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Hiai WiTin, ThU D<y : 8 82 a.m., 8 BS p m. Sonrihc »«d Sdnsct Thin D»y 7 10 ».m UOpm MoobV Pdask— Laut Quarter, June 8, 0 07 «.m.

Golden I,l», schooner, 98 tom, Matzen, from tho B»yof i»I mU — 3 P.Co , ag-nti. W»ng»rei, cutter, from W»n^*rci.

CLEARED OUTWARDS. Prtttjr Jane so, 101 ton«, W Palm-r, for Ohborn» Prt4>onj<«r-"— Mr tto-1 Mr-i. John Oliiin* anil 2 chlld-an -tSl'C , Hfenti Prtk«h», br)(f, 173tou«, l»att«HQa for Port Clulmen Tl» WiDff -ro» — 1} W Umney, »i?«ut Hunbe»ru suhoonfr, 17 tons, D. McKeozio, tit W»lpa.— M«i'.»r, agent.

DEPARTURES. Lady Bownn, p s. for Mvhurangl »nd Hot Sprlngt, Pratty Jane r t , for Uis'mrno B»ll» M»n,b» que, fur Flobnrt I own. T»no, biquo for W» w»roi and \l«lhourno Brltnn, harque for Newcattlo. N'.S ft Pitk-h*. bng for Tort Lh.ilmors \ia Wan giro* F»rt<ine. kchoono , fur II iy <>f I lonty. Sunbeam, ichoouer, fur \V»!pu.

VBSSKLS BXPKCTKO Paow L->ifi>-»i» Queen of Nation*, Wislmt, ship\ ■alUd March Loading Langstonc, invorallHti, iliip; KoiUn ''mUb; Peeress, Countoas of Klutof, nuil St. fill mi, ihlps. FR"M Lctirpool — Emprrza, hq s nlod Octoh«rl5 From Mflboubni— southern Cruss, s.» , oarly. Fri>m Niw York— Willi m i.MTonl \>i\ (ria Uun^ •din); Kloreiico, b(| , «nil>«! Fobrtury 11. From Bovroi— 1 li une*, t»| From m> hidb- <mry Mni?, ich.. tailed M*r 8. F««M MDtffr -Her.,* h , Wong-i Wong*, n.n , curly. From ewc sti.k (ilymp»B, li)l un <'*»tlo bqi Fkosi OamaUu — i et. bq., and KUethlie, 3-iuustud ■ck , lj«dinK. From Ltttiltok- Clemtt's sch., early From Udnedih— Harriett ArmiUgo, bq. loading. Fa u Sootmmn Ports -City of Adolaldo, la., •arly.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. In this tUt eoaaten are not lndudtd. ¥o» Londom— Anail, bq early , Owen and GraV»m, age^t* Hylton Caitla. bq . early ; N Z SX'o . •Cuts. Fo*. t V«w You —^erono, bq , ejrly ; R. Walker tnd Co . ag nt-i. Fo. .-an i-jianciso (»1% Kundavu) City nf Artc]»id«, si. Jiutf Sin, Hen<lor»..n nud MacfarUno, »lt«nt«. Jubilee, ihip, early , Owe . and Ur*hum, •f*nH Fo* Stonit Ai»r> MrLHoanMt — Hero, ».* , early ; Cruickabank »i.d Co , a^onti. Wonga WonRU, s ■ ' •ar)/; U M J.itU, Agent

