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Thcro was no business in tho R.M. Court this morning.

"Flaneur," the sporting contributor of tho AVsinganui Chronicle, tipped MartiniHenry for tho Melbourne Cup, and Tasman for the New Zealand Cup. a

It is stated .vith apparent authority by a Taranaki paper that the A'acimt portfolio was ottered to Air Hurst before Mr Milchelson Avas asked to join the Cabinet.

A cricket match Avill be played to-morro ay on tho recreation ground between the employes of Alessrs J. McA r ay aud Large ancl ToAvnley. Play to commence at 2.30 p.m. sharp.

A Manawatu paper says that, in tho OA-ent of an election for Maua.vatu, the probable candidates Avill be Sir AVillium Fox, Air D. 11. Macarthur, and Mr John Balla.ncc.

The members of tho Napior Amateur Dramatic Club will hold a rehearsal this evening at the usual time ancl place, when tho date of the next performance -will be decided upon.

AVo aro requested to state that tho Rev. Father Cassity -will give Benediction of tho Blessed Sacrament and preach at Vespers at 4 p.m. on Sunday next in the Catholic Church at Hastings.

The Rabbit Suppression Committee havo accepted tho tender of T. Bustin, of Makaloku, for clearing the lino, splitting .and laying the posts, for tho Waimata rabbit proof fence, for £120.

Starlings are rapidly increasing in Napier. Small flocks of ihoin aro t-4*4ie_..

seen in Sturm's Gully, Avhilo tho sides of tho bluff cliff have furnished most eligiblo building sites for their nests.

A resident in toAvn complains that ho has paid Avithin tho last five weeks no less than 28s for poundage fees for his ono horse. The animal is securely paddockod, but nevertheless AA'ith most expensive regularity ho finds his Avay to the pound. '' An enemy hath done this " is about tho only solution of the problem.

A meeting of tho creditors in tho estate of A. Brcuor was held yesterday afternoon in the offices of Mr A. 0. Dcwc.s, solicitor. After consideration of tho affairs of tho estate it .vas doomed adA'isablo that a declaration of bankruptcy should be filed by tho insolvent, and this decision avus immediately carried iuto effect.

Our AVairoa correspondent telegraphs that tho sale of tho lato Air T. McAnaiiama's estate at Turiroa took placo yesterday, Mr Mayo being tho auctioneer, instructed by tho Public Trustee. Tho attendance Avas fair, ancl the prices realised wore considered up to tho average. Tho folio .ving Avas tho result of tho salo : —Town property, £100 ; freehold, .£1268 ; tho leasehold avus .A'ithdrawn ; stock and plant, £270 ; total about £1(338.

We arc glad tho Mayor last night referred to tho disposal of tho Provincial Co moeil's library. It is not a A'cry .'aluablo ono, being littlo more than tho records of tho Council's proceedings and tho Provincial Gazettes, useful enough for local reference, and perhaps, for the historian. This library Avas carried off from its booksbch-os and and taken into a garret of the Government buildings, there to mould away in the damp, and be destroyed by rats. To preseiwo those old records tho Athcnrcum committee offered an asylum for the library, but the GoA'crnmont, with tho unreasonableness of the dog in the manger, refused it.

Of the "Strategist," tho groat American comedy in Avhich the Polk Company open here on December Ist, the Auckland papers arc loud in praise. The N.Z. Herald of Saturday last says : —"The Strategist Avas produced for the tenth time to an excellent house. It Avas as sparkling and brimful of fun as over, and from first to last carried tho people aAvay iv a continuous run of merriment. Mr ancl Airs Polk havo certainly struck tho popular A'cin." Tho company comprises somo of tho A'cry best dramatic talent ever brought together in this colony, and has succeeded in draAving-larger audiences to the Opera House, than havo ever before boon gathered within its Avails.

An enquiry was held this morning beforo tho Collector of Customs and Capt. Gleadoav into the unfortunate boat accident of Sunday last The ovidenco of Captain Settcn avus taken, .vhich Avent to show that, previous to leaving the Avliarf, ho .asked tho Harbor Muster his opinion as to Avhich passage over the bar should bo taken, and if he considered it dangerous to jiroeoeci to his ship. James Grey, able seaman, was also questioned by tho Court, and the Harbor Master admitted that his instructions had boon fully carried out by Captain Setten. After somo questions put by tho Court to tho several Avitnesses, a decision avus given exonerating Captain Setten from all blame in the matter, he having acted entirely under instructions from the Harbor Master.

