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Hum Watkk To daj : 10 '.5 a m., 11.20 p.m. Susrisr and Susskt To-day: 0.1.) a in., 5 r.7 p m Moon's Puasb : Last Qu.irtcr, 30th, 4.4 \>.m

ARRIVALS. -March 27. City of Melbourne, K. M.S., from San Fi.ui cisco. I'ussengeis fioin San Fiaucisco foi Auck land --.Saloon : Mi. K. C. Kent, A. D. Nnutii, Mi. Lo\eiy, Mi. G.ucy, Mr. iinil Mi-,. Me I«ington, )>. Y.ui.i, Mi. Silvaiy, 1\ Dailj, G. If. Jl.ichfuit, J. Casey, M. C. Kelley. ForSjdnej—Saloon : Mi. Giegg, Mi. Greonap, D. J. Davis, 3Ir. and Mis. Wating, Mr. and Mis Meyer, F. Redfcin. Steerage : Mr. and Mrs. Biunl and child, J. Morison, J. Brown, T. S. (ilistie, D. F, Metcalf, Mra. McKay, T. Halleid, T. Angns, T. Brennan, C. Lauter. From Honolulu for Sydney : J. Airey, H. M. Haugh, Mr. nndt Mrs. Telfit and two children. — H. M. Jei vis, Agent. Southern Cross, s.»,, 139 tons, Holmes, fiom N.\]>ier, via the East Coast. — A.S.P,Co., agents. Iona, s.a., 15S tons, McGregor, from Russell. Passengers — Captains Lewis and Biown, F. Stephenson, H.iughton, Craig, Danger, J. Williams, W. Clark, Mrs. Fairburn, Mrs. Buchanan, Miss Russell, and 7 in the steeiage. Rowena, s.s., 75 tons, Sellais, from Tauranga. — ( 'ruickshank and Co., agents. Advance, schooner, from the East Coast. — M<v->ter, ajjent. Golden Isle, schooner, 78 tons, Matzen, fiom Ruisell. — Mastei-, agent. Ringleader, cutter, Grey, fiom a crime.

Mabch 28. Lima, Gov. p.s., 196 tons, Fairchild, fiom Tauranga. Passengers — Mr. Kelly (M.H.I* ), Captaini Frnser and Marks, Mr. Wrigley, M.istei Volkner, Missed Wrigley, Maniner, and Snutli.

CLEARED OUTWARDS. Sir Isaac Newton, brigantine, 121 ton% Booi , for Bay of Islands, in ballast. — Master, ngcnt. Is.tbcll.i Pratt, schooner, 71 tons, Sopwitli,foi Dunedin.

DEPARTURES. —March 27. Miranda, cutter, for Wangapoua. Nancy, cutter, for Waikawnu. Helen, schoonci, for Omaha. Isabella Pi.itt, schooner, for Dunedin. Sir Isaac Newton, brigantine, for Russell. Ada, b.u*que, for Newcastle. India, ship, foi the Bluff. Go-Ahead, s.s., for Gisborne and Napier. City of Melbourne, s.s., for Sydney and Melbourne.

VESSELS EXPECTED. From London— Sailed : Femglen, Jan. 2. Loading : Shooting Star (cleared Dec. 21), Caller Ou, Countess of KLintore, ships ; Loohn.igar, bq. From South Sea Islands— Papua, scli., Bello Brandon, sch., early. From Kotumah— Ryno, bgtne. From Karotonga— Blanche, sch. From JLvngaia— Pearl, ketch, early. From Adelaide— Kapido, bq., Endo\ic Adolplane, Fiench brig, eaily. From Lyttelton— Flirt, bgtns. ; Kio Loge, Syien, bugs. From Melbourne— Falcon, bqtnc, sailed 2nd instant. From Launcehton— Tien T&in, bq., Olst inst. From Dunedix— Excelsior, Harriet Armitage, bq., early.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. In this list coasters are not included. For London— W. W. Smith, Blip, May ; N.Z.SX'o., agents. For San Francisco and Honolulu— R.M.s. Cyphrenes, April 16 ; H. M. Jervis, agent. For Sydney and Melbourne — Heio, s.s. , March 311 — fun * ' ' .ml f"n rfrn 4 Vait_MB\vcAMTi.E — Ada, bq., early; Owen <ui(l Graham, agents. Sarah, brig, eaily. For Southern Ports— From the Manukau : Ladybirs.s., 3rd; W. F. Wheeler, agent.

IMPORTS.— Mabch 27. Per 8.8. Southern Cros*, from Napier : ( cattle, 300 iheep, Banks. Per Acadia, schooner, from Napier via E.i^t Coast :— 62 sacks wheat and "2 tonM bonus, Buchanan. Per City of Melbourne, R.M.S. :— 7 i>,\ck^ges, 1 box merchandise. For Sydney : 100 cases salmon, 1 parcel, 500 cases salmon, 5(> b.uiels salmon, 500 cases salmon, 2 cases merch vnditu, 7 packages merchandise, 1 case hardw.ue, 1'* half barrels apples, 50 flasks quicksihui, 1 parcel, 1 package, 10 package* personal ett'cct 1 -, 2 packages, 1 case, 600 cases salmon, 3 paiccls, 350 pockets sugar, 1,107 mats sugar, 151 bags sugar, 62 bales pulu.

