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Hioh Watbr To-day: b 20 a.m., i» II p.m. Svinkisb *ud SuvflRT To ila\ : t> 1 1 -\ m , fi 'I' in Moon's Pn\s«: Nlu \[noi\, \i ui-u 2i>, 7 ij i m

ARRIVALS. Koweu.t, s s., Sellan, fiom Tiniinu. I'l 1■engers Mcssi*. W L. Kco-, JMton, ) icobson, Jacobs, De Co jm\ Vmoiicj, Hyilo, L 15.ite% G. A. L'rabb, Mis. T. rhtilwick .uul child, JIi^. Allison, Mi« Xouis, -"\Iis. Williams, I\Ii|Di Pitt, a constable and piisonoi. -A. McOiegoi, agent. Urodick r.istle, ship, Tliync, fiom London.Cruiclcihank Ti.d Co. , .lyonts. Coraho. cuttoi, Baker, fioiu Ojiotiki U r aiweia, schoonci, Bushcll, fiom T.iuua.

DEPARTUKKb. Kovreua, s.s., Sellui, foi Taurangiu

ENTERED INWARDS. Uorulie, cnttor, B.ikc) , ii om Upotiki. 3*.iN-.en gers : Mis. Dickson, Mi-.. H.iinilton, j\Io-,sis, LichJan auil Biy.xnt.

CLEARED OUTWAKDS. Kthel, hiitjantine. ISO tons, McLoort, for Km l>ai.i, in ballast - H. VT. Owen .unl Co , agent 1 .. Onw.iul, schooner, .iJ tons, Tlupps, fur ~\Y:ingaici, in billast. Agnes Donald, schoonei, h2 ton->, McC.ibc, for Gibboine, \i.i Meicmy U.i\, with a. full tftigo, shuijieil byOvtoii mil (Ji.ih.iin. Alntiu, sclioonoi , ! I toiii, toi Lc v uk.i, vi>i tlio Thames, in ballast.

VESSELS EXPECTED. From London' — Dilpussund. bq., sukd Dec. 19 ; Bebington, ship, s.uled Feb. 1. To shortly: Kobin.i Dunlop, baique ; An.i/i, bq ; La EKCDcesn, «hip. From Hi \^no\\ — Aline, bq . sailed 7; Wanloch, bq. From Sydney— H.M.s Feail ; U.S. Tuscalora, corvette; Sea Rip, sch. Fkom New York (via Dunedin) — Skimmer of the Wave, bq. From Sax Frvncihco— Colimn, s.s., nbont 26tb. From New cwtle — Glimpse, bi| , s.iilod Maich 7. Fkom Houaht Towv— Bell.i May, bq. From Plnhiun' Kr, v\n— -Migio, oittci From Auet UDt — Cilwifcidh. bviquc From LiTfELTON— Fin t, brgtnc, sailed Maich 13; Omaha, bigtue , sided l.>. From Dunfdiv — Kst^llc, tin ec misted sch , early; Anne Lewis, bq., \i.i "Wellington From Kvnojo\i.v — JJ1 mchi., scli From Soljh Si v I^i wdi— Kyno, lnytno. ; Loch Lee, bq : Edith, sih

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Iq this list coasten iie not nn liiilr 1 Fob London— Glenloia.baiqnc.aboutApiil 1 ; Owon and Giaham, ageuts. L'ainatic, s]n;i, eaily : N.Z.S. Co , agents. For Lm uky Llewellyn, s s ( Monday. Foh .S\n I'RVN'cr^co — Oohnm, s.s , Apul 10; Owen iikI (Ir.iliun, agents. For Vvn 1 viu^o— Kdiuhiugh < \istk , lu[ , early. For Souh Sfv IsLA\'i)->--'\'ision, bug, eaily. For Soupherv Poius — Colum, s s., about 26th; Owen ..ntl firaham, agents From tlio Manuk.ui : I'liobe, s.s., to-day; W.F.AVhceloi, Ageat; Hawet, ss., *2Sth, Hendeison ami M.icfarlane, agents. For N"vpier — Southern Cro^, ss,, eavly ; A. S.I'. Co , agents.

VEiSKLS IX HVimoUlI. STEVMER-. Llewellyn, font, Southern Cios-,. Ship^— Cumtic, Meiwanjei* Fi.unjoc, Tho Jick t ' l>tlf EuwiL>>— (Jlonlm i, LMmlmi^h Cistlc Biik.-)- \'ision, Jmo. Schoonlrs — ltcnuil (gunboat), Peeiloss (yacht), Clierub, Etliel, A.l.nni, Helle Kiimlun, Agnes Donald, Queen, C.mtcibuiy, AV.m> of Life.

