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I DEVONPORT. I Tho annual mooting of fclio ratepayers of this highway district was held at the Devonport Hall yesterday evening. Mr. William Atkin, who occupied the chair, read the ad ver tisement convening tho mooting, and called upon Mr. Coohrane to read tho report of tho receipts and expenditure, which ho did as follows : — Recoipts : By amount of rates collected, £232 18s. Id. ; by rates received per Superintendent under Recovery of Rates Act, £1 ; from the Colonial Government, £159 Is. 4d. ; from tho Provincial Government, £40 ; under Dog Nuisanco Act, £47 14s. 2d. j sundries, £4 ; total, £484:" 13«. ' 7d. Tho expenditure for forming roads was £181 15s. 3d. ; metalling and channelling, £207 16s. Gd. ; bridges and culverts, £24 0s. 3d. ; .other works, £6 0s. Gd. ; commission for collecting, £13 4s. ; salaries and rent, £5 ; printing and advertising,* £8^ 4ai j legal expenses, £1 Is. ; planting forest trees, £6 4s. ; under tho Impounding Act, £20 7s.'6d. ; under tho Thistle Act; £6 12s. lOd. : total, £480 6s. Id. Tho , amount of rates payable for tho year, £248 7s. Id. 'j rates 'actually roceived, £231 11s. ! 5d. j total amount of arrears of past rates, ' £ 1 10 '3s. lid. The rate was 1 d.' in .the £1 on the value to sell. Mr. G. Sibbin and Mr. R. 0. Deodos wore tho auditors, and certified the correctness of the accounts. «— , Mr. Cochrano further read a detailed report of the expenditure,' which showed a balance in hand 6i £4'7». 6d., and concluded ,by moving tho adoption of the'acoounts read. — ; Mr. linrt wishod to ask somo questions, but '■ tho chairman ruled him somewhat premaituro. — Mr. Lcck asked about shelling the 'footpath ' in Lake 1 Road.— Mr. O.Mays explained that it was impossible to procure sufficient sholls at present ; the Board had tried thoir host, but owing to legal difficulties had to leave off. With rogard to Mr. Leek's ■ questions, thoy liad not spent £94 qn the .grammar school endowment. .They could ■'- have finished had the accounts due come in'soonor. Had they spent 1 abov'e $heir income they would doubtless have given more satisfaction, but they were desirous of going out of office with a clean balanoo-sheet, which they had been able to do. It was absolutely necessaryto make tho road, and the earth taken had not been wasted, but used as required at other places. He. seconded tho adoption of the utatetnent.— Mi\ Phillips objootod to the unfairness with which certain roads were left uneared for. (He wished to: ask > what amount had been expended on the Lake Road, near tho-Masonio Hotel'?— Mr; Maya explained why so little had beea expended on that road this year ', but previously, as some members of former boajrdV had lived thoro, thoy had doubtlese looked- after it. A,s to his own residence thwe was quite a duck-pond in front of it at times. Ho had carted much shell there himself ; his. oxcessive natural modesty prevented him asking' the Board to do the (Loud laughter.) — A ratepayer asked what had been the expenditure on the Lake Road?— Mr. Cochrane : £93 odd. — The Chairman put tho accounts, which were passed. — Mr. Allison proposed that tho rate bo id. in tho £1 for tho forthcoming year, and he did so mainly jfor the reason that the valuation was so ' high that a Jd. rate actually amounted to 2d. in tho £1. — Mr. Mays explained that tho Board desired t" act with perfect fairness, and if Mr. Allison felt his valuation to be too high, they would give his statement full consideration.