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NAPIER RAILWAY STORES. STORAGE EMPIRE TEA COMPANY'S ■■■j'- BLENDED TEAS ' " Kfi f)hf\ SACKS GRAIN, &0.1 X X ■ AJ ±J±J J.XJJ±.VD , t Are, beyond doubt, THE BEST VALUE offered in New Zealand. FULTON AND nn.HESE Teas are im- diate supervision of aTea- • SOTTTTTWW T p° rted DUIECT from chin*.' : taste * o£ 61 * 65 "*' *J -LJ.X TT titi Uf raliiSSsJ' wJb thereby ensuringuniformity SEEDSMEN, : India, and Ceylon, and are of flavor and excellence of blended undor tlie immed-' quality. , OLIVE-SQUARE, NAPIER, ; ! * ' ' - "■ HaveforSale: MAND. GRASS SEEDS, " THE EMPIRE COMPANY, TURNIPS, TARES, RAPE, Pack the following standard brands of Choice Teas, viz :— CLOyERS, &o. .'■■''..■■ MARKET GARDEN AND FLOWER JDIiAuON, O/". ■• LLIIPMAJN 1, 2/D ■''CEESCENT,;m^ t :|BIBE,"2/BONEDUST &o ALSO,;THE CELEBRATED j,~: ' " HOUDAH," 3/- *». "■ KANGRA VALLEY," 2/8 Hay ward's Powder Dip '-, . , BRANDS. Tomlinson and Hay ward's Glycerine Dip These lattor aro PU RE INDIAN .TEAS of robust growth, possessing great strength Planet, jr. Garden Imp ements. and purity of flavor, especially intended for connoisseurs. .-•■■•'. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. Grocers aro supplied with half-ounce sample packets of all of the above brands of Fu-e Policies at Current Rates, ..,.,,. TEA, FQR FREE DISTRIBUTION TO THE PUBLIC. pßOOFofDebtForms can be obtained W. &' G. TUENBIILL & CO., at R. T.. Smytho's, Stationer, HastingsWELLINGT 0 N. .street. J. H. DALTON, FASHIONABLE TAILOR AND HABIT MAKER, HASTINGS-STREET, NAPIER, AND VICTORIA-STREET, AUCKLAND. v g§§ PRICE LIST JffvT H - d - £s. -j?* vKfc j Tweed Trousers to mea-; Tweed Suits to measure.. 210 jL f fob JfaF sure ~ ~ .. 12 G ~ ,1 ~ ..3 0 Tweed Trousers, ditto.. 15 0 " " ~..35 K/ w_Wm ATTTTTMN AT> I. »■ » »••" 6 " " " "3 15 SIBS AUJ,.UI>II> /J \-A „ n ~..18 6 "1 10 TItTINTER, IQQQ: \m\Nc " " '»'••; ,' n Very BestSuitsto measure 415 §§|il§si ' '±U fa \C " Best Saddle Tweed Trou-i Fancy Worsted Suitings sPl»P*\ ' -nmrcr ■'-ly-vroj at» a tt> m? Is l\ \T sera to measure .. i 27 6 to measure .. .. 415 WmT WITH EXTRA PAIR Oh. M N Best Bedford OordTrouFancy Worsted Suitings I TROUSERS %F?rmsf sers to measure .. 30 0 to measure .. .. 0 0': |||s{s&| mMWn'- Serge Trousers, ditto ~22 6 Fancy Worsted Suitings i hS? bS| ob . BW ®&$ Flannel „ „ ~: 17 6 to measure".. .. 5 5 ' ■'•" ' ■ teks W4 Tweed Overcoats .. 60 0 Fancy Worsted Suitings '. 'm \m WATERBURY WATCH ! ,>, f"| jf! ■„■■.„■ .. .. : 55 0 to measure ;, •., ,5 10 " ' ||| H " /J'*i Mi ■»» " •* ..' 00 0 Serge Suit to measure .. 410 £§! SI -- Given Away -v.-gf.-U !.J „ „ .. .. 66 0 Frock or Dress Suits to 'll'HjSle ' ■ < ' -'&*->• »> » *• ..70 0 measure .. ~7 5 With Every Suit over £3 15s. ,--. f? /£\|^- r L Best Tweed Overcoats.., 75 0 Estimates given for every description of Uniforms, &o. > ALL GOODS THOROUGHLY SHRUNK. FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. INSPECTION INVITED. NOTE ADDRESS : ' BRANCH OF AUCKLAND CITY TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, HASTINGS-STREET, NEXT MASONIC HOTEL.

