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The fortnightly meeting of the City Council was held yesterday afternoon. Thore were present — Captain Daldy (in the ohair), Councillors H. Isaacs, J. Cosgrave, F. L. Prime, T. Williams, G. Holdship, W. J. Hurat, and T. Macready. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Election of Mayor. — Councillor Cosgrave said in all well-regulated Municipal Councils the duty of chairman fell upon tho senior member if he was at all eligible. In the present instance the senior member of the Council was a gentlemen well-qualified for such an office. By electing him upon that consideration they would establish a precedent which might be of use to the Council on future occasions when a mayor had to be elected. Their senior member was an old settler in Auckland, and was a gentleman respected by all who knew nun. If tho proposal were agreed to which he was about to makt, he trusted that the new mayor would dispense the usual hospitalities which it was customary to see done by the chief civic officer in such a city as Auckland was. He had much pleasure in proposing that Councillor Henry Isaacs be elected to the vacant office of Mayor. — Councillor Holdship, in a few complimentary remarks, seconded the j proposal. — Councillor Prime spoke in support of the proposal, and thought the Council could not make a more suitable choice than Mr. lsaics. — The motion was put, and agreed to unanimously.— Captain Daldy then vacated the chair, which wai was occupied by Mr. Isaacs. In taking his seat Councillor Isaacs said : I have to thank you for the honour you have now placed in my hands. This is the third time, gentlemen, I have had this honor offered to me, and now accept it because the lot has fallen upon mo by seniority. There are but a few months to pass before my term of office shall have expired, and it would not be expected that much can be done in that short time. I will go so far as to say that if Councillor Prime, who is au old member, had been elected he ivould have a tended most carefully to his duties. Now that the principle of seniority had been established there are other members who in course of time through being the senior member of the Council will have the honour of being elected Mayor. For instance, there is Councillor Macready, who is an old member of the Council, and ho is well fitted to till the ohair. I should like very much to see Councillor Macready take his proper position on some future occasion at chief of the Council As to my own duties, my efforts shall be to plea3e and to try to carry out the duties in the Council in a fair and impartial manner. There is a great deal for mo to do to keep pace with the manner in which the late Mayor discharged his duties to the Council. Of the change that has been made I need say but little, as I think the change that has been made the Council will have no cauae to regret, and that his new duties will be performed to the •atisftction of the ratepayers. The Loa^ Act. —A l«ttor was read from the Superintendent stating that the Loan Empowering Act would be brought into operation so soon as a guarantee were given for the payment of the city debentures when they fell due. — Some discussion arose upon the subject, Councillor Macready holding that the Provincial Government were responsible for many of the deficiencies which had occurred, and should be pulled over the coals for it. Ho instanced the case of Mr. Farnall, to whom £500 was lent upon property at the Wade, that was never worth half that amount. — Councillor Cosgrave thought the Provincial Council was the proper place to go into such a question. — Councillor Hurst supported Councillor Macready'a view of the matter. It was ultimately agreed tbao tho Town Clerk should make inquiry into the matter, and roport at next meeting. Drainage of Reclaimed Land. — A letter was read from the Secretary of the Harbour Hoard enclosing the following resolution passed by the Harbour Board at its last meeting :—" 7 hat the City Coumcil be req iested to appoint a committee to confer with the Endowment Committee and report upon tho best mode of drainage through unclaimed land, also providing approaches to same by cutting down streets or otherwise, also to request that the Town Surveyor may bo inatruotod to confer with the Clerk of Works to prepare » plan for consideration of tho Joint Committee."— Councillor Holdship proposed that a committee be appointed to meet and confer with tho committee of the Harbour Board, and to report to a futuro meeting of tho Council, at as early a date as possible. — Councillor Hurst seconded the motion, which was agreed to ; — and tho motubers of t e Streeta Committee were appointed a committee to meet with the committee of the Harbour Board. Vacancy in the Harbour Board. — A letter was read from the Harbour Board, stating that a vacancy had occurred through the resignation of Mr. Philips. The Board would prefer that Home member of the Council should be recommended to fill the vacancy than that the Board exercise their power of choice, which the Act conferred — Councillor Holdsbip was recommended to tho vacancy. Gas in Wili.tam-street — A memorial was read from ratepayers in William-street, askmg that one or more gas Ump bo erected in that thoroughfare. —'1 he matter was referred to tho Lighting Committee, with power to act on the motion of Councillor Cosgrave. Dbad-House —A letter was read from the Superintendent's office, stating that it had been decided to erect a new dead-houso at Freeman's Bay. Arrangements at Fires —Correspondence wa« road between the City Council and the police authorities respecting the necessity of making new arrangements for keeping order during the continuance of fires. — Tho matter was referred to the committee appointed to make arrangements about tho Firo Brigade The Arch Hhl Nuisance. — \ letter was read from Dr. Philson respecting the nuisance caused by the night soil depot at Arch Hill. — No action was taken upon the matter pending further investigation. LlGUIINC! THE MARKET-rLACE — A letter was read from Mr. Greenwood, asking that the four lamps be lighted at the markethouse at the public expense. It was explained that ttome misunderstanding had arisen respecting this matter with the lessee, owing to the terms of the agreement. — Connoillor Cosgrave moved, " That the four lamps referred to bo lighted," which was agreed to. Fire Bem,s.— Some correspondence was read between tho City Council and tho Insurance Companies, respecting mukiiig arrangements for indicating by tho New Zealand Insurance Company's fire bell where any particular fire was. The matter was deferred until after the appointment of a Chief of the Firo Brigade. Tub Firk Brigades —The applications reoeived for tho office of Fire Inspector were ten iu number, viz : — A. Asher, Fi.uicis Foster, Geo. Kitchen, Geo. Harden Fied Harden, John Hughes, McLcod, Tait, |{. Vaile, and Forgio. It was utated that two of the applications had been received by telegraph, aud that their certificates, &o, f