EXPORTS— Juni: 2. Per Pakehn, brig, {or Port Chalmers, via Wangaroa: 120 Lag* flour, G. \V. Binuey, To be shipped. a t Wanjjaroa : 120,000 feet timbor. Par Pretty Jane, s a., for Giaborne : 10 riaoli« bonsduat, J. and J. 3>ppet ; 2 cases, 47 b»«s flour, (J. W. Bmney ; 1 case, Winks and Hall ; 2 cheats tea, Solomou and Co. ; 47 bags flour, G. VV. Bmney ; 1 parcel, Corrij ; 1 parcel, Howick ; 21 p«ckag«s, 1 bundle, K. Porter and Co. ; 1 cuo, I truas, Owen and Grah*m ; 12 sacks potatoes 1 plough, uwpu Kelly; 1 balo lenther, Iroland Brothers ; 4 pac kages, 1 box, G. Hold■hip aud Co. ; 2 hhd«. ale, Strccombe aud Son ; 1 case, Wayte ; 1 parcel, Bauk of New Zealand ; 2 trunk-, Sargood, Son, and Co. ; 3 tihds , 1 octave, \Vhit-cm and Co ; 1 case, Lyauar ; 8 tins, I box, J. If enderson ; 18 lacks oata, 60 baga flour, G. \V. Bmney ; 1 paokage Wiseman ; 13 paukagea, Porter and Co. ; 1 parcel, order ; 2 baga teed, Lave™ ; 3 cases, McArthur ; 2 cratea, Kempthorne ; 2 cheats ten, Solomon and Co, ; 1 package, Ireland ; 1 springcart, Gee and Potter ; 1 trus«, 3 caaea, Archibald Clark and Son ; 14 sacks oats, 20 baga flour, 10 Backs flour, G. W. Binney ; 1 paokage, W. Phillip* and Sou ; 1 dray, Kelly ; 6 boxea glas*, 400 buudlea shinglea, 1 box, 1 parcel, W. Phillips and Son ; I case, Solomou aud Co. ; 1 parcel, Lmabury ; 1 omo, Nemo ; 4 packages, 7 piukngea, 1 saw, Porter and Co. ; 1 parcel, H. 8. Meyers ; 1 roll leather, Gittoa ; 1 parcel, 1 roll, E. Wayte ; 05 cases apples, 1 package, U. Arthur ; 1 parcel, 1 box, Cranwell and Co.; 1 out, Thaaei ; 1 cart, Barnes ; 2 cases, Brown, Barrett, and Co. ; 1 truss, Sargood, Son, and Co ; 7 package*, Cuoley ; 12 paokagei, K Arthur ; 2 cases planta, D. il,iy ; 1 cms, Wisf man j 1 cramp, Bigg ; 20 cases biiouits, 45 sacks biscuit", J. N. Macfarlane; 2 krgi, 30 bars, 3 vyces.G coils ropo, 2 wheela, 1 abaft, &c, 1 aheave, 1 package, 2 doz-n buoketf, I', aud S. Morrin; 31 oa«es, Solomoo and Co. ; 5 oaaej, 1 roll, McArthur and Co. ; 2 cuei drugs, Kempthorne, Pro-ser, •ad Co. ; 20 package!, H. J. Hill ; 3 cams, 1 oaak, T. and S. Morrin ; 1 box, 1 parcol, Phillips and Son ; 3 boxes, 2 kegs, 1 barrel, 4 boxea glass, G. Phillips.

