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AUSTRALIAN. SriiXEV.— The S/tdiieii Monuiuj Herald of the 4th instant icpoits :— " A little more business w.i9 done in the import maikets to day, chiefly in small tt.ule onleib. Urcau'stuffd opened firmly, veiy little having come to hand lecently. Holders of Adelaide wheat .isk 5s 5d to 5s Gil. Sales of floiu at £11 10s to £12 10s. There ha\ e dpcu fuithoi sales of woolpacks at unpioving rates. Biandies aie steady .it the lecent advance ; 32s is asked for Honncssy's case, and 7a Oil for diuk or pale in bulk. Siig.ui continue in modeiate trade request, at full rates. Theio is an absence of inquiry for tea, pending news by the Tones Straits mail, flue at Towwmlleon the 12tlt instant. Wo understand that the K. and A. S. Co. will run two steamei.s with now teas this season— one going round the Louwin to Adelaide and Melbourne, the other coining oistward to Uiisbano ami Sydney. A thud steamer, chartered by private parties, will also lo id for the colonies. Local pioduco film. Make sold at 2u KM to .is; oatuu hay at £6 10s to £8 10s ; lucerne, £0 to £8 103 ; cheese, 10 J to Is ; bacon, 8d to 9.1 ; "W.urnambool potatoes, £i 18s ; Port McDonnell, £3 15s to £1 ; Tasm.mtan, £4 10s to £5." Mi mjouune —The Art/ni, of the 2ml inst mt, repoits : — " JJieadstutfs aie mipioving in valuo. Opeiations however, mo not of lurch account, owing to the paucity of supplies. Thue is scaiculy any offering privately, and equally little is to be met with in the auction looms. l T udoi the hammer this foienoon 100 bags weie disposed of at 5s 11^,1 to (!-. (Ijjd, according to <[ii ility. No private salei aie le poitod, notwithstanding tint buyois arc eager enougli to opeiate at our quotntions, and the mat Ivt is vciy stiff. Flour is likewise film; sales are making at £12 7s (id for good brands, and for best brands, £12 10s can as readily lie obtained. IVo hear of SO tons having changed hands in two lines at this figuto, thus affoiding a fail criterion of how values really stand. Oats are exceedingly depressed, and in the absence of anything like an inquiry, wo have no sales to refer to. Quotations lange fiom 2s Gd for low to 3s for fine feeding. Mai/.e it still him at 4s, and trade sales arc now m iking at the price. Malting barley has boon veiy diilicult to sell, unless at lower rates than these quoted foimerly. Kerosine oil is himor, and holdeisof Devoe's oil now refine to quit tiadc parcels at late rates of Is 5^1. A parcel of oaustic soda, 00 per cent., has been .i concession on our quotation of £15. Sugars continue to be moved off steadily. About (100 bags have found buyeis for trade purposes, at puces langing fiom £2G to £34, accoiclmg to sample. A shipment of linseed oil, in diums, has been t iken up it a full price. A move is lepoited in tobicco. Cameron's tens, Two So is, and Venus, are vory scaico, ami being wanted, second holders no«v ask Is 0^1 to Is 7d foi ti.idc paiccls. Twists aio also uupmed foi at nnpioving lates. In liquids, we note the quittance of a- paicel of ordinary port wine at i'Ji; A sliiumeub of 15 hogshetds and ,')0 qu u tcis of l'i timer's brandy has been bold to land, e\. ' Mutiu Scott,' on piivatc teims."

fASMANIAN. ITotiuti Town. -We hive files of Ilohut Town p.tpon to the 1st instant. The Litest <iuot,itions mo : -" is ofieiiiig a little mote ficrly, and the miller* ait well .supplied ; piime samples bring 5s Gd, and inechtim ."".-, Id Flour is selling at £12 to £12 IOj ; bian, Is 2.1 to Is 'M ;, t<3to£G 10s. Oits aio neaily immove.tble, «nd prices show no improvement : .ve still quote 2s to 2s 3d. In b.uley no s.iles of any importance have come under notice ; English is worth 4s 4d to 4s Gd, and Cape .'is The muikot is completely glutted with piesscd h iy, but the large quantity that the *Ly oo Moon' will Uko awuy will relievo it to some extent. The yield of hay this year seems to have been veiy largo, but much of it, as wo have mentioned bofoie, is discoloured. Quotations l.ingo fiorn £3 10s to £i 5s, though we cannot hear of any sales ; loose hay it bunging fiom H 1 ICh to til, accoiding to quality. l'ota° toes mo quiet, and only meet with a moderate inquiry ; they command £3 ir»a to £t •>s. Fot apples theie contiiuios to be a brisk inquiry, aud best loits loadily biiug high rates."

