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A i;inuRN 1 of the PostgOflicc Saving* Bank transactions in tho several postal districts of iho colony, during the quarter ending 30th Juno, 1871, appears in tlio Nrw Z< aland Qa~<lt<> of the 27th ulfc. The total number of accounts opened during the quarter waa 2.5G7 ; closed, 1,.%G, leaving an excess of tho former of 1,211 The aggregate of tho amounts deposited throughout the colony was £171,745 103. ; that withdrawn, £1GO,S3G 5s. 2d., Bhowing a balance in favour of deposits of £10,909 4s. lOd. One noticeable fact 13 that five postal districts m which the withdrawals exceed the deposits four of them are gold-mining districts, as follows : —'1 hamos, £1,472 fis. 2d. ; Nelson, £1,424 3s. Id. ; (ireymouth, £490 2« 4d. ; aud llokitika, £2,402 17s. Tho only remaining one in which tho withdrawals are in excess of tho doposits ia New Plymouth, tho amount being £325 193. 3d. This fact may perhaps be accounted for by the mining population having become ahvo to the advantage of investing their saving8 in landed property or miuing stock, from which they leceivo a higher rate of interest In tho province of Auckland, including the Thames, the number of new accounts opened was 390, and of accounts closed, 2.i3. The amount deposited was £24,4S2 11s lid, and that withdrawn £25,408 5a Grf, leaving an excess of withdrawals over deposits for this province during the quarter under noticoof£935 13a 7d. At the Thames the amount withdrawn in oxcena of tho amount deposited was £1,472 G3 2d, while in tho remainder of the piovinca the deposits exceeded tho withdrawals by £j4G 12a 7d.

The nomination of candidates for the vacant scat in the General Assembly for the district of Waiteinita took place yesterday in tbe Dovouport Hall. A great deal of interest seemed to bo taken in the event. Mr. G. Von der Ifeyde and Mr. J. S. Macfarlano woro tho gentlemen nominated. The show of hands was ia favour of Mr. Macfarlano, and a poll wa3 dcm.uided on behalf of Mr. Von dt.r Heyde, which takes place next Tuesday. It would seem that tho unfortunate case respecting tho stranding of the ' Miltiades,' and tho award made in favour of Captain Casey is not likely to be soon ended. The crew of the • Lady Bowen' have been negotiating with Captain Casey for some time past for what they considered a fair share of tho arbitration award, but hitherto the negotiations have not been quite satisfactory. The crew of the ' Lsdy Bowen' wanted £500 of tho arbitration award, and as the amount was not paid yesterday afternoon when the 'Miltiadca' began to drop down the stream, a wariaut was obtained from tho "ViceAdmiralty Court to detain the vessel until such time as tho claims of the salvors were either amicably settled or the case taken before the Vice- Admiralty Court. The ' Miltiades' anchored last night inside the reef, and tho warrant was placed in thehands of DeputyMai shal S. Y. Collins for execution. He proceeded to the vessel along with his av yintants in a waterman'. 1 } boat, which left the wharf about half-past 6 o'clock, and reached the vessel in about an hour afterwards. On neanng the voaaol those on board hailed the boat, when the deputy -marshal replied t'icy wanted to seo the capt >in, and had a incbsa^e for him. Thoy wuio warned not to approach tho vessel, Such demonstrations woio in<ide dy tho'-o on boaid that the du'iiut^onatb!) il conbideird it prudent to b'Jit a retreat for the tinn* bt-inj.' On returning to the shore, tbo solicitor who has been acting for the crew of tho ' Lvly Bowen,' Mr. W. L. Keerf, was communicated with, and a letter was at once despatched to Captain Burgess, chief pilot and harbour-master, Btating the particulars of tho case to him, and warning him not to take the vessel to sea. How tho case may end it is Lard to say. If the crew of tho 'Lilly Huhsq' rcceivo from Captain Casey tho £500 which they have iutimated their willinguesB to aocept, tho case will then proceed no further ; but otherwise they intend to prosecute their suit in tho ViceAdmiralty Court for the €2,000 salvage which they havo preferred against the vaBsel. In that case tho arbitration made would be set aside, and the merits of each party's claitni investigated anew. Tho crew of the ' Lady Bowen ' afterwards proceeded to the 'Mil tiades, 1 with Mr. Recs and an odicer, but Wiiro unable to get on board. Finally, the warrant was attached to the cable. We were informed by the crow that violent measures were threatened if any attempts weio ma<lo to board tho vessel ; and, on onu of them attempting to do en, all hands were jailed to throw him ovorboard. The City Council at the fortnightly meeting a3 reported in our issue of Monday resolved to alter tho boundary of the City Building Regulations. Wo might Buggest to the Council a modification of their resolve i c. "That a clear space of 20 feet should be left (of the property) on each side of the tenement to bo built of wood or other similar inflammable material, but in every case to bo covered with slates, zinc, or iron." Tins would leave tho wooden houses in the city 10 feet apart ; and in case of tire would bo quite safe from endangering each other. Speaking upon the breakdown of the San Francisco service, tho Melbourne Leader saya : — " it is difficult to understand by any commercial rulo why New South Wales should be at such pains to continue a seivic6 that manifestly can bring tho colony but few advantages. It is quite clear from the breakdown one after another of three mail companies that the Pacific service is one that can never be worked unless with an enormous subsidy, and that oven then it is doubtful if it can compote huccessfully as a mail carrying line with the P. and O. Company. Unless ifc can do this, whore are tbe advantages ? Tho c.irgo suoh a service would find is not worth mentioning, and it is folly to suppose that emigrants will ever come to theso colonies by such a routo as tho Paoitk . If it bo anticiptted that the American Government will Babsidise tho line, experience should by this tune havo demonstrated the contrary, and ceitainly the British Government is not likely to subsidise a service which, if suoce3sful in opening up an Amen, can trado with Australia, would bo greitly detrimental to tho commercial interests of the empire." The statements of tho affairs of the following Gold Mining Companies appeals in tho New Zealand O'tzdlr : — Shotover, Otago, Crown Prince, Dixon's No 1, and Inverness, and tho application for tho dissolution of the Sir Waltor Sett and North Devon Gold Mining Companies. Hori Karaka, ilono Mohi Tawhai, Penctana Papahuiihia, Wire inn Hopihona, of Hokianga, and Hoterone Tawatawa, Tango Hikuwat, Kiwhi Hongi, Tauiata lluiugatiri, Homi Tautari, of tho Bay of Islands, have boon appointed AsseBSors under "The Native L,»nds Act, 1873." A considerable number of tho inhabitants of Ngaruawahia, says our Waikato contomporary, mustered at tho Central Hotel on Saturday evening, tho occasion being the presentation of a purge of sovereigns and an illuminated address to Captain Rayner, previous to his departure from tho district. The address was read and the presentation made by Mr, James Humo. All presont at the meeting appended their signatures to the address. Letters of naturalisation have boen issued in favour of John Christian Moller, master mariner of Auckland. We have boen requested to remind our commercial readers that on tho 1st August last a register was opened in every telegraph station in New Zoaluid for the registration of the full address at which telegrams reaching New Zealand from Great Britain, America, etc., and marked with an abbreviated or arbitrary address, are to be delivered. The charge for registration is one guinea per annum.

