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TTiob Watfr, Tlilt T> y 0 27 a.m., G 1"> v.*»" Sbikimeh,.(I .SuN-fT rh\< T>kv b'ZTn'ai 1. 7 i> m Moon's Pn\mt— New Moon, October 10, 10 10 p.ln

ARKIVALS. Qnocn, «chocner, 1 7 tons, Ve.vlo from llusscll — Matter, ugen 'i»y, cuttur, 2"> tons, from Wsiheke.— Maitcr, agCDt.

ENTERED lN\yAEDS. Mikado, K.M »., 20 0 ton*, V. Moore, from «an FrancHco vu Honolulu and KatnUvu - Ifumlerion and Marftrlnne, »kC"H. Wanijarei, cuttor, 32 torn, "WillMius, from Wangir«I — \f ister, »>ieot F»wn, cutler, 28 ions, IUiiioll — M istcr, •gent M«ud, cutter, 28 ton«, Tixelra, from Bay of Islands

CLEARKI» OUTWABDS. Mikado, R M s , 2 000 tons, F Moore, fnr Sydney Passengers— in ltom s,m Fr.tnuso for --yflney , ami 6 in the stucrige from Aucblaud.— Uemlurson and Mncfftrlanr, sirentSouihern C'ros< » < , 139 tons, P. Holmes, for Nupier Passftigers— Vlri Hill. Mis* Hill, Mr* Holme=, Mr. md Mr< I'..ucy; Mc«in. May, Wright, H. lUkor, Millar, Dicker (2): »n>l 9 in the *tc<!rnge.— A.S P To , iicoiits Mirad. cutter, '1$ ton's, Toxiora, for Bay of T^UthIs —Master, agent Fawn, cutter, 28 tons, Dain, forRuMell- Master, »(eut.

DEPARTUKE3. Mikado R \[ s , d i Ki .lne\ Southern Lro=\ s s , for Nui'ifr. Tien Tun, b.irque, for Ncwentlu. Kuliy, for \V irtg .roi Tutherlne cutter f >r tin Th i act. F»wn, cu't'T, for Hu-.'sell ■VV»htpu, cutter, lor tho Th irnes,

VESSELS EXPECT <<".». r»o* Iosbsk- Palled: SU 'ey Castle, l>q July 8, Ze»l»ndl», ship, .Ittiv 'J , W.titatigi, slip, Ai«. 1 , Byditxpes, sh.p, Aug 8 : Assiye,ship \\\g 17 LoiiliDK '• LaJy Jooelyn, Aug 1 C J; Glonlura, 19 , Cosp»trtck an I KohilU, ship* Fhom Nk\t Yobi— Edith 'Kose, bq ; IUpido, bq (via Adelaide) loidiug bept. 2. From San Fr\nci co- Chocoln bq , saileiJ Sept 10. Krom South Ska Islands— Southern Cross, ss Million ith ), lidlth, sch , Papua, sell , Coronet, sch , van hoe, sch From i.bvuka— Pearl, ketch, early. From New Caledjnia— l)anfltU<is, sch , nwly For Okiiio usk umi S\d-jli; — Hero, ks , net 22 Victoria, s « Nov b. From ewcstie Eleanor, bq., sailed; Memento, bq ; Inalielln, bri^ From PuNhpiN— Vision, brig eiTly. From Lyttilton— Oarihaldl, bgtne ; Rio Logo, h is; Oct 1 Fn >M O4MVRU— Pakeln, br g, early fl)ii>, anil Flirt, bptne

PROJECTED Df PARTURK: 1 . In thulfit e.iastets hr* 1 not iiich 1 i <'■ For London— Countesn of Kihtoro, ship, early : T, D. Natlmn ami Co , aijenu Thamet, foq , early Walker and ( o , »gcnti. City of Auckland, ship, November Fern<l»)<\ br| , early ; J. Bitter, agent. For New York— Giltntsu, bn Pok S<n Fkanciscc— Loch Urr, bq,, c»r]y . NZf. Co , agent* For Ntw Calkdonia and Norfolk Isiand - D»untle«i Kch., early Fo* Dumedis— Waikato, ship, early; J Batger, agrni. Fob Socthfrk Pouts— From ManulcAiK Wellington, s.s,, Utli ; Uombea arid Daldy, n^uuts