IMPORTS.— March 24. Per Brodick "Castle, ship, fiom London : 6 CAfes iron bedsteads, 4 bales mats, 4 cases ■undries, t bales capets, 2 cases glasses, 3 do. •undnes, Winks and Hall. Per Merwanjee Fiamjee, ship, from London, SI cases diapuiy, T. McM.istci Per Brodick Castle, fioml oiulon . 110 bundles hoop iron, 121 bais and bundles non, !_: bundle"* galvanised hoop non, G casks castings, 1 packages castings, 1 cask tools, 1 cask s.i>vs, E. Poitei and Co. Pei Brodick Castle, fiom London: 20 qi -casks lOhluls inm, 2"> t\\ casks ym^or wine, 11) rjj. casks and 200 cases Hennessy -. biandj', J00 b ij, r < salt (huo ami co,n>e), M) pick iges oilmen s Stores, 200 cases lilood -> stout, and .i munbci of packages dupery, Owen and Giahain. Per Brodick Cistle, fiom London : 200 cases, H. S. Meyeis and Co.

ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP JJllODICK CASTLK The ariival of this siipeih vessel wii loioided by us yesteiday, but she made lioi .ippe.n.iucc at an hour which piecluded us fioin oht lining any details of Lei jus- ige The JiiodicL < 'astU (commanded by Capttin T'nnt ) is ,i lino spoci men of iiiauiie architecture . belonging to tlio Castle Line of Messis. Sknnici .ind Co , by ■whom tlic baupje Kihnbui',h Castle, now m this poit. n also oujned. The Heilth OUium, aftei a. fceaiching inspection, admitted the vessel to pi itirjne. Di. ( 'lcgliom (foiiuoilj of the Wainuito) had ch.ugo of the nniniu'iants. They appealed clean and ho ilthy, md had, moieover, a look of suitability ibout them. All hands speak favouiahly of the dootoi's skill, kindness, and attention. The deaths weio as follows, vi/. :- Decembei SO, 187-"), >T. McOiath, ."> months, consumption ; Febmary 'I'l, 187<i, Kllen McUi.ith, 7 mo'itlis, conaumptiou ; .f unniy VI, JS7O, Hannah Wilson, JJycais, single, llieumatic fevei. The passiajje h is not bteii uneventful The c,i])tnin has had to contend wit 1 ! opposition lium n p.ut of the ciew, ind api»eii' to liave e\ncncd a coniiiiLiid ibli i]>ii)t of foibeiii nice. Tlio-ic of the ciew, howevci, tint j»ei -sifted dining Cie voy.J^o in lieli t\ ni',' inutinou&ly, woie given m cbinge of the Water Police as soon .h the aiiflioi 'A as let go. I ' ipt mi Th> ne iej)oi ts having taken depai-tuie fioin Pljmoiitli on the ltth JA-ccmhci last, with modetate SSI 1 wiiuK. Caught the X K. tiades in lat. ]M - noiHi and long 28' west, on the 5th Juiiury. Th''ii \ieie u.uiied as far.u 2" noitli, but pi o\ ml \ciy liglit. Tlie ec[u,.toi wa-> cios->ed on the 1 it ' t f tiiti uy, !1 dayi out. Fell m with tli» i«i. \] tiulc-. iidinediately aftei losing the X.E They pio\<-d iniiileiate, and boie the vessel vs fai as '27' S. Light winds ,vnd tine weaflipi weie e\pi nenccil to tho niendian of the L-'.ipp of Good Hope, which was crossed on the l'Jtli Febmaiy. lloro the vessel was becilmed foi neatly a whole wedc, and whilst in this (fiiaitei a l.iige fout masted s'teanu'i, which was taken to be the /iealandia, passed, alodenite biee/es were again experienced on l mining down the eastings, which was '.complished in about r/2 S. lat. The Three ivui o "5 weie not sighted, hut Cape Mtui.i V,\n Diemcii w >. in idc at 'I a.m. on Thuwlay lust. Down the co ist a stioiiy S.W. gile accomp inicd with heavy squ.dlb w is i-\poiienced. l'assed the ->lni> S.ilisljniy outwild hound oh Tiiitm, on Tliuiidiy. < in tho 17th .Tanuaiy spoke the ship P.itnaich, C tpt.un i'.iyne, of Abeidcen, in lit. •) U. south n»d long. •■*"> r . bound fio/n London co3kll)ouine Amongst the lhcidents of tlie voyayi may be mentioned tlie following e\tiact> from the log-book, undei date li.")th Deceinljei, 1 S7-"> At noon to day a vessel was seen on the- poit bow on Jici bu un ends. Steeled close undei hei stein to leudei assistance. Kiiuiid hei to be abandoned. Her name was the Spaikmhoe, of Dublin; .ill masts standing t'vrept lni/entopgall.mtmast, lowei niuntop sail sot. The hull looked (|iutc fiesh. All the st ii hoaid buhvaiki weie m the watei Seeing no oiii' on boaiil, mil lining lininigi ints, <hd not think 1 would be justlhod in tikm chaise ofhei, v hicli could i isily h ivt bi'i n dom. in two di',. sIk could not fill tn liM'.h >(a.U'U i ]i"no)f ( >n the same d.i> Lhe opw \/eie oideiod to send aloft the topgallant y,,ids, which had not In en sent up bffoie, ut tlie iei(iKst i»f the I'lymouth Ininngi itiou Othcoi TlusorJei tho en w lefused to < my out, .it th' instigition of .i couple or un,n i>l< i •- , ind, foi tb( ■- tke ot jicace and goodonlii, tin wink wis ttlectedby theoihceisof tlu .In).