TH3 Weather.— 7 eaterday morning there was, to judge by the appearance of the sky, another gale brewing, but after a few showers of rain, accompanisd with squalls of wind from the S 8. W., the weather became tine, the barometer rapidly rising until, at 11 o'olock, it indicated 29-93. There was still at that time a nasty sea running, aud the preparation* for raising the coasters scuttled and sunk during the late gale were partially mispende'i. The cutter Dusty Miller was, however, brought to the •urface of the water, and after being pumped out was found to have sustained but ■light iojury. The Duthie, yacht, was •nabled to run out clear of the wharf. Tho Dee, cutter, was successfully raised, a crane being used for the purpoae of lifting her. The cutters Harvest Horn*' and f eazer w<sre engaged during the day trying to raise tho cutter Tweed, which aank on Sunday in the ■tream. Chains were passed under the derelict cutter, and toward • the evening the exertions of the men employed proved successful, th" cutter beiny placed outof jeopaidy. The Ida Zoigler, belonging to Mr. A. Welby, will, it it confidently expected, be raised from her precarious position alongside the wharf this morning. It was im.oasible to ■hift her position yesterday in consequence of the yacht Alice lying athwart her. The Alice will be removed this morning, and it will then be an easy matter to get the cutter up. It is not known what damage the Idi Zeigler has sustained The Good Templar, y»cht, was taken into a place of safety during the day. The whole of the vessels ■unk during the late gale, will, there ii little doubt, will be taken away from the wharf without any serious damage. The schooner Golden !»!• arrived in harbour last evening, with a cargo of 110 tons ooala, consigned to the A.S.P. Company. It is notified that the p.s. Golden Crown will b<) laid up in port after Saturday, 6th instant, owing to the absence of lauding accommodation at Tararu. The p.s. Lady Bowen tailed for the Hot Springs and the Kawau yesterday morning. The Hawaiian schooner Dau nl leas is advertised by the agents for freight and charter. the vessel is nt prenout lying alongside the Queen-street wharf discharging cargo. Tht schooner Tawera arrived in the Manukau yesterday from the Kaipara, with a cargo of 1,400 railway sleepeii, consigned to Messrs. Arebard and Brown. The ■ s. Pretty Jane took her departure yesterday afternoon for Gisborne at 4.30 p.m. with a full general cargo. Owing to the weatbtr moderating yesterday morning tho following vessels were enabled to prooeed to sea on their respective TOyages. Bella Mary, barque for Hobart Town, Briton, barque, for ivewcastle, and Taiso, barque, for iVlaihourne via Wangaroa A number of coasters also left tho por during the day. The scliODiior Fortune Hailed with a full general cargo for the Bay of Plenty at an early hour yesterdiy morning. The lirig • mperor, from Lyttelton, took op her moonug* m the Htr<-<im yusteiday morning, and hanlid alongside tho wharf. She commencd discharging her car^o dur ing the afternoon, llir cargo, consisting princijally of hrealstuflu from Lytt Ito.i, givea , ioim«tt of beiug lauded ia excellent ooadifcion.

Tho ship Dorottj left, her anchorage oil 1 l\angitofco Keef yesterday morning, and proceeded, in continuation of bor voyage, to Newcastle, N.S.W. It ii announced by advertisement in another column that the p.t. Golden Crown Trill leave Auckland to-day at 12 o'clock conveying cargo. Tho schooner Pacific will proceed with j despatch to Mercury lixy, there to load timber for Napier, having been chartered for the trip Wm learn from the apent (Mr. ft. W. Bmney) that the barque Pot and the thieeblasted t-chooner Kllershe are both loading ht Oaraaru foi this pott. The Harriett Arlnitngo, baique, is also loading for this | port at Dunedin. Tho hi ig Pakeha cleared out at the Customs ye-itcrday for Port Chalmer* via Wangaroa, with a quantity of flour, nnd a cargo > of timber tn b< shipped at th*i latter pmt. The schooner Sunbeam cleared and sailed for Waipu with a general cargo yestwlay. The ship llnntlcy Castle, from London, coinmenctd discharging cargo yesterday moriuug at tho berth she occupies at the insido of tho western T. Her cargo, so far a* could be seen, seemed to bo in good order The ship Juhiles, Captain Lang'ois, lying at the outer T. has completed repairs, and discharged all her general cargo from London. Sho was engaged taking in ballast yesterday, of which we are informed about 430 tons are required. The ship had novr on board only about 200 tons of railway mat©ual, which i\i 1 be landed now without loss I of time. She will have finished discharging the whole of her cargo by the ead of tho present week, and will take her departure for San Francisco With despatch. She ha« excellent accommodation for pas«en)jer«. Tho cutter Wangarei, from YVangarei, which arrived yesteiday morning with a cargo of O(i»l, encountered tho full forco of the late gale on her passage. Tho cutter went through the Motatapu Channel, and was lying in the Tamaki straits when the S S. W. galo camp on, being accompanied by j a heavy sea, which swept th» decks, carrying away the galley and some deck cargo The staysail was blown away and the main sail split, besides other small damage being done. If the cutter had not proved herself an excellent sea boat she must have foundered. The Wangarei, after the heavifst part of the gale had passed over, resumed her trip, but was compelled to anchor in Drunken Bay at 8 on Monday in consequence of calm weather, leaving there \ again at 3 a m. yesterday. An attempt has been made with every prospect of hucccss to have direct communication by shipping between Dundee and New i York,

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5236, 3 June 1874, Page 2

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5236, 3 June 1874, Page 2

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5236, 3 June 1874, Page 2