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LoN'nox. — Oui advices aie to the i)tli Feb. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Companies' Circular of the above date lepoits . ■\Vooi, -The piospects for the next senes of wool sales have undei'goho no impi oveincnt since oui iastchcul.u. Theic has been a small amount of pi i\ ate enqiiiiy, but the business resulting has been confined within very narrow limits, awl with few exceptions the accounts leceived fiom all the ni.inufactuiing distiicts aie unifoilnevly unsatisfactory as legaidsthe state of tiade. The decline in wages among the working classes has pi obably tended to depic-q the Home consumption, and although ttil.en in conjunction with cheaper coal and a nioie moderate cost of thn law mateiial, it haspl.iccd ill mufactuiois m a befctei position to compete Tin oxpoitoiden, the condition of most of the Foieign m.nkets is such as to oJtu \tij little loom f 01 expansion in diiection. The del.ij in the commencement of the Febiuaiy sales will gi\e consumcis a bettei oppoitmuty of woikmg Up then stocks of l.iwmatenal, but on the othei hand, will .idintt of I.ugi'i .inn ils thin usual, piobablj amounting in all tou])w.udsof 220,000 bales. The diveision to the Ameiicau nuukct of Austialian and New Zealand gieasy wool will by so much diminish the supply to oui maiket, but we uudeistand that tins deciease will be counterbalanced by an incie ise m the piopoition of the clip which will be shipped foi sale in the home maiket unwashed. Fiom Bitidi'oid, the seat of the longwool ti ado, the repoits aie of a veiy nnsatisfaetoiy th.u.ictci, nnd but foi the fact that "f late the Fiench tiade has begun to make small pin chases of such growths, the piospects foi its lealisatiun aie not encouuging. The quotations foi English wools, since 1st J.uniai}, ha\e lecetled about lid ]>ei lb., a decline which, of com sc, unfa\ oui ably affects the piospects of cmi^s bird wools. T \ r 1 1 > \v At the foui weckh auctions held Since oui ban Fi.incisuo cnuil u, No. !>J, 1,077 casks Austialasian tallow have been otfeied, of which only 1,2">S cask-* weie disposed oi undei the hamniei, the l.mge of pi ices obtained ha\ ing been .!7s to 1 Is (!d foi mutton, and .Us to 12s (id foi hoof. The maiket has been much depiessed, anil the ,u tides diflicult to lealise, on account of the plentiful supply of Home melted tallow. During the past w eek a good piopoition has been cleaiedoll, without, howeiei, as yet, affecting pnecs, which, since oui last ciicul.ii have given way '2s to "is (!d pei cwt., as will be seen by the following cm lent quotations :— V. Y. C. New, 43s Gd pei csvt ; Austialian mutton, fine, 42s 6d per cwt ; Austialian mutton, medium, 42s per cwt ; Austi ihan beef, tine, 42s ; Austialian beef, medium, 41s (id. Leythfr.— Theio has been only one public sale of Australian leather since oui lastcncular by the San Francisco loute, when 4,781 sides weiebiought forwaul, and the whole found a leady sale at full piices, the following being the quotations leahsed :— Best sides avenging 1 12,'to l()<lb, 12,'d to Udpei lb ; exti.ihe.ny, .uei aging l f »4 to 221b, 12,'d to lid pei lb ; light, aveiaging 9{lb, 13jd per lb ; second class, lHd to 12^1 pei lb. The demand foi sole leatliei continues active, and theio is cveiy piospect of the value of the Austialian being well maintained. Plli.M' KM-.L) Ml vis. — Tlie demand foi picscived meats continues fail. Boiled beef is him, owing to pending Luge contiacts with Fiance. Mutton is not in veiy good lcquest at the moment, and laicai* of UiL. iuu — ixa about Jd HPl" lb. lowei ; othei soits and soups aie veiy difficult of sale. In view of the continuinco of a <lcm mil foi Fiance, it i-> woi Hi the attention of shippcis to be.u m miiid that the tins of boiled beef ex]>oited tlnthei lequiie to contain 1, 2, and 3 kilogiamiiies (say equal to 21b. 3oz., lib. (io/., and bib. 