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Tilt, auuual regatta, is the puucipal event ot the day — and a r gatta has buen selected in neaily all places as the moat correct way by wh chthe population can express its joy at having arrived in a new country, and founded a new nation. Into the nature of, and improvement in, 3hips since the days when "Father Noah built kirn an ark, 'it is is I not necessary now to enter, but it will t suffice to siy that of late years improvement has followed improvement with sueh rapidity that the days of perfection appear to be rapidly coining within our leach; still, whether perfection be attained or not, the annual regalta bnugs out year by year new vessels to compete against those of by gone years, and to-day will, in a greater or less degree, prove whether our steps have been in the right direction or no. Particularly will this be the case in the large schooner race, and we can only regret that circumstances do not peimit the vessels of last year competing with those entered on the present occasion. Taking everything into consideration, the prospects of the regatta are good, but the question of a nor'easter arising is at the moment of writing one which some of the weather-wise venture to prognosticate will appear, and interfere materially with the chances of the smaller craft, and particularly the rowing boats. The partial absence of English ships from the harbour will also lessen that display of bunting, which is sure to be observed on those that are here. The flagship is the ' Carnatic,' and she has been moored this year at a respectable distance from the wharf, so that there will be plenty of startiug room between her and the wharf. The usual ai rangements have been made on boaid her for starting the vessels, and Sergeant Major Wainhouse will be in chaigc of the signal gun. Should the mail steamer, the ' City of San Francisco,' make her appearance during the day, the passengers by her will see Auckland under most favourable aspects Besides the regatta sports, picnics, botli public and pnvatc, to all the available places, in the harbour and within easy distance of the port, are arranged, and merely require the adjunct of fine weather to render them successful. The quiet little race meeting at Papakuia threatens this year to become one of con sidei able notoriety, for we do not remember such a really good piogramme having been placed before the public on any previous occasion. The only thing to be legietted is, that the fixtme falls on a day when many will be unable to attend fiom being detained in town by other affairs; but, perhaps, the public holiday will more than compensate by bringing down many who would not othei - wise have come. The races are seven in number, and as they are alluded to by our sporting contributor in another column, do not need lengthy comment here. The railway authoiities have been induced to run a special tiain to the couise at a single fare for the refc.irn jounuy winch is a greit induce-nv-'it to ra iko the tup. With tine weather tli.-ie lsnodonbb the Papakuia laecs of 1S7'» a\ ul lie .iii immense suoolj-. Mr. 11. dulii"i has again offore 1 great iii'lue^'Hi nts to the public to vi->it "' the pi ice to siicnd a happy day," and m addition t> fie standing atti actions of the g n dens, a series of anmversaiy sports has been institute.!, for which not so good an entry ins been received as might be expected. The following are the events and entne 5 : —

AN>lVER3«tY ClJP. First prize, £15 ; second pnze, £5; third pii7*>, £2 Firbt Stugt- 100jd->. 1st 'Te .t a^ 1 p 7n 2n t llcvt -.t 1 1) p m iii>)Wi!i i r»t ti R Bromian l'yjd? 1 s'o a 1 ! .iv li K O" ti )i.\d? .) Phi h i-. Vid? Jnlii n 'M 4\l\i O. M i'idd.'fiiiH F jibiOa, <>jd-< PjiE JuMPisa .it 1 30 p in First prise, £}; seond pn/e, i'.l Eatnei 2* Gd, on th ) ground Fixal IIkvt 100 Yards, at 2 13 p m. The Cut two in cacli of ihi Tiiallloits to run In thi* heat

Anniversary Cup. Stoond Btage— SOOydi, at 3 pm G. Waite, «or*teh J Phillips, 9/di R. Brannan, Syda Jm i<egaa, 1 2yds B. N'oUn, Oydi O M Field i2ycM K. U'Hfcre.'Sjdl I 1 , Glb'on, l^Tds TlLTXNO AT THE RfNO, at 3 30 p m. Firit prize, £3 ; •ooend priz^, £1. Entriei 2s 6d eaoh on the ground.

Anniversary Cup. Third Stage -COO yards, it 4 pin Geo W*tte, scratch K O'H.ire, 22yds B Brenuin, 6vd4 Jai it^g'iD, 25} tU B Noliu. 12vds U. M Fiold 2'>yds J Plnllipo, lsyds b GibsoJ, 30yds Stkeplec'iivsc Os\: Milk wiru Wa'ikii Jump, '.t 4 30 p.m First pn/3, £>; iecoad t>tiz3, £1 (In this the com rotitors will im ullowcd to get over or mi ler tin obitao'ei th > best wiv they cun. All fH^s nnrliiu* th* con«« mil t b3 Kept onfe l«'t li in I phIj du in? the l.ioe 1 . The Ha idioau R, IT Ualer, ic i'cli A. Wool, iOy.l-) Jaiiea «\c i.t, <v*t-h V Kallj. SOjiU R Rol'sn. 80/ds DON'XICY KlC'h I' 5 p. 10 Foi Hi cl (imi l J n/ s !Cutii«->."n <jo ihi gioun 1. ., B — Donkejs i)rovid)>l In spite of his starting from the scratch, it js expected that Wane "will score most points in the Anniversary (Jup ; and Dnder, from his well-known jumping powers, ought to win the Steeplechase. To those w ho patronise the Ellerslie Gardens a pleasant day is the sure l esult. Bebiiles the above events, there arc many more which will be sure to draw a share of the public, should the -weather bo favourable. The anniversary picnic of the members of the Baptist Church is to take place at Motiuln. The steamer ' Minnie C.isey' has been specially chartcied for the purpose of conveying the party to the island and back again. At Kohimarama a monster picnic is announced. It is to be under the auspice3 of the Fiiendly Societies, and promises to bo a success The s.s. 'Hauralci' is announced to run from the whaif to Kohimarama eveiyhour during the day. Sports are arranged, and pn/es will be awarded to the successful cornpetitoi s. The Sundayschool children in connection with the Wesleyan churches, are to have a day's outing in the beautiful grounds of Mr. J. Dilworth. at Reinuera. The Domain will be a scene of attraction and interest to all who take an interest in the game of cricket. To-day, should the weather not prevent it, the winners of the Champion Cup, given by Mr. Buckland as a remembrance of the tour through the Southern pi ovinces by the Auckland cricket team, will be mado known. The last of the matches for this cup is to be played there to day, the match beginning at ten o'clock The contest lies between the Auckland C.C. and the Auckland United C C. The names of the teams of the respective clubs are given in another part of the present issue. St. Sepulchre's school children will also enjoy a treat at Home Bay, the i evidence of the Rev. E. N. Bree. - The tiring for the Champion Belt, given by Captain Clark, is likely to take place to day ; but it is probable that it may be postponed until a future day. The only fault with the arrangements for to day is that there are too many things announced for them to be all well attended. To the above will have to bo added the usual sources of enjoyment provided at the North Shore, Domain, &c.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5726, 29 January 1876, Page 3

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UNKNOWN Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5726, 29 January 1876, Page 3

UNKNOWN Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5726, 29 January 1876, Page 3