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On the third day of the A.J.C. in the Suburban HandkMp, tin: public hacked Newmarket (BM-. :;ib.}, Tilburu (lOat. 71b.), mJI Rimvcvny lUwiii- (7«. -lib.), 'llio first two ran a dead heat, unsi t'ueoiher ■was third. In the run nil! Newmarket won. The winner was ridden by In the Second Foal Stakes Jlelos, having a ioib. penalty to put up, was withdrawn, and having , only :i :\\h penalty, was f-ntniHtcd with the task, .iiiii Powi.-r ajram uot his mount home. hi tin WycoiuViu Stakes 'J to 1 was laid on Lamond, whilo was at 15 to 1 Lanumi cut out the runninp at .'in av.-ful pace, but in the end, notw'ithstendinjr a .*>lb penalty, Ensitrn was too irood for him. The Sydney Handicap had 'The > T un at ~> to •_', but the odds lengthened to (5 to 1, and Lyndhiirst vrni; the'final favonto. invader (8.-t !Jlb) and Siitmn (7ft.) ran jt dead hei:t. the mile and u-hiilf bninir f-ut out in 2min.-1 l^d , . In the run ott' Invfidev won by a nenk. .For the Selling Kace. v/ opined t!ie fotu'th (lay's sport, italf-a-do/cji xtarli.r.s ■vvoro tmnuiinccti, tmd JJulf'.rfly v.-as jd-Htulk-d Jinst fitvonfo, but fhe winner tni'iit'd up in Ht'i-e'H Lwk, who was in a iliL' Inimor, and won easily. On sub-mitb-d to auction, the winner was boutriit, iua.t.-,5 soy.=. ri-.o Hi-cplceUaH. was nt-st on the card, and -Ruby i.aa tiio -reaiost number of admirtm. but slid iell, and Tung looked Ann all over a winner until the last fence, when lie, 100. came down, and being remounted, v oplcuciiil nico

ensued, Marmion was tying closo behind Last.King and Scobeloft, whom lie caught at the curt of the stand, and beat them both cleverly. Festal foil at the lumllo in the straight, and whs killed cm tho spot, but her rider escaped with it severe shaking. In a field of five for the Waverley Handicap Theorist was held in mos-t esteem, and Power, taking 1 him to tho front, won all the way. There, was great satisfaction at the victory of the Q,utt;iisl.ind .sportsman, Mr. Hunter, who was heartily congratulated upon tiie success of his hor;<e. lor tho Kami wick I'lale only four numbers appeared on the board. The odds were 0 to 4 against Larnond, 7 to 4 against A berconi, "2 to 1 against, Australian Peer, and 10 to 1 against Wyootube. Tho race, which I saw described in a West Coast paper as very fast —it. might have been, for a steeplechase, for it would not, bo for a hurdle race—is thus chronicled:—They went away very leisurely, and Wycombe took tho lead in a few strides. He led into the straight and past the stand at a hack canter, Lamond being two lengths off second, Abcrcorn third, and The Australian Peer Inst. At. the mile post tho pace was nearly reduced to a walk. Wycombe, however, directly ho had compassed a mile and a quarter, sot all sail, and as he was ritill increasing his lead when they passed the stand the second time, ho was SO lengths in front, Lamund being three lengths in advance of Abercorn, with The Peer treading close upon the latter's heels. Wycombe continued his lead past the mile post, and along tho back stretch, and Abereorn went on second. Lamond retiiert, and Australian I'eei- went on third, but Wycombe had ten lengths' advantage entering the straight, and though the two cracks decreased the lead, Tho Peer swerved inside the distance, and Wycombe won by lour lengths, Abercorn beating tho Australian Peer by a leu"th for second honors. Lainond was last! Time, Omin.-17lsec. In the Final Handicap that mysterious animal Keith was in a trallopinir humor, and won easily. Tho a'J.C. stakes totalled £10,170, of which Mr. W. Gannon annexed l'270l), Mr. S. G. Cook £1-I(W>, Hon. J. White Wl'lo, and Mr. J. MeGill£olo. Another remarkable bicycling feat is reported fram England, as having taken place in Lincolnshire, on the 20th of August. it was a road ride, of 100 miles, by Mr. M. A. Holhein, * Manchester athlete, and a member of tho Cheshire Tally-ho Hureand Hounds, who undertook to beat the 100 miles road record, made by Mr. E. Halo, under exceptionally favorable circumstances (Oh. ;s'.)inin. oscc.)," nearly three years ago. The journey was thoroughly authenticated, and was " made on the same road as Mr. Hales's, except that it was run the reverse way- A choppy wind was dead against tho rider for upwards of -10 miles, added to which the road was very 100.-c and dusty for fully half the journey. Mr. Holbein covered 50 miles in lib. olmin.. and finally reached the goal in Oh. 20miti. 20sec. :" thus beating the former record by lSiuin. 39sec, and finishing , as fresh as when he started. What jnukes the performance the nmre meritorious is the fact that, with one exception, the gentlemen who volunteered to act as pacemakers, proved quite inadequate for the task, Mr. U. 11. Hill, of the iMtichloy Harriers, only boiug able to live with him, and that for a very short distance. Mr. Holhein rode a newly-designed Premier, which, though ony weighing 261b., stood the severe work well. On the following Saturday Mr. Holhein was to take pint in tho iH-hours' ride of the North-road Club, and ho felt confident in his ability to beat 000 miles.

