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The Council met to-day at 11 a.m. Present : Messrs Bennett (in the chair), Tanner, R. D. McLean, Sutton, J. N. Williams, Rymor, Captain Russell, and Captain Birch. TENDEES. Seven tenders were received for the Tuki Tuki bridge, and that of Messrs H. MeKenzie and Sons was accepted at £4293 4s 3d, the bridge to be completed in nine months, on the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr Sutton. The tender of W. Kirkham for the formation of Taradale Church-road at £170 \ 3s was accepted. engineee's report. Be proposed Tuki Tuki bridge and your instructions, dated 23rd ult., to confer with Mr Carr in regard to the plans, site, and specifications, and report thereon. Tho site chosen is the most favorable for bridging in that locality, but it cannot be regarded as securo, nor could a site be chosen i which could be so regarded until substantial and' thorough protective works are carried out. No such works are shown on the plans, but I understand from Mr Carr that they are contemplated, and will be carried, out simultaneously with the bridgebuilding, and the coming season for willow planting taken advantage of, and I consider this proper protection absolutely necessary for the safety of the bridge. The design of the bridge is, I think, as economical as is consistent with the required strength. The level of the bridge, although high enough for the highest flood level yet recorded, would, in my opinion, be preferable if raised a foot to meet the probable changes caused by the proposed protective works. Mr Carr has agreed, to this suggestion, and the alteration has been made. The specifications contain the usual description of the work, materials, and method of construction, and provide for contractors sending in alternate tenders for completing the bridge in six and nine months, the longer of which periods will I think be found necessary. C. D. Kennedy, County Engineer. WHAEEPONGA TO PETANE. The overseer reported as follows: —I have employed three men to facine and put in repair the boggy parts of this road so as to keep it open for traffic during the winter. Tenders for metalling this road will be laid before you to-day, I beg to inform you, that it is nearly impossible to metal this road during tho winter, as I find there is a stream of water running down the quarry that would interfere with shooting the metal into the carts. —Approved; tenders to be called for as soon as possible. COBBE6PONDENCE. From Minister of Justice, notifying appointment of licensing committee for Heretaunga.—Received. From Property Tax Commissioner, stating that the Mission property was liable to rates.—Received. From same, forwarding voucher fer £76 as subsidy on rates for Maraekakaho Road Board. No other Board had sent in returns. —Mr Sutton said the 30th June was the day for sending in the declaration, which showed the Commissioner had not read the Act.—Mr Tanner thought Captain Russell, as one of the framers of tho Act, might be able to give information.—Captain Russell said the date should have been the 30th of April. From Hcretaunga Road Board, asking for assistaucc, as they had voted £175 for tho opening of tho road to To Auto.—Mr Sutton said he had been along the road one evening last week, and he knew no road that was more in need of assistance.; —A grant of £175 voted. From G. Harper, giving opinion as, to the payment of slaughtering licenses to Taradale Town Board. (The letter has already been published in the Daily Telegraph!)— Received. From Meanee Road Board, asking if a Road Board once dissolved could be reestablished.—Mr Rymer presented a petition from 220 Meanee settlers, asking the Papakura ward to be re-established. They were annexed to Meanee against their will. —Mr Rymer said considerably over the number required had signed the petitipn. The Meanee settlers had signed the petition j largely as they recognised the justice of the request, that the Papakura settlers should have the spending of their own money. He moved that the prayer of the petition be granted.—Mr Sutton would be glad to support the prayer of the petition.—Car- J ried.T—Mr Rymer gave notice that he would riiove at next meeting that a special order be gazetted. From Taradale Town Board, asking the Council to hand over the County rates to the Board, on condition that they would keep the roads in order. This was necessary as they intended to carry out a system of drainage which might interfere with the county levels. —Mr Sutton said if they agreed to the request it would result in confusion in the accounts. , If the Road Board would make application to take over the whole of the roads in their district he would support suet a request. He moved that consideration of the letteT be ■ postponed to next meeting.—Mr Rymer seconded the motion which was carried.;;

