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ARRIVALS. August 2(>. Heio, s.s., Sol tons, Captain Logan, fiom Melbourne, -da Sydney, 10lh inst.-— Ciuiekshank and Co., agents. Atlantic, schoonei, bO tons, Spooncr, fiom Oam ai u. A row L>S. Zealandia, 11. M s.s., 1,713 tons, Captain Fenies, fiom Southern poit*.— Owen and Giaham, agents. Auuusi" 30. Sain Mendel, ship, Sfceele, fiom London. Passengeis :— Chief cabin . W. Young, W. Shaw, Misses Alice Kvelyn and Camilla Shaw, Mi. and Mis. J. Nelson, Mr. H. Lockwood, Alev. Ban, P. J. Huehn, H. G. Can, E. B. Stocken, Y. O'Flaheity, and A. Steeidge: G. Clinch, Mis. Clinch, Elizabeth Clinch, Hemy Clinch, \Y. J. Hutchinson, Mis. MachiH, Mi. A. Heiman, H. M. Dennes, W. W. Call, N. Biyon, W. Bedfoid, J. G. Smith, G. Wood, H. Higginson, and J. Kuok.— Ciuickshank and Co., agtnts. Mauon, schoonei, Jacobs, fiom Noi folk Island. Avausr 31. Glimpse, barque, Hams, fiom Newcastle. SriTLUin u 4. Albion, biig, ltobmson, fiom Newcastle. SrnrMiirR ."). J'letty Jane, s.s., Helandci, from To\ ei ty Bay and N.ipiei.— A.S P. Co., agents. Sipri/uunKG. Loch Feigns baique, |lj1111 ' floin London N.Z S. Co., agents. Mdiy Mehille, sclioonei, 1 Htuhait, fi»m iN oumea. 1. Southern Cross, s s , Holme3, fiom Napier \ia the Thames. —A. S P. Co. , agents. Stiangei, buque, W. J. Gaith, fiom Melbourne. Fanny Fotheihill, bug, fiom Newcastle. Sfitemruh S. Oeeol-v, biigantme, Mithieson, fiom Adelaide. Siri'FMBFi: 10. Minnehaha, schooner, Smith, fiom Lyttelton. SmFMBKR 11. City of Sydney, P.M. s.s., Captain Dow, fiom Kandavu.— Owen and Giaham, agents. Southern Cioss, s.s., Io9 tons, Holmes, from Napiei.— A.S.P. Co , agents. bfci-Ti mv.h: 12. Ephemy, sclioonei, Koss, fiom Samoa and Friendly Islands. SrrTE\U!FR I.") Piinco Alfied, bui[uentine, Schenkel, from Lyttelton. Flnt, biigantine, McKeii7ie, fiom Lyttelton. Eelle Biandon, sclioonei, Olsen, fioinNapiei. Ftvomite, sclioonei, Line, tioin Lyttelton. Kate Mciiiegoi, schoomu, Jlopkins, fiom Napiei Si iti MBint Hi "Woodbine, baiquc, MoLuon, horn Neweistle. Muy Inn Anmson, baique, Hughes, fiom Lyttelton. Helena, biigantine, Campbell, fiom long.'. ScriEMBEH 17. H.M.s. Nymphe, Capt. Suttie, fiom Wellington. Martha, barque, McKenzie, fiom Tongatabu. Canterbuiy, schooner, Muller, fiom New Caledonia, via Noifolk Island. Omaha, bri^.intme, Meiklejohn, fiom Lytteltoo. Ringleader, revenue cutter, Giey, fiom a ° ruise.

