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Ono hundred and twenty passengers came into toAvn last night by the special train attend the Polk Comedy Company's entertainment.

Mr John Nairn has been elected chairman of the Tamumu Road Board, to fill tho vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr J. E. C. Price.

His Honor the Chief Justice did not tako Chamber business to-day, consequently the caso of FelloAves v. Hamilton, in Avhich the defendant is to apply for a new trial, has not been brought on.

In the Resident Magistrate's Court this morning before Captain Preece, R.M., Peter Lundal, Avho had been remanded from the previous day, Avas fined 5s for drunkenness, Avith the usual alternative.

Mr Robert Stout intends delivering a lecture at the Protestant Hall to-morroAv evening on the subject of " True Democracy." Tho chair will be taken at 8 o'clock by Mr J. Sheehan, M.H.R.

In tho publication of the awards for Captain Russell's prizes for sevfing wo omitted to mention that, ovring to the general excellence of Miss Rymer's Avork, Mrs J. D. Ormond presented her with a special prize.

In reference to tho Carlyle street and Clive Square petition to tho Council, concerning the nuisance existing on sections 96 and 97, avo learn that Mr BroAvning, the j. owner, has instructed his agent here to fill in the land to the required level.

Mr H. C. Wilson, who was fined yesterday £5 for failing to ansAvor to his name when called on as a juryman, appeared before the Chief Justice this afternoon, and satisfactorily explained his remissness, with the result that the fine was remitted. •

At a meeting of the neAA'ly constituted Clyde ToAvn Board yesterday, telegraphs our own correspondent, the Rev. W. Lambert AA'as elected chairman pro tern. That gentleman then proposed Mr George B. Flint as permanent chairman, and he was unanimously elected.

Conundrums in Court are not usual, but to-day a defendant in a civil case in tho R.M. Court asked a lawyer, the plaintiff, if ho had not promised to put him through the Court for the usual thing. " The usual thing means anything in a Bankruptcy Court," was the conundrum's answer.

A meeting of the Clive School Committee Avas held yesterday evening to consider the applications, of which there were nine, for the appointment of headmaster of the school. The committee eventually resolved to recommend the Board to appoint Mr Bissell, at present master of the Havelock school.

There are various ways of getting OA'er difficulties. A Dane to-day, who Avas considerably puzzled by simple English by tho Resident Magistrate, fell back on his '' lee tic bill"—" everything speaks for itself, if you look over tho bill, there is not much to question." Simplo but not conclusive.

The AVaipawa Mail learns that tho railAvay authorities intend removing the Kopua station buildings to Waipukurau, thus considerably enlarging tho accommodation at that station. Possibly uoav Aye shall not hear so'many complaints from ladies that the room set apart for them is always filled with parcels.

We have been furnished with tho following return of sick at the Hawke's Bay Hospital for last month : —ln hospital on NoA-ember Ist 17 males and 6 females; admitted during tho month, 20 males and 10 females; discharged, 18 males and 8 females; died, 1 female ; remaining in hospital, 19 males and 7 females.

Wo are glad to learn that tho proposal to establish a Avoollcn manufactory at Hastings has not been allowed to drop out of remembrance. A revival of the scheme, which has the hearty support of all the large landowners of the district, is talked about, and, probably, a meeting of tho original promoters will shortly be "called.

Taking the utterances of our municipal councillors as a criterion of the opinions they hold, it Avould appear that there is one section of tho Council in favor of doing aAvay Avith street lighting, another of discharging the Corporation laborers, and another of abolishing the water cart. We Avonder Avhat the object of paying rates is unless to secure public convenience. > We hear that thero is to be another largo hotel erected at Hastings. The site chosen is section 9, Raihvay street, immediately behind the station. A considerable area of ground has been acquired adjoining tho site, which is already laid out in gardens and shruhberios. The hotel will he very extensive, and comprise every convenience for families and visitors to Hastings.

At the suggestion of Mr Lascelles, the Chief Justice, at the conclusion of the caso of Blackburn v. Northern Assurance Company, adjourned tho Court till 2 o'clock, as Mr Sheehan and Mr Lascelles Avished to talk the case of Sheehan v. Robertson over, with a A'ieAV of arriving at a compromise, Avhich both gentlemen believed could ho satisfactorily arranged without troubling the Court.

At the R.M. Court this morning a civil case of J. Sims v. T. M. Milne Avas adjourned for a fortnight owing to the illness of the defendant, avlio is at present an inpatient of tho hospital. Plaintiff did not approve of this, as he said a similar statement had been made on a previous occasion, when defendant was not at. tho hospital. His AVorship said that could not bo tho case this time, as the doctor's certificate had been produced.

The following cable message has been received from London in Sydney:—lt is rumored in high official circles that MajorGeneral Scratchley has been offered the post of her Majesty's High Commissioner for the Western Pacific, with increased poAvers, vice A Sir Arthur Gordon, resigned. General Scratchley has not finally accepted the appointment, because tho principal scat of. the Government is not yet arranged; but it is believed that he Avill accept it, and leave for Australia in March."

A public meeting in connection with the Kaikora Public Library was held in the Kaikora school-room on Friday night last to elect office-bearers and committee for the ensuing year. Mr James Tod was unanimously chosen as president, Mr Popplewell as secretary and treasurer, and Messrs AVhite, Dillon, AVatts, Clark, Symmons, Merrylees, and McKenzio as committee oi management. Mr W. C. Smith, M.H.R., has presented the library with a donation of five guineas. Tho rates of Bubsoription were fixed at 12s per annum, and 78 naityearly. At Hobart, on the 20th .ultimo, Samuel Croumbie Brown, a journalist, well known in New Zealand, was brought up at tho Police Court' charged with passing a valueless cheque for £2 on Mr Joseph Blackloy of the Royal Exchange Hotel, and was committed for trial to the next criminal sessions. On a second charge he was remanded for a few days. There are numerous other charges of a similar character against him. The police are m possession of correspondence between Brown . and the girl he took with him when ho wont to Melbourne.