IMMIGRANTS FOR AUCKLAND. On board the pood ship ' Wiinn,'i,' uliuli lift Gravesend 4ui;u<.t i tor Auckl ind, .u e. the fullimiiu' emigrants M \kkii i> Jell} I hos 36, I 0111s 1 _t Win 7,Cl t ri Jellr I duin 35 I 1111I5 -" ', Idwui 10, Hinl'Ct'i <i I re<l 5 li>lor llenj mini )2 S u ill 35 ; M.irtiu Jno ->i> M.mld-i 21, Hoj;-in Mi<_l> n-l 26, Marjjnret 21, l.nlfin Jim 27, M.iryjo; < ■ ill 1 gher Peter 35, Mary 28; I'o\ Ch is 47, um ,_ Henr> 12, Chis 10 Ann 8. Alfred 6, I uilkncr I is 24, Sarah 22, James 1 ; James: Edward 3S, Iriuio 40, William 15, Arthur 13, Chas 8: Cook- D.unel tf Matilda 32, Mary 6. Matilda 3; Collinson : H C j ( Frances 21, Clement 1 ; Hoyce Frederick 11 M m 10: Loader. Charles 33, Kmily 27 , Cartel )<ihn \<> Hannah 39, Richard 16, Jane 18, Henry 14, Cn u ■ 1 - , Georsje 9, Kaihel 7, H tnnili 4, 1'enpmin 2 M'en Alexander t&, Ellen _>8, Ann ji, I. Hen 8, Gi..>^ s Rachel 3, fiLorge 1: Cummins' Wm 37, AI us > 4, Elizabeth 6, Samuel 3 , Tomhrson : IVter 27 M n> 34, Eli/a 6, Henry 5, Ernest 2, 'lhomns 1 : Stimei Thomas 34, Ellen 34, Kllen 15, Louisa 19, \b'<- , Kufe . Penis 40, Kllen 40, Pat 20, hllen 18. ( > >i»j»ih George 30, Charlotte, 26; Gxhill : Fergus S3, I>">«»*i > 42, Fergus 21, Pat 18, John 16, Helen 22, Julia 1 7 I Im 1la, Chas 12, James 14; Byrne. Hugh 30, Catherine -5 Webb: Win 26, Ann 26, William 6, Emily 4 ; lmikin John 34, Emma 33, Jane 7, John 5, Bessie 1 ; I nme\ L, 29, Bridget 30, Pat 9, L. s. Kate 2, Thomas 1 ; Sil wood : John 31, Mary 31, Edith 4, Martha 2, M 11s 1 , Shepherd Henry 20, Elizabeth, 19, George 1 , Smith William 34, Frances 36, Henry 9, Eli/a 6, Kik ■ , Savage : Charles 27, Louisa 30, Clara. 8, W1II1 un 6 Lilian 4; Asher: Thomas 23, Mary 27 : Ste|>lim-. Andrew 20, Lucy 26, Margaret 7, Carrie 4, l'.t-.Me 2 Alice 1 ; Stephenson : William 27, Ann 28, wilh im 1 , Phillips : William 29, Sally 39; Norrish : Rich ird /, Mary 42, Emily 7, Francis 5, Richard 3 ; P issmore James 44, Jane 43 ; Shears : Samuel 50, H.-mn ih 48 Alfred 20, William 19, Robert 12; Shears: Henry i\ Mary 23, James 5, Francis 3, Samuel 1; Maedermoit William 22, Hannah 20; Symons : James 35, Kiln 11 1 39; Davidson : James 26, Elua 26, Anne 2; Mnrny Michael 34, Mary 33, John 3, Mary 2, Eli/a 1 ; Wills Joshua 28, Emma 29, George 8, William 6, Ch ulntte 1, Matthews: John 50, Mary 40, Robert 15, Hiinh 1 , Maggie 10, Jaggs : William 24, Ellen 22, J unes j Albert 1 ; Hayleman: Horace 25, Sarah 23, Chules 1, Albert 1 ; Jenkins : John 22, Anne 20 , Bragu : Edward 26, Maggie 20, Edw nd 1 Gordon : Adam 32, Jane 33, Mary 8. Gr iee 4, Wm. 2, Jane 1 ; Ferguson . Peter (3 Ann 34, Frances 11, Anne 8, Amelia 6, Gertrude | louisi 2; Claxton • William 38, H 36, R. 8, Win 4. I ' ml '. Callaghan Jno 34, Annie 32, Jno. 8, Mary 7, 1 mus i 4, Isabella 2, Michael 1 ; Colahan : Ed 39, J 2^ M u j 5, E 3, W 1; Boakes: Thos. 29, Ruth 30, f.e., •> Lilly s, Roland 3, Percy 1 ; Bell: R 38, K"se 2'. Rose 7, Mary 5, Elizabeth 3, L 1 ; Price . 'I lins 31 Ellen 29, Thos 5, Geo 4, Benjamin 1 ; Grn\ilen J is 34, Bridget 27, Peter 6, Jas 1 ; Gordon Divid jy, Mary 25; Jackson: Thomas 36, Mary 36, '11ms 1 Elizabeth io, Fanny 7, Harriet 6, Kate 4, \nnie 1 , Jackson: Geo. 32, Mary 20, Mary 2, Geo r , Kc!l\ Jno. 31, Amelia ax, Mary 2, Edwin 1 ; Baldu 111 I h<'v 2i, Annie 21, Amy 1 ; Middleton • Jas 25, S ir ill 2 F. 1; Cumnold : Wm 35, Naomi 33, Ed 6, Ruth - Geo. 2, Eliza 1 ; Emery : Thomas 34, Louisa ■? 