From Inspector'of Slaughterhouses, reporting all. houses under his control well conducted,—Received. From Sainsbury and Logan, on behalf of P. H. Dickson, claiming £57 I.os for loss of • harness and horse and damage to dray, owingto the bad state of the Meanee-road. —Tho Overseer reported as follows:— "In explanation to Mr Dickson's letter re accident to horse and dray on the Meanee-Papakura-road on the 28th tilt., I.beg to report that on the above date I employed two men to repair a soft part of this road where the accident occurred, by facining with willow tops. Mr Dickson's two drays passed over that morning to Napier,, and returned at night when the accident complained of occurred; the horse and'dray that met with the accident was driven by a boy between twelve or fourteen years of age. In extricating the horse from the dray they cut the shaft off. Mr Dickson knew of this, soft place on the road being undergoing repairs on of the accident. After, 'Sunday's flood this road was unaafe_ for traffic, in fact this road is more like a riverbed than a county road. It was a total wreck after • the two > last floods." , —The Chairman said the' accident had occurred at night, but there was no negligence on the part of the men employed by the Council. Some of tho roads at present were impassable, they could not withstand the incessant rain that had been experienced of late.—Mr Sutton thought thoy had berin fortunate during the last ten or twelve, years in escaping such accidents. He was inclined to move that the letter be 'referred to the solicitor. It was just possible that they were responsible for life or limb on every county road to be found on the maps.—Mr Williams said if their liabilities were so great as that, a man would break his leg for the purpose of getting compensation. —The Chairman did not think it a wise step to consult the solicitor.—Capt. Russell would like to know where their responsibilities began ? It would be injiidicious to send a reply. From Property Tax Commissioner, stating £96 17 7d subsidy had been forwarded. —Received. . .. Prom Treasury, stating £2000 had been passed to- the Council's credit on loan account.—Received. From Mr Gordon, asking for employment.—Received. '-~'. Front Taradale Town Board, stating hotelkeepers had been notified that license j fees should be paid to t.hem.-7-Appro.ved. ' ' OVEESEEE's BEI'OET, Napier MurdpimUty,'oliYe-.Have.lock-Te Aute- Road,—As instructed, I "have' exariiined a portion of this road between the soap works, Awatoto, and Waitangi railway crossing; complained of as being in bad order for public traffic. I find tbt> chief cause to' be not having ths re _ serve fenced off so as to 00i»«j o i traffic to run .on the.formation - ; there* is about 30 chains of this l'O&u nofc f orm . c d, running on private, between the soap works fina end of new formation. I beg to recommend . that ■; this portion of road be formed'and metalled on the proper surveyed line of road ; cost, £100. The late flood has covered this" road from the Shamrock Hotel to the Waitangi railway crossing with 3ft of water.. . This will make a good sumrherrbad. I btg to. suggest for your

consideration the advisability of connecting the lower road with the,top road by a junction near the'Waitangi railway cross-' ing and running by line, of telegraph poles a distance of 30 chains, where,'•; there is abeadya pcrmanoht railway crossing, paid for by the county 'for metalling purposes.' Ultimately this' road will: run' in a direct Tine to Napier. Traffic' had to take; ty % ton r,o^,during -th« last fe,w days'

owing to the flooded state of the lower" road. Cost of forming., and metalling 30 chains of road between the Waitangi railway crossing .and top roa-d £100. Metal repairs to a portion of this road, from the Waitangi railway, crossing to Farndon, has been attended to during tho month. R,eplankmg a portion of tho Waitangi bridge is completed, and also rcplanking Farmer's bridge, Longlands, is completed. Havelock-Patangata-road.—As authorised, I have notified the contractor for repairs to this road to quarry 1000 cubic yards of metal to repair the worst places near the junction of this road -whereMr Cooper'stums There is a small creek which overflows its banks in time of freshes and washes the metal off the county road for chains. In my next report I will make an estimate of the cost of diverting this creek. Tareha's Bridge, Mcance-road.—Metal repair to the worst places on this road has heon attended to during tho month.' The late flood has washed away the metal to one side, which will have to be replaced by the, surfacemen.