The running at Oaulncld on tho first day, when t-uiupiircrt with K.indwick, looks a bit in Hiid out. Mentor winning the Caulfield Stakes must have been v perfect eyeopener, seeing Cyclops, .Ensign, Maliw, Carlyon, and tiie Australian l'et-r wt-re the. (select field behind him. He is a four-year-old by .Swindler—Nightmare, the property of Mr. D. S. Wallace, who owned Le Grand. Lust year lie won the Sprint,' Handicap at tho V.X.C. spring meeting, was see-Mid in the Ueeloiig Cup, and won the l-'oal .Makes thi-rc. H., won the Urunswick Stak-.-s at the V.X.C. autumn fixture, Thy Yeuman and Escutcheon being behind him, the mile and a-quarter occupying "iniin. B!sec. He was second in Hcj Vrec Handicap, carrying tvt. Ti 1»- t> the wiuners (Kc-nius.) .>.-t. -lb , stud iviu third in l'iii-e Hauiiicap. carrying Sst. lulb. to Ben iiolt's Sst. 1.i1b., the latter winning. Hi; htiM tint. :)'b. iti the Me-lboiuiu; Cup. Mimtalto is the bust two-year-old we have seen out this soison, but his riehsry in the Ureal i-' Stake.i will give him a pi-usilty. VolJev, beak-li by Meli-s and lVarl.-hell, won "tin , Guineas, li.-ryl h'uishing- last. KodbuiiMie, who linished in front of tin; ias iiiiined, in hi<? triii'iiujr was biinply lost by iieryl, yut with ihe colors tip tint is rewrsed. Glorious game of uucertiiii.ty. Bothwell, who won .lie To-.irak Handicap, is in the C;iuilield Cup with list. Sib. He, its a »uti uf The Assyrian, who om-e came down as a w.ilf on the fuid. .So far us 1 know ii was Ijolhw ell's lif.-t win.

Ca'.ilflcM, on ti:e first day, has ccnainly not thrown much light-■<» the greater events to follow. ]-'rying]ian and Kingmuster, who won the I'oiU tr-taKes, itl«> won the Caulfield (jiiini.a.-i but: no winner u/luther evet" won ilui V.ii C. Derby. Fr\ ing pan and .jardius did bf.'-t of the lot, for they were- runners up to Navigator aud Mui'tiui- iiunri. Cyclops, who was second in the Cmiifield SUikes, though a aix-ywir-ull, has yet io get his tir.-t winning Uaeket. tin.ugh he has been a yuod second inoru iliui! once. Tiie two courses of C'aullieki and I-leiuington aiv as different as possible. The former is a sandy one, resembling the >>»pii r I'urk, while tho otlit-r is like llartings. Ciiuitield ii a bad coufci' for a big long striding huiv:e, which may account iui- ihu i< ci's defeat, us it did lt.r'his siie Daivi-in. (Jtia-riviso, if hit , running were title. In- iv<ii;d li.ivc no chaiico in till/ MclUiurue Cup. If Carbine had only

.■t.nlwi iv ,'iie Stakes we might have known iu<'Vi'. I 'lave it I'iiiicy tor the Charmt-r, I'.iavu, ami l'hi!:ii> !i in :h-.' ijtiulfield Cup,

itiuiigii lie; M'tt-r iicvi.-r \uiii n nice as tl ti.ii Si>X l'oui'-}e:ir-oiii, at«l iiis iMvner (Mr. Willi. , has li'fvef W1..-11 that ei'etlt.