The Napier Fire Brigade had a AA'ct practice last night on Clive Square Avith the steam engine, aud the opportunity Avas taken ad .amtage of to try the no\A r nozzles and some oilier minor additions to the plant lately received. The engine, which .vas Avorkcd by Air Vernon, gave CA-ery satisfaction to all Avho Avitnesscd the practice, which was certainly ono of tho most successful that the brigade has had. AftorAvards a hydrant Avas fixed near the engine station, when a trial Avas made of the high pressure, and a strong force of Avater avus sent to _, greater height than, avo aro informed, could have been done in any other toAA'n of tho colony. Tho borough is certainly to bo congratulated on the general smartness and efficiency of the brigade, as well as on its appliances for tho suppression of fire. -*

A correspondent signing himself "Builder" suggests the formation of a "Town Hall Company," to Avhich tho Corporation should grant, at popper-corn rental, for thirty-five years, the reserve on tho beach adjoining the Court Houso. Tho company to build, in accordance with plans to be approved of by the Corporation, a structure to contain municipal, and if desirable, other offices Avith strong rooms, and a hall to bo used for Council purposes free, but to lie available for public meetings, banquets, balls, Sec The Corporation to pay a fixed rental for its offices not to exceed £100 a year. Such a building, our correspondent thinks, is much needed in this town, and Avould got over the difficulty presented by tho impecuniosity of the Corporation, .vhich prevents the Council builcli-tg for itself.

On Sunday last the anniversary sermons iv connection Avith the AVaipawa Methodist Church Avero preached by the Rev. E. O. Perry in tho afternoon and evening to good congregations. On Tuesday tho annual tea meeting was hold in tho Rochabito Hall, at Avhich there Avas a very fair attendance. The tables, which Avero excellently furnished with good things, _ were presided over by Mesdan.cs Schley, Chicken, Mildon, and Misses Brmkley Midon, Seblcy, and Taylor. Alter tea the Rev. E. O. Perry delivered his most interesting and nisiruelivc lecture on " Memory," which was a treat rarely enjoyed by a AVaipawa audience Tho Rev. E. Barnott. who occupied tho chair, read a very satisfactory financial report for the year, and pointed out that tho finances were lar in excessoT oast years. The choir, under tho able leadership of Air Muddison, rendered somo cli'oieo music during the evening. The usual vote of thanks to tho lecturer and

ladies brought an enjoyable evening to a close. The many friends of Air Burnett Avill bo glad to learn that, tit, a joint meeting of the AVaipawa and Kaikora committees, hold at tho AVaipawa Church on Monday evening last, Air Burnett received a unanimous invitation to remain another year. A case, described by a counsel as one "bristling with points," avus heard recently in the R.M. Court, Christchureh, and was, after tedious argument, thrown out, on the ground that the'plaintilf, a trustee m bankruptcy, had no standing in the court by deputy. The trustee had left tho district, and a power of attorney given by hint to v gentleman to sue in connection with v bankrupt estate, was declared to bo of no value. Mr Archibald Forbes arrived in London on August 27th, after an absence of two years, 'looking .ill the better for his trip to America and the Antipodes. Ho is, of course, full of his colonial experiences, and it is not unlikely that, he will turn them to practical account, by informing Englishmen at Homo as to tho wonderful resources and remarkable progress and development of the Australasian group. — Colonies and India. Tho growing relations between church and stage may be judged by the following paragraph from an American paper :—" A now building at Cambridge, Alaryland, is a theatre and church combined, Avitli scenery and footlights for dramatic use, and in tho centre is a largo trap out of whioh an abatis raised on Sundays and other holy days for Roman Catholic services. Tho exterior bears a steeple." A Avriter to a London newspaper says ilia!-, after spending months among th" poor of the oily, he has come fo the cm-h'-ion tint lai'"e numbers of them havo a haired ami ferocity towards Aveulth and aristocracy .vhich could not bo surpassed by any Russian Nihilist or French Communist. Rev. Dr. Parkhurst, of Chicago, says that tho profits of the Aloody and Sunky hymnbook havo been in tho neighborhood ot £80,000, and that neither evangelist has derived any personal advantage, from the publication. The Duke of Richmond has issued an order to his servants prohibiting all Avidows renting any part of his estates from marrying Avithout first 'obtaining his consent, under penalty of forfeiting their holdings. It avus long since established by tho researches of President Wilson and others that tho aborigines of tlic various parts of North and South America clili'er widely fmm one another in i>hy;.ieal type, and that thcro is no single distinguishing- bodily character common to them all. Some are almost Avhito, others almost black ; some aro boarded, others beardless; seme have long, others round skulls. It now seems that thoy aro not as diverse in language as in outward appearance. According to Professor A. 11. Keane, all of the seventy-five stock languages of tho continent, though widely, perhaps radically dill, .out in vocabulary, are yet marked by at least one common grammatical peculiarity. AVowk's Schnapps has almost boon a household avoi-iI in the mouths of the thousands who have been restored or relieved by its use, and it is certainly proverbial fortho Avonderful cures it has 'consummated since its introduction.—[Advt.l

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 3848, 16 November 1883, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 3848, 16 November 1883, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 3848, 16 November 1883, Page 2