r had uot yot bean received. It was agreed that the whole of the applications bo referred to the joint commit eeoa this subject. The Late Mrs Halligvn — Aa application was received from Mr. Leers, on behalf of Mrs. Halligan, whose husband, it was alleged, lost his life when in the employ of the City Council, asking for assistance to enable her and her family to proceed to Dunedin. The letter was received. Lighting Street Lamps. — A. letter was read from the Improvement Commissioners respecting the lighting of the new streets. A lengthy discussion ensued, during which the proposal made by the Gas Company for renewing the contract for lighting the street lamps for a period of three years came up for consideration. On the motion of Councillor Macready it was agreed to renew the contract with the Gas Company for a period of twelve months. Asphalting Shobtmnd Street. — A memorial was read asking the Council to asphalte the south side of Shortland-street, which was referred to the Streets Committee, with power to act. CrTY Scryeyor's Report. — The fortnightly report of the City Surveyor was read, discussed, and adopted. Suspension* of the Building Act. — The repoit of the Building Committee was again read respeoting the suspension of tbo Building Act within the limits under tho control of the Improvement Commissioners. The report provided that a space of 15ft. should be between each building to be erected there and the boundary of the allotment on which it was built — After a long discussion, it was at last agreed that the houses to be built should not be erected nearer to each other than 15ft., so that the Commissioners would be compelled to make the allotments at least GGft. wide. Accoun is — The fortnightly accounts were read which showed that the debtor balance on the general account was £9207 17s. 7d. City endowment account : credit balance, £233 4s. 8d.; accounts to pay, £193 lls. 6J. ; leaving a credit balance of £39 13s. 2d. Special rate account : credit balance,£342 lls. Gd. The accounts were ordered to be paid. Appkals —A large number of appeals were made against the assessment, and in a few cases a reduction was made. Insufficiency of the Police Force. — Captain Duldy gave notice that he would move at next meeting of the Council "That in the opinion of this Council tha present number of police in the city are quite insufiioient to prevent crime, and keep good order, that an inorease of the force should bo made as early as possible. That a copy of this resolution be sent to his Honor the Superlttendent." j

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5275, 21 July 1874, Page 3

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CITY COUNCIL. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5275, 21 July 1874, Page 3

CITY COUNCIL. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5275, 21 July 1874, Page 3