Tho annual general meeting of the Auckland Cuckot Ciub will bo held on Thursday next, at the Thames Hotel, at 7. ''{Op. in., for the purpose of electing oflice bearers for the ensuing season, passing accounts, and the transaction of general business. From the successful oireci of the Auckland Cricketers last season during their tour down South, a great, impetus has been given to tins noble game, and we have no doubt that a greater interest in cricket will be man;footed m consequence, the more especially in view of the projected match with the talent from Victoria, Tho IJobsou Company assembled last night for weekly drill, at their head quarters, Wellington-street, Cautain Burns in command. Thero was a creditable muster, and the men wero put through aetting-up and marchiug drill. The particulars of the two principal events of the New Zealand Metropolitan meeting to be held at Christchurch on the 10th, 11th, and 13 th November, will be seen on reference to our advertising columns. Mr. Henry Gadus Hunter, engine-keeper for the Insurance Fire Brigade, advertises that the Mary Anne Hunter charged at the Police Court with stealing bottles, is not his daughter. There were seven persona confined in the lock-up at a late hour l<wt night, vi/. : A woman named Campbell and her two sons, charged with stealing £40, tho property of William F. Crowe : a woman named Dougherty, charged with vagrancy ; and three drunkards. Pedestrians who have occasion to traverse daily the footpaths of Shortland-street are lost in wonderment at the sudden stoppage, which, for some unexplmued reason, has been put to tho asphalting operations going on in that thoroughfare. After completing a few yards in front of Mr. Prohert's premiaos and the adjoining allotment, the men are auddonly withdrawn, leaviBg the foundation layer of tarred shingle to be stumbled over in tho best manner possible. The recent heavy rains have also contributed largely, by washing away the scoria ash up to the Provincial Government buildings, to make them most uncomfortable to travel upon, and the sooner tho'City Council give attention to this matter the sooner will the residf n'n bo pleased. Whilst upon tho subject »f our thoroughfares tho attention of the City Surveyor should at once bo directed to the mistake which i3 being made iu Queen-street opposite the junction with Duihatn street. Loads of metal are now being deposited on the thoroughfare, raising the crown of the street, already much too high, above tho kerbstones, and rendering accidents to rehidei inevitable when backing against the footpath. In Symonds-street the descent from the crown of the road to the footpath has baeu gradually lessened and rendered safe, in Queen street, of all other places in the world, the attempt is now being made to reverse this order of things. It is found in the Australian colonies sufficient to pick up the old metal, and again use it for the roadway at a considerable saving upon tho exchequer, but in New Zealand we are a shade in advance, and with a City Council rolling in wealth it matters little what may be the cost of laying down new metal for tho purpose of spotiiug a good road. Tho trigonometrical survey station at Taiipo has been maliciously defaced by Rome wanton individual, who it is to bo hoped will nut escape tho punishment he deserves. Mr. Broham, tho Inspector of Police, is authorised aud intends to offer a reward of £50 for Ins di e covoiy. The New Zetland AgiicuUural Soeiity lmc sounded tho note of for tho fort!. coming aunuil show, which will probably be hold some time m Novunl>or next. At tho quaiterly moetlug of tho Society, which will be held next Friday at tho British Hotol, a committee will be elected for the purpose of carrying out the necessary arrangements. The anniversary soiree in connection with the Union-street Wesleyan Sunday School, was held yesterday evening in the school-room. A number of persons sat down to tea and did justice to the good things set before them. Traya were "provided by Mesdames Welsman, Rhodes, Pelly, Hoskings, Buddie, and Martin, and by Misaea Rose and Thorna. Addresses were delivered by the Revds. A. Reid and W. C. Oliver, and also by Messrs. Ewington, Wykes,tand VVelsinan, superintendent of the Suaday school. Tho proceedings were enlivened by various selections by the choir. Mr. J. A. Pond, chemist, has pre3eiitod a a package of seed of a new variety of Vir giuiau tobacco to t'-.o '. ucklan.l Aoo'imatiNation Sock ty. Tho seod has buen pros-ici, and it was found to gormiuate ficvly. It is now being distributed by the seoreUuy of tbo Society to those who will take an interest in its cultivation, aud those who dcsiio a supply of the seed, should make early application, The attendance at the Theatre last night was moderate, but the performers went through their various p.irts with considerable spirit. This evening Mr. A. Vivian takes his benefit, on which occasion the present company will be assisted by Madame Blanche, tlie well-kuown lady gymnast, and Mr. Johnny Gourlay. Mr. Vivian should bo greeted with a bumper house. On Friday evening tho Troupo intend to give a performance in aid of Mrs. Gribble, whose busbnnd was killed on Saturday last : oue ha'f of the gross takings will be set apart for this puipose. \lder Fisher, Esq., has been appointed Public Vaecuiator for Paparoa. Tho appointment of Mr. William Jones Smith, vice James Richard Davies, is gazottod as Manager of the Auckland and Ouehunga Branch Railway. The return football match between the Mount Hobson and the Auckland College Club will be played in the Domain on Saturday 5th instant. It n requested that the Hobsouians be punctually on the ground at 2 30 p.m. The following is the list of the Mount Hob3on playeis : - H. E. W. Sutton, (ciptain,) J. Bjvendge, If. Phillipson, F. Newell, J. Wilson, 11. Barnsley, Beale, Mobs, Uatland, Movers. Morgan, T. Kerr, J. VV. Davis, W. Cheeseman. J'j^les, writing in the Australasian, on New Zealand legislation eaya : — " Mr Fox U brimful of legialvtion for birmaida. 'He would allow no barmaids under 30 years of age.' Why not Mr. Fox ? In whoso interest ? Do you consider 30 the grand climacteric of barmaid attractiveness? Is it that the barmaid or the customer is unsafe before that boundary lino is passed ? Remember, Mr. Fox, that Jupiter's cup bearer was also the goddess of youth. And how are you, most innocent Fox, to decide a womsn'a age ? Was there ever a woman under 50 years who couldn't make her age exactly what she chose ? A country newspaper's blunder, or else a humovinat in tho telegraph department, rather diverted from its meaning the followiny message fiom a Sydney correspondent. It auuouneod that "Commodore S lrhng was married to a daughter of E. Dcas Ihoinson." It was printed "Commodore Stirling Ins named his daughter after E Deas Thomson," On reference to tho New Zealand Gazette of the 27th ultimo, it will bo seen that during the quaiter ended the 30th of June last the number of money order offices open in this province were: At tho Thames, 1 ; and tho remaining portions of the province of Auckland, 21. There were 98 such otfcces in the colony, as against 1)5 during the correipondlug quarter in 1873. Tho number of money orders issued in the province during the June quarter was 2,788, for sums amounting to an aggregate of £11,545 8a. 5d. The orders issued in tho colony numbernd 15 741, for sums amounting to £07,189 0*. Id. Tho ordeia paid iu tho province of Auckland duniig the quarter numbered 2.G77, for aums anounting to £11,370 14°. Hid. The order* paid in the colony dining the same tune nimbored 10,876, for Bums ameuuting to £46,355 7«. 8d.