DEPARTURES. August 27. Ryno, lnigantine. Bower, for Savage Island. 28. Zealaudia, R.M.s.s., 1,71.5 tons, Captain Fenies, foi Kandavu. — Owen and Guham, agents Algust 30. Hero, s.s., S.">1 tons, Logan, foi Melbourne and Sydney. — Ciuickshauk .uid Co., agents. Eftie Meikle, schooner, AVishait, foi J)unediu, via 'Wangnpcma. AlIfJUVT 31. Vallejo, baique, Thomas foi Lyttelton. Atlantic, schoonei, Spoonei, ioi Napier, \i.i Meicuiy .Bay. SniTLMBER 1. Vivid, baique, Jones, foi Melbourne via Wang a ion. SLPiTMrr i: 2 Vivid, barque, 23S tons, Jones, foL Melbourne, via Wangaioa. — Stone Bios., agents. Dilpussund, baique, WT> tons, Kelly, foi Lou don, with caigo as pel expoit->. Passengeis ■ Mr. A Ikowno and child, Alice Patient, Messis C. A. Lobley and G. W. O. Metcalf.— L. D. Nathan and Co., agents. Sfptember 4. May Qi-een, schooner, Menses, foi Raiotongj. Si:PTr.MBHi5. Southern Oioss, s.s., 1-39 tons, Holmes, foi Xapiei. — A.S.P. Co., agents. September?. Pietty Jane, s.s., Helandei, foi Gisboine and Napiei. — A.h> P. Co., Agents. Fanny Fisher, baique, 219 tons, Roels, for Guam, in baHast. September S. England's Gloiy, ship, 751 tons, Knight, foi Newcastle, in balhsfc. Passengei : Mi. AibeiN. v^EPrhAIKER 9. Llewellyn, s.s , 3(jO tons>, Corper, for Sydney. — A.S P. Co., agents. Edith, schooner, 6J tons, Tiayte, foi Huahine.—L. i>. Nithan and Co., agents. SEPfEMBEti 11. City of Sydney, K.M.s., 3,016 tons, Captain Dow, foi N.ipiei and Southern poit.s. -Owen and Crraham, agents. Septi MBER 13. Southern Cioss, s.s., 1.39 tons, Holmes, for Napiei — .A.S.P (Jo , agents. September 14. Bubington, baique, ( .U1 tons, Holdich, for Calcutta, in ballast. Stdi Queen, baique, 2(il tons, fekelton, foi Newcastle, in ballast. Stianger bugantine, Guth, foi Fiji, -\v itli original cargo horn Melbourne. Stiangei, bugantiiie, Garth, for Fiji. Stai Queen, baique, Slcelton, for Newcastle. SEPTMinm l6 (xlimpae, bai(|ue, Huns, foi Newcastle. iSrrrcMBrR IS. Minnehaha, schoonei, 80 tons, Smith, foi Timaiu via Meicuiy B.ij. Si p'lEuuni 20. Crov/nthorpe, baique, Sl^ tons, Eveiett, for PoitJand, Oiegon.m b'llast. SiPTKMBK'i 21. Albion, bug, IMS tons, Robiutson, foi New castle, in ballast. Fanny Fotheigill, bug, ISO tons, Hughes, foi Melb >iu ne, \ i i Wang u oa. Clyde, schoonei, "Uuuay, foi Sunday Island. Kite MoGiegoi, schooner, Ganaway, foi Napiei \i.i Meicuiy Bay.

EXPORTS.— Arui'ST 31. ft Per Dilpussund, for London • ">")7s\ckM cobra, Fl28 tons do ,316 cases peail shell, 2,153 do. k.uui gum, 02 b.ig-> do., 141 bales cotton, L1S tons maii^iiico, 7"> casks tallow, lit) bilu-. wool, 060 ammunition boxas, 1 \ uibk bian<lj, 4 cjsp-,, 1 tank, 1 bo\ cunos, 2 bags, 1 bo\., L ciseb app.uel, 1 bo\ meiokindi-.u, 2 bales leather.