Meanee - Pahwhakuiro - road. —The contractors for metalling this road put' on six metal carts, and were making'good progress till tho late flood completely washed them out and removed the metal in place, and in other places silted it up. This road, from the Meanee bridge to Mr Parson's old place, Little Bush, was covered over by the late flood; it was over the tops of the fences. I bog to recommend that one mile of this road, now authorised to bo metalled from Mr Dixon's gate to, Mr Parson's old place, be reformed, cost, £100. This work must be done in fine weather, as it is now nearly covered with water. New Taradalc-roacl.— The bad portions of this road have been metalled during tho month. Widening the road opposite the Napier Park Company's grand stand is completed. Omahu - Okawai -Tuinui - Mangawhareroad.—Metalling contract from end of swamp to creek back of Okawa station has been commenced. Owing to tho sodden state of the road, caused by the late rain, metalling has been discontinued until fine weather sets in. Surface contract from Omahu to Mangawhare has been entirely neglected during the last two months: I have noticed the contractor to put on two surfacemen on this line of road.

Woodthorpe - Waikoniui - Mangawhare - road.—l found three surfacemen employed on this road removing slips during tho late wet weather. They had their work to do to keop the road open for traffic. I beg to recommend that 40 chains of this road, known as cutting, to avoid two crossings of the river, bo metalled. Tho slippery nature of the soil makes it impassable for wheel traffic during wet weather. Cost, £30. Mangawhare - Kuripapanga - Taruarau - Patea-road.—On examining this road I found the surface repairs fairly attended to. I have noticed the contractor to strengthen the staff of surfacemen during this bad weather. I beg to recommend that one mile of this road—between the Taruarau Bush and Kianui creek—bo metalled. This road has been lately formed. The nature of the soil is very rotten when once broken. Cost, £150.

Rissington-Patoka-road. — I have examined the road before tho late heavy rain, and I found it in fair order for traffic.

Western Spit-Petane-road. — The' bad portions of this road, between the Western Spit and opposite the wreck of. the Northumberland, have been metalled during tho month.

Flooring the Port Ahuriri bridge has been commenced and is making good progress, considering the state of tho weather.; John Tracy, Road Overseer.

Mr Sutton thought one line of road was far better than suggesting three. The road had been in a bad state for many months. He was inclined to move that the road be made fit for traffic at once. The road had been systematically neglected for ten years, and they were now in funds to spend money on it. He did riot approve of the suggestion to deviate the road, it would be far bettor to. have a proper road, so that the people of Clive could be accorrimodated. There was not a horse in Napier that would take two persons to Clive in less than forty minutes. The proposal was only tinkering'with the question, a. road from Waitangi to the Shamrock should be made at a cost of £400.

Mr Rymer said the present road if harrowed and some limestone rubble put on it, it would combine and riiake a good road, at half the cost mentioned by Mr Sutton.. Mr Tanner agroed with Mr Rymer. If the road were once blinded it would keep good always. The Chairman said the Provincial Government had made a start with a road from Napier, and the mile that was done cost £1000. Between Napier and Olive £25,000 had been spent in seven miles ■during the last twenty-nine years, and in addition there was a railway, so that there was no neglect. Mr Williams would object to Carting metal from Napier while there were good materials at hand, and if tho overseer could not make a good road they should get someone that could.

Captain Russell considered £50 would do all that was required, what was nejeded was the filling in of the holes. Mr Rymer would remind the members that the good part of the Petanc-road was limestone paved for 120 chains. A few truck loads could bo taken from Battery Point to tlii; KJ;.«*mroek by tin; railway.

Mr Sutt'ou moved that the chairman arrange with tho railway authorities for the supply of 500 yards of fecstono rubble, to be delivered at the crossings.

The motion was negatived, Messrs Si?. ( > ton, Rymer, and Tanner only supporting it.

Captaiu Russell moved that a sum not exceeding £100 be spent in filling up the holes on the road.—Negatived. Mr Rymer moved that twenty chains bo blinded with limestone. —Negatived. The recommendations ■ were approved except that referring to the Clive-road. MOTION. Mr Tanner moved that the chairman bo requested to ascertain at what cost limestone rubble for blinding can be delivered by the railway authorities at the most available point for carting on the Shamrock - Waitangi-road.—Carried. accounts. Vouchers to the amount of £044 3s Id were passed for payment, and on loan account £110 10s.

The Council then adjourned,

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4945, 22 June 1887, Page 3

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H.B. COUNTY COUNCIL. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4945, 22 June 1887, Page 3

H.B. COUNTY COUNCIL. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4945, 22 June 1887, Page 3