'to/, net lespectnely). In any c.iscthe adoption of this com so would not piejudicially affect the sale of these meats in this m.nket, as these aie made on actual weights. Subjoined aie piescnt maiket piices : — Boiled mutton : 41b. and (lib. tins, l,dtood pel lb.; 21b. tins, D^'d pei lb. Boiled beef : 41b. and lilb. tins, b\d to CM pei lb.; 21b. tins, 7d to 7 M pei lb. Cohk Mvkklt. — The ilecbne which we lepoited l>y last mail has continued dining the intei\al which has since elapsed, notwithstanding the gieatly l educed stocks in gianaiy in the puncipal poits of the United Kingdom, as shown by the ictuins to 31st January, those in London being only 87,778 quaitcis, against 273,029 at the couesponding peiiod last ye.u, and 24"), 524 in 1S73— a, decline to a, point unpiecedented foi many yeaia past. Stocks of and Hour in l'.uis have also gieatly diminished, though not to the same extent, having been 42,3(>2cvt. of the foiniei against 108,270 in 1874, and 12,210 in 1873, and of iloui, 181,08.")cwt. against 305.941 and 152,370cwt. in 1871 and 1873 i espectively. Dining the hist five months of the cuiient ceieal year, say fiom 1st Septcmbci to the 31st January, the mipoit-, of wheat and iloni to the United Kingdom, ■iftei deducting expoits, weie 1,501,81)7 qn.nteis as against 4,T>2,054 quarters for a similai peiiod of the pieceding ceieal year ; and foi the same time, f.umeis' deliveries were 1,3,13,930 quaiteis ,ts compaied with 1,235,224 in 1S73-1, and 1 l'» 4,"J7 1 m 1S72 3. We subjoin our usual maiket quotations *- Austialian wheat (nominal) 50s to ")2« pei 49l)lb. ; New Zealand wheat, good to e\tia, 17s to .")ls per l!)(ilb. ; Austi.ilain fiom (noinin il), 31s to 3 >s pei 2801b.; Austialian noin, sujieiiiiH' (nominal), 35s to 30s ]ier 2S0 lb. ; New Zealand Iloui (nominal), 30s to <2s pei 2b(llb. Nlu '/a vi \\n lli.Mi". — We legiet to have to lepoit ,i still declining maiket foi this hbio. On the 21st J.inii ny, 22 bales weie sold at public auction at £L'I js, but 1,2 >1 bales of M inil.i weie bi ought forward, about onelialf of winch found buyeis at easier l.ites On tlie .5id instant l,30(> bales of New Zealand weie catalogued, of which about S00 weie .sold at fiom t'14 l"is foi, up to £22 10s foi fine, puces showing in some instances a, fall fiom those pie\iously cuiient of 20s to 30s pel ton, m sympathy with the couiseof the maiket foi Manila, of winch 5,833 hales weie oileted, the sales amounting to only 1,500 bales at a l eduction of about £2 pel ton fiom pioMous puces. L'oikin — Theie li.uc been continued s\mptoms of impio\ement dining the last foui weeks in the cotton maiket genei.illy, and piices foi the hist half of tlie month, aftei some fluctuations, became steady at an advance of -Jd pel lb., business co a good extent having been lepoited theieat. Sea Island cotton lias been in veiy limited lequest dining the last month oi two, but its substitutes, Tahiti and Fiji, hnvo boen ill modeinte pievious l.ites. Sales, liowevei, aie limited to 114 bales of Fiji at (» VI for common, and 8d to 14d for medium to hue. Kal'UI Giu. — The improvement ah-eady i ecoi ded has been continued at the sales held dining the past four weeks. On the 11th, 1,385 cases and 3 casks we io bi ought foiwaid, of which about 500 weie disposed of undei the hammei, an advance of Is to 4s pei cwt., with good competition. At a subsequent sale, held on 28th idem, the catalogues contained 513 cases, 31 bales, and 24 bags, of which, how ever, only 30 packages weie sold, holdeis demanding higher lates. The following aie the quotations leahsed: — Sci aped,* well garbled bold pale and amber soits, G8s per cwt.; mixed, some lough and coated, 58s pei owt.; good blight chips, 47s per cwt. ; dust and pieces, 30s to 35s per cwt. Since the public sales 150 cases aie lcpoited as having been sold by private contiact at (58s to 71s foi scraped well garbled pale and ambei soits. Fiom the Australian and New Zealand (,'nzttte of the 10th of February we take the following : — Bki swax. —Ten packages sold ; fan to good mixed, at £7 2s Gd to €7 5s ; damaged, £<> 15s (JoiTiw. — Only a small quantity ot "Wull.itoo at £92 10s, ind of Burra at £90 10s been sold. (,'orHA. — Continues steady. »Sydn<>, of yoil quality, at £22, and lower qualities in piopoi tion. R U.s. — Melbourne striped moleskin sold it 13s (id (ill ; othei soits, 11s (id to 55h.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5490, 29 March 1875, Page 2

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ENGLISH. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5490, 29 March 1875, Page 2

ENGLISH. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5490, 29 March 1875, Page 2