EXPORTS.— March 27. Per Ada, barque, for Newcastle : -■ 1,708 rail*, 6,084 chains, 16 cases, 2,003 rails. Per Isabella Pratt, brigantine, for Dunerlin : — 2 packages glass doors, 172 doors, 3 packages sashes, 22 bundles mouldings, 913 packages Hkirting boards, 373 packages timber, 854 packages architraves, 230 packages battens, 31 packages timber, 138 packages architraves, 24!) packages skirting boards, 98 doors, Sash and J>ooi Company ; 2 kils. ale, Anderson and Co. ; I empty ban els, 30 cases fire kindlers, .7J0 packages timber, 1,570 packages timber, John Keid ; 5,113 packages timber, McKay.

Enteuud Inwards.— Acadia, schooner, 53 tons, Spooner, from Napier via East Coast ; Golden Isle, schooner, 78 tons, Mafczen, from KiiBsell, with 102 tons coal. Inwards Coastwise.— Miranda, cutler, 23 tons, from Wangapoua, with 21,500 feet timber", Harris ; Helen, schooner, 23 tons, Ferguson, from Omaha, with 600 sleepers, 3,000 feet timber; Coralie, cutter, 2!) tons, Baker, from Oiiotiki, with general cargo; Goldert Isle, schooner, 78 ton3, M.vtzen, fiom Russell, with 102 tons coal ; Nancy, cutter, 23 tons, Doble, fiom Waik.iw.iu, with 17,599 feet sawn timber. Ouwakus Coastwise. — Miranda, cutter, 23 tons, Dm/, for AVangapoua, in ballast ; Helen, schooner, 23 tons, Ferguson, for Omaha, in ballast ; Warkworth, cutter, 25 tons, Pennal, for Pakiri, in ballast ; Nancy, cutter, 22 tons, Doble, for Waikawau, with 1 ton coals, 14 bars iron, 1 parcel ironmongery, The Government p.s. Luna, under command of Captain Fairchild, arrived about 11 o'clock yesterday morning, from Tauranga, which was left .it four o'clock the preceding evening, she having been detained at the Heads for an hour. The Luna left Auckland on the 4th instant, on a cruise and has returned on the piesent occasion for a supply of coal, stores, &c. The A.S.P.Co. « u. Go- Ahead, failed on Saturday evening foi CViaborne and N.ipiei, with a general c.iigo and some passcngeis. The Hchooner Helen 'arrived qnSLtfuid.iyfi.ani "Wangnpovm, -with it full "Cargo oFtinibei, and sailed again yesterday. The cutter Coralie sails to-morrow evening, for Opotiki. The Golden Isle schooner arrived fiom Ptussell on .Saturday, with a cargo, conlisting of 102 tons of coal. The cutter Nancy from Waikawau hus hi ought up a large cargo of sawn timber. The barque Ada sailed yesterday morning foi Newcastle in ballast. The ship India took her departure yesterday fiom the stream bound to the Bluff with nilway iron. The barque Elm Grove, with stores for H.M.S.S. Dido, was announced to leave Sydney on the 22nd instant, for this port. The s.s. Iona arrived from her maiden trip to Russell on Saturday morning, with several passenger* and the following cargo : — 86 bags gum, H. D. Rolph and Co. ; 8 bags, Stewart and Anderion ; 13 do., Sfcono Bros. ; 6 cases, 2 caski, Mawer. TheR.M.S.S. City of Melbourne «ailed on Saturday evening at eight o'clock for Sydney and Melbourne. The A. S. P. Co. 's s.«. Southern Cross ai lived from Napier via the Thames, ai lived on Satui <Uy last, and is announced to sail at noon. to-morrow, The revenue cutter Bingleader ai lived in harbour from a cruise on Saturday moi ning. The new timt table of the JLiuraki, ALmaia, and Enterprise No. 2, appearuin our advei Using column*. The Cutter Sovereign of the He.xt nails for Wangarei on Tuesday morning, at eleven o'clock. The schooner Fiery Oro<«s leaves Onehungn for theKaipara, on Wednesday first. Tub Cit/ ok Me£BOORN£. — This fine steamei arrived in harbour on Saturday morning, aftci a splendid run throughout. The following is the report of passage, obligingly furnished to uj by the purser, to whom we are also indebtei for prompt delivery of o'ti filei : — A« will b< lemumbcred »he left Auckland with tin

