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Th tiitinioni il-. md the fviouiilile newspipor Hutu c^ ,ii,' til lulh boiiii 1 out tlu \ aic tiuthtul, AVe lino o'li m'I\ i-, -,een thiceiiiit.inces \»heie Dr Rosenthal has lcstoied ->ight to the totally blind for yenn, besides improved vision to many who Mere sufficing fr .m ophthalmic diseases of months or two years' standing. We mention, becmise ho is well known throughout this district, Mr James Hor'.fall, whose deft ctivo sicht h is lien r.idicalh cured Miss PUgorv, of this town, who has suff red from deafness for ye ir», owing to friyht produced Vy the lite of a d jr, hidliT hearinK icstoreil in our presence A ratarac t was successfully removed from the eyo of a Wiekftllow in the service of M. O'Shanassv, Ksq., Fort Botnko. Mr. ptew.irt, who ha<i been blind for about sixteen years, can bC w s ee almost to read print A pid named Jones, who had bot.^ nearlv blind for two veari, cun now see the smallest ohjeev, and puys witl, other children A young lady from Mooi^"*Wilc«nniR, named Ba*thara, totally blind from some c miilaint can now «ee , but in nearly every case, a sudden influx of light must be guarded against 1 he successful lie itment at Bogandena of Mrs H J Adam's eye* is alone sufficient to establish Dr Rowntlnl's reputation as an oculist. We could enumerate twen'v instances ofpersons known well in' thn town and district whose sight has either been restored er improved, and whose deafness has been removt d , snd we think it but a duty on our part to notice the cases which are known to us, and to endorse the public opinion which has been so favourably and deservedly bestowed Mis. Bayley, who has had bad eyes for five yeari has been completely cured, and eo have tho eyes of Mrs. Reynolds. He has fulfilled every pi omise made, and effected in every mttance some very remarkable cures. Dr. Ro~enthal has alo this in his favour— he does not send away the poor, nor does he exact the l»st farthing from tbo3e in indigent circumstances. On the contrary, he c r aild not have bad under hfs gratuitous treatment for, er than twelve persons ; and to one woman and three children suffering from almost total blindmss he supplcmen'edhis services by raising a subscription to relieve their n^ce^lties —Central Avitrahun and Botirlre Telegraph. December H, 1S72 1< B.— Manv hundreds of testimonial* all in a like strain, c»n ho seen at Mr. Roacnthal's consulting rooms. To tho Editor : Sir,— Seeing in your valuable u w spaper of last week a lccU referring to the skin of I. S. RoiMithil, Esq., in curing people of diseases of tho eye and tho car, Induced me to immediately consult him on my absolut- deafness on one ear, which has been'so more or leu for over twenty years), and partial deafness of tho oiher, so much I could not understand the doctor's reply to my anxious inquiries, and now I have * cry great pleas ire in statinp, for th' 1 information of those 'Vho suff -r from this unfortunate malady, that on the second application of his simple and wonderful treatment the doctor txtrartc 1 from one ear a hard substance, when I immedmtely regained my hearing in that ear, and parti illy s i Iu the othor. I am now preparing for the operation c n the olher ear, wbic'i has been deaf o'/er twenty years, and expect in a few days to be perfectly cured, ard cannot but express ciy gratification at siuh a wondeiful result, iho opportunity should not be lost by anyone suffering from deafness to connilt mch a sclent'flp gentleman, and you, Mr Editor, being always glirt to serve tbe public by prominently bringing matteis before them, should without drliiy visit the doctor's study and see for yourself Ihe extraordinary cures this gentleman is now effecting as you are well aware thr re are a great number of pi r*oi s in this city suffering from diseases of the ear and eye.— I have, &c , John W. Pbabbb, 206, Queen-street.

PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER. A SURE REMEDY For Colds, Fever, Ague, Diarrhooa, Cholera, Burns, Scalds, Neuralgia, &c. Sold by Chemists and Druggists throughout the World. The rapidly-increasing popularity of this now Celebrated Medicine has b-en clearly provei by the enormous demand that is constantly being mailo upon it from all parts of the world. Nurabsrless Testimonials have been received, testifying to its efficacy in curing innumerable discuses. TAKEN INTERNALLY, IT CURES Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and A sue, Asthma and PhthisK Dy«pep3ia, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Heidocho, Heartburn, Indigestion, Cunker in the Mouth and Stomach, Canker Rash, K.dney Complaints, Piles, Seasickness, Sick Headache, Cramp and Pain In the Stomach, Painters' Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysrntry, Rummer Complaints, Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fan turn, and Cholera. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, IT CURE9 Scalds, Burns, Frost-bites, Chilblains, Spisins, Bnrsoi, Whitlows, Felons, Boils, Ringworms, Old Sores, Rheumatic Affections, Headache, Neuralgia in tho Face, Toothache, Pain in the Side, Pain in tho Back and Loins, Neuralgic or Rheumatic Pains in tbe Joints O' Limbs, Stinpn'of Insects, Scorpiom, Centipedes, and the Bites of Poisonons Insects and Venomous Reptiles. Full directiom(the result of many years' eiporience( ; accompany each bottle. Mothers will find it invaluable in the nursery. Dr. Sweet says it taket out the soreness of bone setting faster than anything he has ever used for that purpose. BEWARE OF ALL COUNTERFEITS AND IMITATIONS. The genuine is put up only in panel bottles, with labels finely engraved on steel, the name bring also blown in he bottles. Any party applying the words "P'.IV KlLLER"-which is our 'Indo ALir,— t ■ a prcpt-ation of thair own, or dealers found sellu ir he sain , >.ro rquully Ii ible foi infringement, aud will bo uted to the full extent of the Uw.j perky dvvis a son 1 Manufacturers and Proprietors. Proridenc 4 , R I.