— Mr. Brown proposed a Id. rate.— Mr. Hurst objected to tho poriod of , the year when all the carting was done. II* considered the 4d. rate sufficient if the carting was dono at the suitable aoason. — Mr.' William Brown explained that tho work was done according as tho money came in. — Mr. Maya wished that the objection had been' mado by Mr. Hurst nt tho proper time. Ho wad nob awaro that any tin>e h,od been lost.— A ralopayer stated that tho Chairman told him that ho wantod tho work done at the proper time, but 'the rest of the Board objected. — .Tho lil. rate was carried by alarge majority. — An objection was taken by Mr. Lcck to tho mauner 'of voting,, by voice or show of hands. vofco was taken again, tho aye* going . to tho right, and the noes to tho left.— Mr. Brown reqneatedall non-ratepayors to'withdraw wlnlo tho vote was lakein', and this reduced* tho assembly very materially. ->• The Chairman requested Mr. Leek and, Mr. Mays fcu^act as scrutineers.— The numbers were raporfced as tallows :— 36 for Id., and 2f> Jor.' tho < fAf&'— The 'following gentlemen wore nominated as trustees by Mr. Tjnlh'ps, who ap6Iogised for his haste, owing to| his having-jtoJeavjBthe meeting :— Messrs. Mays, Goohrane/' Brown,'* I'hilcox, , and s CoblGy, 'the two lttsfc-n'ftmo'd gentlemcu not jboing members of 'the outgoing Board.— Mr. M 1 . Niccol seconded tho nomination.— Mr/ Thomas Beaton was proposed.— Mr. Leok objected to the, valuation; -and Mi*. Mays, in Jeply, said' that he would support . tho calling jn of an >independ»nt valuer.— The nomination of Mr. Beaton wa3 not J - seconded, t- Mr.iMcKensiie pj-dpWed' 'Mr 1 , j Wyld; Mr. Allison seconded. — Mr. Harp j was proposed, and %tio vote was then < taken; itfr. .Tamier and Mr. Cochrane being I tollers. r-Mr. Wyld objected to any proxies, and none were used. —Mr. Brosscy was propoped, bub not being on the roil, tho nomination fell through. — The following was tho result of the voting J 1 — Messrs. Mays; '46 ; ' Brown,, 50 j ; Coohrane, 49 ; Philcox, 30 ; »fc Cobloy, 48 m Harp, 19; Wyld, 27, the first Jive, being elected bv the numbers attached to thoir names. — Mr. Wyld and Mf. : Uarp wore, proposed as auditors, but de"cliheci, and Messrs. 'lannerandCameron were ducted. — Messrs. Beaton and Moflltn wore elected fence-viewers. — Mr. Mays moved, " That the Superintendent be requested to ninend t)ie boundaries of this distriot by ' making the northern boundary lino across th<i Shoal - Bay Road bridge."— Mr. W. Brown seconded th'e proposition.— A ratepayer hoped that if.the inhabitants had tho roajd, thoy "Would have the rates. — Tho motion was carried nem. con.— Mr. Du'nn ' asked whether the run was to be closed ior cattlo? -The Chairman replied that it wa» out of the power of the' Board to give permi^sion for cattlo to — Mr^ Harp thought] ' j| the Board ke,pt .the paths properly shelled, and free from grass, tho cattle would not wafider there.— Mr. "Mays said that if l poqpl'e' put'out their cattle now, thoy would clopend on tho .forbearance of their ncighboiirs. Tho Board had now no power to license cttt'tlo runs. — Mr. McKenzie asked If ' the' action of f thp {Superintendent had been taken on the motion of tho Board ?-— Mr. Mays 'Went 1 over' the circumstances, which appeared to be satisfactory to tlio meetiug. .They had taken action, to keep off horsey, fjfnd failed." IV could not legally be dono, unl^ss/ciwa" woro also kept off. - Mr. Mays pi;oposed/a 'vote 'Of thanks to the chairman, which , was carried by acclamati6n, whan- tho' mooting Bop'arnited.