1, I ho-, 14, Arthur 9, Louis 8; Emery: John 42, Annie <■ John s, Alfred 4, Annie 1; Fenton Thorn is ,< J<, lianne 30, John 12, Charles 5, Elizabeth 4. M u> Thomas 1 , Glynn : Patrick 42, Kate 32, John 12, ( )\\<.u 8, Michael 6, Thomas 4, Mortimer 1 SiNfu Mi Wheeler, James 32 ; Ziiston, William 22 ; 15 ike \\ 1! Ham 34; McDonald, R. 24; Mooney, Thi.m i-> 57, Mill, Frederick 24 ; Leatham • George 37, I ilu ml 7 Charles 6; Kearns, Richard 19 ; Keys, John $■>, ■ I • 1 riott : Hugh 25, David 23; Haynes John 21, Hills Joseph 25; Graham, Thompson 20; Giles, John H , French, Robert 25 ; Fenn, John 22; I r i|» William 23 ; Cragie, James 20 ; Connoi • Jeremiah 2i, Daniel 22 ; Baxter, Patrick 32 , Brady, James 26 ; Butler, William 22 ; Claydon I John 58, Charles 22 ; Farmer William 19 ; Cook, James 26 ; Brodeiick, Thomas 25; O'Donnell ; John 21, Michael 23 ; Frank, Johan 32 ; Connor, John 22 , Ryan : John 22, Patrick 19 ; Witcombe, George 18 ; Shea, Michael 26 ; Jamieson, Samuel 19 ; Longuct, Victor, 29 ; Roberts, William 27 ; Boucr, George 15 ; Proctor, Alex 24 ; Mogg, Mat 24 ; Crosby, George 18 ; Kennedy, James 21 ; Ryland, Pat 15 ; Brown, James is ; Wall, Jerry 23 ; M'Carty, C. 22 ; Adams, G 19 ; Buckley, W. 26 ; Cat ter, George 27 ; Simpson, Henry 23 ; Little : Arthur 2o,*Robert 14 Single Women . Castle, Jane 16 ; Leatham, Ann 15 ; Herriott Margaret 10, Agnes 21 ; Butler, Hannah 20 ; Claydon, Mary 17; Connor, Honora 20; McBride, Caherine 25; Nolan, Ellen 25 . Anderson, Mary 32 ; Eajor, Ellen Maunder, Mary 17 ; McLaughlin, Mary 26 ; Fisher, Johanne 20 ; Fitzimmonds, Isabella 25 ; Daddow, Elizabeth 35 ; Campbell, Mary 24 ; Carter, Ellen 62 ; Butler, Lehna 21 ; Butler : Agnes 23, Catherine 18 ; Elderkin, M. 36 ; Sandf, Margaret 26 ; Simpson : Rebecca 56, Eh?a 25 ; Louisa 19, Florence 1 ; Pttelke, Albertina 33 ; Little : Eliza 38, Jane 16 ; Kenny, Ellen 18 ; Connolly, Ellen 20 ; Cunningham, M. 38 ; Langdon, Julia 24 ; Hall: Sarah sa. '1 he following is a complete list of those on board the Hydaspes, which left Gravesend on August jo for Auckland .-—Married : Walmsley: John 34, Grace Ann 40, Mary 12, William 10, Thomas 7, James 4, John 2; Mclbree: Alexander 35, Bridget 27 ; Betts : John a8, Jane 28, James 2, Esther 1 ; Lake : John 28, Matilda 28 ; Roberts : William 47, Emma 50, Frances a 3 ; Mills- George 37, Mary 31, George 10; Cook: William 34, Johanna 32, Jane 13, Ellen 8, Rosina 5, William 3, Thomas 1 ; Cook : George 31, Sarah 26 ; Hutchmgs : John 38, Mary 36, Emanuel 18, William 75, Edwin i-}, Walter ji, Sidney 7 ; Connor : James 30 Catherine 28 Mary 5, Ellen 1; Cartwright: W, 3 o, Ellen 30, William 7 ; Smith : John 50, Eli^abeth34, Mary 11, Kite 7 ; Underwood : William 24, Alice 23, William t ; Mills : Worthy 41, Amelia 33, Harry 12, George g, Athehne 6, F.rnest 3 ; Westbury : George 22, Elizabeth 18; N.ittam • Richard 37, Ellen 36, Sarah it, Mary 3, Emma 1 ; Feek : Walter 34, Anne 32, Ann 12, Emma g, George 5, Walter 1 ; Dutton : Samuel 49, Betsy 48, Arthur 25, Alice is, Leonard 18; Plowright: Thomas 39, Rosina 38, Jane 13, Emily 11, William 9, Elizabeth 4; McLean James 35, Jane 30, Samuel 8, James 5Lynch : Daniel 26, Johanna 26 ; Taylor : Frederirk 34,' Emma 35, Horace 4, George 2 ; Coggins : George 36, Mary 34, William 12, George 8, Mary 4, Robert 2 ; Smith: Francis 43, Esther 38, Charlotte 20, Sarah t8, Frank 16, William 14, Theopus 11, Fanny 8, Robert 2, Elizabeth i, Hester 5 ; O'NeWl : Charles ? 7 , Frances 26. Bryan William 25, Sarah 30 Normandy : Alfred 43, Mary 43, Alfred 8, Margaret 5, Sarah 2 r, Emma 15, Mary 13, Hannah 12, Gubb Alfred 28. Eluabeth 29, Alfred 2, Henry 1 ; Reynojds: Edward 40, Mary 30, Edward 11, William 10, Mary 9, Teresa 7, John 4, Alice 1 ; Ford: Jeremiah 21, Ellen 17; Hutchinson Christian 31, Ann 33, James to, John 8, Christian 5 ; Lynas SJ 38> Ann 3tf ' rnom -i <! 13. Ann 5, Mary 3, Jane 1, Mary 23 ; Carson ; David . David 22, Margaret 2t, Anna 1, Sarah 1, .Sarah 38; Pearce . George 23, Jane 23 ; Marron John 3 8, 'Kate 35, Margaret 11, Thomas 9, William 7, Samuel 4, Jane 2 ; Andrews :