( OVHTWI-.K I.W. Uti>-. Meicnry, cutici, irom Tumi with tunlwr; Jwiutly, schooiici, from the Wide, with .1 c.iijo of pioduce ; JWtlu, euttoi, fium l'uhoi, with .1 o,ui,m of \iio(lucc; 15.' ,w, cuttci, ironi "W.uLiw.ui, witli tiuibc ; Ann" Mill) ink, p.s , fiuiu Mihui.uii;i jnd Hot yiiruigs Oltw uius (Ju\sr\\iHt — "Mciciuy, mttn, for Tiiirua, in ; Kntfly, loi the* W.ulo ; Soveicigu of tliL Sl.w, cuttci, J'ofceisoi), Foi W.ingaioi, with .1 c.ugo Tlie mill st(.nnHliii) C'ohm.i is duo hoie tomonow fiom Kahd.ivu with the English mail, transshii>p >d from tho )uid She leaves foi the fciontli slioitly .iftoi Tliu s.-. Ladybnd left NcKuu, loi Xiw J'lymouth, .it 7 p.m. on the 23id. The Bclioouei "Waiwei.i anivLd fium Tanua ye»tcid,iy evening, with a c.ugo of tunbei.

The s.s. Row on i uined it hilf ]>i»i Iim> >c l >tc l ilij nioi inn.; tn>)D Tnimm > 1> > ' ■ ■ >1 pn^siMi^c'i', ,uul i lull '-.uii'nl ciun i^l i lift igain foi Tun 111^1 a rsti.Mil l> menu)" Tin siluiDiiti VI ■ i m filcuci ( tu the Thames, whi'ii -he will ;foi l.ovuLi with dinlioi. 'I lie scliooiui A o 'iu>s Don il«l do nod <uit jc.iiMiliy f«'i ( .ibhome, \u K,i-,t < ' \mt\ witli .1 geneial c.ugo. Tlio cuttor (_Vu vlio <nii\cil ye&tei il i> fiom Opotiki, with <i cargo consisting of 70 iivj,-*, 1t> hides, 3 bales skins, '20 bags bones, .1 do, >\, .{ ihccp, 0 cases bottles. TIip brig.wtine Kthel h is cleaied out in li ill isr foi Kiipaia, \s'heie ■'he will load tui'luM foi Diincdiii. The biig.intmo Ayno> h o\]>petcd hen >om\ horn Lyttcltoi), vi.i X.ipioj Ud hi i .mi\.il slio will leup diiect foi tlie ( 'li ith mi Kl itnN The s.s. Southern Cioss m n be i \]>LctLd hoie to mouow fiom N.ipici, vi.i tin- ( o.isr The A.S.P.Co/s <> s Suuthi'in L'ioss is .inHounced to i,.iil foi Xnpioi dneit (»)) Tuesday .i f tt moon >t f oVloek. 31. 's^is. L. D. Nathan and Co. leanest that all claims against the Kdmhuigh Castle be lodged with them bof<ne noon cm Alonday or tlieji will not bo loto^niscil.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2

Word Count

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2