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(JEAHAMSTOU J, Satimln Albion' (Po\ uu t Tribiik). — A poor iesuit of llo/ lSdttt melted gold w is tlir yield obtained from a paieel of '.li> tons crushed foi Northey pndpaity, tubutois of the old Poverty mine, at tho Pi Alfred battery. It is yeais s iee they had such a poor ciiirfl ng. .South Peyow — Noble .and paily, tnlm tors of the South Dovon m ne, ha\c had <"i tons crushed at tho Tramway lutteiy, tor a return of 9o/-. 2dv . gold. MhvinxuhKVrRiiii'ri:.— Ivcrr and p.ut,\, tubuteis of Messenger's claim, who .m> work-'ig at a low level, crushed 9 tons for .1 poor ictuin of 2oz. (>d\\ fc. melted gold ; and (.iillon and party cached 21 tons tiom the Bcetion for n p.iy.ible i etui a of 22o/ 7dut Suvii Clum — Tl -s claim, which has le cently been taken up in the To P.ipa gu'h by \gncw and party, has furnished a paicel of al)out .'? tons of htoiie. H was enishcd at the Bnght Sin 'c old battery, for a return of "2o/. Gdwfc. 12gr. melted gold. Movn vi\ivui. — Tho usual fortnightly cleaning up and ictoitingfor the Moanataian Co took plate to-day The lesult was a good proht^ble one of 30So/ gold ftom <j70 tons >/f atone. "\V\ruiMVN* Tnim rr — Thomas and paity had a sm.V 1 cinshing of 831b. stone to-iUy, for a return of 2Soz. Gdwt. gold ])\v\ i i^ssTniRUi r — Johnston andpaity, tubuters of tho Dauntless, crushed (i.llb. stone to-day foi .i .old of Wo/., gold. l r vv — Reef is impio\ ing. A little gold showb tlirough it to day. ArmiiiMV. — Tho tributeis crushed a parcel of l.">lb. stone to day, but the result, which is likely to prove a rich one, is not yet to hand.

COKOM ANDEL, Satin day. Uniov Br vch. — The expectations from this mine ha\ e been fully realise 1, when to day, nearly feixty pounds of nnignilitent bpLCimens weie obtained from the eighty foot level, at the hack of the timber-;, wlieie the expected fioui. It ib behoved a further laige haul is now to lwnd. (kjLUKv l'ois r — Crttsliiny at the ICap.ui#a batter}', with e\eiy piospect of a good jield. IIvuiiouu Vifw. — The eui'slimgiisli.ipiiig well ; from 1 '.oz to'2o/.. per ton is expiated.

[per riu>>s Acr.\c\.] PATEA, SattmLiy. I Tho Eymont election will be contested Mr. I\es, proprietor ot the Mail, iiLtt^Mpei, lia^ been leiiULstoil to st.unl, ,vnd uo)i".tnteil The Uoinmittee h.xve guai auteeil e\pons>U">.

WELLINGTON, S.ituuUy. j It is rei)oitu<l that Mr. (Jioightou wJl not souk re election fioin any constituency.

TIM Ala', Tlim*l.iy. ! A ciowded meeting wai held last night to foi waul the beginning of the bieaLsvatei on Sir J. (Jooto's pi in. A veiy strung feeling e\ii>ts against the 1'iownuiil authouties foi the ileluy in the matter, lb wa-> tlien iCMil\ed, "That as no sitisf ictoiy au->\\ci could be obtained troni the Sapcimtuiiduit, he be meiuoiiahsed to apply to lhc(io\cijio) m 1'imnul to uMnmeneL tin, « di I " An intluential coninnttee s\ is fonnul to eiicnlato the anil taiio money tor keeping up an notation. Anothei biealcwatei ineetiti o ' is to be held at Waunate to-niglit, and otheirf are to follow elsewhero. The di^tuet is tAivly aroused, and w ill uot rest till the hail. our woika aie put in hand. The reg itta to-d ly was an unqualified bu.ce^i Tun boats competed, and there was not a hi tih a'l the day. Aljout 3,000 people m itue-j-jod the laemg, which Ma-* excellent. J ( 'i ulay. A public meeting was held i\t W.vunate, laat night w lien u. lesolution was un.unmoubly parsed " That as no satisfactoiy answer could be obtained horn the Supeiintendent iv the bieakwatei, the (iovciuor in (Jouned be meinoiabsed to cause the works to be commenced. ' A bimilar reaolutiou was passed re the Waiinato hospital.

CHRISTCHURCH, Fiiday. The 27th ,111111 vorsary of the juovince \\<ib Lilebiatod^csteiday. 'Iho weather was tine. A genewil holiday w.n held, and everything passed ofFwithc lat There was a special &eiviee with m the Cathedral walls conducted by the primate, s«i»\>oi ted by the majoi lty of the clergy. Befoie it coinmeHced, a beautiful ero^ler and pastoral staff weie picsentcd to the pinnate. Over 2,900 poisons weie present. 8,000 people went on an exclusion to the Akai oa regatta. The aniuveisaiy sports, Ciimtclnueh, Mere .ittended by 1,000 peisonb. Thcspmts weie uinvei sally good. The champion twomile walking match mm* won by C Bouloy, beating Jacobs easily ; tune, l.linin. 40->ec. Tlie one-irule and tv>o mile miming matches weie va.i by II Black, beating J'eutieobt easiily ; tune — for one mile, 4 l iim .")(ijseo. the two miles, 11 mm 'Jj^ce While tlie niLinbers of the (Jliiiitfhmcli ]'nc Hugadu wuie piepaimg hrewoiLs 111 tlic afternoon foi the toiclihglit piocubbiuu, the nutei uls accidentally ignited. A gicat poitionot tlie tirewoilvH, and two rooms of the budding, were deployed befoie the ine was extinguished The toroli-light proeeaaion a giand suueess. The visiting brigades were atteiwauls entci tamed at dinner by tho Clnistehuich brigade. The Abolitionist portion of the eleotois of Selwyn district, atter much tiouble, have succeeded in obtaiumg a eandid.vte — Mr FiUioy, arunholder -to oppose Mr. lteeve->, but the return ot the latter is cousideied certain. At tlie Christchtirch nomination to day the show of hands resulted as follows : liiohai dson, 50 ; Stevens, 50 ; Andrew, 20 ; Moorhouse, (50; Walcclield, G ; Treadwell, 1. Mr. Wakefield proposed himself, and Treadwell secomtcd him Mr Wakefield in his speech attacked Mi. Moorhouse veiy violently about the Muiiuiotu land purchase, and in the middle of it Mr. Moorhouse got up, and looked straight at Wakefield, and said "Von are a hlthy liar." Mi. Wakefield could not obtain a heaimg again for a long time

DUNEDIN, Fnday. Tlie nomination for Caveraham took place to-day. The following weic nominated • — Mcssis. Seaton, Leary, anil Huberts. The show of hands weicfoi Seaton (Provmcialist) 70 ; Mr. Leaiy (Aholitiomst), 2. Air Leaiy is looked npou aa moitt likely to get in.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5700, 20 December 1875, Page 3

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TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS.] Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5700, 20 December 1875, Page 3

TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS.] Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5700, 20 December 1875, Page 3