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LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. jANtTABY, ISBS. JUSf PUBLISHED. STEWART, TPfcAWSON & /~"<O.'S 1) \j NEW ILLUSTRATED "WATCH PAMPHLET. CO PAG-m Cr. 4to ! 200 ILLUSTRATIONS ! ""HE MOST IVPORTANT TUB MOST INTERESTING. AND TUB JiKST ILLUST.RA.TEn BUi'K. i.Vt.ll ISSUED IS EXOLvNI) ON THE ENGLISH_LEVKR. STEWART, DAWSON & CO. LIVERPOOL, BAVE iLUJti pleasure in placing before ilielr thrtia mi's mi' Go.'onial Cu-louiers an I ihe Colonial l'nh.ic generally, thai- nnv Watch Pamphlet, ferine ooulid-iit ilia! a perusal of it will highly iute.-est eve-y iuteuuhii; Watch buyer. 11l the same yt v will find STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S SW-TKM OF BUSINESS VJKSfS TR\DK OPPOSITION, JK.vl .OUSV, VISDIOTIVK iMKND.-'.CITY, AND IMITATION, SHOWN UP IN TH-:IU TKOE SKNSjE. S THWART, DAWS.)N A» CO uocd hardly remind the public that it is the j'lv.roi.'at'vo of th. so who are hurt to cry out, and S., I). & Co are neither sm prised or dl turbed at thn uieuicy of disucidint criiM their system of b. sintss lias evokud auioair watch dcileis ou all siilt-s Taoso are only tho evidences of the rc'o'iiu that .STi->VART, UA.WSON Ai <X). havu effected sinco they inanenrated their system of sailing t.lieir Celebrated Watdics direct frcin their Manufactory to the public at hulf Colonial prices. STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S NKW ILLUSTRATED WATCH PAMPHLET Also contains a lirk-f t-uto-y of tho English Lever, its invent on and development into tho unrivalled watch sh lii.inufuuMired by t*i m, logetbcr with a Concise Outline <>l s tfc (jo,'s Kactcry Organisation iiud Me:hods o< Production. It also contains hundreds of AUrtraliin a.d i> cv Z nln'id ToitimuniVe from every part o" the Colonies, together with Ooloniil and uriti-h Pre-3 Noti"cs and in ny <i( the niu>t, wonderful and interesting: British Testimoni lib ev<-r teotitieJ ni fnvor of any aitic c or comnv-dity. To iiii.voiic who c.m ))riiiit out in any of our p:iin;.hluls a that is not genuine, or one tliat Ins boeti Bcl.citod. DON'T F.ML to It--AD IN OU < NEW ILLUSTRATED WATCH PAMPHLET, HOW IT IS DOS-., AM) MOW WE HAVE PISTASCKI) ALL eoMV'KTIIION, And ! eft our rivals bewildered sit the rapidity of our pri-yres*, and uit,u;]y asiouniii-d at the merits and Vdluc of our wutshes, and, si.ill more, indt;nn>itly aetoundc' »t the nrracnloua prices (.t which we soil tl cm. Yon will itlso find full paniculate and illustrations of all our celebrated watches, and many hours' re uinsr, of high'}' ciitcrtaiuing infor_ mation; fytther witha iNTbiIIUSTiNG ESSAY By a Customer, on the Value and Quality of STEWART, DAvSO.N & CO.',S hi<h-class KNGLTaII WVrOHE-i, ' n<l the System if Uminews originated and carritd out by them throughout Knirliu.d, licland, Sootl.iiid. a.d the Au-trulian <Jo!o iea. NOTICE! NOTICE! livery intending watch buyer should write at once for a copy of our .\lui*ciifi: fnt New Watch Pamphlet, in order to securo the s.itne, and ba in time, as OL-ly a limite i number of this E ition h-is been tent, and these, it is expecte I, will soon be all sent out. This published price of the Bo k is On? Shilling per col y. but to intending cu-to: crj v.c will ae. d it gratis for 4d in at imps, thu cost of its postage only. Sec illustrations and full particulars of the lleclianism of all the f,>llowicjj Uniivalled Watches :— STEWART, DAWSON & Co.'S SIX GUINKA ENGLISH LKVEIIS, In Open-Face Crvstnl Kront, so d direct fos £3 10s, " mo.t wonderful value " STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S KKNOWiNItD £710s. ENGLISH HUNTING LEVERS, Sod direct fur £3 15s Fifty Thousand of thoco in wear iv the Colonies, with satiufuction unequall<-d. STEWART, DAW3ON & CO.'S HIGHEST QUALITY EIGHT GUINEA ENGLISH HUNTING LLVEhS, With 3 pairs