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The tea meeting in couneafiou with tho anniversary services of Trinity Sunday School will be held this evening.

The Public Works Committee last night agreed to recommend the Council as follows:—!. That Wright street be filled in to a width of 2oft., and tenders be called for the work. 2. That footpaths lie formed in Mill street, Seventh street, ami tenders be invited for tbo work. 3. That the roadway near the Fire Brigade station in Enfield road be repaired. 4. That culverts be laid in the places recommended in the acting-overseer's report.

" Puff," in the Press, writing of a certain financial institution, says :—Well, there's one comfort .' The three balls havo been taken down now and a respectable sign put up !

To the Napier district schools to-day the Board made a grant of £;)•}(). Room ia wanted at the Hastings street school as well an the main school, ami as money could not be found for both of them, tho most urgent must be attended to. The committee will accordingly be consulted as to where the money should be spent. A grant of £200 to Te Aute is conditional on a, stiiuble site being obtained.

As an encouragement to prospectors, the committee of the Kuahiue Prospecting Association last evening decided to offer a reward of .WOO for the discovery of a payable reef on which a company couM bo flouted, or the finder could Inive an interest to the extent of tho sum named. Th's should induce much prospecting of tbo Kuahine ranges this season.

\Ve are glad to see our suggestion has been adopted, and the .subscribers to the Telephone Kxcbuugo supplied with a new li.-t, which, ts we pointed out some days ago, was badly wanted.

Messrs John Lysatrht nnd Co. (limited), of Wellington, have received a cable message from Home intimating that the prieo of thi'ir "Orb" iron lias advanced to £17 f.o.b. in London, and that tho wages of wri'Ught-iron workers in England have been advanced per cent. Cr Dick's notice of motion, to tako over a]l the pj-iviitc thoroujrlifitres within the boiHiigh, is not likely to be earned uiion it comes before, the Council to-morrow evening. Very many of those thoroughfares are in mich a wietehed condition that it would cost more than tho Corporation can att'ui'd to put them in repair. It must nut be forgotten that so long as these roads me private property the Corporation is not responsible for accidents that may occur on them through the disrepair into which they hi'.ve fallen. Madeira road is in a most dMiiL'ciou.s condition, and some ono on a dark night is pretty certain to break a leg pr a neck alqng there. But why should not the owner of the road bo made to put it in repair before the Corporation is called upon to take it over and become responsible for the accidents that may safely bo predicted will occur ': At tho inquest at Dunedin on the remains of Thomas Maloney, who was burned to deatli by the fire at the bouse of Michael Fahey on Sunday morning, a verdict of accidental death was returned. The evidence showed that there had been sotiie drinking going on. Mrs. Fahey retired to bed leaving a candle burning in her room, and Fahey and Maloney stopped up smoking, and were about to retire when the fire broke out. Maloney, after getting outside, appears to have gone back to see if all the others had got out. Mrs. Fahey shows no signs of improvement, and her case is considered hopeless.

Tho Apparatus Committee of the Education Board granted a set of natural history carda to Ashley-Oliuton. A request from Frnsertown for suitablo blinds was refused, while a blackboard for Onga. Onga was postponed till Mr Hill's return.

Tho following are to-day's mercury readings:—Russell 59, Auckland i>s, Thames 05, Tauranga 57, Gisborno 60, Napier 60, New Plymouth 58, Wanganui SS, Wellington 01, Blenheim 02, Nelson 00, Hekitiku 52, Lyttclton 47, Tiiuaru 53, Dunedin 53, Invercargill f>l, and Bluff 18.

Section No. '213 and part of section 'Jll tov.nship of Porangahau, havo beeu reserved for telegraph purposes.

Many old settlers along the Tuki Tuki river will regret to hear of tho death of Captain Douglas. The deceased was formerly in command of a vessel, but, it must bo neatly thirty years ago since he retired from a seafaring life and took up his residence on the banks of tbo Tuki Tuki. The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at Havebok.

An Augusta, Me, boy who became possessed of a desire to develop his muscle, sought advice as to Hie hw,, method to pursuo, and was directed to swing Indian clubs, beginning with a light pair and gradually increasing tho weight as he became stronger. As this would necessitate the purchase of several pairs of clubs, which he could ill-aitord, he hit upon tho following scheme :—Ho was the owner of two pups, which, though small in size, po.sMjssed to a r> markable degree that tenacity oi grip for which the bulldog is so justly celebrated. He easily taught each of these to tix his teeth in the end of a short sfick, and' then, taking ono of the sticks in each hand, ho waved them about his head in some of tho simple moveinitits. As tho dogs grow his strength increased, and now he may be soon in eaoy posture performing all the graceful gyrations of an expert club swinger with two wooden handles, to the ends of which a couple of fifteen-pound bulldogs hang by their teeth with a deathlike grip.