ARRIVAL OF THE SAM MENDEL. The hnc blnp S ini Mendel, Captain Stccle, arrived fiom London oil Wednesday, Aug 30, afta a lough-woathei pissige of 02 days. This is a veiy fan pawge, .aid in the light of those recently made, may bo reckoned :i fast one She hiin o '-> a laige c.ugo and a numbci of pnbsengeis, imongst wlioin we welcome back Mr. W Kith, who was foi a considerable ppiiod .-ttached to Mu>sr,. Stone Bros.' housp. Though the passage was rough and stoimy, tho gieatest goodwill and fellowship prevailed on boaul. .Seveud accidents hap pened on bond, none of them seiioxis, and the treatment of Di. F. O'Flaherty, who is a'i, was kindly rendered, and nothing fcenous ithulted. To make time pass mote lightly, conceits and thcitiicils wcie got up. We have to thank Captain Steele for the following repoit of the ii.issige : — On Tuesd iy. May 30, at (> i. in , left tho East India Dock; pro ceeded to Giecnwich and adjusted compasses, then to Ginvesend and embfiiked gunpowder. Wednesday, dischaiged the rivei pilot at 2 p m. in tlu' Downs ; made sail and discharged steamtug. Situi day, June i, dischaiged the Channel pilot of St ut Point, live days out ; cncounteied then stiong south- west winds, with thick •vr«ither On June 8 passed Ush.'iit Island, distant twelve miles, ten days out. Wedncsd iy, June 1 I, passed Atideir.i, having had mo.leiate north and eisteily winds, h, days out. Met witli light noi Hi eisttrides, and pissed the St. Antonio on Tuesday, June "J(5 dossed the line on Juno .30, thutv two d lys out fiom London and twenty two tiom Ushmt. On July 8 pmsed the isl ind of Timid id, having met with light -.outh-e, "-t ti nlcs, foity d ivs fiom London and thuty fium Pihant. Mondiy, July 17, passnl Tiist-n d'Acunln, h LVing met with light v mils thus f n On Mond iy, July 24 we passed the longitude of the Capo, fiom wheie, down to Tasmania, met with a succe-nion of heivj noith-west .ind noith-noith-west gales. On the 8th instant rounded Tasmania, «ighty

days fiom London, and on the Monday follow - I ing was oft the Now Zealai-d coast, beating u]> with westei ly winds. On Tuesday night sighted the Little D.uiici, and u lived as above. On the- 22nd August the following addi ess was presented to the captain and ofiirei-j 1>\ tbo | IMsspngeis — "To Cipt.iin William Stcele . Deal 811, --The undei signed, being the pisson gers by the ;;ood ship Sim Mendel on hei voyage fiom London to Auckland, New Zeil ind, now neaily completed, desiie to testify then .ippie cation of yom .ibihty andcuefulness as captain, and at the sime time to think yo\i n»-l sinceioly for the unifoim kindness, alt Mitioi 1 and gentlemanly foiethoiiftht which has caused the voyage, geneiallyso tedious, to have passed in a pleasant and agiee.iblo inmnei. We would j as>k you to convey to Mi. .lames Miudoch, join able chief, and .ill yom othci othceis, oui besl thanks foi muiy kindnesses to all. Wislnn, you a (puck and safe 1 etui 11 to the old countiy, and tuisting you miy be long spaied to enjoy health and piopenty,--We aie. deal sii, join sinceie well-wisheis. ' (Heie follow tl.o siguatuies ) -Captain Steelc's leply was as follows — '"Lulies mil gentlemen, I thank you foi the veiy kind opinion you have evpiesscd to wauls 1113 self and ofliccit. I hope tint we have always done om best to make things agieeable to you all. Believe me, it is I far plonsantpr when things go so smoothly than to have them going disagiceably. Thinking you foi youi kind iddiess, wo hope that jou will meet with evciy success 111 the countiy that we aleno^/ ippioaching. May you have all yom fondest hopes 1 caused, and may you all cnioy a long and piospeious life, .unl some times " give thought ot the old Sam. - Yom sinceie well-wishci. Witjivm Srrnr -Tlie Sam Mendel is .1 line i'on ship of 1,0.?.; tons. She was built in 1%1, and is owned b> Mi. John Coupluid, of Liveipool. She has been emplojed in the Indian >n<l colonial trade, and has always h.ul the leputation of a fast sailer, llei last tup to New Zeiland was made in 12 d.ijs, when the poit was Otago. She biings a large caigo, and is consigned to Messis. Ciuickshank and Vo. Having a quantity of powder on boa id she anehoied off the powdei anchorage, and will aftei discharging powder come alongside the vvhai f .

