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MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. Daily Southern Cross office, Wednesday evening.

The Customs duties received to-day amounted to £311 3s. 5d.

BUCKLAND'S SHEEP FAIR. To-day was the second and most interesting day of the Kemuera Sheep Fair, the animals disposed of being mostly rams. Many of these were first-class imported stock, and the pi ices realised— jwxwoely be. considorotl ns satisfactory. The sale began punctually at one o'clock, and continued without intermission until nearly seven, during which time almost every item in the catalogue had been sold. In addition to those in the catalogue, a number of other sheep were sold, some being ewes leniaming over from last Monday, and the rest being ewes and two splendid imported Lincoln rams. Before the sale commenced all present partook of an excellent lunch, for which Mr. Easton of the Junction Hotel, was purveyor. The following is the statement of sales made :— 19 Leicester ewes, Lawry, 19s Gd, M. Lynch ; 10 ewe lambs, do, 19s 6d, John Kelly; 20 two and four tooth Lincoln ewes, Bayley, 30s, Paton ; 20 two and four tooth, do, 35s, Gittos ; 20 two and four tooth, do, 333, Vercoe ; 20 two and four tooth do, 33a, Paton ; 20 six do, 21s, Paton ; 21 two and four tooth, do, 17s, Petei3 ; 23 two and four tooth do, 16s Cd, McClymont; 207 two and four tooth do, Hugh Kuok, £200 the lot, Douglas ; 1 imported Lincoln lam' Newman, 49 guineas, W. J. Taylor ; 1 do, 33 guineas, James "Wallace; 1 impoited Lincoln ewe, Matthew Mawer, 27 guineas, Seddon ; 1 do, do, 16 guineas, Paul ; 2 do, do, 17 guinea'., Wallace ; 1 do, do, 28 guineas, Seddon ; 2 do, do, 23 guineas, Middleton ; 1 do, do, 2G giunc is, Middleton.; 2 do, do, 1G guineas, K. and E. Maclean ; 1 do, do, 28 guineas, Middleton ; 1 do, do, 17 guineas, Anderson ; 1 do, ram, do, 21 guineas, Martin ; 1 do, do, 23 guineas, W. Nicholls ; senr. ; 1 do, do, 40\ guineas, Martin ; 1 do, do, 31 guineas, Martin ;2do, Cotdwoldram, Symonds, ;i2 guineas, A. Buckley ; 1 do, do, 20i guineas, T. B. Hill ; 1 imported Leicester rain, Chas. Shipperd, 7 guineas, De Carteret ; 1 do, do, 7 guineas, Robinson; 1 four-tooth Lincoln ram, bred by James Dilworth, 5 guineas, T. Keily ; 1 do, do, £2 15s, T. Keily ; 1 do, do, £i 10s, Jolm Stewart ; 2 do, do, £6, T. John.son; 1 do, do, £4, John Stewart; 2 do, do, £1, Lloyd ; 1 do, do, £8 10s, Howard ; 2 do, do, £7 10d, 1'ioude ; 2 two-tooth Lincoln rams, do, i'7 103, J. Dilworth; 1 do, do, £G, Smith Bios, 1 do, do, £7 10s, J. Keily; 2 do, do, £i 5i, Sainpwn ; 1 do, do, £G los, D. H. Lubk ; 1 do, do, £7, T. Hull; 1 do, do, £3 10s, 11. Biadley ; 2 do, do, £4 10s, John Kelly ; 1 do, do, £1 15s, Sampson ; 1 do, do, £.">, A. Dilwoith ; - do, di>, £1 j a , Yan-,hiin ; 1 two-toolh Lincoln law (bied by Hon. (Jhailcs Taylor fiom impoited sfcojk), James Wallace, £10* 10s, Bell Bros.; 1 twotooth Lincoln ram, bred by James Wallace, £5 5s, Vining ; 1 do, do, £3 3s, King ; 1 do, do, £3 5s, Jolly ; 1 do, do, £3 10s, A. Buckland ; 2 do, do, £1 15s, Cleghorn ; 3 do, do, £2 5s, Paton ; 3 do, do, £2 5s, Scott Bros. ; 3 do, do, £1 15s, J. S. Wilson ; 1 do, do, £1 15s, Cruickshanlc ; 2 do, do, £2 2s 6d, Bowden ; 1 do, do, £1 10s, Cleghorn ; 2 do, do, £2, Constable ; 1 aged Lincoln ram (bred by Joseph May), C. Shipperd, £1 12s 6d, Jolly ; 1 do, do, £2, Loverock ; 1 do, | do, £1 5», J»uiee -Bcll-J 1 tWO-tOOtt longWOOl I ram (bred by C. Shipperd), £4, D. Stewart ; 1 do, do, £4, John Lamb ; 1 do, do, £2 15s, Firth ; 2 do, do, £2 15s. Firth.; 1 do, do, -££,- Firth; 3 do, do,~"£2 15s, Firth; 4 do, do, £2 10s, Firth ; 3 do, do, £2, Firth ; 3 do, do, £1 153, Firth j 4 do, do, £2, Firth; 3 do, do, £2 15s, Firth; 4 do, do, £3, Filth; 1 six-tooth ram, bred by Joseph May, A. and J. Anderson, 10 guineas, S. Baird; 1 fourtooth ram, bred by A. and J. Anderson, £3 10s., Lyell ; 1 two-tooth ram, do, do, (winner of the second-class prize at the last Show) £16, G. S. Graham; 1 do, do, £15, E. Hamlin; 1 do, do, (winner of a fiist-class prize at a late show), £G 10s., T. Keid; 1 do, do, £11, W. C. Harris ; 1 do, do, £9, G. S. Graham; 1 do, do, £7 5s, T. Keid; 1 do, do, £10, G. S. Graham ; 1 do, do, £8, Vining ; 1 do, do, £0 10s, Keid ; 3 do, do, £7 10i, lieid ; 1 do, do, £12, Hau is ; 1 do, do, £5 10s, Lyons; 1 do, do, £3 3s, K. Badley ; 3 do, do, £1 17s Cd, K. Badley ; 1 do, do, £3 15s, Thompson Bros. ; 1 do, do, £3 10s, Gittos ; 1 do, do, £2, Jolly ; 1 do, do, £4 10s, Thompson Bro3. ; 1 do, do, £3 5s, Forster ; 1 do, do, £5, Harm ; 2 do, do, £4 10s, Jolly ; 1 do, do, £3, Given ; 1 do, do, £2, Bree ; 1 two-tooth Leicester ram (bred by Messrs. May), Constable, £1G, James Dilworth ; 1 do, do, £8, George Munro ; 1 four-tooth do, do, £0, Tiace ; 3 two-tooth do, do, £3 10s, Cruickshank ; 1 do, do, £6 5s, C. Marshall ; 1 do, do, £4, Macky ; 1 do, do, £3 5s, T. B. Hill ; 2 do, do, £2 10s, Dacre ; 1 do, do, £4 15s, Bidchoff ; 1 do, do, £3 5j, WilleUn; 2 do, do, £.i 1.M, Sankey ; 1 do, do, £2 los, G. Munro ; 1 do, do, £2, Sutherland ; 3 longwoolled rams, D. Thompson, 21y, Domwell ; 1 two-tooth longwoolled d.>, T. Henwood, £2 15s, Coates ; 1 do, do, £2 15-<, G. Munro ; 1 do, do, £1 12b C I, !;<.-■, ; 1 do, do, !£L 7s o\l, McClymont; 1 do, do, £1 10,. Cr. .Miinro ; 1 do, do, £1 10j, Vckuc : 1 do, do, £2 10s, J. 11. Scott; ldo, do, £2, BollarlJ; 1 do, do, £1 3s, Douglas ; 1 do, do, £L 10.s, Irii&t ; 1 do, do, £1 4o, JUiieL. mai a ; 1 <lo, do, £2 1<X., D«icro ; 1 do, do, £", Gillaul ; 1 do, do, JCl 5s, Vercoe ; 1 two tooth Leicester ram, Messrs. 