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NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. I NAPIER SECTION. . ■ TIMETABLE W On and after December 15th, 1884. H WEEK DAYS OlferT : ?I SOUTH. ';■---• _">^| * STATIOKS. 5 a.m. a id. am !p-m- p.m pit p. Hit * Spit ..dep. .. 10.22 11.15 2-4S 3.50 .. .. ■ o _, atr .. 10 30 11.23 2-56 3.58 .. .. ■ 2 Napier dop 7.2510.5 c 30 4.20 6.30 9.30 ■ 5 *AwatotO .. .. .. .. H t Farndon ".. 7.43 1110 .;:. 3.20 4.40 .. 9.50 ■ 11 *Whakatu H 13 "Tomoana 6.15 . • H , .. arr .. 1130 — 10.10 M 14 Bastings dep g 5 360 g 5 . H 19 *Pakl Paki , .. .. ..- ■ 25 *Poukawa.. .. .... H 29 i'u Aute .. 9.0 4.60 6 5 H 33*Pukeheu.. .. - .... 3x ICaikora .. 935 r : 5-25.. M 41 vVaiptiwa . 9.4S ~5-SO 6.F8 >f ■ .l5 s Tartwa .. o __ 46 Waipu. nn . .... T_ ■ Iturau del 10 12 0 5 7.15 & ■ 5 'Woburn .. .. -'■■:' ■■ -— "2 50 -i'nmvbar .. ■ 0 4-2 3 H f,9!Tatep»u .. 1t.2 ■!• '. 0.67 in ■ G j*Kopua .... .. H 07,*l'apktu .... •• ■ 68 Orinondvllli 11.35 7 3,'> H 70 Makotaku.. 11.H3 7 42 M 74*Ua.tama.u. .. .. H 79,* M mgntore .. .. SI Danevlrko .... - • p m. S2T.ihorsit3 12. 8 ■ NORTa "H stations am. am.iatn, p.m. p.m. p.m "?. Tahoraitc. dep. .. . • 6.65 1.30 H 1 *">')anevirke .... -j. ..• .. 3 *.Mangatcra .... , • r. .. S * vliitnaiau .... i "_ •• __ 12 ankotuku .... . U«~- 2.15 ■ 14 Ormondville .. .. I 7.561 2-22 M U> «Pap&tu .. .. . :^J 17 *Kopua .. .. 2?i 23Takapau 825 2.53 §i ■ 26 *Omawharo .... .. .. - 31 *VVoburn .. .. 3 ■ 30 Waipukurau ... 6.35 9-25 3.45 "2 ■ 37 *Xarewa .... 3 41 Waipawa .. .. 655 9.4S 4.4 <g H 45 Kaikora .. ..7-3 10.4 4.17 ■ 49 *Pukehou .... .. .. ~^M 53TeA.ute .. .. 7.43 10.35 4.60 ■ 57 *Ponkawa .... i .. .. ■~ 63*irakiPaki .. .. .. .. ■ eSHasttaßS .. .. 8.43 10.0 11.38 1,35 5.45 6.45H 69 -*Totnoana .. .. - .. .. 7! *Whakatu .. .. -.. .. ■ 74 Farad on .. .. 9-4 10.23,12 3' 2-0 .6.8 7.5 H 77 *Awatoto \ sn vr „,-„ f arr. 9.20 10.43 12.23 2 2 6.30 7.25H 80 Japier j dep 9 . 30 wM , x,„ 3 . 15 82 ..arr. 93i 10.5 v l 1,3(- 3-23 stations. Trains do not stop less required. Notice should bo given the guard at the previous stopping by an}>- passengers desiring to alight at Flag^B Stations. > /CONSULT— The Phyaioilns of the AUS-β \_J tralian Medical and Surgical aiy. Deformities, Specific, Female Nervous Diseases a Speciality. Send (free) Treatise on Vitality, Nervous (Diagnosis and Treatment). Diseases Women —Rupture, Deformities, &c. dress : —Physician-in-chief, A.M.5.1., Oastlereagh Street, Sydney; or B. HOLTERMANN, Esq., M.P., Pres., Bo A 120, G-.P.0. Send for Illustrated Treatis«B on Varicocele, Hernia, Ruptures, formities, etc. Free. THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE-β CLARKE'S I WOULD FAMEB BLOOD MIXTURE.,-e THE OKEAT BLOOD PUIUFIEB AND EESTOBEE^B For cleansing and clearing the blood f ron^H all impurities, cannot be too highly recom.'^B mended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, an^f Sores of all lands it is a novcr-failing anc^f permanent cm - e. It cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on tho Neck Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs Cures Blackheads, or Pimples cm tli^| Face H Cures Scurvy Sorez , : Ciu'os Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings Cures the Blood from all impur^B matter. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the tasteH and warranted free from anything injurious^B to the most delicate constiffifc&on of eithe^B sex, the Proprietors solicit'suffercra to giv^B it a trial to test its value. ' Thousands of Testimonials from allparts^B Cuke of Rheumatism. *" "I had been troubled for some yearswitl^B rheiunatics, and tried a great many doctor^B and different medicines, but I never founc^H relief till I took yotir Blood Mixture, whichH I am happy to say, completely cured me^B My wife till lately has been troubled withj^B gathering, tog-ether with pains in the hea^H and face, and I can safely say that nothinJH did her so much good as youx valuable Mix-H ture. I know