1Y A PIER i HARBOR BOARD. BALANCE SHEET OF THE NAPIER HARBOR BOARD FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31st, 1887. Accounts. Balances, December Transactions. Balances, December 31st, 1886. 31st, 1887. Dr. | Cr. Receipts. (Expenditure Dr. Cr. !£ sd, £ -6. d. ''■ £ s. d. £ s. d. £s d £ s. d. General Account .. .. 5,335 13 1 23,327 3 0 23,418 9 4 .. 5,244 6 9 Special Accounts— " , ; ■ . : (1.) No. 2. Loan ' ■' '. ' - \ ' ' Account .. .. 174,323 5 6 254 9 4 24,594 15 o ~ 149,982 19 5 (2.) Contractors' , ■ Deposit A«-' I , count. ".. .. 2,501 15 2 790 11 0 642 11 0 .. 2,649 15 2 Interest Account.... 115,000 0 015,000 00 J Sinking Fund Ac- .'"!"' ■ | .count.. .. '...'■ 1,500 oOj 1,578 15 0 .. ~ 3,078 15 0 Totals .. .. 183,660 13 9 40,950 18 4 63,655 15 9 .. 160,955 16 4 Balance in Bank. .. .£160,943 17 4 FRANCIS E. SAUNDERS, Balance in Cash ~ 11 19 0 Secretary and Treasurer. : Napier, January 6th,.1588. Total.. .. £160,955 16 4 Examined and found correct, : ~— JAMES EDWARD FITZGERALD, , , Controller and Auditor-General. I hereby certfy that this account was examined and allowed at the, adjourned Annual Meeting of the Napier Harbor Roard held this 20th day of March, 1888. _ ! , j. D. ORMOND, Chairman. STATEMENT OF.SINKING FUND ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDING ■ ■ ' ■ ... ■ ' . DECEMBER 31st, 1887. . ■ . ■ ' RECEIPTS. expknditubb. 1887. ' £. s. d. 1887. £. s. d. Jan. I.—Balanco on 31st Dec. 31.—At Fixed Deposit ... " December, 1880 1,600 0 0 — Bank of Aub--2.—lnterest on Fixed . tralasia .. 3,078 15 0 . Deposit ~ . 78 15 0 4., —From General Ac- ' ' ' count—Vpercent on £300,000 .. 1,500 0 0 ' £3,078 15 0 £3,078 15 0 J. D. ORMOND, \ Sinking Fund FRANCIS E. SAUNDERS! ; -.-■< ;-.E.: LYNDON, ) Oommissionees. ' Secretary and Treasurer. Examined and found correct, Napier, January 6th, 1888. JAMES EDWARD FITZGERALD, '■ . ■ .. .. • • "' Controller and.Auditor General. •i I hereby certify that this account was examined and allowed at the adjourned Annual Meeting of the Napier Harbor Board held this 20th day of March, 1888. • ■ ■.'. , J. D. ORMOND, Chairman. STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, DECEMBER 31sr, 1887, EX.CLUDING ENDOWMENTS, SINKING FUND, AND OUTSTANDING LOAN. ASSETS. LABILITIES. £ B. d. . ... £ 8. d. Plant and Stores, Engi- , Contractors' Deposits .. 2,649 15 2 neer's Department .. 18,453 12 0 Outstanding Accounts .. 1,254 0 0 Plant and Stores, Pilot's Balance, being excess of Department, .. '..' 1,158 0 0 Assets over Liabilities .. 174,887 16 0 Offico Furniture .... 120 0 0 Rents Unpaid 147 18 0 Wharfage—Balance duofor . -, December, 1887.. • .. 1,034 19 10 *Bank of Australasia— Fixed Deposit .. .. 145,300 0 0 Bank of Australasia, Balanco Current Account less unpresonted cheques .. 12,565 2 4 OashinHand ...... 11 19 0 ■ £178,79111 2 £178,791 11 2 •Note.—lnterest to tho amount of £1677 8s lOd has accrued on Fixed Deposit Account, mt is not credited. FRANCES E. SAUNDERS, Secretary and Treasurer. jstimated value op peopeety of the outstanding loans, napiee haebob uoaed. Repayable on Ist January, £ a. d. 1920, rate of Interest 5 Endowments .. .. 89,690 0 0 per cent .. £300,000 0 0 ?iers, Wharves, Quays, Seourity—General Revenue and Buildings .. .. 71,000 0 0 of the Napier Harbor Sew Harbor Works:— Board, the Sinking Fund, Railway, Cost of Con- and the power to low rato struction .. .. ,15,480 1 0 over Harbor Rating* DisBreakwater, Cost of Con- trict struction .. .. 14,511 12 9 Property Tax Valuation of Beach Protection, Cost District £6,000,000. "—ot-erastruction .. 12,447 5 7 The' annual payment to — Sinking Fund £1,500 £203,128 19 4 tACCITMXTLATED SINKING FUND. To December 31st, 1888... £3,078 15 0 , tNoiE.—lnterest to tho amount of £183 3s 9d has accrued on Sinking Fund, but is not credited. - v ' - Examined and found correct. FRANCES E. SAUNDERS, JAMES EDWARD FITZGERALD, Secretary and Treasurer. Controller and Auditor General. I hereby certify that this account was examined and allowed at the adjourned Annual Meeting of tho Napier Harbor Board held this 20th day of March, 1888. J. D. ORMOND, Chairman. .