11. and E. Maclean, £10, Jci\lan; 1 do, do, £8 103, KanC03k ; 1 do, do, Lo, Walter Harris; 1 uo, do, £.) 10s, Goodfellow; 1 do, do, £7 10s, Sir George Grey ; 1 do, do, £5 IOj, C. Wallace ; 1 do, do, £7 10i, Sir Goorgo Grey ; 1 do, do, £7 10s, Hancock ; ldo, do, i'o 10s, Major Wiley; 1 dp, d», £9 iOa, Monison; 1 do, do, £7, Joidun ; 1 do, do, £1, Finlay ; 1 do, do, £8 103, Price Bios. ; 1 do, do, £7, Sir Geoigo Grey ; 1 do, do, £3, Proude ; 1 do, do, £7 10s, J. H. Scott ; 2 do, do, £6, Sir George Grey; 1 do, do, £5 15s. Wheeler ; 2 do, do, £4 5j, Sir George Gz-ey ; 1 do, do, £5 53, Dr. Hale. ; 1 do, do, £5 10s, Sir George Grey ; 1 do, do, Hi 15a, Sampson ; 1 do, do, £5 5s, Sir George Grey; 1 do, do, £4 5s, Sankey ; 1 do, do, £4 5*, J. Stewart ; 1 t»vo-tooth Southdown ram, £2, C. Mai shall ; 1 do, £] 10j, McLeod ; 1 do, £2, George Harris ; 1 do, £1 10s, Wall; 1 do, £1 15s, Koisiter; 4 rama, 5s each, Domwell ; 1 ram lamb, £1 2s (Jd, 0. llobeitson ; 1 do, 14s, McDonald ; 1 do, 10s, Kobeit Badley ; 1 two-tooth Lincoln ram, R. J. Middleton, £17, John Crawford ; 1 do, do, £11 103, Jimcs Crawford ; 1 do, do, £14, Constable ; 2 do, do, £14, M. Lynch; 1 do, do, £13, Constable ; 1 do, do, £11 10s, Mill** ; 1 do, do, £<J Uh, Selbuk; 1 do, do, £14, Charles Shipperdjil do, do, £0 15s, T. S. Graham ; 2 do, do, *5L2, ; 2 do, do, £D 10s, Jnmes Crawford ; 1 do, do, £3, Weatney ; 1 do, do, £4 10v Sandford ; 1 do, do, £4, Jolly ; 1 do, do, £23, J. B. Hay; 2 do, do, £10, Constable; 2 do, \Y. Kerr, £5, E. Koose ; 2 do, do, £4, W. Flynn ; 1 do, John May, £7, A. Farmer ; 1 do, do, £0 153, John King ; 1 do, do, £5 10s, J. H. Scott ; 1 do, do, £7, Joseph May ; 2 do, do, £6, J. B. Brown ; 1 do, do, £3 10s, Heath ; 2 do, do, £4 10s, J. B. Biown; 1 do, do, £1, Vaughan ; 2 do, Josoph May, £7, Sellars ; 1 do, do, £5 10d, Gollan ; 1 do, do, £i, Westney; 1 do, do, £8, Murphy ; 1 do, do, £6 53, Hood ; 1 do, do, £7 fw, Ogilvie ; 1 do, do, £4 10s, J. S. Wilion ; 1 do, do, £3 10s, J. S. Wilson ; 1 do, do, £>10i, Dr. Hale; 2 do, do, £5,. Murphy; 1 <lo, do, £i iCs, Sutheil.ind ; 1 do, do, i'd, O. Huberts ; 1 do, do, £2 10s, Murphy ; 1 fourtooth do, do, £3, C. Kobeits; 1 do, do, £3, Kelly ; 2 do, do, £1 10s, James Bell ; 1 do, do, £2 5s, Scott Bros. ; 1 do, do, 2 5s, E. Eooao ; 1 do, do, £1 103, K. Kobertson ; 1 do, do, £3 5s, Ogilvie; 1 do, do, £2 10s, Murray ; 1 do, do, £2 10s, O. Koberts ; 1 twotooth, do, £2 2s, Douglai; 4 four-tooth, do, £1, Carter; 3 four tooth, do, G. H. Selby, 15s, A. Buckland ; 3 four-tooth, do, do, £1 2s Gd, Bent; 4 two-tooth, £1 33, do, do, Bent ; 7 two-tooth, longwoolled rams, W. Ferguson, £21, Burtt ; 1 longwoolled ram from imported parents, W. Atkin, £3 5s, Gollan ; 1 two-tooth, do, do, SI 103, A. Buckland ; 1 longwoolled ram, G. Allen, 19s, B. Harris '; 1 aged ram, K. Graham, £5 10, Pilkington ; 1 do, do, £2, Pilkington ; 1 do, do, £1 2s 6d, Henderson and Macfarlane ; 1 do, do, £1 5d, John King ; 2 ram lambs, do, £1 2s 6d, Proude; 1 Lincoln ram, J. B. Brown, £9, J. Dilworth ; 1 do, do, £G, Murray ; 1 do, (bred by Joseph May), £4 10s, G. Harris ; 1 do, do, £4 15s,