The Pnsbytenan Church Newsior September is to hand and wo note its contents. The first article advocates the necessity of raising money by means of voluntary collections to pay the salary of the Rev. Mr. Honore who, it is said is doing good service in the Church's nama among the Maoris of Wanganui district. The second article treats of what the Church's deputy has done in carrying out his commission at home. A third article states that it is probable that a deputation from home will visit the Australasiau Churches. There is an article on the " Family Altar" by Mr. John Lamb. The Rev. J. Wallace writes in reply to Rev. D. Bruce on the subject of intemperance. There is an article on the " Revision of the Bible. How far have wo got?" A large amount of church news, very interesting to Presbyterians, and a statement of the treasurer's account complete the contents of this useful monthly. Last night, says the Thames Advertiser, the water-tables were flooded by the tide to •uch an extent that the water was in most places on a level with the footpaths, and in Albert and Davy- streets flowed over the pavement in several places. Many houses were swamped, and back premises were under water. It w*s one of the highest tides, which has o ccurred since the opening of tho goldtield. Notice appears in the New Zt aland Gazette of the 27th ultimo that a special general meeting of the proprietors of the Colonial Bank of New Zealand is to be h«ld on tho 30th instant at the Maionic Hall, Dunedin. A notice appears in the Nao Zealand Qa--xtlt, of the 27th ultimo, which had been received from tho Commissioner of Trade »,nd Customs for Victoria, prohibiting the importation into that colony of grape Tines or cuttings. The game of polo, a sort of hockey on horse — or rather pony — back, introduced into England from India, hag been recently played in Sydney, Sir Hercules Robinson being a great admirer of the game. It is, perhaps, a little, dangerous, but it must be safety itself compared with tho Stephenstreet skatiug-nnk, which seems likely to put half the elderly beaux in Melbourne hors do combat. One gentleman, who not loug ago was tho first commoner in the colony, ha3 his arm in a sling, and several other veterans are complaining of bruiaes and contusions. " Attieus" makes the following statement in the Melbourne Leader, which we believe requires foundation in fact : — "Mr. Vogel's immigration scheme is working wonderfully well for — Victoria. The number of really useful men who are gradually finding their way to this colony is already tolerably large, and is becoming larger. Where the honey is there tho bees will flock, and whert the wages are tho highest thither the men will resort." The subscribers of the Sandhurst Mechanics' Institute have decided by a large majority to open the Institute on Sundays. The Institute at Wangaratta has already been opened for some time on that day. The transfer books of the Thames Gas Co. will be closed till Monday, 7th instant, when a dividend of 2s. 3d. per share will be payable at the company's office. A road from Cambridge, to join that between Taupo and i'aurantja is very much wanted. We ( WaiLnto Tunes) understand that the road ooul«l bti mad>* for about £100 per mile. It has been bugyeatcd to ui«ke a load direct from Cambridge to Tauranga ; in cur opinion tins road would not be so useful as one made to join tho main lino between and Taurauya, and tlie former route would bo tnoio cusfcly. The advantage of making tho Jine we suggest would lo tho facilities it would offrr to travellers to proceed to Taupo, and thence to Hawke's i3ay or to Tauranga.