THE DISMASTING OF THE SCHOONER Ai 'ADIA : LOSS OF LIFE Intelligence was leceived on Aug. A by Mr. D. II. Mclveime, of the disimsting oi the schoonoi Acxdia, which left oiu poit tlnee weeks ago foi Meicmy Iliy to lo.ul timbci foi Lyttelton. On completing hei loading, she sailed for Lyttelton. When oft Gisboine she had hei mists earned aw ly, decks swept of boat, gillej, cugo, one of the side lights, and, woise thin ill, one of the ciew, named William (ioodmin, wis swept oveiboaid and diowned. In tins bom plight the Aculw w.jb found by the s «. 1'ietty J me, and was towed in to (hsbome, wheie she will lie to be lefitted. The Ac.idii was a schoonui of ."> > tons legistei, and was built by .Messis Giaydon and Homsov, of Omahi. ibout IS months ago. Slie was ownnl pnncipally bj Mi. D. 11. McKcn/ie. Ciptun McDonald w is in command. She is insui.'d in the New Zealand Insm nice (Company. Tlnough the couitesy of Mi D H. Molven/ie v.e aie enabled to publish the following letened by him on .Satuidaj, cont lining seme addition il paihculais of the disistei to the schooner Acadia, :—" Gisboine, August 21). Bow spat and boom gone. The accident happened between and the Kidnappeis. The sea stiuck us amidships, and we weie thiown on oui ends,. Had to cut away ligging, and masts weio caniod away in two pieces. Eveiything was gone in two seconds. I will send up n;y log bj the sie.imer. We had no sails left ; only blankets and taipauhn. At the time of the mishap we weie under close reefed mainsail and foie-st lysul. The foiesail was split — DujsC vx McDoXAf n. '

THE UNION. Foi some time past gieit anxiety has boon felt in shipping cucles foi the s.ifety of the b.uquo l T nion. which loft Ne.veistlc. coal-laden, foi tins poit on the 21st July. The Union is a baique of Abl ton-,, and cuned about ">00 tons of, ami was consigned to Me-si». Stoae Bios. Ciptun Shci lock, who is in command, is an old Auckland f ivouiite, and was foi a long while in the (Jhciihr Raw employ. It is to be sinceiely hoped tint no mi-,hip his befallen the vessel. .Some Ions,' p have been made between this pint and Newcastle leave room foi some little hope, though it is to be greatly feuod that anothei disastei will have to Lo ehionicled among torn ooloniil shipping.

TRIAL TRIP OF THE LALLA ROOKH. nny betiuly cilleil the new steamer, Lalh Rookh, took hoi trip up the h.ubour on Aii;} -') bo completely lus she been alteied and lenewe], it is almost impossible to iecogtu,e in lid the slow going Lalhi Rookh of bjgono (Ujm At IO.oO <i stait was effected fiom the wh.uf in company with the s.s. Diuh'-u, .aid she is evidently more than a m itoh for the l.ittei \ essel in point of spoed. Attei i tinning to the whuf, she took mother inn down the h.ubour, and measuied speed witli the Anne Millbink The tnal (novel the usotulness and c.ip.tcity of the boat, md she is a gieit impiovenient on the old piddle steamei, ..nd will fonw .1 useful addition to oiu eoistmg fleet. The attentions to the hull have been cniiecl out under the superintendence of the oftiicn, Messrs Holmes Biothcis, Mew?. Hiwkes«vood and Co. having successfully manufactuied the boiler, engine, &c. Tn«tc id of the Lalla llookh being i paddle she is a screw boat, and is furnished with a single dnect acting high piessure engine of ibout 111 hoise powoi, cylinder l-^in. in dumetoi, stioke l'2in. Tlie boilei is 5ft. 1m. in dianietei, Sft. 7in. long, with a steam dome of 3ft by Mt. The piessiue cipiblo of being sustained is 021b. to the squ ue inch. The cabin accommoil ition is ample and conifoitably fiunished. The saloon ou deck is loft, by 10ft.; length of hold, .'50ft. ; bie.idth, 13ft. ; depth, 7ft. ; and will cany about "»0 tons of caigo.

THE MONEYXIC'K. By thoaruval of the Glimpse on August 31, fiom Newcastle, intelligence comes which almost confiims the appichensions uviatmy foi the safety of ves>sul. It is known toi coit.un h\c vessel-, hound out horn Newcastle liavo bonn v/ieckeil off Bioughton Island, and the wietA of a barque wis seen with niasfcho ids painted blue. The Moneymck wis so oituincnted ; »nd other oiicuuist'intiil fvidenoe ])omt-> most unnastake ibly to this vessel ns the idoncjmck. ilost piobibly one of these ill f itod li\e was the b 114.1c Union, bound hcio.

