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QREYHOUND HOTEL, CORMR QT QUEEN AND VICTORIA-STREETS PROPRIETOR : I MICHAEL COECOEAN In returning thinks to his numerous visitors, ; Miclnel Corcoran btj,'s to =a-\ thit \er\ lar s 'e additions ha\e betn made to the Hotel, which will tend greatly to the convenience of those who fa\ our him with thei patronage. BEDROOMS. I Addition! ha\ e been made to their number, and ha\e been furnished in a superb manner, e\ erythmgf beuig new, and got up in the latest stj le. BATHS. Both Hot and Cold Baths are alwaja readv, na e\ery comenience will be found in them for the comfort of Travellers. COMMERCIAL ROOM. A commodious Room Ins been opened, hating Its entrance from \ icton.i street, for the comfort of tho9C who do not care to use the Bar or Bar-room, and thig ' has been fitted up in a st\ le to ensure the comfort ol I visitors. BILLIARD ROOM. The Billiard room is the best m the Prownce, and is fitted with one of the best Bilhaid Tables ever constructed. MICHAEL CORCORAN hopes that the good nvne his house has ever held, and the splendid accommodation afforded in it, will induce visitors to Auckland tc give it their patronage.

jj^l L L I A R D S. BILLIARDS. BTLLIAEDS. UOVERVOR BROWNE HOTEL Dunninifhani anJ Kinu'li i\t nniiortcl emeof Ah o< k'-i 1'iUi, Uillurd Tablts, uiel uiMte i>l.i\ns to one of the bLit jooi 11 in Am kl ind

GOVERNOR BROWNE HOTEL, Hoiw>\-siKrr.T. Hoard 1"»9 per ueei liuaid ind Residence 20-> per week Hoaul .mil KtsHleiiLO, with mule mom 24s per -neck Commodw us Bath Romns iablk d'iioi* it'onj u'< lo< k. Good St ible Atcoimuodatiun DUNNIXGIIAM i: KING, Proprietor-. gCO T"TA~~jg["OT ET^ HOBSOX-STUEE T. Tins Hotel ha^ been HL Ol'LNi:U with an entirely New Stotk. of \\ lilts, Spirits, &.e , of the best qualitj, and \ isitors cin rel\ upon yetting a genuine article The I'roi)netor has re-furni^hcd the ineinises, and Boaideis «ill hnd the best accommodation, coupled with scrupulous cleanliness Tlie lintel under present in iniuemcntu ill beehar^eteriscd bj those tlnecLsscntiala— (iualitj, Cleanliness, and Cnilitj. \S liitbon's Sp^rkhn^ Ale ah\ajs on draught. TERMS MODERATE Visitors from the Countrj \ull hnd e\er> comeiuence.

QOSMOPOLI IAN HOTEL (XfcAT MMSIC- L.MV1S BROniHC-), QUEEX STREET. Hiimiii; enlarged and nn]/ro\ed the abo\e premises, ■visitors and others v ill find, that no e\pense lias been spared in miking thu cst ibiishincnt a Fihm-ilv^ Family Hoi el. Meals provided at mv tm.e (.1 tlit daj or mjjht under the direction ut a thoroughlj * tumiietciit Manager. The public will find that a Msit '.vill siti«fv tlum that their comfort and convenience has been o»refull\ studied. R. R. CAMPION, Proprietor. Auckland, October, 1S75.

OHARLEMONT HOTEL HTAKEFIELD-STREET, FREDERICK WALLIS, Fropiuetob. F.W. begi to inform bu friends and patroni that be has now entered upon hi« new premise*, and linsti that a supply of the Best Liquoti at prices as low at auy in town will tecure to him that liberal patronage hitherto enjoyed by him Price List: i. d. Htnnessy'n (caio) 5 0 per bottl* MarUll's (case) 5 0 ,, Square Gin( best brands), largo bottle j 4 6 ,, Ditto ditto, small 4 0 „ Dunvillo's Whiikey 4 0 „ C impbelton hiikey .40 ,, 01(1 1'oai, best branch . .,4 0 ,, Iie»t Port ttlne 4 G ,, Best Sturrj \\ me 4 6 ,, Bernard'* hnghsh G iij{er Wine .. i V ,, Schnapps, small ,, 2 o ,, Wtto, l,»rg« 6 0 Best Colonial liter . . : 2 0 per gallon^ The above are all Al Brands.


(JOAL. COAL. COAL. The Proprietors of the Wluuwhau Coal Mines, Wan^uu, hi\iu.; gut the Mmc uk! Pl.iut m lull anil sttiuuit working oidcr, aie ])rc]iaiod to supi>!\ this supuor Coal, at the shoot, \Vanp\rti, for 10?. \*>\ ton WALTER SLOPS', A,'unt Vulo m L me


cT R A I G, • forwardi:ng agent Wholesale and Rctul Coal and Firewood Merchant, e. — On Sale, Newcastle and IWj of Islands Coal, Ti-troe Firewood (cut and Uncut), Tanks, Charcoal Ballast, HobartTown pail ings Sacks for sale.— Fortstreet, Auckland.


r\ N E H U N G A CO A V H E 8. We, the undermined Condi Pi opnetors, 1>1\ mgr between Onchunfri .mil Auikluul, belli,' desirous of affording the utmost ace.'inniodition to the public, with perfect s»fet> to passengers, ha\e this da> air.xn^ed to run our Co.\cheb punttuxllj to tho folio >nn^ Tune-table - Le»\ e OiielninyTi : Lei\ e Auckland : G Codlin 8 a.m. J Reid .. 8 a.m. J. Bnerley . 9 a in G Codlin . 10 a.m. W Whito 10 a in J. Unerley . .12 noon. J Reid 11 a m J Ueirt . 1 p m. O. Codlin 12 noon W. W lute 2 p m. J. Iincrley. . . 2 p m G Codlin 4 p m. W. White 4 ]) m J Bnerli\ 3 pm. J. Reid 5 45 p m. \V. White C p in. G CODLIX JOHN BUIERLEY. WM NHITE. JOIIS UL1D. December 16, 1874.

HOWICK AND AUCKLAND LINE OF ROYAL MAIL COACHES. D\ILY TIME TABLE :— Leave Hovviek, for Panmure and Auckland, 7 80 a.m Leave Auckland for Panmure and Hovviek at P ' m ' \V. LONDON & CO., Proprietor 0

Livery and Bait Stables r*7 0 R O W T H E R, VICTORIA LIVERY avd BAIT STABLES, Albert 8TREEt(C'LOsr to WrsDUAii-STRkKT), Patronised and appointed Liverj Stable-keeper *o H R H. the Duke of Edinburgh, and his Excullencv bir G I" Bovven. For Hire, a t,Teat -v.inetv of Carruges, ojx'n and closed ; Broughams and Wedding Carriages, with Grey Horses ; Buggies, single and double seated, hooded and open, for wingle or pur of horses, Four-wheeled Dog-carts ; Breaks for 1'iuuc parties; Covered Convevancos for driving passengers out-districts ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Sacldle-hurses; 4c, Ac , &.C.- Caarges moderate.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5724, 27 January 1876, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5724, 27 January 1876, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5724, 27 January 1876, Page 4