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rpO THE ELECTORS OF TIIK 1>1<'IK1CT OF WAITEMATV l,v\n.r\\Y\,— At the requc«t of nunj of mv old friends Idoinjqclf the honour of again soliciting u>ui Miffr,i'.'(.nat the forthcoming election. M\ Ion;,' connection with jour district, the identity of intcrc-jta which exists between us, and jour knowledge of inj past cireer, both political^ and othcrvv ise, render it iiniiee-es.sarv in making this annouueelnent I should enter into anj further particulars. On an carlj occ-.ision I -,hall have the pleasure of meeting j ou in the principal i»rts of the district, and then explain more fullj mj views and opinions as to the present condition of the colony and the main questions which are likely to come under the considera - tion of the now Parliament 1 have the honour to bo, Gentlemen, Yours fathiully, THOMAS HENDERSON. Auckland, December 8, 1875.

rpO THE ELECTORS OF WAITEMATA. c.bNTLEMK.N,— I beg to announce mjself as a Candidate to represent your interests in the forthcoming Parliament. I will take an catly opportunity of expressing my views on tho important question? now occupying public attention. Your obedient servant, W J HURST. Auckland, December 0, 1870.

r|10 THE ELECTORS OF WAITEMATA _L DISTRICT Grnti.kmiv,— I am given to understand that rumour is being circulated to the effect that I am merely standing to secure the election of another candidate, and without any intention of myself goinjt to the poll. As this is calculated seriously to prejudice my cause with the electors, I take the earliest op|.ortunitj of stating that, in the course of mj', as jet, limited canvass, I have secured such general and heartj assurances of support, that I feel fully justified In promising to go to the poll, and testing the feeling of tho district. Your obedient sen ant, W. J HURST. Auckland, December 10, 1875.

' I O THE ELECTORS OF WAITEMATA. Okvti emp.n,— Being assured that several of the Candidates, desirous of representing jour district in Parliament, are making an actlre canvass of tho Electors, ard endeavouring to obtain pledges ot their votes, I deem it my duty to intimate to >oii, that I disapprove altogether of trying to influence Electors to give any premises whatsoever, and that I consider such proceedings to be virtually an improper interference Iwith Electors, and calculated to destroy the usefulness or vote by ballot, as also being likely to lead to the stirring up of animosity between friends I tiast, therefore, that mr mode of action may not be misconstrued into indifference to obtain the support of all Electors who may deem me worthy of their confidence. I have the honour, to be. Gentlemen, Your most obedient str\ant, J. S. MACFARLANE. Auckland, ICth December, 1S7j.

mo THE ELECTORS OF FRANKLIN, Gkxtlemm,— I again offer myself as a Candidate for your suffrayes at the coming Election. Should j'ou once more honour me with yiur confidenco, I shall, as j-our representative, support such measures as will promote the unity of the Colony with one Legislature and one purse. I shall also advocate the continuance, and extension of Go\ oruiucnt under Municipalities and under the \arious Hoards (ineludinjj County Board* for the management of main roads, bridges, aud other mattera) as adui.vwtii niw bodiks. It will bo my endeavour to aid in the establishment of a Colonial system of Secular Education, supjwrtcd from consolidated revenue where educational endowmonU are iiisufflcient for the purpose of its maintenance. Franklin beinff a lar.'o district, it is difficult to meet the Electors at one or two place*; but if the Electors of any locality m the district will name a time and placs to suit theuucWcs, I shall be glad to meet them and «i\e them an account of last session, and express mj opinions on our future prospects. 1 .tin, Gentlemen, joiira truh, JO^KPII MAY. THE ELECTOUS OF NUWTOX. (jtNrLfcMhN,— Hamii},' reason to behe\c that I f.url\ reprcsciitcil jour opinions in Parliament, and knowing tbatldidinj beat to do so, I offer mj self as a Cundi | date for re election. ' There is nothing 1 can aaj- that »lll enable \ou t«» know moro of me than jou do now, as I am ami have been personally known for many jears to ncarh all of jou. As to w hot is to be done now, I say let us, as far a^ possible, manage our own affairs. Surelj we who know and are interested, can do so better than thos> who neither know nor care, and whose lntcres.ts an often opposed to ours, ' If jou see fit to elect me, my conduct will be tin. Mime in tho future as it has been in the jiost an endeavour, as far as ]>ossible, to get unity of action among our Members ; to reduce wasteful e\|Hi»litini to put power into the lmnd» of the |*iipli, n»t t . deprite them of it; and that all jfruit i|iu -.lion* should be mibmitted to them.

rpo CAPITALISTS AND OTHEU.s. F on S a l k— CABINET MAKING AND UNDERTAKINc; BUS1NKSS, Establisbctl 1850, And c*rried ou in Cuba street, one of the princi pal thoronjjhfares of the City ot Wellington, NOW D01NU A FIllSTCLVSS PAYING 1UVDF The proprietor's only reason for disposing of ln> buslnuu U to retire into private Ufe. The w hole of the .Stock in-tratle and Undertaking plant ciin ba taken at a valuation Th» whole of tho purchase money will not be required at once, 2a per cent only, the balance stand Ing o\er on security, and bearing interest of bi*r ee - it A mount of annual profits will lie given to intendin £ purchasers only. The premises consist of Show-rooms. 84ft. by 26ft . I with Cabinet works aid Undertaking plant at the rear. The above property has a frontage of .15ft. to Cubastreet, with a depth of 150ft. i Over the Show-room are Seven Rooms and Kitchen, I (Jas and Water laid on, with every convenience for .i family. A Le&se of the above premises will be granted for a twrm not exceeding twent<-one years; al->o. if re <iuited, a Lease will be granted of an atljoiinni: pieu of Land of tho same dimension!), thus nuking .i ii.nt.i^e of 70ft to Cuba street I o ,m enterprising man, «ith capital, this U a rare (■]l|MlltHlllt\. I'liiKipds only treated with. \pplu,Uions, accompanied with references, to be in ulc eiihir personally or by letter to WILLIAM NICHOr.SON, i ,t liLrnl Furnithing »»d UudtrtakmgW arohouse, Cubn street ; I i i.. MOOKHOUsL .V S>TAFKORI). solicitor^, Wcllli atnn

rnO-M(ill I —SEARLES BENEFIT.— JL bir Ueoige Grey.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5700, 20 December 1875, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5700, 20 December 1875, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5700, 20 December 1875, Page 3