Notice is given to the members of Court City of Auckland and Court St. Zealandia, that a special meeting will be held in Cookstreet Hall on Thursday evening, for tho transaction of important business. ThM ticket* for Mr. Lowkaon'fl art union of jewellery are being rapidly taken up j and the drawing will positively take place this month. The annual general meeting of shareholders of the Long Drive G.M. Co. will be held at the company's offices oa Monday next at 2 p.m. An extraordinary general muttiug of the sbaieholdors of tiie Harbour Viow (i. M.Co. is announced to b<3 held at Che IJridge Hotel, Ooromaudel, on Friday, 24ch inst, at 1 p m. Notice is given in our adveitiaiug columns th U au oxtiMorimary general meeting of the shareholders of tho aona o£ Freedom Goldmiuing Coinpwiy will he held at their offices, in Vaiio'u Buildups, on Tusoday, tho 15th instant, at 3 p in., for the consideration of tho advisability of lucreasiug the capital of the company and tho transaction of other business. Intending visitors to the Market House Show to be held on Friday and Saturday are respectfully invited to call on Kobert Brewin, 38 and 39, Market House, and inspect his stock of seeds imported direct from the cele. brated firm of Veitch and Sons, Itoyal Exotic Nursery, King's lload, Chelsea, London. — [Advi.]

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5312, 2 September 1874, Page 2

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THE POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5312, 2 September 1874, Page 2

THE POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5312, 2 September 1874, Page 2