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The annual meeting of ratepayers was held at the Ferry Hotel, Stokes' Point (or Woodside) North Shore, at 3 o'clock yesterday. Those, who in town desired to be present went over by the 2 o'clock steamers, and found the principal men of the district already making preparations for the mooting, sorting and correcting their paper* and books. — Mr. Smart was chosen chairman, and read the advertisement convening the jneeting ; also the minutes of previous meeting. — Mr. Hawkins, holding in his hand ene of last week's local papers, pointed out what he deemed an error in the advertisement calling the annual meeting. It was generally thought that no exception coulcl bo taken to the matter, and no question of its legality could be raised — The secretary (Mr. Denby) read the balance-sheet as follows: — Receipts : Balance in bank, £8 7s. lOd. ; to rates collected, £57 9s. 2sd. ; amount received from the General Government, £47 (is.; total, £104 15s. 2Jd. Expenditure: paid for forming roads, £42 45. ; other works, £14 25.; commission for collecting rates, £5 los. ; salaries and rent, £3 17s. 6d. ; priuting and advertising, JL3 Id.; total, £6S 18s. 7d. Amount of rates payable for the year, £86 11 3. 10id. ; amount actually received, £57 9a. 2Jd. ; total .amount of arrears of rates for past years, £44 10s. sd. With very little discussion the items ■were passed. During what discussion there was, one of the ratepayers (Mr. Cook) narrowly questioned the action of the Board as to the formation of a certain piece of road, and otherwise questioned their expenditure of the moneys collected, but he was to all appearance satisfactorily answered. — Tn answer to Mr. Thompson, it was stated that two tenders had been received for a road between that place and Lucas' Crock. — Mr. John Lee's teiideV for the formation of about 42 chains had been accepted, at .Is. (id. per chain. He wanted to know why ss. (kl. had been paid this year, when last year 3s. Gd. sufficed ? "He thought that had the mattci been better Advertised, it would have easily been taken up at 4s. or 4s. 9d. It was probably a loss to 1 - the district of 9d. per chain. '"Had the notice been posted in ,mjote ,public places others would have'jtcnagred with profit. To prevent too much .^H^iission, the Chairman put the statement of accounts to the meeting. — However, Mr. Thompson continued : The Board were much to blame for not finishing the road to Lucas Creek. That matter would put them back twelve months at the least. — Mr. Cook wanted to know who had {he doing of that wharf (pointing to the pier not far otF) ? — Mr. Hawkins made an explanation, adding that it was an objection to tho same that no carts or vehicles were permitted to pass thereon. The inhabitants could, if they thought proper, put a "ham" along the wharf, but that was for themselves to decide. — In respect to tho calling of tenders, a ratepayer was of opinion that every publication possible should be made thereof. Each ratepayer present seemed to sec this to be a very desirable thing. — Mr. Hawkins spoke next in respect to the ornamenting and beautifying the distiict by planting trees, &c. He said they had a (rovernment promise of £40 if they would only, themselves, contribute £15 or £20 towards that needful object. —Some ratepayers wished to hear a list of defaulters read over, that the meeting might know who they wcie, who refused to pay their votes. It was suggested to post them up in public. This was deemed desirable. — Mr. Forgham moved, "That a list of defaulters be made out, and posted in a public place." — The Chairman thought, as a matter of courtesy, it should so be intimated to those ratepayers who were defaulters, so as not to prevent them having a chance of saving their good name. This w<is received as a proper suggestion, and was, therefore, agreed to, the motion, as put, having fallen