THE OLKUA'US. On Sept. 1 intLlliyenou was iecei\'ed in town tint the wieck of the Cleinitis» hid been towed into Lyttelton bv the s.s Akiioi She was picked up at 11 o'clock .ibout 12 miles mshoie horn the spot as lepoited by Captain Woisp — light in the tiiick of vcscls. The Clematis was successfully righted on ftpptembei 12 One body was found below, but it too much decompose I to be lecogni/ed.

THE LIONEL. On Sopt. 3 Messis. [ieudeiion and Spiaggon 1 innched a small "teamei fiom their yaids, be.u nig the above name Tlie I umch w is a, siicccb-.. The vp.sel is cutter l'oged, and will leyistei about 3j tons. IIu (UmeiMons <ue — Length, OOft ;, 10ft ; depMi of hold, (5ft. Gin. Tho ei.gino and boilei occupy a laige spice in the wssol. Foiwudis i small cibin, .iml between th it md tho bo.iei comp n tment is a small hold. Cinjin"; capicity 1-. not needed, the vessel bein^ intended foi towing timbei find vessels in the Iand-lod'ed hubour of Wangapoua on the We-,t (Joist. The engine and boilei hive been supphod by Mi. Jt H. Yoemans, and immedhtely aftei the launch the vessel wab taken iound to tho Feny Comp niy'^ T, whcie they were loweied on boaid by the heavy ciane. Tlie ongme is of the hi:?h jni^sine dnect acting piinciple; the cylindei is 12m. in diamotei, with n llin. stioke. Theluusepowei li 13 nominal, und nbout 50 indicated. The boiler me isiues 8ft. by 5ht , isciloulated to sustain a pressuie of 7.")lb. tothe squue inch She is a strong looking vessel, and is ir>pui.ntly well adapted foi tlie woik cub out foi hei. She has been built to the oider of Mr. McLellan, and will pioeoed to Hokianga in chuqu of Captain Munay as soon aH she is marly for lea- -about a week's time. The steamer was chnstonetl by Mr. McLollan.'s little boy, Lionel McLennan. The s ■,. tug Lionel wont on a trial trip iound thehaibouv on Wednesday aftei noon Sept. 20. Ciptiin K. Keane has been appointed master, and was in cli.uge of liei duun^ tlio tiip. A numbei of peopleavailedthemaelves of the opportunity for a ciuist- iound the haibour, iimongst whom weio Messrs. McLelUn, owners; Homier- ■ son md Spnggon, bmldeiH ; and Mr. Yeoman, engineoi It is our ploasant duty to leport that evei y thing piHsed off successfully. Tho little vo-s.'l m .do her way thiuugh tho water at tho« of seven knots per hour. For new maehineiy. the engines worked very smoothly. They weie diiven up to 140 revolutions per minute.

-VI! RIVAL OF THE LOCH FERGUS. Tlio L'>ch Foifjus i fine now L.tiquc of 810 tons, .uiive'l on "Wednesday, .Sept. C, from London, .iffcei a fine-we.itber passage of 94 days. ! She bi ings a large cargo, and comes consigned to the New Zealand Shipping Co. Amongst

hei caigo me two valuable lioi'es, which hart received no damage on the passage owing to the hno woithor evpenenced, and the safe quarters i assigne I them. We ha-ve to thank Captain Cann foi the following lepoit _ of tho ' passage :— "Loft on Juuo 5, with light and ! vmible winds, which fieshcneil on tho 7th to I a good breeze fiom tlic \\ r . For seveial I days had the wind fiom tho N.N.W., i with fine weithei, ship making good pi ogress, all sail set. On June 24, exchanged signal* with the Abbey Holme, bound from Lheipool to ' Busbane, 20 days out. Ciossed the Ecjuatoi on I July 5, with hne weithei .mil leading Ince/es. On July '60, the weather, which had been in | Tariably fine, changed, and it blew hard fiom [ tho N. This weither was e\penenced for j neailya week, aftei which light vaiiable winds J and fine weathei piev.iiled until the Noith ! (Jape was made on tho 5th, bearing S E., distant 12 miles. Thence tine weather until anival in haibour." When the Loch Feigns was beating up the haibour, some excitement and concern was felt to see the Health Ofh'cei'b flag flyivig from the main. On that gentleman proceeding on board, it was dis<Knciedthat the sickness was slight, confined to two of the ship's company, and lad only existed a few days. Under tho ciicumst.mccs, theie was no cause to quarantine the vessel, and after some delay she was. made accessible to members of the Piess and otheis who had business on boaid.

