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IIioh Watihi To-day: (i.40 a.m., 7.10 p.m. Si'krim and Si'.nskt To-duy: (> i<> «■ in., r > :U p.m/ Moo\'h I'iiask: New Moon, August'U, U.^0.i.iii.

ARRIVALS. Hero, R.s., 831 tons, Lognn, fiom Sydney ami Melbourne. Passengers : Miss "Whitson, Miss Cnriic (Jeorge, Messrs. R. AV. Liurence, T. Ktirton, W. Sutlici l.uid, P. Hngel. IJeigliolf, U. "WesHoy, Mi-i. lamina KogciH, Miss Levy. Mr. ami Mrs II. Ireland, throe children, and nurse, Mrs. Selfc, Mr. John Hay. John 'ami ( corge Tiioinsun, A. ltoll.iii<l, imd 2(5 in tho .stoeiiigo. — Cmickshank nndCo., agents. Southern Cross, 13! > ton«, Holmes, from Napier \ia Thames. 1'nssengers— Mr. nnd Mrs. 3ilacklock and four children, Mt^rs. Rc.uFe. Itiidgo, and seven in the steerage. -A.S.P. Co., iigent.s. KairVi nchooner, 34 toin, (, fjoni Hn»»cl). - Miwtcr, agent. (torn, schooner, 21t ton 1 *, \Vi»tt«, from IIus-.p11. — Master, agent. Mercury, cnttor, 30 tons, .1. Stenhcn^, fiom Tairv\£. —Master, agent.

. DEPARTURES. Tonn, s.s., for Russell, f'haryMis, «wl\ooncr, for Wftngaroa. Kmn rt.s . for Lfivukii. Mo jiing I.i^l t, cutter, for Tort Clmilo".

CLEVKED OUTWAltDS. Fortune, schooner, 21 tons, Notton, for Wnikawau, with sundries.— Combes and D.ildy, agents. Mercury, cutter, 30 tons, Stephens, for Tail un, with M\mlrie«.~ Combes anil D*ldy, agenti. Morning Light, cutter, 29 tons, Tiller, for Fort Chimes, witli sundiies.— Master, agent. Director, baniue, 670 tons, Shamper, for Kaipnra, in Emu, n.s. barquentine, 130 tons, O'Connell, for Levuka. Tasiengeni— C. B. Stone, ( 1 ,iptain Little, Mr. Snooki. — Stone Bros., agent*.

ENTERED INWARDS. Lsetitia, schooner, 44 tons, P. Palmer, from Rarotonga. Cargo as per impoits.— D. H. McKenzic, agent. Southern Cross, «.»., 139 tons, Holines, fiom Napier via Thames, in ballast.— A. S. P. Co., agents. Mercury, cutter, 30 tons, Stephens, from Tairua, wiih a cargo of 23,000 feot timber. — Master, agent. Fairy, uchoonor, 34 tons, Goodman, from Buuell, with a cargo of 48 tons coal. — Master, agtnt.

VESSELS EXPECTED. From London— Sailed: Cavisbrook Cistlc, Juno 3 ; Columbus, June 8. Loading : Lanarkshire, Helen Denny, Wave Queen, AVhito Eagle (wiled July 5), City of Auckland (s.ulod June 13), Ocean Mail (sailed July 31), British Empire, Star of Germany, sliips. FROM Nkw Yokk (via Dunedin)— Jessica, kq., tailed June 2 ; Lizzie Fox, loading. From Rarotonoa— Edith, sen., early; Lictitia, schooner, early. From South Sea Islands— Papua, «ch. ; Peerleii, »cliooner, early. From Rotumah— Ryno, bgtne. From Sa.v Francisco (via Honolulu)— Mikado, R.IM.h.s., duo flth September. From Sydney— City of Melbourne, b.h., 2nd proximo; Forget-me-not, bq., and Amlierst, brgtne, early. Fko>[ Mfi.iiol'UN'U — Nightingalo, brgtue., early. From Hobaut Twwx— Chanticleer, brig, to tail 10th From Pout Gamble— Victor, br(tne., sailed 14th May. Froii Lyttet.ton' — Medora, bq., early ; Cabarfeidh, bq., early ; Ethel, brqtne, sailed Augutt 2.*i ; Omsiha, hn[tuc, oatly. Fhom Dustedim — lioiiimuh Row, early; Helena, bgtne., early ; Jessie Henderson, bqtn., ■ailed August 23. From a cbi isf— Ga/selle. German'-w.»r. FiUiM Oavakc -Roderick Dim, bri[tue.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. In this list coasters aro not include'). Fob London — KobinnDunlop, bii.,inSeptcinber; N.Z.S. Co., Agents. For Levuka — Llewellyn, s.s., Albion, eaily. For San Francisco (viii Honolulu) —City of Melbourne, »,»., tfnl proximo. For Sidney and Mu.houknk— Hero, h.b. 1st September. For NhWCAHTLE— Lntterwoith, «lrip, early ; For (Jiiatiiam I-.(.\.\i> t'loml, bgtne., 4th September. [A special charge is made on comitoior or consijrncci unnouncoments mscitcJ m this coluiiri. |