outw.ud English mail, \ia San Fmncisco, ut .! p in , Fiiday, 22n.l J.wuaiy. The pilot left the ship at 1 p.m., she then pioceeded on hei i coin so Avith light SAY winds, dealing the south cud of Great IJamci at S p,m On Sunday, 24th, sighted Raoul 1*1 uid (one of the Kerm.idec gioup); wind Lill inodei.itc, S "\V. On the 2.1th, t 4 p.m., sighted smoke supposed to be the mail skftmei Mikulo, the wind now ha\ing shifted into the X.E. 27th. 4pm went close passed the Iiland uf Tuiml.i (one of the N.i%igatoi gnuip) } the natives coming off, sent on shoie home newspapeis The we i tln>i now became a little squally, with the wind ■•till ahead. Aftei passing the island continued to steei .vw.iy to the noithwaid, tiosvng the line on the Mst with a nice tenipei.ituii', the thei monieter not ranging above 8~> digiees on the hottest day. During this pait of the \ojage fioin the island to Honolulu, oi between the tiopies, the weather seemed gcncially to he line, and only \aiied fiom the steady N.E. winds which seemed always to blow on the upw,ml passage by a few hours of occasional sipialls and lain, which .soon denied off, and cooled the atmospheic and lcndeied the \ ijage pleasant and delightful. At 10 .K> p.m., Febmaiy 5, aftei a splendid inn of toiu teen .uid a half days aiu\ed off Honolulu, wheie, after leceiving coal, cai go, uid passenger-., left again on the evening of the dth. The biceze met eased into a fichh gale fiom the westw.ud, with a very heavy cio«s sea, which lasted for two days, then settled down into fine weather and smooth water until the dny befoie ai living at San Ftancivco, when the weathei became thick and foggy, and only deued off within about two miles of tlu * land. "We enteied the Golden Gate at 1 'M ji.m Sunday, 14th Febiuarj, having made the passage from Auckland to San Fiancisco m twenty-three days, mclusi\e of all stoppages, aud deliveied the mail sit tint poit foul* days mulct contract time, it being tho quickest tlip up evei jet made by nny The English Mails as usiinl, not coming up to time aci oss tho Atlantic caused the Colonial steamer not to leave San Francisco until aftei that specified by the contiact, say tin ee dajs, for leaving 'Frisco on the 3rd of Maich, equals the 1th March in the Austialian time, on which date the Pilot left the ship ouWdc the h.uhoui .it noon. She then pioceeded on hei ■voj.ige with a inodeiate headwind (and as usual in that pait of tho w oi Id) thick foggy weathei, with a loiig w esto ly s\\ ell ; this lasted feu 2 dcys. Tlie wind then hauled to tho Southward and S E. with modci ate fine weather, and gia.du.\Uy woiked lound to the N.E. tiades, with occasional qhowei-., and attei a splendid rim of 7 dayi 21^ horns -a lived at Honolulu ott the 12, when after going through the usual duties of coaling, \c, left ivgilin at 1.30 a.m., 1.5th Match, and with the ship's head pointing to the Sonthw'aid, homew.ud hound, was making good speed through the 1'iopies, doing never less than 11\ knots per houi , although N.E. trades wcie lost in 11 noith latitude, the wind then coming S.E. light and scant. The Line was ciossed 17th M.uch, h\e dajs fiom Honolulu with light winds and hitp w'atliei, the highest i.ingo of the tlieimometei 5-Meg. The island of Tutuilti Was passed on the 21st, eight days eight hours fiom Honolulu, be.itinjr tlu> fastest voyage two houis. point of tho passage the wind has kopt poi - sistently in the S. and S.E , blowing modei.itc and fiesh at times ; but aftei le.uin#thc tiopies it veered round occasionally to the S. \\~ , sometimes to a itiong ))ier/!i» with lngli swell, winch cunsidei.ibly I'etaided oui piogiess in conse(p:ience of the wind hanging so scant ; but against all scant and head winds the little essel, the smallest of the mail fleet, has pioudly cut hei A\ay tlnougli, passing the Little E.uiiei at 2M0 a in. on the 27th, and aiiivmg in poit at 8 a m. of the same day, making hei ■voyage fiom San Fiancisco in 22 days 20 houi->, and landing the English mail 28 houis under contiact time. The City sailed again at 8 o'clock on Satunlay evening for Sydney and Molbourne. The following lepoit of the passage of the topsail schoonei Dauntless, hence to Noumea, New Caledonia, has been leceived fiom Captain Pohlein, by the ownei, Mi. Conioy, and obligingly furnished to us • — The schooner left on the afternoon of the 20th Febiuaiy, and ailived at her poit of destination on the 2nd inst, after r* pleasant passage, not a single head of cattle being lost. The vessel called at Noi folk Island on the way down, but was unable to land any cai go, owing to the heaiy swell pi ev.uhng. Dm ing the time the vessel has been lcmaining in Noumea, "veiy bad weithei has been e\penenced, stiong winds and \eiy heavy i.ain squalls continuing almost withthe schoonei will make a tup to Noifolk Island, letmnmg to Noumea, aftei which she will come on to Auckland. The cuttei, Meicmy is announced to lea\e Om.hung.1 foi the "Waikato Heads on Wcdnesdaj.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5490, 29 March 1875, Page 2

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5490, 29 March 1875, Page 2

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5490, 29 March 1875, Page 2