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The Council met at 8 p.m. last night. Present: The Mayor (in the chair), Crs. Margoliouth, Neal, Graham, Cotton, Cornford, Faulknor, and Cohen. MOTION. Cr. Cotton moved that competitive schemes be invited for the drainage of the Spit, such scheme to include the ultimate drainage of tho whole of the North Ward. He favored competitive designs, because by that means economy could be studied. Cr. Graham seconded the motion. The Mayor reminded councillors that he had brought forward a somewhat similar motion some time ago, but it would be necessary before proceeding with the work to fix the permanent levels. Cr. Cornford thought Cr. Cotton was not proceeding with the motion in the proper course, what should just be dove was to have the matter reported on by the finance committee. The question was ono involving a large expenditure of money, and as the matter of the repair, if not permanent improvement of the Marine Parade would have to be undertaken, if any large scheme were formulated a fresh loan would be necessary. Cr. Neal thought the course suggested by Cr. Cornford was the proper one, seeing tho motion meant a large expenditure of money. He moved that the question be referred to the Public Works Committee. Cr. Margoliouth was strongly of the motion. The necessary work would not be expensive, as there was a considerable fall from Shakespeare-road to a suitable place at the Spit. The Harbor Board's reserve was being filled in three feet above the general level, which would cause stag* nant pools in front of the houses at the back of the lagoon.

Cr. Faulknor considered tho work too large a one to be dealt with in a sujall Council as were present that evening. As a previous resolution was on the minutes, the Mayor ruled it would have tb be rescinded before Cr. Cotton's motion could be put.

Cr. Margoliouth moved the suspension of the standing orders for the purpose of rescinding the resolution, but, as .Cr. Faulknor objected, the motion to suspend the standing orders was negatived. CORRESPONDENCE. From S. A. Scott, requesting l that water might be laid on to two houses he was building in Gladstone-road on section 85 for Mr Hannah.—Referred to Overseer to report to Publio Works Committee. From C. B. Hoadley and Co., forwarding account sales of the Papakura Reservs, which had been leased to Mr G. Rymer for twenty-one years, at £45 per annum. Received. From J. C. Fowler and Co., applying for permission to extend their verandah, and to do so they would require a post at the edge of the culvert.—Referred to Building Inspector. From Charitable Aid Board, requesting payment of third instalment for current year amounting to £68 2s 10d.—Ordered to be paid. From Engineer's Department N.Z. Railways, asking Corporation to grant Department permission to join main which runs alongside the street adjoining the station at the Spit. The connection required would be a two-inch pipe, the supply being measured either by meter or by the measurement of their tanks. In the event of permission being granted, the price to ha quoted.—Referred to Overseer for report to next meeting of Publio Works Committee. From J. Martin, in reference to the stopposts in Lucy-road, and protesting against the action of the Council in practically closing a road which had beeu used for thirteen years.—Referred to Roads Committee acd Overseer by casting vote' of Mayor.

FromT. A. Pudan, applying for permission to construct a tramway on behalf of the provisional directors of the Citwif Napier and Suburban Tramways Complny (limited. Full particulars of the projected undertaking would be found in the prospectus.—Referred to Public Works Committee. . «_>

From Waterworks Engineer, reportim? pumping for the month.—Received.

ROAD OVERSEER'S REPORT. I have the honor to report for the consideration of the Council on the following, Small compartment-old reservoir.— lhe works considered by the Water Works ment^^ CeSßary *° lllake this com P a *tment ot the reservoir serviceable, -will I estimate, cost from £35 to £40. The work consists in an apron at the foot of the walls on the south eiidand east side. The bottom of side next Mr M. R. Miller's re-plastered and the remainder washed over' With neat cement This, I think, B hould me_t all that is required " aL

Stoiies.for street work -I beg to report on the great diffi ? l, y „ 0 w experienced[n procuring stones for theordinarv works In tact it is a search all over the town to pro * cure a few loads only, and I am now unablo to keep the authorised works proceed™" to advantage I have interviewed Mr J Close relative to a quarry in fh„ iw_ • Parade near the po'licT-tatlon W nat the Corporation can use it by paying "royalty "of two pence per load 4_ quarry ls conveniently situated, of _,! cess, and presents a fine face of rock I ttiink the ofleris most reasonable and should be occupy. TJitf v v,rk of SSj

be let by tender at per load for the material classified to suit requirements. Progress of works—The kerbing and channelling of Edwards-street, betweon the Beach and Munroo-street, is now completed. The footpaths in Clive Square have receivod the first coating of tar. The crossing opposite the Bank of New Zealand and Bon Marohe have been completed. Repairs to foothpaths in Hastings-street (South Ward) have been effected during the month, also protection to sea wall. Tarring footpaths in Dickens-strcot, Dalton-street, and Emerson-street has boen done during the month, aud tho usual jobbing work attended to. Tho kerbing of Sale-street is now in hand. The new fire bell for Coote road district has arrived. I should like instruction to have same erected. The telephone poles in stock will be suitable for tho erection of the tower. AY. Black, Road Overseer. PETITION. Cr. Cotton presented a petition from certain residents in Ossian-stroet requesting a water supply.—Referred to Public Works Committee. WATER FOR BRICK YARDS. Napior, October 4, 1886. Chairman Wator Works Committee, Napier Borough Council. Sir,—As lam informed you a--e the proper person to whom I should address my letter, I beg to request you to recommend to tho Council the necessity of laying the high pressure service to my brick yard in Hydra-bad-road. As the Council will be aware, I have been to considerable expense in laying pipes, &c, for supply of water, and I naturally expected to receive at least a fair quantity of water, but as it appears that I am at almost the extreme end of the low pre-sure sup-lv, I can very rarely get any water whatever during the working hours of the day, and as the supply of water is necessary for my brickmaking business the present service is almost, useless, therefore I consider, as I pay full rates for the use of the water, I should in common justice obtain that which I pay for. If tbe Council will lay the pipes connecting the high pressure from the main serving Mr C. Dolbel s residence, a distance of about eight chains, I will gladly pay according to meter rate rather than have the uncertain supply I now receive. I may state that during racing day being a holiday, I had a continued supply, therefore I presume the water from the low pressure is exhausted before it reaches my yard at other times not holidays. Philip Dolbel. M. N. Bower, Esq.. Town Clerk.