Tho Municipal Public Works Committee, wo noticfe, havo recommended tho Vo*uncil

to refuse the tenders of tho Gas Company

for lighting the streets for the ensuing year. , The company put in three alternative a tenders —(1) for lighting from sunset to midnight, as at present, adding, however, the cost of an extra lamplighter; (2) for lighting from sunset to daAvn ; (3) for supplying the gas at per 1000, the Corporation to light the lamps. Number 3 tender is that Avhich is adopted by most boroughs, and is found to Avork satisfactorily. Tho

proposal of the Company to employ an extra lamplighter is only reasonable, tho Avork being too much for one man to perform. A case has occurred in the recovery of overdue rates by the Corporation that affords a curious illustration of the law. In October, 1882, the Corporation obtained judgment and costs against a defaulter for £56 l Os. The amount Avas paid into Court

on Sth November last, and thero it remained, the officers of the Corporation being loft in ignorance of the money haA'ing been paid. By accident yesterday the Rate Receiver learned tho circumstance, and of course obtained the amount. The law, it seems, leaves it to tho creditor to find out whether a judgment has been satisfied, whereas in England tho Clerk of the Court is obliged to notify satisfaction of judgment within tAventy-four hours.

The Wellington correspondent of the Auckland Herald says:—" I hoar on good authority tliat it is probable Sir George Grey will visit Australia before tho next meeting of the Assembly, and it is not unlikely that ho will speak both in Melbourne and Sydney upon the question of annexation and federation. A former colleague of

Sir George's told me that he strongly urged him to accept the pressing invitation that "Had been given by many of tho public men of Australia to Sir George to visit both Sydney and Melbourne, ancl to gi\-o addresses upon this great question. I find a very general opinion that the Ministry should havo asked Sir George to attend the conference noAV sitting in Sydney as one of tho New Zealand representatives."

Mr C. P. Hulbert, the neAA'ly-elected Mayor of Christchureh, is an old Napier resident, having been for several years a member of the original HaAvke's Bay Defence Forco under Sir G. AVhitmore. The

Christchureh Telegraph, referring to the appointment, says:—" We can fairly congratulate tho citizens upon having in Mr Hulbort a very excellent man for the post of chief magistrate. Thero is no intention on our part to indulge in exultation. The people havo chosen, and avo think Avisoly. It is now tho duty of OA'ery one, Avhatevor might have been the side he espoused during the lato contest, to afford to the iicav Mayor every assistance in the discharge of his onerous duties." Mr Hulbcrt defeated his opponent Mr Ayers by a majority of 175.

We learn that it is the intention of our leading musical and dramatic amateurs to tender a complimentary benefit to Mr G. Garry in about three Aveeks' time. The entertainment will comprise a vocal ancl instrumental concert for tho first part, and Gilbert and Sullivan's favorite comic opera "Trial by Jury " for the second part. Tho opera has been undor rehearsal for somo timo past, and we understand that the performers are already thoroughly acquainted Avith the music of_ this very successful work. Tho entertainment will be a well deserved compliment to Mr Garry, who, as our readers aro Avell a\varo, has dovotod a large amount of time and attention in assisting at nearly every amateur entertainment given in Napier for a number of years past, and wo feci sure that his services will meet with duo recognition from tho public.

The "Strategist" was repeated at the Theatre Royal by the Polk Comedy Com-' pany last night to a house densely croAvded in dress circle, stalls, and pit. The comedy was played Avith tho same completeness of detail as on Saturday night, and tho largo audience repeatedly testified thoir approval of the really excellent acting of Mr and Mrs Polk and the other leading characters. The "Arabian Night," a comedy adapted from the German, will be played to-night, instead of "The American," as originally announced. The reason of tho chango Avas explained by Mr Emmet last night. 'It appears the management had some doubts Avhether the scenery for tho "Arabian Night" Avould arrive in timo for presentation to-night, but Mr Emmet assured the aunieneo that it Avas now all complete, and that tho comedy Avould bo played in the samo stylo as Avhen produced by Mr Polk in Melbourne and Sydney for very lengthy seasons. AYe predict another crowded house, as tho company is an unusually strong one, and Avell worthy of support.

A Wellington correspondent of tho Auckland Herald Bends the following telegram to that journal:—" Thero is likely to be a moro than warm discussion next session upon a scandal Avhich is noAV being enquired into in the Government Life Insurance Department. It seems that Mr Black, tho Actuary of the Mutual Provident Society, who is now on a visit to this colony, complained to the Premier that some official had forged certain forms of tho society, and had them printed secretly for the purpose of inducing insurers to leave that society and join the Government society. The Mutual Provident Society only received applications for surrender upon particular terms printed under their direction ancl in a particular fashion. The Secretary found other forms about, and report says they have eventually traced the printing of them to Lyttelton Gaol, where a printing press is iv use by tho prisoners. Tho forms were an exact copy of the Mutual Provident ones, and rumour asserts that a Government official gave the order for the printing. Whether tho strong term applied by Mr Black to such conduct is legally correct I crnnot say, but such a method of obtaining business by the Government of tho colony will be generally condemned. Neithor Major Atkinson nor the Commissioner knoAV of such methods being employed to get insurance business."

The public, and the medical profession of Australia are unanimously of opinion that Wolfe's Schnapps is the purest and best stimulant, tonic, and diuretic at the present before the world.—[Advt.]

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 3863, 4 December 1883, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 3863, 4 December 1883, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 3863, 4 December 1883, Page 2