At a sitting of the Bankruptcy Court, Dunediu, yesterday, Mr. Justice Williams retimtke'l in the case of J. W. Cotton, racehorse trainer, that the bankrupt had carried on a gambling- business. His Honor did not think tho Act was intended to relievo moil who got into difficulties by gambling, and though tbo bankrupt's discharge, was recommended by the creditors the Judge decided to make no order.

Under date New York, 9th October, the following cable uicssiirc was forwarded by tho Press Association:—''The which left. Labrador suuie copuideraLiU; time back, under iho coinmaud of Lieut mint Wiggins, in order to ascertain whether the Arctic Ocean was navigable, «o as to open a route from Labrador to tho mouth of the Yenisei river, Siberia, has returned. Lieutenant Wiggins reports that, under the most favorable circumstances, it would bo impossible for vessels to reach the northern portion of Asia." Anyone- handling an atlas will admire tho beauty of the rout.; followed. The facts as pointed out by the Lyttt'lton Times uro: —The expedition sailed from N,f-\vc«,<sU<<-:o.n-TyHiJ, not lYuin Labfudoi , , but tho steamer was tbo Labrador, At the head of the venture, was Mr. Joseph Wiggins, who is not a lieuii'iinnt of any service, but was Examiner to tho Roard of %'vadh,

One of tho strangest clubs in tho world (says the Now York Critic) has just been organised in Mexico. It is composed of journalists who have beeu mipris ,ned for political oil'eiiees; and the relative standing of the members is based in general upon tho length of tho sentences they hive served, or rather of the periods during which they havo languished in gaol; for unless the Government of Mexico is gi-wssly liboHctl tho formality of v trial is commonly dispensed with in the case of editors who havo abused tho privilege of free speech. In determining a member's relative position in the now association, tho fievority of his experion o of prison life is taken into account. The President's secret motives and over acts being alike above, suspicion, it is nft Wai that iie should visit with the severest rigors those purblind critics who afl'ect to discover aught amiss in thodoingsoftheehiefexecutive. Aggravated cases of editorial purbliu luess arc cured with a volley of musketry ; it is tho milder ones (hat are treated with solitary contmenieut

and low diet. The new club is composed of the latter class of patients. They are indeed "clubable " men, each of whom has proved his eligibility by due experience of the official bludgeon.

" Rough on Catarrh " corrects offensive odors at oneo. Complete enre of worst chronic cases ; also unequalled as gargle for diphtheria, sore throat, foul breath.

"Bough on Piles." Why suffer Piles. Immediate relief and complete cure guaranteed. Ask for "Rousrh on Piles," Sure cure for itching, protruding, bleeding, or any form of Piles.

Haetings street. Opened yesterday, ex s.B. Doric, a Complete Range of New Fashionable White French Embroidered Costumes at 13s lid, los lid, 23s 6d. Senile's Ready Cash Store.—[Advt.]

SHEEP SHEARS at Webber and Wilson's. Onr new stock jtißt opened up. Customers will find our Shears for this season an improvement on those of last year. Tnrkey and Wasbita Stones in great variety. Webber and Wilson, Ironmongers, Emerson-street.—Advt.

Fearing your readers might wrongly construe your remarks about the Koromiko Cordial, I beg to draw their attention to the fact that tho cordial made by Mr Owen is prepared at his pharmacy from the fresh shrub, ai;d was so made and sold by him beforo tho American substitute came into tho market.—[advt. |

Cheap saddlery.—John McVay is selling for cash Colonial-made saddles, with kneopads and furniture complete, 30a each. Hastings-street, Napier.

I am now landing Diaries for ISB9, Christmas and Now Year's Cards for season ISSB-89, Imperial Blown Wrapping Paper, lumpers' Wrapping Papers (several sizes), New Stationery and Now Books. Special Lines of Cheap Envelopes.—John Crerar, Bookseller and Stationer, Hastings street, Napier.—[ A dvt. ]

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5351, 16 October 1888, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5351, 16 October 1888, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5351, 16 October 1888, Page 2