ENGLISlT. London.— Our advices jio to tho Ht Juno. From tho New Zealand L0.111 and Mercantile Agency's chcular of that date we quote as fol lows i--Wool. — Tho second seiies of s.ilci, wliicli commenced on 28th March, was bi ought to a close on tho Uth May. As about 8.000 bales (namely, 4,000 Australasian and 4,000 (J.ipe) had boon forwarded diiect to tho ininufactuiing dutricts befoie the commencement of the senos, it would appear that some 5,700 bales c.iU logued during tho auctions comisted eitliei of wools hold over from previous gules or twice offered during the second seiies. Tho Bales at Antweip opened on the 2nd ultinld at a teiy heavy decline— stated nfc 15 jier cent, on tho quotations mling in the same market for similar wools in Febiuary. Extia fine paioels weio thioughout compaiatively exempt fiom the dopieciation exhibited in otbor kin<K, hiicli giowths having undeigono httlo or no incieiso in pioduction ; but for wools langiug m puce fiom 2s to 2s Gd per lb., a goneial decline of liomj to 10 per cent on the avcinge of picvious sihV l.iten may bo quoted, a. aomewlut greater loUtive fall having been Miown oil thobo fiom Is .>d to 2s, and fiom 10 to 15 per cent, on those below these vulues, with tho oxceiitiou of vi pcuoi combing wool fiom Victoin La in ba' wool sold comparatively well thiough out tho seiios, and did not show nearly tho same reduction as wai noticeable in tho rn ijonty of ctscs. Ndw Zealand wool was proteotod t<> a cut tin e\tent by its limited quantity fiom full pai tioipation in the genoial deuliiio, but puces give evidence of sympathy with the lowei l.itcs established in other instances. Tali.ow.— Dillirig thd past four wueka the public auctions have compiised a total of ft,] 83 casks of Austialasian tallow ofTeicd, of which 4,115 casks have been disposed of at pi ices ranging fiom 37» to 43s per cwt. for mutton, and 35a to 4U 9d for beef. "We quote pi r sent market piicos as under :— P.Y.C. New, 47s 9d per cwt. ; Aiutralian mutton, fine, 42* to 43s per cwt.; ditto, medium, 41u to 42s pei cwt. ; Australian beef, n'no, 41s to 41u (id poi cwt. ; ditto, medium, 40s Gd to 41s per cwt. Leather.— Since the despatch of last mail by the Ctttlifornian route thoro hitvo boon two public lalos of Auitralian leather. Tho followiug are current quotations on tho basis of List sale prioos:— Best sides, aveiagiug 1441b. to 181b , lOd to lid net- lb. ; light, ditto 10 a 'lb. to 1141b., lOd to ll|d per lb.; oxtra heavy, ditto 211b. to 24?lb., 8d to 10M nor lb. ; seconds, ditto 14glb. to 17{|lb., 9|d to 9id per lb. Pkeskkvkd Meats.— Tho market in quiet, owing to Hinallness of stock, but prices for good biands of mutton and beef romain min at the following quotations : — Boiled mutton, 01b. und 4tb. tins, 5$d to 6?d por lb.— 21b. tins, 7d to 7\d per lb.; boiled beef, GJd to GJd and 7{d to 7jd per lb. Conv Markei 1 .— After a short period of dull nest, accompanied by a decline, tho aspect of this nuikot underwent a considerable change, tho puncipal cause of which is to bo found in tho lncieasod foreign demand for all dcBciiptionn of, which iias considerably reduced oui local stock, and a few cargoes have been taken fiom the E.iut Coast. At preiont tho weather is favoui.iblo for our home orop, but it is as yet impossible to express any decided opinion upon its out-turn, further than that tho acicago under wheat is considered to be 20 per cent below the averago, and that the young plant is \eiy backwikid. Tho roturns which h.i\u hi on published of the position of the tiade to tho 20th May, show that the impoits fioin 1st Septeinbei, 1875, to tint date, weio SD,22,J19J0cwt. of, and 4,801, t J39(;wt. of floiu, against L'8,511,281cvrt.