J ' PUKBKURA DISTRICT. The ftiinuu.1 muetiug of ratepayers of tho abojvo district was hold in tho school-room, Putterimu, on=, VV#<iaOTd*y, tho 19th,- for tho mir )osp.of passing the accounts'Of tho late i Bon rdj'jftlid striking rt rafco,' electing trustees,' ' aud to're, alid fendo-viowors for tho yoa . Tlioro Was a good attendance, oonBiJeiing the state of the weather, which was 1 any huig.but favourable.'-- Mr. J3. B. Walker 1 (^vas voted to Hh'A, chair. —Tho, Ohair'w^, notico coay6nin'g .fcko meeting, ttftor FiwhJ -h u ' 'tlio lat'e ' chairman, Mr. Sainuol '^Floi ling, rend the following report ;—lto(^pfp;3: Halanco in hand from previous u BoaKl, ,£4Ui (3sr ' lfl# rates cdllcoted, '"£177 J0s. y Ufl.j General Governn^nt grant, ; jgljjd *1 11s/-4d. • totaLinqoiuo, £388 lls. 4d. iSxpenditaro : Bridges' and culverts, £213

133. 3d.; other works, £111 133.; commission ou collecting rates, £17 123.; sal.incs ami i cnt, £5 ; advertising and printing, £G 3s : ■undrios, Cl Os. 2d. ; balance in fund, £33 !»s. lid.; total, £383 11s. 4d. It was also (1 that there was a largo quantity (if timber lying afc tho Pukerimu landing to th« credit of the Board. — Mr. Henry Buttle asked wliat arrangement tho Board had nude with Mr. Coopor about taking tho Cambridgo bridge to pieces, which was lying at Hamilton — whether the work was to bo dono by the day, or how ?— Mr. Fleming said that there was no definite arrangement as to price with Mr. Cooper, but that tho Board considered tho bridge should bo put into careful hands to bo taken to prices. Thoy, therefore, put it into Mr. Cooper's chargo, who charged for his own labour 15s. per day, ho (Mr. Cooper) finding all tools, ropes, blooktf, &c. — Considerable discussion hero took place respecting the cost of taking the bridge to pieces, and also tho value of the timber.-— Mr. H. Buttl.asked why Walker's Gully was left in such a wretched condition, which was ab times almost impassible? — Mr. Fleming said tho funds of tho Board wore limited, and tho demand owing to tho late floods wore so numerous, that tho Board conla not undertake the orection of a new bridgo, tho estimated costof which was (not including earthworks) £330. The span was to bo 100ft. Ho (Mr. Floming) also stated that ouo of the trustees had waited on Dr.. Pollen when at Cambridge, about the matter, and on tho suggestion of that gentleman, plans and specifications were prepared by Mr. W. II. Clark, C.E., at considerable expense to theBoaid, and when applied to for aid to assist in re-building tho bridge, he (Dr. ' Polloii) replied stating the Government had no funds for such works. —Mr. D. Carey proposed, seconded by Mr. J. Pishor, "That the roport bo adopted." Carried unanimously - Mr. Ilobort Watson proposed, seconded by Mr. Samuel Fleming, "That all lands bo valued at £3 per acre, and the rate bo Id in tho £1 on tho value to sell."— Mr. H. Buttle proposed, seconded by Mr. John Fisher, " That town acre sections be valued at £6, 50 acre sections, £4, and swamp £2, the rato as before Id. in tho £1."— Mr. Robert Fisher proposed as an amendment, seconded by Mr. Joseph Game, " That town acre be valued at £12, 50 acre sections at £4, swamp at £2 10s., and the rate to be Id. in the £1." ' — Mr. R. Watson then withdrew his motion in favour of Mr. R. Fisher's amendment, "whioh waaputtotho mooting and carried. — T^e, follpwmg gentlemen wore elected as trustees for tho ensuing year : Messrs J. Fisher, Richard Parker, R. Parr, H. Buttle, and James Scott.— Mr. J. Fisher proposed, seconded by Mr. D. Caley, "That Messrs. Fleming and Gamo be appointed auditors." Carried unanimously. — Mr. Robert Fisher proposed, seoonded by Mr. Caley, "That Mr. E. B. Walker," aad Mr. Tuckor proposed, seconded 'by Mv. Gamo, "That Mr. F. Hicks be viewer" Carried unanimously. — Mr. Buttle then proposed, seconded by Mr. John Fisher, "That a vote of thanks be accorded to gentleman constituting the late Board." Carried by acclamation.— A vote of thanks to the chairman of tho meeting concluded the business. — At the close of the annual meeting another was oalled, Mr. E. B. Walker in the chair, when the following resolution was put to the meeting, and carried unanimously — Mr. D. Caley proposed, seconded by Mr. Cooper, "That this meotiug, considering tho great loss and inconvenience arising from the destruction of tho bridge 1 at Walker's Gully by the late December flood, and taking into consideration tho impossibility of the Road Board for some length of time to attempt the re-erection, this maetirjg, considering the. large help afforded' 'other districts,, under such 'trying ,'ciccunistianceS, feel they are entitled to help from the General Government, and beg that that help be at once afforded." — The abovb resolution was recommended to bo at once forwarded to Mr. A. Cox, M.P. for tho district, to be laid before tho House. — [A correspondent.]