THE CLAN ALPINE. An addition to our coasting vessels was made on September 6 by the launch, from the yards of Messis. McQuaniu and McCullem, Mechanics' Bay, of a fine .schooner beaiing the above name. The launch was as successful a? pi e\ ions ones have boon from tho same yard, and was witnessed by a number of gentlemen interested. The schoonei's dimensions aie :— Length of keel, r>7ft. ; beam, 17ft. ; depth of hold, Oft. She legisteis 40 tons, and is built of he.ut of kuiri : the timbers aie pohutukawa. She is owned by the builders and Captain Anderson, who has supplied her outfit of first-class material. Mr. Thorn.' s Inglis turned out the iron- work in his well-known stylo. Employment will be found foi the schooner in the Wangarei trade. She makes hei (nst trip there on to-day (Saturday.) Cipt.ini Sloane will command. Shortly after the l.iunch she was bionght alongside the Bieakw.iter, and was visited by a number of people.

SINGULAR ACCIDENT TO THE CUTTER 'START.' A singular mishap occurred to tho cutter 'Staifc,' whilst on her way hoin Auckland to Mercury Bay, with about CHOO worth of spa its. When between Tuitui and Cape C cilville the captain wanted to pbe, and m doin^ so the mam sheet caught the captain lound the waist, aud throw him o\eiboaid. The seamen at once threw tho dingy ovei board and got in, and went after the captain, but in lebs than five minutes he disappeared — before they could get up with him. In the meantime the wind spi any up, and took the cutter awn>, hence the men weie compelled to put into Cabbigo T>iy alter being in the boat eleven hoin». They ai lived .it Coiomandel, and left tor Auckland. The men are toieignei-,, and lt-poit the vessel, when last seen, going in the direction of Kawau. It is understood the captain lea\ es a wife aud family. A vessel which went in se.uch (the cutter Ness) retuiued on Monday. Sept. 11. and Captain Silva leported having found the Start .ishoie on the S.K side of the L'ttle Hairier on a boulder beach, with two small holes in her bilge, but no other dam.i'jro. Tho mate of the Start, who went down m tho Ness, letnaincd in charge of the sti inded v essel while the Ness returned te town for fuither instructions. Arrangements wei e m ule on Monday morning by the owner and the insurance agent, with Messrs. Henderson and Spraggon, to ptocued to the wreck, taking with them eveiy nece»ssuy appliance to get the vessel afloat, and bring her to Auckland. The Nebs stai ted foi this pin pose on Monday afternoon. The unfoituuate vessel was biought alongside tho wliaif on "Wednesday, anil her caigo, which hid been shipped for Mercury ]>iy, disch.uged It came out in a very bad state, most of it being ntteily woithless. She liaulcd on to the h.nd on Thiusdiy, and C iptam Clayton held a sui vey on her hull.

ARRIVAL OF THE CITY OF SYDNEY. The P.M. s. Uity of Sydney nnived on Sept. 11 fiom K unl ivu with tho English mail. .She lefb •>>ilrey iMtli Augu-.t ntftp m., discharged pilot ~at~5~5.>i>;in. ; aiuseJ oTT k-auuvori'tji. .nstnnr 2.10 p.m. ; entered pcit 1st September at 3 p.m., discharged mails and pissengers into company's s>team-.hip, which vessel left that poit for S.»n Francisco at 6 p.m. same day. On the 7th instant leceived mails and passengers from company's bteamer City of San Francisco (from San Francisco July 19fch) and left same day at 1.35 p.m. City of San Francisco left same day, and at same time for Sydney. Weather from Sydney to Kundavu fine, off Kandavu thick and rainy weather, detaining s>hip from entering 24 hours 50 minutes. She bungs 841 bags mail and 4,413 packages merchandise for this port. '

THE P.S. RUBY. On Sept. 11 the new p.s. Kuby arriveil fiom the Thames, after a good run of live hours. She is > new boat, having been recently launched to the 01 tier of Captain Burninghum from Mr. llobert Stone's shipyard, at the Thames. A deicuption of hei Ins already been published in our columns, and on her run up she fully icahhi'd the anticipations held respecting her stemming poweis. She has been registered and uuasuied hcie, and lfturnod to the Thames on Tuesday.