Sir —With reference to Mr Dolbel's application to have the high pressure water supply laid on to his brickyard, I beg to report that I have visited the place and find that tha present supply is, as stated, totally useless for brick-making purposes, giving only small driblets at uncertain and generally inconvenient intervals. Tlie cost of laving a #-inch black-iron pipe through Mr Dolbel's paddock to tho brick-yard, a distance of about 8 chains, will be about £8 10s. There is anothor, and i think, better way to carry the piping, and that is down Havolock-road. This would bring the main if laid to within 4£ chains of Mr Dolbel's brick-yard, and could then be taken thereto at a cost of about £4 15-, and would place the residences in Lucknowterrace (five houses) within rating distance, and the water supply at their disposal. The length of piping required in Havelockroad to effect the above object will be ih chains, and as this will require a H-inch pipe, the cost will be about £14 10s, exclusive of the branch to the brick-yard. It will be remembered that application to have the water laid on to Lucknow- terrace was made come time ago. W. Black, Road Overseer. Overseer's report authorised, the larger scheme to be carried out.

FIRE-BELL BITE. As instructed, I solicited the aid of the officers of the Napier Firo Brigade in determining the most suitable site for the new fire-bell, and to-day, in company with Mr Waterworth and Mr Gilberd, made an inspection. The spot selected as the most auitable is on the angular corner at the junction of Fitzroy and Shakespeare-roads, and between the two. There is not, I think, the slightest doubt but that this corner is the most suitable in tho vicinity. lhe tower can bo erected on tho extreme corner and inside the road channels, so that there will be no intrusion on private property and no obstruction to traffic. In addition, the site is the best for the equal distribution of sound, both in the town and Spit directions, and is on the junction of five roads. W. Black, Road Overseer.

Report adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. ' Your committee having met pursuant to order and carefully considered the matters submitted to them, beg respectfully to report as follows,, viz. :-That £100, the amount remaining from the Chaucer-road accident relief fund on account of Mrs Quain (now Mrs Grant) be lent on mortgage on freehold property at 8 pep oent. interest, and that applications be invited by advertisement. G. H. Swapt, Mayor, Chairman.

—Adopted. Public Works Committee's Report.^ 1. That with reference to the breaking up of streets or footways no by-law be made, the provisions of the Municipal Corporation Act, 187G and of the existing bylaws, being sufficient to deal with tho matter; and further, that the overseer be instructed to prosecute any person breaking up or interf eringin any way with the material of the roadway or f oetpath without his written consent having been first obtained, and that no such consent be given unless a sum sufficient to covor tho cost of the work shall have been deposited with the Town Clerk. 2. That the small compartmont of the low reservoir be repaired as recommended by the overseer in his report, clause 1. 2. That with reference to clause 2of the overseer's report Mr Close's offer bo ac4. That the tender of Messrs W. Ellison and Son, for the survey of the Woodville reserve, for the sum of £58 15s, be accepted. 5 That the vouchers herewith forwarded, £2138" 17s. £864 14s 2d, and £8 3s, bo passed and ordered to bo paid. Clauses 1 to 4 were adopted WW°W discussion.

MISCELLANEOUS. Cr. Margoliouth movod that Public Works Committee make a further report to the Council on tho Spit dranage scheme.— Carried. ... Cr. Cohen asked if anything had beon heard of the water pipes which were contracted for some time ago.—The Town Clerk said Messrs Morrin and Co., had appointed Messrs Ruddock and Fryer agents in the matter, and the plant would be here shortly, as it had, he understood, arrived in New Zealand. Cr. Cotton said the Roads Committee had ' endeavored to bring up a report as to the roads promised by Mr Colenso. Tho latter had asked them to wait till a bright, calm, genial day, when he was not busy, and that time apparently had not yet come. The information he had given was the result of a meeting with Mr Colenso in the street.—Cr. Graham thought the report was worse than pone at all.—Cr. Cohen said the Committee fcad not forgotten the matter, but they were waiting fop a fine day, when, in company with Mr Black, they would visit the locality. . „„„„„ „ „, Vouchers amounting to £2996 3s §d were passed for payment. F SEA WALL.

The Mayor gave notice of the following motion for next meeting:— , '" "1. The sea wall abutting on the Marineparade having been so much damaged by jthe late heavy seas this Council is of opinion that some permanent improvement should be at once proceeded with, on the basis or a modification of the accompanying plan." "2. That to enable the Council to carry put the above work without further taxing the ratepayers it is desirable to cut up and lease the northern portion of Clive-square, now üße d as a playground, and that a bill giving the requisite powers be prepared and placed in charge of the member for Napier fpr presentation to Parliament." ." 3. That thjis Council be empowered to lease for a term of years sections 96, 97, 98, and 99 Clive-square, for the purposo of a playground for the children of the public school." SPECIAL MEETING. The Mayor proposed that a special meeting to consider by-law 28 be called foi the 20th October after tho ordinary meeting of the Council.—Carried. The Council then adjourned.

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4733, 7 October 1886, Page 2

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BOROUGH COUNCIL. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4733, 7 October 1886, Page 2

BOROUGH COUNCIL. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4733, 7 October 1886, Page 2