! Jicol. , Mu> t M u \ s: I!ik->\ I i'« ml -17 \iiii y. line u \\ ilium v . Ili/il)illi7 Icluiiiln, John j, !, i , run. k Jo-, ph \. I li/ ili. ih . \nn i,l on; I nuns )-, M u> IS M " > is k iu i , lolin i I nuts o, I ll.n fa \nnit -• : (...IJmiiiiIi Stephen ), I innv r J lllL r >. '"in ■: Him t lc,lnii> Jolul ,8, Mil) ij. I li/io, Kol)cit4, LliailnttL , John i , While Kith-ml 45. Zephmah 40, J iik ■<> M u\ kj Kith ml i° I hum is Hi, John 10, /tphoi.i " 1 li/ 1 1 1 I-5k.Ii ml (V> , I I) held ' John 24, August 1 1 linisi (liults 1; We 1111c f.uucs 2c Mu^iii |..stph 1, Uivey: Is'itholas •' linn, 1 -s II 111 id 1; White: Waller li. I . . < i 1, ( n\ 'I hos 29, Amne "Q, Annie 6 I li/ .1" ill =; ., I ouisa >; I^nunJer : John I im 1 |n-.L|ih „ (■race 2, Maiy 1 ; Enghml : Kii.iml <t 1 1 ma> js; Cheat : I'.U 42, Pristilla 41, llmmi n>, l<ihn 1 1, Kit n, Annie 9, Artlnn 4, Gtoi-t 1 , Muni<niRi\ William 22, Mary 22, Rlaiy ■ I nuts 7, IKiU l\itn<.k 58, Mary 14, Pattifk i=, lolnnni 17 <.iU du)ii;o io, hli/ihtth 29 Jcihn 1 limn ll.-stll AlficJ ai, M-iry 20. llumili Si . 11 Mis lliilchinui. Llnrks 19; Rci.l lolin : t > I nn.»i M» h it I '■•>, Clnrlts 24 ; Wil.b. ll.iKin, |,., lu wlittli, M itllu « ->s. <.><»>■. Aithiii .>i : <t(iiiuii>i lolni 1 . U111U John -1 , AiiIiIikI. J.imis 1": M u I int.'sh \lt\111dti 20; Uobtitson, (.loi^,. «> (.Iuli •!<, Monirt) : Jtremiah 19, Danul . I lines 1; \ nit, Knhctt 23; C.ipts, John ■>: I « >1)»i Mull liims _s. Koss, John llnsit I nm s r [ (Mink 17; 1'fiilony, Jalm 20; Cow hi \mh.u I, I hiisinn, Kdmnl ai ; McLhnlni, |nu.s i I i Kothe, J.unes 24 ; Kno\, Unlitii 1 I \ ins, Mlictl to; Jtnkins, Re! 50; Ihi.inis K.I i,s;(>iinti Utinent 20; William, Kd • . I i>ttu I hnm is 2b; iMundell A, 19; I'arr, Musts iS, \lil\tinii, AI 18; Hit cm : Michael '•' |<>hn I itl si 11 I homas 45, Thomas 16, Willi mi 1 , , ( . u1,1a N -?8 ; 'L'j lei , Edward 31; Ryan, Mithul ■, Aficlnl 2j; Smith, John zt ; l.m.uhlk I hum is o; I'ttherston, Rtchard 26; Grcgoi j, I dnnnul " ; L incly, '1 homas 20; Donaldson, John -o, II inn m Iliom >s 29; Drown, Edward 20; Kutl.nul John -o , heewheela' Edward 15, James 11 ; Sht-i, I.imts 7, Hont>, Richard, 18; Afatthews, James •(, Milln, William 24; Cnthbert, John 32 Sim i i Womi s Keoi;li, Ann 19 ; Campbell, Elizabeth i>, Cai m, \niie 28; Brown, Minnie 28 ; Aiiiswoith, Pli/ihitli "5, Connoi, Johanna 20; Irwin, Li?/ie )o. IIiiiIl\ II urn ih 25; Hicks, Eliza 26; Murray, I W/-Uittli limit Teresa t8, Hewett, Annie 21 ; Mtiry, S n ih ri, IViknis, Mary, 17; Rice, Johanna jj , Wttdm, I nit v >; Smith : Jane 27, Earnest 1, Alhtil 1, ( uiiLM-lifTe, Mary Jane 22; Jones, M u^aiti 18, DiMts, Marth.x 23; Treewheela : Eli/al)tth J4. I"miline 19, Murphy, Sarah 26; Dowling, Juln . Hi>rin, Liilitnnt 19, Smith, Mary 2»; James Mi/iliuli 8, I ikt i\lir\ "o; Hickcy, Maty 22; Morrow, '\im 1 J5 , button, 1' lien 22