niif 1,143,99l)cwt. iespecti\ely iliuin,' tin- miiu> ])imhhI of the pieuous jp it , (lie s 1 1 •-. hi In i' i giown wheat, iicuoiding to the ui^tom n , methods of coinimttitiiin, having In e i 30,1.7-UOOcwt., mid •Jl.ll.VtilJjwi. 'toi tli> peuods compiled within tho abo\u ium<, I datos of the eeteil yens IH7'i (i i'i I 1>7I • ic-«[i(»ctivoly. Ouirent puc^-. c\ -;iiiii.\ m- i follows : Australim 'tit to*>|s mm i'».i!h ; New Zealand do., .")0-i to .">{» ; An-ti ill in fluni, 30s to 3"s per 2301b.; New A -\l mil do , .{'I. to 33s. New ZBAi.vxn Hemp.— No truisastions lnvo been publicly iccorded in tltis hbie beyond tli2 ■mall tale noted bulow, which, hovvcv oi - , affonU uo ciiterion of market value-j. 1)2 balei weie offeied nt auction on the 17th M^y, but only 9 bales were told at £24 per ton, t'ic ic r.Hiinlur being bought in at tho same %uro. The mar ket for both Mmilla and Sisa hemp is dull, and prices nre again 20s pei ton lower. Kvuhi <J!L^f. — "With good supplies this m.uket is Nomewlwt c.iiioi. 422c.iacs weio oifrivd at auction on 11th May, but tho bulk was with drawu, only 00 cises being sold, nt 51s to ,">S* per cwt. for middling small to good middling scraped pale ; and on tho 23 th ideni 037 case-, weie ciUloguod, 130 ca«s being Hold at thu following pi ices : Good sciaped, Ii-Jstidppi cwt ; niiddhng sculped, fiis (5d ; common rough sin ill totted, 12s Gd to 43s 01 ; middling chips, 2K U'Hion. — This maikot has beon e\tipiiu*ly dull, and pi ices have experienced a continuous downward movement, resulting m a decline foi the month of about ,|d per lb. Of Fiji tinsilo* have boon confined to about 40 bales, tt Dj.l to 1 1,1 pci lb for m i\ed fair with stained to gool So i Ishnd, and 14 bales of kidney boed, mfc-iioi ([iiality, at 5jd— tho lowest prices evei accepted foi tins dcocription.

AMERICAN. Sav Fiuncisco.— Our advicei aro to the 2lst June. The following are the late«t maiket ([nutations : — Broovs.— Common, Idol. 50c, 2dol. 50c. and ; for the fou, 8 , Ados ; p.^nt corrugated, 2dol. ._>0c 3dol. ,md 3dol. flOc. ; ctu pet, .idol.' •Jdol. .">0c. ,in<l M«l. ; extra patent corrugated, •Idol. 25c, Idol. 7."ic, and 5dol. 23c. ; ship, 2dol. .")0c. ; mill, haul wood handles, 4dol. 50c, .Idol. 50c, and Gdol. 50c. ; biewory and «tablc, 4dol. 50c ; Aimes'Star Extra, 4dol. 50c, 5dol. ana 5dol. 50c ; Ladies' Delight, 4dol. • wisp and toy brooms, Idol. 7*5c. to 3dol. 50c. per do<sen, adedrding to style. Case lioous.— There is considerable depression in some classes of Eastern goods. Oytttois Idol. ,"»0c. to 2dol. 50c ; clams, 3dol. 40c. to 3dol 50c ; lobsters, 3dol. to 3dol. 25c. ; turl%.ey and chicken, 4dol. to 4dol. 25o. ; giecn coin, 2dol. to 2dol. 2,">c ; gieon pen, 2dol ."i0c. to 3ilol. We have no changes to make in C'alifoi ni.i packed. l (1 isii. — Theie is an active movement in Ojegon silmon. We quote lib tini at Idol. .<>c. pet dozen ; saidiuos, Idol. (j.">c. to Idol. 70c. for qiurtcis. FitiJir — Cilifoinia sun-cm ed desciiptions aie (litotablo as follows : — Dtied npplc-i, 10c. to 12^.c ; peache>, 12\c; pears, 10c; plums, 5c. to Gc. foi unpittcd and 22c. for pitted ; Jigs, ."ic. to 10c. foi black and 12lc. to 15c. for white ; California laisins, 2<lol. to 2dol. 2ou. ; Malagk layer l.nsins, .idol. 37^c. foi whole boxen, 3dol. 75c foi half boxes, and 4dol. to 4dol. 2">c. foi\et. Naval Si'orjm.— lioain and pitch, Idol, to 4dol. 50c; tar, .1 lol to (Idol.; Swedish tai, Odol ; oakum, 4dol. 50c to 5dol. 50c pei bale; spiuts of tuipentine, 50c for 100 case lots and 52 l ,c. to .V>c for jobbing lots. On, — C.istoi, Idol. 5c to Idol. 15c; china nut, die. ; cocoanut, 52 Jc. to 55c; petroleum, 25c to 27jC foi all biands and styles of can ; high giades of keiosene, Ii2hc to :?7ic ; California and Eastern Unseeds, iu25buiel lots, 70c. foi law and 75c. for boiled.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5230, 17 July 1876, Page 2

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MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL CALL LIST. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5230, 17 July 1876, Page 2

MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL CALL LIST. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5230, 17 July 1876, Page 2