through. — Mr. Matthews moved that the rate to be fixed be Id. in the £1 on value to sell. — Seconded by Mr. Phillips. — Mr. Forgham urged that a valuator be appointed, to be paid for his services, and that parties' objections be liberally met with by the board ; also, that as soon as possible a real valuation be put on land in the district. — The Chairman urged that a day be appointed on which objections and appeals to the board could be heard ; then a satisfactory conclusion could be conic to. — Mr. Phillips spoke of the diffeience in price. Up to Lucas's Creek it would l>e £1 per acre, beyond that only 10s. per acre. - Mr. Forgham was of opinion that even if all were at £1 per acre, that figure was so unieasonable, none would see the yoge&sity; or consider it worth their while, to oLject.--It was then put, and unanimously agreed to, that Id. per £ be the rate fixed. — Messrs. Hawkins, Wibon, Phillips, Denby, Heath, Shea, ahd Hildritch were proposed and seconded as trustees. Messrs. Heath and Shea were then rejected. — Two auditors — Messrs. Matthews and Forgham - were appointed. The latter gentleman moved a vote of thanks to the late trustees, of their valuable services, which would be of service to the ensuing trustees. Jlc believed |they had done to the very best of their ability ; and what they had done in the matter of the road to Lucas' Creek was perfectly satisfactory. — Mr. Cook seconded the motion, which was agreed to. — This was, according to the chairman, all tho business under the 17th clause of the -Act. — Mr. Hawkins, however, persisted in bunging under the notice of the ratepayers present the provisions of the existing Fencing Act, liaung regard to fencing, trespassing, &c. He proposed, "It was not advisable to introduce the Suspension Act, at any rata for that district." Mr. Heath seconded the resolution, which was agreeed to unanimously. — It was put to the meeting to elect fence- viewers or persons to regulate the fencing of the district. Several present objected to the principle of this, averring that it was unjust and against all prerogatives of government. It was stated that if they did not see to it the trustees must. If the latter neglected that matter, it would by law revert to the Superintendent. — Mr. Cook was proposed, but objected. Mr. Heath was next proposed but the motion was negatived— The chairman conserpaently followed the Act's proviso, and left the matter for the trustees ; or, in the event of their non-appointment, to the Superintendent. However, the difficulty was got over, and ultimately Messrs. Matthews and Parker were named, and agreed to act as fence-viewers. —The subject of planting trees was renewed, and it was observed that the Board had objected to plant until the opinion of the ratepayers had been taken. — Mr. Heath thought the district was sufficiently well supplied with trees, and they wanted no Government ones.— Other gentlemen made observations — some of a usetul nature, and others merely speculative. —One gentleman asked the Board if they had nothing else to do with their £15 than to plant a lot of trees, to be blown down by the next storm ? He added that any money to be spent should "be spent for making the roads, and they ought to bo content with the trees they had around them. — It was prosed that £15 be appropriated for the planting of trees. — A counter motion was proposed in the shape of an amendment. — The amendment was first put that the £15 be not spent for tree planting.— The amendment was lost, and the original motion carried,' so the inhabitants will have tome benefit in future from ornamental treps, &c— Another subject was then mooted, but not entered into — the burying of the dead on private ground. — The question of ferry services was considered. — With very little more delay a vote of thanks was cordially moved to tho chairman, and suitably replied to, when the meeting separated.

