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ASK YOUR GROSSER FOR B_i /T\„„. _. # /_\ \n,z.industbialgazbtte. AtJIT H QaQ JF SJm\ %" The blending is entirely attenVMV M VVVM i? % ded to by Mr. Nelson himself, -—"*- iy Ai*3te_3l«a m wlk> ' s a Taster °f E reat experjJw jnflMpWl 1» ence, and has had a special IN XH £ ml »training in the art." t_ j # /UzMsMsX \ TfMAH'D' HEBALD. IA/ <r\ «_ « Ok /W # -IEIHHBiP* %" This firm deserves the *is D \ \J M S \ % port of all purchasers of T_#| >-* t\ Jgf /o mas the article they oflter m ArW f*4si]FNt>fßlp4 ' S \ \» su P er ' or *° anything W» CO _7 /z?' __S£S3E®"V W% wL haveseeninthisColony." , # nffilllSn *\ % press. ~o\N P 1 ffl #4? "*X %" Mr. Nelson is a proff fu? % fessional and BY ALL 2/8 3/- . PORK"BLENDED■TEAS? AUCKLAND, WE- LI.GTQN, CHRiSTCHUROH, DUNEDIN. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. _ CHAMPION DIPPING PREPARATION. FIRST PRIZE AT THE CANTERBURY AGRICULTURAL AND * \ , PASTORAL SOCIETY'S IMPORTANT TRIALS, I*l APRIL TO NOVEMBER, 1887. * MANTIPACTURED BY • MURTON AND WHITE, NAPIER, N.Z. Agents for Canterbury Messes Hendbbson and Moßkaih Agents for Hawke's Bay THE MANTJEACTURERS Solo Agents for all other parts of New Zealand and Australasia The Land and Loan Cokpait-c of • Net** Zealand, Limited.

BR SPEEirs" -- ---1 PRIVATE DISPENSARY, Established ' c '° for the Scientific and Speedy Cureof chronic, nervous and special Diseases. The Expert Specialist, Dr. Speer is a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, U.S He has devoted a lifetime to and is acknowledged to be the most expert Physician ia - his speciality in the United States. Youn-r o Men and Middle-aged Men, who suffer o from Nervous and Physical Debility, Lose of Energy or Memory, Eruptions on the a w C l'- D i pression ' Kidney and 3 Bladder Troubles, &c., Udo well £o consult Dr Speer. Hospital ExperienceHaving been Fhysioian in one of the lead- . mg Hospitals of the U.S. enables him to treat all private troubles with excellent Iw^f - c Wls he? it distinctly understood that he does not claim to perform impossibilities, or to have miraculous power- ho " claims only to bo a Skilled and Successful Physician, thoroughly informed in his speciality, chronic Diseases of Men and 7l 0I^ n - f to him will receive his Honest Opinion of their Complainta. No experimenting. He will Giiarautoe a Positive Cure in Every Case he undertakes, or Forfeit £200. Consultation in Office or by Post FREE. r N.B.—All Medicines necessary for a complete cure can be sent secure from observation on receipt of symptoms. r The Doctor's famous Pills" a rare cure for indigestion, Is and 2s per box Ointment 2s per box. This Ointment positively cures irritation, itching, and all blod diseases. By post, 2d extra. Charges moderate. Examination and Advice-. Free. Call or Address—Dr. H. J. SPEER , Nos-raKRN Cha_-bebs (Next Empire Hotel). Office Hours-10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 and 8 to S p.m. Sundays 10 to 12. P.O. Box 0 N.B.—Afi A TEST ;> DR. SPEER will send a trial bottle of hia c medicine free of charge (carriage excepted) U to any person applying to him who will J P.Tf r" 1 Particulars of their trouble This x will demonstrate his unbounded confidence , r in these wonderful remedies, which are d only known to himself, and which for over - two years have achieved such unvaried suof s cess in his New Zealand practice, h All applicants for a trial bottle of his medicine must enclose 2d stamp for reply. R. SPENCER will be at MrWelsi , w , n , ,an ' s ' Ha , stui Sß-street, daily, from U 11 to 12 a.m., and at 2 p.m. n ■ — _— ;) " ; o THE PHARMACY, 0 Hastings-street, .8 c npHE NEW SEASON'S LIME JUICE >> 1 NOW READY. Lemon, Gingerade, nnd Raspberry Syrupaj c and Lime Juice Cordials. A New Stock of 1 SELTZOGENES, 1 -.-*-- And a s FINE ASSORTMENT BATH S_WGES * Just Aeeived. ' B 1 J. S. WELSMAH. 1 T HE J^? A^ILE BANKRUPTCY GAZETTE OF ! NEW ZEALAND * v wrn* \*-hich is incobpokated the •wkkk-T ADyEBTISEE), PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, Contains: Particulars of Bills of Sale, Stock Mortgages, laess on Wool and on Crops, Bailments, Affidavits of Satisfaction, Bankruptcy Petitions, and Discharges, &c, filed during each week. Also carefully-revised Share and Produoe Market Reprrs; Latest Legal Decisions ; Original Articles, illustratimr the working of Commercial Law, ant other interesting and valuable matter Absolutely Indispensable to the Safety of All Traders. Terms: _1 7s 6d (including Digest) per ' annum, STSICTLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE , Free Sample Copies obtainable from the Proprietors, R. T. WHEELER & CO., 1 Dunedin. THE NEW ZEALAND PROTECTION OF CREDITORS' SOCIETY i also in connection with, the above Gazette, and the Society possesses unrivalled facilities for giving BELIABLE PErVATE INFORMATION as to 1 the commercial standing of individuals. Particulars apply Head Office, Dunedin. jg~ M A V S O F, * BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, CaELYLE-STKEET, NAPIEB, In returning thanks to the public for the | liberal patronage during the past years, begs to s'iy that he will continue to use hm I best endeavors to merit the confidence and I support by good work, moderate char-res. anel punctuality. ° ' REPAIRS! REPAIRS ! f REPAIRS I! f MISS MAYSON Carlyle-steeet, ' MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER DESIRES to return thanks for the rW Liberal Patronage, and hopes __K merit a continuation of tho same g£SS. CharSC - St^' Fit Feathers Cleaned and Ctirted. HAWKE'S BaF^COA^H^ACTORY; Hastd-qs-steeet NEAR VULCAN FOUNDRY,' L P. HALL H C years) A6> commenced business as Coachbmlder and Wheelwright, and is BE___i££ "*"•-■■*•-2 3 v£^3^L__r" Wheels properly tired n-asr or taken * p art^faSSS* aad Tr ~* oaref^ ■*•