a great many persons who^B fly to it the moment they feel any ailment^B of any kind, and all ag-ree there is nothing^B to equal it. You are perfectly free to use^B this letter in any way you nruy think ad°H visable. —I am, very respectfully yours, Robert Phillips." Sold in Bottles 2s 6d each, and in Case3,H containing six times the quantity, 11s eachH —siifficiont to effect a permanent cure in thc^B great majority of lrtng-stancling cases, BYH ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDI-B CINE VENDORS throughout the-world. I Solo Proprietors, "The Lincoln MidlandH Counties Drug Company," LINCOLN.H ENGLAND. , ■ Trade mark.—"Blood Mixture.' H 12, Hamilton-road, Grove-road, — H Victoria Park. H GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. ■ epps's^cocoaJ BREAKFAST. ■ REASSWiST. ■ "By a thorough knowledge of the natural H laws whioh govern the oiDerationa of diges- H tion and nutrition, and by a careful appli-H oation of the fine properties of well-selected I cocoa, provided our breakfast I tables with a delicately-flavored beverageH which may save us many heavy doctors , H bills. It is by the judicious use of suchH articles of diet that a constitution may bo ■ gradually built up until strong enough toH resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds H of subtle maladies arc floating around us H ready to attaclc wherever there is a weak H point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft H by keeping ourselves well fortified -with I pure blood and a properly nourished H frame."—Soo article in tho Civil Service H GrttKCtto. ' H Made simply with boiling water or milk. I Sold in |lb packets by grocers, labelled I thus:— ■ JAMES EP P S & CO., ■ nOMCEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, I LONDON, ENGLAND. I ________ _____ — MUTTON HAMS. I "Throw PhysMDogsfJ TRY NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, I ELECTRICITY. I PROF. ALLEN'S. Miniature Galvanic BatterfesH Of Are acknowledgcdAy Eminent Pliy-H IJHEy jj>a sicians, and by tViotisands of ferers to bo a positive Remedy for ■ TSt^SMeui'- , '- nearly all the- ailuients uiankiiul is H ri<3i!j»jJeuiPsljil lieirto. The efficacy of this Wonder- ■ ful Invention as n curative agent is certainly The Crowning MedfTea, $ ca, and Scientific Triumph of !■s*• © m the 19th Century. This BATTERY is not larger than a half-crown piece, and is worn on the chest, next the skin, suspended by a silk cord around the neck. The several metals of which it is composed are so arranged that the natural humidity of the skin is sufficient to set the chemicals in the amalgamated metals in . ; motion, generatinc; .1 constant 'iut <s ißßa oet^^ea ■' gentle flow of Electricity which passes from the Battery into the >ssaK*v system, purifying the Blood, strengthening tUeNcrvcs.BramnnaMus. cles, infusing fresh vigor into the Debilitated Constitution, Stimuhi- UWr ting the Vital Organstotheir]iroiier action and enabling nature to throw off numerous diseases. The Battery will cure the following ailments . Headache, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kciiialpiii, Ulceu, m and Tumors, Nervous Debility,lmpotence, Liver LCiU- H plaints, Fever and Ague, Disease of the Kidneys ami H Urinal Organs, Bronchitus, Asthma, Diphtheria, litt, ■ === i Constipation, Heart Dis- ■ pase, Paralysis" Diseas of the Lungs ■ almost every form of Aches anil H The Battery has a soothing ef- I gjgfS§g£JiflSlßfeet upon children whiletccthLr.c. ■ WgfflmiiSiip&Mi Hhistrated Circular sent free, ■ Riving fnil pnvticulars and direc- H -"''price, E'l-VE ' I By Post to any address, or supplied by all Cliemists H and Storekeepers. SMITH & Co., Medical Galvan* H tets 160 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne -; H

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4300, 9 May 1885, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4300, 9 May 1885, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4300, 9 May 1885, Page 6 (Supplement)