Extra Jewels, and real Chronometer lialance, Price, ,tl 15s , never nj-proached STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S JUOXIFICENT KEYLESS ENGLISH LEA r ERS. For full particulars, with dimctiona for Winding , and Setting Hands, see nuw pamphlets. STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S SUPERB ENGLISfi SILVER CIIKONOGRAPI LEVKRS. Crystal Front. i-"i 15j ; iJunler, i! 0 15s ; tho hand, aomest Watch ever mule. Just half Colonial prices. SEE OUR NEW MODEL WATCH, TIIK OFFICIAL ENGLISH KIiYLESS RAILWAY LEVER, As supplied to the leading English and Indian Government Stato Railways. I'nce. £6 ltH, never equalled at any price, iivory Railway > mplojcc in Kew Zealand 6houldsee particulars of this Watch in our new pamphlet. STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S LalJlKb , AND GKNT.V STERLING SILVER DEFIANCE WATCHES. Open Face, £1 7s Od; Hunter, £1 15s; perfect t:muktepers. f»ot half Co!oiiiil pricts. STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S LA OIKS' ENGLISH LKVKRS. Open Fate, £3 It's; liuijter, £3 15s; positively worth Seven Guineas. STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'d LA I) IKS' HIGHEST QUA. TV ENGLISH GOLD LEVERS. All 18 oarut c-ecs, £8 10a ; Hunters, £11 10j ; worth £1-2 10a and £17 10a STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S GENTLKWBN'3 ENGLISH GOLD LEVERS. Open Face, and Hunters, all fully illustrated in their new Watch Pamphlet, iU2 lOd, £15 lOs, and £18 10s, worth from £17 103 to £30; comparison invited. STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S MAGNIFICENT ENGLISH GOLD PAUAGON CHRONOGRAPH LEVERS. See Pamphlet. 1.0 WATCH ILLUSTRATIONS TO SELECT FROM. ALBERTS ! ALBERTS !! ALB RETS!! ! liEW UKSIGNS. GOIJ) AND STERLING SILVER. LADIES' AND UENTS'. All lllustrato'l. and at one-half Colonial prices. Sterling Silver; Government Hall marked Alberts, !)3 Gel, 13s Cd, and 15s 6d, worth 21s. c o n!so our new speciality in QoDtlemen's Sterling Silver Double Albirts —"The Hartington" and " Tho Salisbury " —£l 5s each, worth Tv/o Guineas. The handsomest Albert ever made. These arc r.c'ff registciel dewigns. and wear from pocket to pocket, with drop-piece in centre. INSTRUCTION FOR ORDERING WATCHES NAPIER TELEGRAPH. Cut this Coupon out and forward it with P.O. Order, payable to S. D, & Co., Auckland, with 2/G added to pay post and registration, or send cash in registered letter, and we guarantee to forward Watch on a week's free trial, and conditions as stated in Pamphlet, by first post. (Signed) STEWART DAWSON & Co. Note :—All lei to s to be adJreseed STEWART, DAWSON & CO. 195, Queen Street, Auckland. Wn'tO't once for a copy of our Splendid New Illustrated Watch Pamphlot, and read what your n< ighbors Bay of our Watches, and also learn what can bu done i y Organisation, Knterprisu, Capita), Perseverance, and honorable Btrai(,'ht(orward deaiinjjH. We will forward jou a copy per return post free, for <ld iv stamps, the cost of postage only. Other Colonial Branches: :U PRINCE'S STIiKKT, DUNKDIN, 3!)0, GKORGK STREET, SYDNEY. o, COLLINS oTRKKT WKST, MELBOURNE. Manufactory—Liverpool, Ktiylpiid. NOTICE. ON and after this date all Accounts due to tho late firm of JOHN BIOKNELL AND SONS must be paid to the Executors, receipt only will be re--2o,rnisecl0 ,r nisecl as a sufficient discharge. All ")vorduo accounts must be paid forthwith. A.ll debts owing by the late firm will be paid by tho undersigned. SAMUEL GRAHAM, T. A. SHIRLEY, Executors. Puketapn, July 10, 1884. A LEXANDER TT'ENNEDY A iv. Travelling \gent for the New Zealand Government Life Insurance Department.

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4286, 23 April 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4286, 23 April 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4286, 23 April 1885, Page 4