IMPORTS.— August ?.O. Per Hcif, i.H., from Sydney and Melbourne : — .10 qr. -casks wine, Ki octaves wine, 2 hhds. wine, Hi!) cases wines, 20 cane's quinine wine, 20 cases sarsuimrilla, 100 bagi rice, 42 1 boxes tea, 820 half-chests ten, 140 clients tea, 15 cases tea, 50 packages tea, 20 case* saddlery, 37 bags pepper, 1 bale tinn imon, 2 case* lemon peel, 2 cases jubejubes, 10(5 pockets sugar, 302 p.ickngeH, l,.")10 gimmes, 17 casks treacle, .14 kegs tieaclc, 4 hhds. treacle, 00 cases tobicco, 110 { boxed tobacco, 2 boxes tobacco, I package tobaojo,2 li ilf-ticicei tobacco, 7 H boxes canillcH, 4 cases cigars, 3 pickagcu of machinery, 1 case of m ichincry, 1 i canon bootH, 17 trunks boots, 5 caski lx>ot<, 7 boxes boots, 3 ]).irceli boots, 3 bile-. leithei, 2 packages leitjior, 5 hhds. brandy, 2 qr.-evsks spirits, 1 pick ige clastic, 12 c.ises confcctionciy, 7 eased stitionoiy, 10 bales hop*, 4 c.ises effects, 1S7 bags giuno, It bundle* tre^-*, 4 pa?Ua;je« plants, 1 case iionwoik, <52 cases chair*, 2 packages punting ni.iteiial, 2 boxes type, 0 casks coffee, f> cas.M presuived ginger, '.I cases preKorves, Ti baskets ditto, 1 case ground gingor, 3) cases condciHjd milk, '.i c.ises preset, . r »!> coils rope, 1 c me almonds, 20 case koro^ine, 12 cases sewing machine*, 23 baskets bottles, » cases tapioca, 12 ovens and contents, 1 case ahovels, 5 bundles ditto, 1 refrigerator, 1 malt serum, 17 ban stool, G ash planks, 40 boxes, 1 drum, 1 package glass, 1 steam winch, 8 saokii needi, 1 o.tse seeds, 1 c.i«c pictuiei, 708 cute* fruit, 125 lugs Iwncduxt, 4 b.tgit 1 bos seed", 3 b ilei fibre, 20 parcels shaft timber, 3.~» felloes, 1,300 spoke j, 4 cases chimuics, 5 cases gi indstonca, 2 cases h.udwaie, 30 cases honey, 4 tiles copper, 20'i burs iron, 5 tons pig iron, 1 case biscuit, 1 cask baoon, 1 keg butter, 6 caset books,2 parcels books, 0 casks currunti, 2 a** stoves, 20 c.isks castor oil, 1 coil wire rope, 3 bale* paper bug*, 1 case glass waio, 5IS8 bags potatoes, 4 pa i eels, 13 packages, 2 boxes, 2 caiks, 17 casks sundries. Per La'tit.'a, schooner, from Haro tonga, 5,000 ontngus, 1 ton bechc do mcr, 5 tons huicjuiso, COO bundles dried biuanas, 1 bundle mats, 2 bjxes tea, 1 cask sugar, 1 box tobucco, 1 case drajiery. l'er a. s. Hero : GO boxes tea, Coupland and Co. Per s.s. Hero (tramhipped from Tasmania) : MS bngs C'iicnUr Head teed potatoes, H. S. A[eyerh ami ( 'o. JVr scliooner Ethel, from Lyttelton : 330 sacks and 200 bags Saiuulen and Son«* flour; 54.{ sacks Blue Derwenfc potatoes, 20 oasca cheese, H. S. Meyer* and Co. EXPORTS. August 30. Per a.s. EuiUj for Levukft : 2 cases printed cottons, 1 cn»p Monmongery, 42 bngs potatoes, 1 case saddlery, 12 cases onions, G caios api>les, 40 bags flour, 2 caaes hams and bacon, 1 cue cheese, 7"> head cattle. I'm i.f. Knu, o Fiji : 42 b gt potitoe*, 40 btgs ilour, 2 cases hams and bacon, 1 caae cheese, ('oupland and Co.