EY POETS.— Octiifk 9. Per Mikado, E.M.S., for Sydney: 4,741 pacLages original cartjo from San Fiancitco ; ;{ l)oxes gold, Bank of New Zealand ; 5 bales hops, ( 'ombes and Daldy. Pel Southern Orois, ?.«., for N.apier : 80 kc-s, 3 hhds., 3 casks, J. Badger ; I trunk, Cruickshank ; 1 package, McArthur, Shora, and (Jo ; 1 ca-=e, Brnwn, Campbell, and Co ; 1 boK, N. Noble; 11 bales tow, 4 oars, 1 case frnit, J. Watson ; 3 horses, Coylo ; 20 >-heep, J. May ; 5 wheels, 2 axles, 1 case, Mast field ; 2 boxes, Ck.vl ; 16 packages, Cjullara ; 1 box, Brewin j 40 cases biscuit, J. S. MacfarLuie ; 1 parcel, Mis^ Noir ; 2 cases, 3 packages, 2 cases, Lewis Bro8. ; 11 bagB suu.vr, B Tonks ; 1 package, M. Levy ; 8 boxes, G packages, Phillips ; 1 case, Wren ; 2 casec, 4 drums, Keuipthorne ; 10 cases axcH, 2 timber jacks, E. Porter and Co. ; 1 oiso, Ale Arthur, Shora, and Co ; I case; Coiubts and Dftldy ; 2 parcels, Dickey ; 2 ct-ls biscuits, Elhngham ; 2 bales corks, Mtyiib; 5 keys soup, Warwick; 3 bales luiu, Close ; 4 rocking horsos, 7 cases, Morit*i;ue , 1 bale leather, Ireland ; 4 k-.'gs nails, Smut; 7 kits oystira, Welby ; 1 paictl, Ch.ipm-iu ; 1 boat, Carr ; 1 trunk, 2 cases, 1 parcel, Owen and Oiaham ; G mats dates, Isaacs ; G ca,s.e&, A. Clark : 1 keg, Allendar ; i case, isaaea ; 2 caa-s, Lewia.

