaNiKa .■&; Gbitfsra'a Brick Yard, 1 Enfield road, near new Taradale road. ok . Aeent at 01iv&,.i..:....:.".—JE.8e0fc \ 00 T^OTJND— A Sum of Money. The owner ab JL: >' can it by giving desoyipJiott »nd Davingfor 'advertisement. • •" ' ' ■■"- k ico ■■-. :.■■•:■.■■> ;/■■;- -DAN.,OQTTOK.;:,.V ■ nb F. WILLIAMS hm bat a/Brown.>i 6 d VT and; White, ;Half-Settet. Dog,..regietered under the name of "Carlo; , formerly belonged .to Mr.Haydiii .Anyone '" detaining Dog after this date ■< will ibe j tosecutid. - d. p^._. ..,,,,, „,-. ~,, 1, ~,-n ,i,;,,, HI T OST—A Pouket Case of Surgical Instru* ■I: / tnents. Eewarded on returning to >r ! ' : NAPIER"' BOAED. "' ■• ' ts ' : '■ iTOTrcE. ■■ " ■'■■■•■ '■ • p. mSE AdjourneJ Annual v Sto^ X Meeting of tho Napier , id A be held on MONDAY, Marc* 26th ' 1889, at2p.»- ' ' " " ■ Business—Examining Statement v~ *" counts for the year ended Deoet 11t,ot . 3lßt, 1888.. r .. , ~■ The Accounts, which have been kudite *" , and printed,' are open for inspection! at the ' Board's office. FEANOIS E. SAUNDKRS, Seoretary. Harbor Board Office, ~ ~•• , • a, Napier,'Maroh'Sthi" 1889 V* A " A " ' 1

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5480, 20 March 1889, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5480, 20 March 1889, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5480, 20 March 1889, Page 3