OVTAHA. The annual mooting, of ratepayers was hold on July 22, in the School-house. Mr. James Greenwood was elected chairman. After reading the advertisement convening the meeting, ho called on the late chairman to read the balance sheet of reoeipts and expenditure, which was as follows :— Balance in hand from the previous year, £24 9s G^d.; rates collectod, £41 19a. 9Vd. ; Government grant, £IG Qs. 5<1. ; sundries, £1 Gs. : total receipts, £8p 8a. 9d. Expenditure : P.iid for forming roads,' £57 7s. 3d. ; cominis«ion for collecting rates, £3 2s Gd. ; printing and advertising 1 ,' £1 9s. 4d. ;' legal oxp'cnsGs, £5 19a. : total, £(>7 18a. Id. — The accounts wore not sigued by the auditors previous to boing , laid before the meeting, on account of some of the itouiS having bacn oxp'ondad contrary to tho Highways' Act. — On the items boing demanded under the head of legal expenses, Mr. Joseph VVyatfc proposed, and Mr. Alexander Kempt seconded, " That the item of £1 18s be disallowed," whioh was put to the meeting, and carriod by a large majority.— Mr. G. Knaggspropoaed, and Mr. Angus Matheson seconded, "That the itora. of 63., , illegal advertising, be dieallowed." Carried. — Mr.- < G." Knaggs' proposod, "That, the. Chapman V coramissiou of £3 2*. Gtl.' for, collecting rates be disallowed," which lapsed forHvant of a seconder. —Mr. T. Knaggs proposbfi, and Mr. Alexander Kempt seconded, .'.' That the item of 3s. for six glasses : of beer for the chairman whilo collecting 'rate's; do dis'allowed." The motion on,' being put to tho meeting was negatived. (Laughter and cheers. "Don't rob'apdo* mati of his beor.")— Mr. Oravatt prdpoSed, and Mr. Bond seconded, "That the balance-sheet; as read, with tho exception, of -the two items already objected to and carried, be adopted." Carried. — Mr. W.^Greenwpoil proposed, and Mr. Joseph Boktorsby ; sVy>ittlBrt, " That the voting' be by ballot:" ! 'Carried.— Mgl'/Q. ,Knaggs proposed, ,a,nd , Mr.,, Joseph tWyatt .sedonded, "That tho rate be Id. in the £1 on tho value to sell. That all lands abutting on tho main totu\ from theTi/trbpur to l*ajkiri River, including,^© township of Leigh and suburban lots, to be valued at £2 per acre, and all lands abutting -on the- road from the guide post, to .the. Matakana, Qistriott .bo valued at-£l por l ac^< drid 1 all other la'nrts *t 10*. per aore." 'OaVried unanimously. .—Mr. 0. S. Clark and Mr. K Cravatt, were appointed scrutineers. — The following!, persons were duly proposed 1 and seconded, and received,' the number 'of votes attached to each name respectively — Mr. S. Fordham, 23 ; Mr. Angus Matheson, 22.; Mr. James Greenwood, 21 ; Mr. George Knaggs,' 2l.; Mir. Joseph Wyatt, 21 ; Mr. William Greenwood j 5 ; Mr. John Wit'ten, ' 13" j Mr. 0. 'HoldeVlS ; Mr. John Greenwood^ /I.— TheT C^vpain^ declared tho five first named gentlemoi> Jl^iy, , elected trustees for the ensuing; year. — ■Messrs. C. S. Clarkf 1 and E. Cravatt i wore oloctod auditors, and Messrs, John Kempt and John Birdsall fence- viewers.-— Mr. W. Greenwood proposed, "That tl^Q Dog Nitiaance Act be brought ihtooporatiori in tho district."— After talkiug a considerable timo on tho merits of the Aots ho failed to find a seconder. — A vote of thanks tp tho Chairman concluded the longest, largest, and noiniost meeting ovor held iji the district : the mooting lasted six hours, and '3.G votes wore' represented. — The newlyelected trustcos met immediately afterwards, and elected Mr. James Greenwood chairman, and Mr. Fordham, treasurer.

MATAMATA DISTRICT. 1 lie annual meeting of tlio ratepayers of this distiict was held at tho house of ,Mr. W. N. Williams, on Saturday, July 22nd, ab 4 o'clock. Mr. Bkolly presided. Tho accounts for tho year ending Juno 30 woro 'iubmittcd and passed, showing that the rates collooted nmonntod to £65 7«. 8d. ; payments for forming roads, £43 ; for bridges and. culverts, £20 ; and for other >vorks £2. Tho following gentlemen wore appointed T)ffi<W» of the Board, for the ensuing year : -*• (> lSfceisrs. Pirth, Williams, Dibblo, Kereama, «nd Ilori Ncii ; Messrs. Smith and Matthews, auditor?. Thu mooting then terminated.

A hopeless cnso— The full-grown young man who calls his mother his naa.w and his father his paw.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5240, 28 July 1876, Page 3

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HIGHWAY BOARD MEETINGS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5240, 28 July 1876, Page 3

HIGHWAY BOARD MEETINGS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5240, 28 July 1876, Page 3