WAIROA DISTRICT. The annual meeting of ratepayers in this highway district took place in the hall on the 16th instant. Mr. J. Bain waa voted to the chair, when the secretary to the Board read the trustee's report for the past year, of which the following is a short abstract :— Receipts — Assessment for year, £171 7s. Bd. ; arrears of rate recovered, £1 12s. KM.; error in last year's account, £4 35. ; balance on hand from last year, £2 17s. 4d.; General Government grant, £128 7».: total, £308

7*-. I Oil. The expemlituio fwi the y&u, including liabilites of last year vi/., £140 8s sil , was C'27(> 4s. *2d. The liabilities of this year amount to IMS 9«. 9M., anil the assets are as follows : — Ai rears of rates of previous years, £12G 10s. 7d. ; arrears of rates last year, £13 12s. 9d.; inctal in Calvert's quarry, £14 16s. Id., balance in hand, £32 2s. Sd.: total, £187 2s, Id. The sums spent on the various roads of the district are as follows :—: — Main lload, £54 18s. 3d.; East Road, Cl 3 Us. 4d.; West Road, i'lS 13s. Gd.; North Road, £12 10s. ; Huuua lload, £3 75.; McDonalds Road, £« 2s. 6d.; Otau Road, £5 Is. 5d. : Taupo and Urangahauhau Road, ££10 10s. There has been spent in metalling the sum of £48 9s. Id.; forming roads, £41 10s. 6d.; bridges and culverts, £5 Bs. 5d.; other Avorks, £10 4s. 6d. ; collection of rates, legal expenses, advertising, and sundries, £32. The outgoing trustees recommended the meeting to instruct thei r successors in office to cause a re-valuation of the property in the district to be made, as they were of opinion the amount raised from rHtes might be increased by so doing. They also suggested the propriety of raising a sum of money to be paid off with interest .it so much per annum, for the purpose of putting the main road in a state of repair throughout ; and lastly, the absolute necessity of getting the roads in the district properly dedicated to the public, as at present ratepayers are •imply using them on sufferance. Mr. J. L Wilion read the auditors' report. Both reports were adopted. A. rate for the current year of Id. in the £1 on the value to sell, was adopted nnanimously. — The following gentlemen 'were duly proposed and seconded, as trustees, and on the vote being taken, had tho number of votes set opposite their names recorded in their favour, the first five being declared elected, viz. : Caleb Wallis, 48 ; H. Southerland, 50 ; G. Hoye, 49 ; .1. Crawford, 47; J. McDonald, 4.">; 11. Henderson, 7. Messrs. W.W. Wallis and J. S. Wilson acted as scrutineers. Messrs. T. L. Wallis and J. S. Wilson were appointed auditors. Messrs. J. Bell and ft. Mnnro wore appointed fence- viewers. — It was proposed and seconded, "That the land in the district be re valued by the trustees just eleoted, aided by two ratepayers to be nominated by the meeting. " — An amendment was proposed and carried — "That the valuebe leftasat present. Thechairmanof the late trustees recommended the meeting to express an opinion as to the advisability of borrowing money, to be expended on improving the road to the railway-station, whereupon it was proposed by Mr. Bell, seconded By Mr. Munro, that tho borrowing powers be suspended for twelve montlis. — Mr. H.Henderson proposed, as an amendment, that money be borrowed to form the main road to Papakura. On being put to the meeting, the amendment was lost, when Mr. James Crawford, jun., proposed, as a second amendment, that in the opinion of this meeting it is uimdvisable to enter into any borrowing sihuini' at present, seconded by Mr. J. 8. Wilson, and oariicd by a majority of 9 votes. It was proposed and carried unanimously that the trustees tako steps to got all tho roads in tho district legalised. It was also proposed, and carried by a majority of one, that tho following assets be struck out of the books as valueless, viz., all arrears of rates unpaid, except last year's £126 10s. 7d., and 1). J. ScoWs 1.0." U. for £48 odd.— The trustees were instructed to prepare a petition for signature to be presented to the House of Representatives, praying for relief in the matter of communication with the railway station, Papakura.— A vote of thanks to tho chair brought the meeting to a close. There was a strong muster of ratepayers, and no proxy votes were tendered or used. — The trustees met immediately after, when Mr. James Crawford, jun., M.P.C., was chosen chairman, H. Southerland, treasurer, and it was decided to advertise for a secretary and collector, Mr. Thomas Murray, who had served faithfully in that capacity for many years, having resigned. — [Own correspondent.]

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5578, 13 July 1875, Page 3

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ANNUAL HIGHWAY B0ARD MEETINGS. NORTH SHORE HIGHWAY DISTRICT. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5578, 13 July 1875, Page 3

ANNUAL HIGHWAY B0ARD MEETINGS. NORTH SHORE HIGHWAY DISTRICT. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5578, 13 July 1875, Page 3