Of tho A.J.C. i'iiUe ;i Sydney jiapcr writes :—" The field was reduced Vj four, naim-lv. Tin.- Auai'.iliau Pee!", Abercorn, l.uiiK.rid, ui<d Wyc",mbe. Jhe latter had i.uly belli lett in, it was juesutijeil, to riake the running fi'V his stal>]e corupaaion, ami nut. Ki(.-iilioi,e-.l in the U.-ttinir, s.ivc. i>y '.box; b<iokmakers who vainly sought to get a u.i'jer about him at 10 to 1. Ot till; uthi-r thru , . Lainond had a slight call in the :»cMing. All thoughts of a true run race were -jujr-kly dispelled. Wycouiliu cantered oil' with a h'iiii, and young Pielder committed the error of hoiiliiig Lamond back to the other two which could* not have cauleicd at a .-lower gait. In this way Wycombe established a lung lead ..f at k-uat thirty lenaths, and having stolen tins inarch he wii-< tu(Ki<!iily set going in earnest, and i[a!i;s. nnd I'lelder too jate discovered that Clifiiiion's stable had t'ookd them. They started i;; the almost hojieltss pursuit of the leader, iuid ;v)ien it became a matter of racing between the, trjo in the rear Lamond was suoii done with. \V'yc<vir)be was never caught ami won by four length.-* fi'im Abercoi'n."

The following lire «i few orickt.t re.Milts : — Surrey, O'JS (Lowdcn ib'J, Kcad 171); SuHst-u, 111 and \!'.). Sussex, I'yi aud Ist for 1 wicket ". Laucasliiro, 111, and IGI. l'orkhhire, UJ und 'Mi (Hall IO; ; Derbyshire, Vl'J and 83 fior ;; wickets, Surrey were beat on by Lancashire by 'J wickets. Surrey, i;>i> (Keiid H)U, Abel i>o, Key 1 VI) ; Yorkshire, 101 and 100 (Ulyttt ol). " Kent beat Middk'M-x by an innings and It runs. Mr. F. 11. Spufforth, the Australiiin bowlnr, took part, in a match on the new ground of the Wyconihf Club ni. Siitunlay, August IS, playing for tho Orleans Club. 'ihe first match between these teams, a month a«;o, r<-.-]llted in favor of Wycombe by 11.! runs on tiio first innings. With the aid of Mr. bpiiflorth, \vhi.) took seven wickets for ii-l runt, iiud a jino inning;.-* <>f IJ'J by Mr T. C. O'Brien, tho victors now liad their revenge, winning: i-y oG runs on the first iutiiug.-. Mr, C. 1. Thornton's ti I in the second innings of the Orleans was a vigorous display of hitting. Totals: Orleans Club, ' ih>t. imiiuir.-.", lo't;swnnd, MO. High Wycombe, Ji>>t innings, KiH.

At jfooiioe Valley the Exhibition IlamJicap was won by Dick iSwivoller (Ust), ridden by Sanders. liuny, with list I'Jlb, was v level money chance in the Steeplechase, which »ho won. —For tho Moonec- Valle} , Cup My Lnri) l.i;ads tin- handicap witjj 'J it. 1 lib, while 'i'lie Kun and Dividend are next with ' lib—-In future the A.J. C. will not n tristcr any dub whoso running track is i< pi than a liuie and a nuart".T in circum-fci'i.-nci. , -- Lainotiu has iiicuiiid a 1 lib penalty in both the Ciinlliehl and Melbourne Cup.;.—North Melbourne beat South Melbourne—the chiimpi.iiiß—by -i goals aud Io belauds U> '■'> goals 0 behind.". —Pasha was put up to auction in Sydney, but was ;>:ih."ed in.—Monte Christu hi>s bceu pitrciia.sed by Mr Mayo for 220 guinuis.'—J.'ow.cj , , in fifteen mounts, rode eight winners at Liv; A/-J.C. mooting.

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5351, 16 October 1888, Page 4

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[BY "CALLER OU."] Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5351, 16 October 1888, Page 4

[BY "CALLER OU."] Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5351, 16 October 1888, Page 4