Wholesii/e Agints:

L. D. NATHAN & C O., At'CKuND, yi:w zr:AL\ND : ALLEN ' S LUNG BALSAM THE HEMLDY F0H CURING CONSUMPTION, COUGfIS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CKOUP. AS AN KXPECTORVNT IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is composed of the principles of roots and plants, winch aie chemically extracted, s>o us to retiii'i all their medical quant'es M IN 1ST Kits AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS, afflicted with throat diseases, will find a sure remedy in this Balsuni, and takeu a few times, will ensure a peimarient cure. Will «'l tbr^e afflicted with Coughs or Consumption give this Balaam a fair trial ? They will he pie se'l *ith tho result, and confess that THE SURE REMEDY IS FOUND AT LAST. Iti Sold by all Druggists. MERIT SOON NOIvSED ABROAD. It is but seven years sirce ALLKN'S LUNG BALSAM was first offered for sale .ind ■very soon its fame wnt noi'-ed far and near , now it is sold in nearly every Drug Store in the world. No similar medicine stands higher with the people, rrom Australia large orders aro reci lved for it , and throughout Cinada it is nell and faiourably known, and sold everywhere. Port Bckwkll, March 23. Mfs«ps. Pfrrt Davis 6 bON: v?irS| — I Qm plf*?t* to notify you ol* fclio benefit which I ha\o wowed from Allen's Lung Balsam Having beon troubled with a Cough for several years past, the Bals m vt«< recommended to me. I lminedi.itely procured it, and found it relieve my Cou^h more riadily than anjthing 1 ever tried My wife has also used it with mo>t satisfactory results \ ours, veiy truly, Cam D.FOSTER. WUOLbSALE AGfNTS k : L. D. NATHAN & C O., Auckland. N.Z.

WONDERFUL DISCOVERY.— Corns cured in a day, by using ALEX ROSS'3 o HIRJPO. This preparation gradualHy dissolves the Corn in a ftw hours, removing the \ery root —248, Il'gh Uolhorn, London, and at Klmf tiiorm x. Prosskr, Dunedin und Auckland. SPANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALfX HO-1^-) C\NTI1ARIDE> OIL It is a suro restorer of Hair and a producer of Wlnsio's lh- effect is spttdr- Had of KkvptiiurneA Piiobstn, Dunedin .ind AucWUnd.

HAIR-DESTROYBR.— 248, High Holborn, London — ALKX. ROSS'S DEPILATORY r< nunes sui erfluous Hiur from the fate, m tk and .inns, without ettoct to the skin — Had of KtMP TiiouNfc. a I KosHFii, Uunedin and Auckland

Sewing Machine SEWING MACHINES MADl BY TUB BRITANNIA COMPANY, COLCHESTER, ENGLAND, combine tho licit parts of the best Machines (avoiding tho r defects) with some rfcknt special impiiovimi mm, which no other Machine' possesses ri\ery make of M ichine novsew'i far rmiMod from oxcelleiue, professe- to bp better than any nther. Tlie task of si lecting a Sewing Machine u thorifor. cither a ditlli ult one. oipoeially U the purchtt«er has no knowledge <if mitchmes, nnil h^s no other guide th n the re-presentatmns of \»rl u-, d'lilers. Many p> ople, convinced of the advantage to be domed from using a Machine for needli-work, do not yet possess ono, because among so m iny they are unable to satisfy themselves as to which make i- the best. As a pnutical man and nn Engineer allow me to point out some of tho advantages of these Machines They will do all that any other Macln e Hill, nnd do it better, including Hemming, Quilting, FpIIhis,', Cording, binding, Braiding, Stitching, &.c &o , with a perfect stitch alike on both s des They an> litted with an iiiruovBD biucak, which prevonts tho Machine turning the wrong uay, and so ent.uitjlinR and breaking the thread. They mako lis no"-p than most Mnchines,and aio tho nearest possible approach 10 noiseless. They are very bimpli , and mil run for years without costing » *hillivig for repairs Lvery Machine is Warranted Machines let mil on hin>, the paymentsjfor which go towards pmrliasti M ichines of otl er makers taken in exch »i«o Rep nrs properlv done Needles for various Machines, Oil, Cotton, and Extras. G. W HESLOP, ENGINEER, THE FITTING S11O1 VlLCAN-LANK flMlE DAILY SOUTHERN CROSS X ALM\NAC FOR 1874. P1U0K THREEPENCE.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5135, 5 February 1874, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5135, 5 February 1874, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5135, 5 February 1874, Page 4