Arrival ok tub s.k Hero. —The s.s. Hero lef t Sydney, ami cleaved tho Heads ut 6.15 p.m. on the 24th iuitunt:* Hounded tho North Capo at LI.. SO a.m. on the 2 { )th, and oame into harbour je-iteid.iy morning at C.45 a.m. On tho passage .icrom she etpeiionocd moderate southerly to M>nth-«>uth-east windx and fine weathci thioughont. Wo are indebted to Mr. Cogswell, the purser, for dclivery«of our fileH and other favouru. The Hero will leave nguin tc-'iioirow. The ship John Rennie enme up haiho ir fiom the powder ground yontorday aftcmoon. .she will be accomodivted with a berth at the whai f at §oon as possible. The barque Vivid, 350 ton* burthen, in advertised for height or chnrtcr. The A.S.I'. Co.'h barque Albion cutcicd out wwds at the Cuntoms yenterday for Levuka.

The .us. Krnu too'c lict departure for Levuka lust nijtlit, with scwul passcngeis and n cargo of cattle .mil suudiics. Tin- baique Ihiectoi deal oil outwards at the Cu-toms tin the Kiupui a ycstei day afternoon, hi ballist. She will take her departuie this moiiinij;. Tho s <* Southern Cross arrived Napier vii the Thames on Sunday night. Tho schooner (Join anived from Hussell yen teid.iy moiiiin^ with .72 tons coal. Tho ketch Maid of the Mill uriived fiom Ngaiguiu yesteiday inoining with a cargo of timber. The cutter Mercury arrived from Tainuion Sunday night with a cargo of tinihei. Tlio schooner Fairy arrived on Sunday from Russell with a caigo of coal. Two schooners wore signalled tluoughout yesterday, b it owing to tho light winds prevailing they had not made tho li.uh.our up ton la to hour this morning. Mails for tliv Australian colonies per s.h. T.iiutnn, closo at the Mil If at 11 a.m. sharp toil.iy. Tolegrum will be roueived at tho Aucklaiiil office until 0 a.m. The A S.P. Co.'s ».«. Pretty Juno will leavo for Napier via Awanui and Poverty Bay this aftcruo n Tho VS. P. Co.'s «.s. Southor" Croiw will leavo for Napier direct tc-Tiorrow afternoon, nt t o'clock. The s.s. Iona sailed for Russell with imMonfterB and cargo yesterday afternoon. Tlic schooner Charybdia sailed for Wnngaroa yesterday. • The barquo Ileliring was berthed alongrfde tlic wh.irf yesterday morning, and commenced dUeluuging lier cargo dining tho day. The s.s. Wellington in discharging her cargo at the whm f. Af tor she has finished hIic will be bi ought round to tho wood-whai f to undergo extensive alterations. Captain Holmei, of tho s.s. Southern Cioss, reports having seen three fore-and-aft schooners, two bi fciintincs. and a barqno, apparently bound to Auckland. Tho wind was blowing from tho S. W. at tho timo. The barque Hmily McLaren, which came hero in Mny lust, and, aft'r ditcln rging tho Auckland portion of hor cargo from London, procorded to Napier to land the romainilor, ai jived fiomtho latter port on tho 17th inst.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5602, 31 August 1875, Page 2

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5602, 31 August 1875, Page 2

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5602, 31 August 1875, Page 2