MANIFEST OF THE STANLEY CASTLE. 2 cases. .Stewarc and Anderson: 5 bales, Henderson : 9 casks, Webster and Hulkc ; 1 1 butt, 78 cases, Brown and Campbell ; 1 case, B. Gittos and Sons; 10 bhcK, 10 qr.casks, H. S. Meyers and Co. ; 3G e.isks, order ; I caae, In- |H J ctor B,mk of jNow Zealand ; 1 ca-e, E. Wiiyte ; 13 bales, Jlepd and Brett ; 18 baks, \V C. Wilson ; 9 casos, Auckland Gas Cutnp.iny ; 2 cases, Ireland Bi other, ; 250 o.iseh, ordci ; 14 casks, K Lusk ; 1 case, order ;2 bales, 1 c»sf, Henderson <fc Co. ; 3 cases, Winks <te ri ili; 2(5 cis. s, E .u. d H Isaacs ; 1 Ik.x, T. 1\ acock; 200 cas<w, order ; 3 cuSus, E. and 11. Isaacs ; 2 packages, order ; 30 packages, Barnett and Levy ; 2 parcel t, \. and A.S. Co.; 12 packages, 3 ua ks, 3 cases, K. Way to , 1 cask, 1 ease, 20 paokai-et, U[>tuiiand Co. ; 14 cases, 7) cnsL-i, I i)d\, ui'It, 9 (jasca, 1 package", Hindu-- ti uu.' Co. ; 1 box, McMurdo ; 20 case», 2 ciiks. 1 drum, J. Edaou ; 28 casks, J. .ind.J. Dickey; G cases, 3 cratcw, order; 2 cabes, onU-r ; 1 bale, 25 cases, JC. aud Jl 1-T\cd; I cate. EI»yd«iK, Evcm and Co. ; 5 cl.Iis, «*> i aled, 8 cases, ord»>» ; !)!) cay «-, Ciuukaliaiik and Co.; 4 «>^lea, 112 cisl i, 1 -<isl , 1 trunk, Sargoo'l, Son, and Ewen ; 200 p u L.iycs, 4 ei«(k% 1 ca'if, Blacki^ and Son; 105 cases, iS balee, 10 ban els, 2 ca'-es samples, McArthar and CV ; CO casks, 13 cases, order ; 125 nastM, CG narrels, 10 kegs, order ; 100 casks, ordei ; 30 toni pig iron, Ibtone Brothers; 1 cise, 100 casks, Cruickshank and Co. ; G29 cjsgs, 40 kegs, 2G bairels, 10 tanks, E and H. Isaacs ; 22 cat>es, 14 kegs, 11 bundles, 3G cods, 8 anchor*, 3 chains, order ; 1 case, order ; 1 box, Bank of Australasia ; 2 cases, 1 box, Ireland Brothers ; 10 qr.-caaks, 1 case, order; 6 tanks, 3 pockets, 20 qr. -casks, 3G cases, 24 bundles, order ; 339 drums, 15 cases, 93 casks, 11 packages, 4S bundles, T. and S. Morrin ; ."> cases, 3 casks, 4 ingots, S. McCaul ; 18 casks, 20 barrels, 1 case, 4 crates, 1 box, J. and J. Dickey ; 29 casos, 2 kepa, 23 bales, 50 crates, 3 casks, Kempthorne aud Co ; 10 cabes, Montagu* ; 8, 100 boxe , order ; 13 cases, 30 casks, order ; 151 cases 50 boxes, order ; 7 cases, Brown and Co. ; 100 boxes, 10 cases, Older ; 1 case, B. Gittos ; 17 cases, 50 casks, 1 tank, 100 boAcs, 20 ko^s, 1.") cases, order ; /> cases, 24 sLaie moulds, 4 bundles, 1 bale, 11 pots, 2 casks, order ; 1 tank, surplus stores, New | Zealaud Shipping Co. ; G cases, 10 armi and bolts, 1 cask, order; 7 ca<skf, 22 eases, 545 boxes, 39 pofs, 1 bale, 20 kegs, 18 bars of iron, 3 kegs of nails, 1 case, 13. Porter and Co For tiauslupiuciit to Napier : — 2 bales, 1 caso, Stuart and Co. ; 1 case, order ; 39 catcj, 13 biilm, 9 packages, 1 case, order.

