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]ii)\\ yum Lim>*.v^ Jii II., iiiiuagt'i of tin' J5mk of Victoria at Ni'bastopol, \'xctoi i,i, was arrested on a charge of laving e«ibe/./,led £'27 "> Hs. 5d., the property of tho bank. AuoMici clerk in one of the local banks is Haiti to ha\« left l'is usual haunts within tho Lint day 01 two, and embezzlement is suspected. The JlotUatniptoit Bulletin status that "Mi. l'tasci, of Victoiia, lias bought the lease of 1,020 miles of countiy on the Thomson livci. .nid means to stock it with sheep. These 7."i<),000 acics, when watered by dams, will t.uiy from .'500,000 to 400,000 sheep, each of which will jleld annually 51b. of grensy wool. In .i few years, therefore, Mr. Fras3r alone will incieaso tho Northern railway traffic, ami the ovports of ltockhampton, by 700 to 800 tons of wool." Tho Postmaster-General of New Soutli Wales Ktated in the Assembly on December 2 that Mr. Foi bes, one of the sureties for the Pacific mail foiinei contract with which Mr. H. H. Hall whs connected, has made a proposal through some of Ins fi lends for the payment of a sum of money in onler to obtain a lelemo fiom his obligation undci the contract. Tho pioposal had been lefeiied to the New Zealand Government, .uul until it had been considered by that (toveriiinent he did not feel at liberty to mention the amount. It was, however, moie than sufficient to cover all tho costs in connexion with law proceedings, and was, in his opinion, Miflicicnt to induce the two colonies to leUuse Mr. Foibes from the penalties. " It seems," fc.iys thu M<n i/linroin/h St tn<l'<rtl, " that the Gorman immigrants at Dookie South are not tho only ones who have conic out to this colony for tho puipose of settling hcic on the communistic principle. Wo li.ive it on good authority that a somewhat similar body of poisons are located in tho Western district, *om»1G miles from Hamilton. They aio said to have come from Silesia, in Geunany, and to bo under tho inlluenco of an old man, who takes tho aolo chaigo of their ipiritual and temporal welfare. They have acquired considerable landed ptoperty, but tho old mau retains the titlo deeds in hit possession. He transacts the whole of tho business of buying and lolling, and seen that tho immigrants are supplied with every comfort, but givoi thorn no money, So fur they have prosporod exceedingly well, and havo about 10,00 sheep in their possession. Haying all things in oommon, ono man is no i ichor in worldly goods than hit neighbour, and to all appearance they seem happy and contented with their lot in this colony. A man named Ralph -Leo, who was out shoot ing on Lake Kerford, in the Beech woith district, shot a duck, and took off his clothes and went into tho wator. Ho got entangled in the weeds, and sank a fow yaids from the shore, in the presence ot a woman and a boy. The body was afterwards recovered. The exports for the month of November from Adelaide were : — Wheat, 31,000 quartern ; flour, 4,000 tons ; copper, 400 tons; copper ore, l,(>00 tons; wool, 27,000 bales ; tallow, 350 casku. A fatal accident occurred at the Golden Lion Claim, Garden Gull} )uio of reef, Sandluust, by which tho mining manager, Mr. James Eddy, was killed, and a miner named John Kinsmore, injured. They wei o working at the bottom of the shaft sinking, at tho same time that a minor named Polhnd had put a shot in tho i iso above them. The explosion sent a quantity of timbering down tho shaft upon the two men, Eddy and Kinsmoro. Eddy died about two hours and a half after ho had been l.uscd to tho surface. An 82os5. nugget has boon obtained by a lucky digger at Italian Gully, St. AiiimhI, an old working situate to the South of Wedderbuiu, Victoiia. A reliable man infoimod tho Mir cury that iivo miners only were working in that Iooality, but ho declined to say which of them hod obtained tho nugget. Ho says it is a fail sample of gold, and was got in now giouml, oi rather on tho side of the old workings. Gicat complaint is mado in Melbourne against tho City Council, trying to onforco tho cai thelosefc system without tho use of eaith. Most disgusting nuisances are the rosult. Assistant-postmaster KinsolU , at Sydney has been remanded oil tho charge of opening lcttcis. A number weio found at his residence. The Western Australia telogiaph i:> io is completed neatly to Dutton Bay, At a mooting of shipmasters in Brisbane, attention was called to the state of tho wool now being leceivod for shipment to London. They ask for tho appointment of a surveyor for eacli bale before stowage. The New South Wales Government havo received a telegram from the Agcut-Gcueral, stating that tho Canadian lonn locontly doited on the London money uuvrktt, was gvi uantueil by the British GoYoruuicnt, uudei the Wasluugton tica,ty ;

OH I'.HKUirs I'UOHl'HODYNK— MuMtndMOt pcipl' an' luipulviHlv nulfcring from Debility, JNaiinni an 1 fi.vcr Couijilninta, Uepreulon of .Spirit*. Oolulu.i., Un(Un«s (or Uutlnou or Htuily, Failure o Hi'iim,' bight, hiiiI Memory, Lassitude, Want of Vnv, r, ftr , whoir t ,nci mlmit of a ptiiinmii lit euro by the nuw ruimxly IMIOHPIIODYNK (Oiomr Ovy^i-n), wlm U at oiuu ulliiyi All lintalioii and exi Itumi'iit, impiil^ now energy »)irt lift) to tlm cufoeblcd ion ■titi r on, inn) r»pli)ly curui uvory t-twn of Dieit lit' l i<'ito nit ii'iililo Mid (ittttruuiiiK malailiui Sold hy nl' CI nnn ,m i Storekeeper! thioii n 'liout tin-colo-n < -i finiu wliuiu l'»niphlet«, conluiilni; UnlimonUli, in iv lie o!,Uune.l «WllT C!au iion — Ho yurUcuUi to jsl f i Di HKUJHTS I'liOSI'liOnYMO, m imitv Uciiii, ail a.jii'u 1 : und nvoiit puri'lmbin, J '»in|,'Ubottl*«, no Kunuine artltlo belnu told i» «au only.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5700, 20 December 1875, Page 3

Word Count

AUSTRALIAN NEWS. [FROM PAPERS TO THE 8TH UNKNOWN] Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5700, 20 December 1875, Page 3

AUSTRALIAN NEWS. [FROM PAPERS TO THE 8TH UNKNOWN] Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5700, 20 December 1875, Page 3