On Sept. 11 .Me-,M s. Ward and Co. received a telegi.un infoiming them of the loss of the schooner Echo, or this poi fc. She left here on the Oth instant for G lsborno, coal-laden. The telegiam, which was fiom P. Jirown, the master, simply stated that the vessel had gone ashore, and no paiticwlais were given as to how he got to Gibboine, fiom which place the telegram came. A telegiam was received on Wednesday by Mi. Pilhnger, one of the owners of the schoonci Echo, which was leported ashoie ne n Gisboine, at the Turanguai. The telegram was as follows :—" Echo not much damaged. Coal dibchaigedon the beach.— J. McOabk."

ARRIVAL OF H.M S. NYAIPHE. H.M s >.ymphe, Captain Suttie, left Wellington at 1 p.m on the 11th Sept. ; passed the P.M.s.s. Citj of 1 p.™. on the 13th. going into Napier. Anclioied under Main i Peninsula for the m o 'ht. Left nevt nioi ning at li a in. At 5.30 p.m. communicated with the bug.uitino Sea Bud, of Lyttelton, fiom tho Chatham Islands, bound for Auckland. Had vciy stiong head winds across the Bay of Plenty, until the evening of the lfith, when the wind moderated. Cai lied away the cutter and gear in tho vory rough we ither. Ai lived in haibour on the 17th, at 2.30 p.m. Spoke the baique Cnb.ufei Hi, bound for Auckland, on the 11th, off Poveity Bay.

A Xnv Snuiinn.— The W. S. N\ Company .110 making pieparations for building a new steamer at Nyaia.v vahia, specially adapted for the \ River trade. Her dimensions arc : Li-n»th, UOtt. ; beam, 10ft. ; depth of bides, 4ft. 1 to diaw 18in., with a load of 20 tons. The building of the hull is to be in the hands of Mr. A. Niccol, for many year* in the employ of the company, and from his piaotical knowledge of the lequirements this trade demands, wo m ly look for the nearest approach yet airived at to a li'^ht draught steamer able to run at all seasons between Alexandia and Ngaiuawahia. On Sept. *.» tho A.S.P.Co.'s s.s. Llewellyn inituguiateil hei now Sydney service, starting at 1 o'clock under the command ot Capt. Cooper. With favoiuable weather it is roxsonable to expect hei to make tho urn across in seven days. The following notice was posted at tho Customhouse on Fi id.iy :—" Customs Depart ment (.Maiine IJianch). Wellington, l)th August, 1870. Notice is hcieby given, that on and after tlie fi'st day of September next a light will be exhibited fiom a lighthouse which has been elected on Cape Foul wind, the position and rharacteiistics of which aro us follows:— The Ca]ie Foulwind lighthouse is situated on tho cipe of that name on tho West Coast of the Middle Island of New Zealand. The tower is tttf t. in height from the b ise to the jcop of the lantein, and is constructed of timber and painted white, the upper part being close bo.irded.nnd the lower part of open framed work. The light will be ft second order revolving white light visible all round the horizon as fir us tho land will, allow. It will nttnin its great biilliance every thirty second. The light is elevated 190ft. above the sea, and, allowing 15ft. for the height of the eyo, will be seen (it a distance of Wh nautical miles in clear weather, and at lesser distances according to the state of the atmosphere.— GEO. McLeaX. The Etty White ii a smart looking cutter on her first trip to this port. She .brought a cargo of potatoes from Tauranga, and left on Thursday on her return trip. She was built at Mercuty 13 iy by Mi. W White, and i=i owned by MeiHis. Sollais and Cinn.imou. Her dimensions aie : Length of keel, 40ft. ; benn, 14ft. ; depth of hold, 4ft. She i-» intended to trade between Mercuiy Bay and Tauianga.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5288, 23 September 1876, Page 3

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5288, 23 September 1876, Page 3

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5288, 23 September 1876, Page 3