Jolly ; 1 six-tooth Lincoln ram, C. C. Murphy, £2 10s, Coutts $ 1 do, do, £2 10s, B. Harris ; 1 do, do, £1 10s, J. King ; 4 longwoolled rams. D. White, 20s, R. Maityn ; 1 do, Jamei Pan', 8a, Hepburn ; 1 Lincoln (bred by T. Russell), A. McDonald, £1 2s, Bollard ; 1 Leicester ram, Joseph Greenwood, £1 15s, Hayr ; 1 Lincoln ram, do, £1 2s, Loverock ; 1 six-tooth Leicester ram (bred by McLean), W. L. Roy, £1 2s 6d, Hepburn ; 1 do, do, £J Is, J. Hayr ; 1 four-tooth Lincoln ram (bred by Kerr), De Carteret, £1 17s Gd, Giaham ; 1 do, do, £2, Shaw ; 1 do, do, 14s, Dornwell ; 2 two-tooth rains, Do Carteret, £2, Wilson ; 2 do, do, £1, Miithieson ; 4 do, Scott, £1 5$, Marshall ; lfour-toothram (bred by Russoll),Hep burn, £4, II. Dacre; 1 four-tooth (bied by Buttle Bros.), Chailes Hosking, £1 5s, Doinwcll ; 1 lamb lam, 10s, Mvrtyu; 1 longwooled l.un, Walter Harris, £G, J. B. Hay ; 1 do, do, £1 5s, G. Hairis ; 1 do, do, 15s, J. S. Buckland ; 1 do, do, £3, G. Harris ; 1 do, do, £3 15s, B. Harris ; 2 longwoolled rams, G. H. Morley, 17s, Dornwell ; 3 do, J. B. Hay, 16s, J. S. Buckland ; .'5 do, do, 16s, J. S. Buckland ; 2 four tooth do, M. Angove, 18s, Dornwell ; 3 longwoolled rams, George Han-is, 19s, Foss ; 1 two-tooth lam, C. Bariiball, £1 2s, Badley ; 2 four-tooth Leicester rams, F. W. Hayr, Ins, Gairett; 1 Lincoln ram, W. Hayr, 10s, J. S. Buckland; 1 lamb (ram) do, 15s, Sellais ; 1 two-tooth Lincoln ram, Joseph Howard, £2 5s, W. H. Martin ; 1 do, do, £2 12s 6d, Peters ; 1 do, do, lGs, Dornwell ; 1 do, do, 14s, McClymont ; 1 six-tooth do, Newman, £2 os, Wheeler ; 1 do, do, £1 2s 6d, Sellars ; 2 aged rams, Coutts, 7s, Dornwell; 1 do, Gillard, £1 10s, Ogilvie ; 1 do, do, £1 12s 6d, Roose ; i ram, W. Bailey, £1 10s, Henderson; 1 do, Dickson, £2 10<3, Murray ; 1 do, do, £1 7s Gd, Hepburn ; 3 lambs, Fitzpatrick, 17s, McDonald.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5724, 27 January 1876, Page 2

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MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. Daily Southern Cross office, Wednesday evening. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5724, 27 January 1876, Page 2

MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. Daily Southern Cross office, Wednesday evening. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5724, 27 January 1876, Page 2