Tho A.S.P. Co 'a s a. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, sailed for Jiapier yesterday afternoon cairying a number of p issenyers and a largo general cargo. The 11 M S Mikado left the Queen-street wh<uf yesterday evening at 0.45 p.m for Sydney, carrying tho Siwi Francisco mail and a large number of through passenger*. The ship Hydaspea sailed from London for Auckland on the 14th Aujji.s!,, and pa«sed the Isle of Wight on tho 17th August, she is consigned to Meaara. and Co. The following are the names of her saloon passengers : —Mr. W. Colhna, Mr. William D*y and family, Mr. Malpas, Mr Wilh.uu Rowland, Mr, W. 0. Deunisaud family, Miss Campbell, 11. S. Lewin, Sarah H. Anstie, and 2974 adult steerage passengers. The cutter Muud arrived yesterday from the Bay of Islands with a cargo of 'A'J tons of coal. The cutter Ffcwn, from Russell, has brought a cargo of 42 tons coal. The cutter Pawn, for Ilusscll, s,iilud yesterday with 18 tons telegraph wire, arms, bolts, &c , 750 feet timber, 1 case drapery, and \ ton of (lour. The cutt«r Wahapu, for the Thames, •ailc d yesterday. The schooner Queen arrived yesterday from llusaell with a cargo of 70 tons coal for H Gillillan. I The N Z. Shipping Co.'s ship Waitangi, Captain Hotham, from London, bound for Auckland, was off Dartmouth on tho Oth August. The ships Glenloia and Lady Jocelyn were in London and loading for Auckland on the 19th of August. The ship Oxfoid and tho barque Loch Urr both anchored in fcho stream yesterday and Will sail this moinmg We undiistaud fiom tho agents, Messrs L I). Nathnn ami Co , that the Countess of Kurt >re, having all her e,iri»o engaged, will sdl at noon punctually on Wednesday, the 21st ii'S f 'int. Tho following are tho particulars of tin tenders sent in foi the repairs, &c , to thu diauiast' d ship Condoien. The tenderers for total repairs wore— MeSBrs. lirain lihI Buhop, £3,700 ; time, 45 days ; punalty [> r day ovtr, £10. D (Jmik, 13,753; time, 51 days; ponalty per day over, £1!). William-, and Co , £3,824 10s ; time, 49 days; pona'ty per day, £20. !i. J. Hyland, £4,053 ; tune, 47 d»yd ; penalty per day, £'2j. 'lenduifor and rt^i'mg : iJrain and IJishop, ' £3,175, in 45 days, penalty por day over £10.

G Higclow and Huns. CS.Tl'' 1 , in . r >'2 da\4 , penalty per ''ay over £20. Tlu-mas Ni<_<-<>], £3,918, in 49 rlays, pon.iltypci day over L'JO. M. JRoss, £4,3f>0, w .">S divs, penalty per day over £20. mdis n<! !'>.'>« n. 13,820. in C>0 days, penalty rci d.»v «\< i* I'lO. Williams and Co , £3,299 10- , m '19 ili\n, Tend i~ for fiiii's: L. Gam.uil, \'.7il7>, v\ -I") (^i^, penalty per day over C.1. I Boyd, £4/50 m :>0 day«, ponallv i. r )0 Willi.iiP-5 and Co, £5?5, in 49 i];i)", p^ua'ty £20 Cnpt.un Noiglick ha«, -u-erpted tho tender of Mr. G ouk for the total repairs.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5346, 10 October 1874, Page 2

Word Count

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5346, 10 October 1874, Page 2

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5346, 10 October 1874, Page 2