7EALANDIA SHEEP DIP. , This DTP, prepared by ourselves, is an Entirely Different Article to anything now , offered to Sheepowners, and all wo ask is \ A TRIAL TO J PROVE ITS VAST SUPERIORITY j OVER OTHER DIPS. 3 We Guarantee it to Absolutely DE- ; STROY all INSECTS infesting Sheep, to improve the condition of the Wool, and to be quite harmless to persons using it. ; PROSSER & CO.'S fc NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY, ! Looted. 1 .^^_w I -VV7- & J. STAPLES, s *BOOT MANUFACTURERS, c Wellington, 1 And manufacturers of Goods bearing tho . above well-known and celebrated brand, aro glad to be ablo to announce to the inhabitants of Napier that advice is still freely received from all parts of this colony '. giving testimony of the superiority of their Goods, in comparison with thoso of other r manufacturing firms of New Zealand, and attribute their success to the following rules and precautions directed to tho Goods when in course of manufacture, and which have always been faithfully adhered to. Ist. First-class workmen only aro employed. 2nd. None but prime material is used, and systematically distributed in , manufacture. 3rd. The latest machinery (labor saving) c is employed, hence their ability to undersell their competitors. ' i tli. The proprietors make it a study to ' fulfill the wants of their numerous customers, by offering them an article that will bring credit to their house, B and bentfit also tho community. sth. And above all, direct their whole 8 attention to excelling the Goods of ' other manufacturers. In reference to the above, we would B remind Householders that the " Wellington Brand" lino in Boots, Shoes, and Slippers can bo procured from any bootmaker and principal dealers in the district, and those who have not Riven the Goods a trial will do well to do so, and thereby encourage the employment of labor in the colon}*, and Local Industries in general, and addition- ' ally benefit themselves by keeping money within the colony. Storekeepers, Rootmakers, and Warehousemen may rely on a speedy and satisr factory issue of any of tho favors entrusted r for our execution, and would ask them to address all correspondence to W. & J, STAPLES, MANLTACTUEERS, St. Hill-street, Wellington. r 3 "ZEALANDIA" BOOTS- • rpHESE Celebrated Boots' have STOOD X the TEST for THIRTEEN YEARS ; * they have been Mild tl.rouirb.out the colony, > ami are to-day MORE POPULAR THAN ' EVER ; in the busy city or in tho quiet forest their fame is known to thousands. r THE SPLENDID WEAR Aud reputation of this brand have arisen from the fact that only first-class materials are used, and none but good workmen are employed in their manufacture. TESTIMONIALS Have been received from hundreds of customers, certifying to the splendid wear of these Boots, and the Public are guaranteed again»t lons from bad workmanship. I A Boot with such a reputation naturally 1 leads to other goods being offered, purporting to bo " Zealandias," but this is are- ' gistered Trade Brand, and every puir is I stamped on tho sede "Zealandia," nnd any other Boot is not a genuine " Zealandia " unless bearing tho stamp. THESE CELEBRATED BOOTS Havo had extraordinary success at tho various Exhibitions. In Sydney and Melbourne thoy obtained tho Highest Colonial Awards ; at Christehurch aud Wellington Exhibitions thoy obtained the only Gold Medals, aud havo been placed first at local Shows and Exhibition- toonunmrous; to montion ; and at tlio recent INDIAN AND COLONIAL EXHIBITION they were pronmiiiood tho FINEST EXHIBIT in the whole Exhibition. (See Sir Julius yon Haast's letter to Sir Julius Vogel). And us this was in competition against the British Empire, it is something to be fairly proud of. Let all those who want Strong, Hardwearing, Good-fitting Boots, buy a pair of ' ZEALANDIAS," and they will never use any other. Sold by Storokeepeors and Boot and Shoo Dealers throughout New Zealand, and manufactured for the trade by i LiGHTBAND, ALLAN & CO., Christehurch. See that tho brand " ZEALANDIA " is stamped on the solo. < The new«* FARAGON " BOOT patented : by us, and tho INDESTRUCTIBLE TOE J are splendid things; and we also highly recommend "Corrick's Patent Boot Back Proteotors." LIGHTBAND, ALLAN & CQ,

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5173, 19 March 1888, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5173, 19 March 1888, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5173, 19 March 1888, Page 4