LYNDON & SIDEY. j POA AAA TO ' LNVEST on £b£>\J,\j\J\J Freehold security. Ono sum of £8,000 One sum of £5,000 One sum of £1,800 -One sum of £500, And other sums to suit Borrowers. LYNDON & SIDEY, Land and Estate Agents. LYNDON & SIDEY, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, Altcttoneees, ■ : Valuators, and Abbiteatoeb. Mortgages negociated on Freehold and other securities Brokers under Land Transfer Act. Wellington. LANG, D_______rhanks to her friends for theiWßßßpaud patronage, wishes to tho Business in Emerson- « street will bo carried on by her as usual, and any orders which may be entrusted to her care shall have PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Weddings, Picnics, and Ten Meotiugs catered for at tho Lowest Prices. Hot Luncheon daily, in rooms with ovory comfort, One Shilling Hot Pies, Tea, or Coffee, from early morning, Sixpence. Private Rooms, with every convenience, sot apart for Ladies. Wedding, Christening, and Birthday Cakes made to order. Lollies of every description made daily on the premises. T?NCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRIES FORTUNE AND BLACK, Steam Biscuit Bakees, Bakers Confectionees, &c, Hastings and Dickens Streots, Napier, Steam Faotoey in Dickens-street. F. & B. are now in a position to supply all kinds of Biscuits, of the first quality, at prices that must give them a niarkot against merchants' importations. Their FIUSTrCLASS BiSCUIT MAKING PLANT Is at work daily, and the Goods are all sold perfectly fresh; no deterioration by long storage or shipment. Messrs Fortune and Black always use tho host materials, work them up in the most sldlful way, turning out an article that commends itself. Country orders promptly packed and despatched. The Dickens-street Shop (on the way to tho station) is always well supplied with Small Goods, convenient for families going by train. FORTUNE & BLACK, Hastings and Dick" Streets, Napier.

O TAUTAU HOUSE, EMERSON-STREET, Nai-ieb. A' TPvEAN has just opened tho above • JLJ with an Assortment of Crock - eryware, Toys, Fancy Goods, and other Useful Household Articles too numerous to mention, and is now making up 3d, 6d, and Is Tables, with always something new. All goods bought and sold strictly for Cash. He is consequently able to sell at unlookedfor prices. If you want value for your money, come and see. Agent for Strang's world-renowned Coffees, Spices, Peppers, etc., mado on the unrivalled " hot air process of roasting." Sells wholesale and retail. Solo depot of tho celebrated "Aurora Kerosene Lamp Stoves." Complete sots always on haud. The cheapest, handiest, and best in oxistence. Inspection invited. lIORTON & SONS (LATE PAPE), TAILORS AND HABITMAKERS, DESIRE to thank their patronßfor their liberal support since thoy have taken over Mk Pape's business, and hope by their LOW PRICES, combined with strict attention, to retain their favors, and beg to announco to the Public generally that thoy have addod a Shipment of '' ENGLISH WINTER GOODS, Aud arc constantly receiving consignments of COLONIAL TWEEDS to their Large and Carefully Selected Stock. Angola's Fashionable Tweeds, Bannockburn's Light and Heavy Overcoats, &o. Having had long experience in West End of London, Brighton, and other large towns of England and the colonies, Can Guaeanteb A Fiest-class Fit. BEST WORKMANSHIP. EMERSON-STREET, NATIER.

HAWKE'S BAY COACH FACTORY, Hastings-street. . NEAR VULCAN FOUNDRY, P. HALL (Late of Forster's American Coach Factory, 9 years, and late of Jno. M'Leod, 6 years) HAS commenced business as Coachbuilder and Wheelwright, and is prepared to tako orderß for all kinds of Coachbuilding, &c. All Repairs sent him will be executed promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. Wheels properly tired. Traps exchanged or taken in part payment for new ones. Painting and Trimming carefully attended to WJ, B E A L E , . Hastings-street, Napier, Importer of BEALE'S PATENT AND WERTHEIM SEWING MACHINES. The Bcalo Patent High Arm Sowing Machine has all tho latest improvements. AUTOMATIC BOBBINWLNDERSELFTHREADING SHUTTLE. All appliances are included with each Machine. We undertake to keep iv perfect order, free of charge, for threo yeeirs. Instructions free. ON EASY TIME PAYMENIS, OR CASH W. J. BEALE, Opposite Bank op New Zeala ALL persons found trespassing with dog or gun on th Endslcigli property will bo prosecuted. j HUGH CAMPBELL. i

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5216, 10 May 1888, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5216, 10 May 1888, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5216, 10 May 1888, Page 4